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What exactly is devil worshipping ?

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posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Again thank-you soo much for your kind give me way to much credit...I am a "dumb" blond from OMG the valley...seriously....but for some reason I have this "love vibe" a decent education....sooo I guess we live to fight another need to go water my flowers.......♫ Thank-You......

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

The song you linked It conveys the meaning of love and has a relaxing sound. Even in your blonde moments you still have excellent taste. No Devils in that music

The love vibe i have the same issue. Mines over a redhead and concidently she lives in California and in almost sure its in a Valley. Im from Australia which geograhically its closest neigbour is a smaller island Tasmanian Devil. Im gonna go make a coffee extra strong then go cut my lawns and dream about her, your Avatar looks exactly like her. Your education succeeded you have excellent taste.

edit on 21-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Yeah...I have one of those too.....the "love" you never get over.......It's funny I have been talking with alot of folks from Australia loved Steve Irwin....his soul mate was a valley girl from that was a tragic story...but I guess he died on his terms........

Anyways.....I'm glad you liked the song......I'm not sure if the 'peanuts" cartoons are big in Australia....but you make me think of Charlie Brown who always wanted to talk to the "little red haired girl"......Charles Sultz was a really good person.....he did "God's" work in his own ways.......

p.s. my avatar and signature where created by my "special guy" before he got banned from ATS...yup I can pick them...
funny sometimes how "good" and "evul" can become blurred.....
edit on 21-9-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

sounds like where kinda destined for a similar fate. i dont know anyone in US directly so i cant make any assumptions. If i was to read threads i gues i may be left thinking there are...lots of Devil worship or enlightenists and in betweens.

The red hair girl im thinking of is an angel and definitely not into the Devil. . Shes incredibly intelligent and enigmatic and kind of awe inspiring. I have no idea what she thinks of me.

I believe in power of postitive attraction i will keep thinking about her until she can hear me her name is Laura.The song always which i only just heard first time yesterdat is the best way to describe love.
edit on 21-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

I hope your Laura "hears" you soon....and you find her in your arms in the future....romantic story.....

LOL...since you have been kind enough to grant with me certain "powers"....maybe you will allow me to give you some advice from the "goddess" perspective....GO FOR IT....woman need communication....and we need Men to be strong and kind......and if it's "right" we will give back soo much love and devotion.....but you need to be assertive and win her heart first......

I apologise if I have over stepped my bounds, as I really have no clue what keeps you and Laura apart? In my case too much "evil" went down while we were together, and I don't know that I / we can ever get over it? What it would take to "fix" us is just an overwelming and seemingly impossible's been 7 mns since I have seen him, and like yourself I talk to him everyday in my head, lol, sometimes even outloud....I cry, and I wonder if he hears me?

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

This connversation we are having is profound. Its almost like you and I are like twin planets reolving around a sun. That 7 months is like the same time frame for me as well and everything your saying mirrors my situation. Life is so unsual and ironic in its coincidence.

The reason why i have kept my distance is fear i guess and stupdity on my behalf. My heart which of course cant reason is holds these feelings of love for her and I tried to ignore them. As i did that and did that, and i became emptier and emptier. So my brain steps in and is communicating desparately with all sorts of logic to the heart, to try and forget her. The brain kind of lost out. So now im just like thinking what have i done, im an idiot. Mabey that is also why im vehemently against satanic stuff because although it can offer material enticing things there is always left a painful emptiness in its wake.

The explanation for my stupidity is obviously become clear but my fear mabey not. The reason for my fear is not so obvious becauses its several things. Firstmost is i dont know how she feels. My impression is that she has had some tough times in life. Despite that i tell you shes very feminine and a strong, proud and determined individual with the fortitude and essence of a warrior and i say that not metaphorically.

I have thought about the direct approach and thought what happens if it goes all wrong.

I thought i was a tough character and things and challenging and hary situations i tend to handle well. Now you have my thinking now, whats happened to me, whats happening. Please dont interpret what im saying as im protecting me, id throw myself under a bus to save her. I cant hurt her in anyway, id rather just die before that. Does any of this make sense what im saying. Are you laughing or disgusted, bemused or sad to listen to a grown man laying out his feelings.

edit on 21-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: I cry, and I wonder if she hears me?

edit on 21-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

I am so moved by your story...really it is "special" and maybe the universe is going to help us better understand and find our way "home"....I have several thoughts to share with you, but need to go pick up my niece...will be back later with a few thoughts.....

posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

i guess i have been waiting for a sign from her, even a small gesture she wants me in her life. She has a very active life in metasphysical and philosophical pursuits, i wouldnt even be surprised if she come on ats at times, although shes not into devil worshipping stuff. She even does public talks on on her metaphysical and philosphical ideas and shes an astute poet.

I have tried to drop some hints to he how i feel, which im certain she must of seen. I heard nothing and guessing back at all and mabey thats no accident. Im a guy I guess that kinda just looks for a sign, and it doesnt have to be a large thing, it can be the smallest gesture, like a green light saying please come closer then i can do rest. I come back this eveving and happy to read an advice you have, you have managed to ignite and unlocked alot of trapped feelings and thoughts in me. Id guess you have some training in social work or pyscology because your doing it in the nicest way anyone could.

edit on 21-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

Love is not the easiest thing to articulate to somone. I know sometimes when i try i sound like im ranting and confused abit. Telling someone you love them should be easy. Im trying i am.

i guess i need to say something about devil worshipping to keep things to theme. Devil worshiping is chasing materials and physical pleasures over love and awakening.
edit on 22-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Your infusion of positive male energy has meant more then you can know.....I am niece just went to sleep.....I'm the early least when it comes to sleep.......hopefully I will have something positive to offer in the morning.....sweet dreams.....♫

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

Any advice you give is very appreciated. I just feel kinda lost on this as if there is something obvious staring at me and i cant see it. I have tired myself out as well, i worked in garden for few hours that kinda has a sedating effect takes my mind off things. I was evil to a lot of devil weeds

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by icepack

Devil worshippers do all sorts of nasty rituals, sex magic, messing with the dead, sacrificing pigs and small animals, drinking blood. Etc. Music that glorifies Satan may also be used. The church i went to as a kid had some devil worshippers move in next door and they painted pentagrams all over our church i saw when i went to sundayschool when i was 11 and they dug up the graves in our church cemetary the night before and posed the bodies in sacriligious positions, put cigarettes on one dead man's mouth, put a dead couple in sexual positions, busted their tombstones and all sorts of stuff.

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

I have been giving quite a bit of thought to our conversation here......Love, and good and evil......I believe the most basic form of love began between Men and Women....I believe Jesus was very possibly married to Mary Magdalin...and she was his most trusted partner and is her that sits next to him at the last for whatever reason some very evil and powerful men have put much effort into harming the feminine energy throughout this day these forces are at work, and they have been very effective in throwing every evil "curve ball" you can imagine to destroy families and relationships.

Now in reguards to our personal stories and your Laura.....I believe by us talking to each other, we are infact trying to talk to and work out our feelings with the one's we my case it is very possible he will read this thread.....does Laura know who you are on ATS, is it possible she will read this?

The beautiful words you have spoken in this thread about this woman you Love need to be known to her, send her a link to this thread or write to her in some other way....if she is as kind and loving as you say...she will respond with love and may or may not be the ending you hope for, but you will know, she will know, life is too precious to not express feelings this important. I did not get the answer I was hoping for, but I sure hope you get the answer you are looking for....and I hope you will keep in touch and let me know how it goes...I've always been a sucker for happy endings......

posted on Sep, 22 2012 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

You found my my vulnerable point my heart, you see it clearly. I have never felt so defenseless. She always had my heart now i see that now clearly. She can throw it into the volcano or save it. I never felt so insecure. There is evil in the world and i see that i have been racing all my life against it trying to out run its fury and hatred. Some people may say its Satan although Evil suits me as the best descriptor of what im racing against. Im near the finishing line and i thought i was going to make it. Now im not so sure i can no longer see it. At least she will survive this race she has to she is the Lady Magdalene.
edit on 22-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

Your advise is wisdom. I did actually post a love song on her facebook page a month ago. I wrote it myself actually. Im certain she did see it. She beautiful and i am certain that she knows exactly how i feel. I am giving thought to your advice, although please realise i couldnt survive rejection that would be the end of me. The path away from evil and towards love is the answer and im am trying to tranvserse the path of my heart, to finding its missing half.
edit on 23-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Yeah....I do understand you feel vulnerable.....and perhaps the transformation of your heart is the priorty right now? If rejection from her is beyond what you could endure right now, perhaps "laying low" is best. I really do understand how "loss" and rejection can cause people to go into tailspins that lead to "evil" or destructive is not easy to "strive" to be a better human being and work toward "good" when you are heartbroken and lonely.

It's hard to know from the information you have offered wether or not she understood that song you sent her was a love song meant for her? Maybe she thought you were sharing your music more as an artist, rather then a man declaring his love? I would need to know more about the history between you guys to really give an educated opinion...

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by MountainLaurel

The music was a way to reach her because i couldnt find the words. It reached outward in the only way it knew how. lol what a dumb heart. I should of known better than to give it the keys to the car.

Did she understand? I said i was certain and now you have made me wonder otherwise. Am i heartbroken, no thats not where i am, its more my heart is following a path, and it sees someone who may be the missing half. There is the lonely i cannot deny that. Its funny how im saying all this to you on Ats, but its good because you really do understand me, your reading my inner self almost as if im an open book in front of you.

The one thing i do know about love is that its like a small flower. No one kind of notices it and then one day a person wakes up and its there and its as big as a tree and it roots are embedded deep. I guess none of us can escape our feelings, i tried to deny mine which i realise now was so unclever of me. Turning to negative behaviours or becoming evil is not a cure. The way to manage myself positively is the world of bravery which is look forward, walk up right, and charge towards life like a stallion of light. Generally i am a active person and nothing bothers me, you know i can go and work on my car engine or do a work out, or write some music and i only live down the road from a tavern. I tend to get some attention from woman although i havent felt they are my soul mate, its about my finding my female soul mate. What other aim in life is worth the risk, if I dont believe i can make it then there would be no reason to keep moving forward.

I would need to know more about the history between you guys to really give an educated opinion...

All our interactions on facebook, she lives in US and im in Aus. Yes i have face book page and so does she, i guess most people do so no surprise on that one.
Now facebook and the devil wow that could be a thread on its own.
Again i have to say thanks for talking me through this you may not realise how much you are openning my eyes to whats been going on in my head. i have been constructing all these ideas and views around me and havent been thinking about her. God im a dummy its no wonder i achieved a big fail with her. I should go back to grinding on the car surely i can do that right. Actually i made myself laugh, i just had this thought of how she probably see me from where she stands, seeing me as a kind of a love sick neandathal looming across the cyber valley...didnt the mars rover take a pic of that guy

edit on 23-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: if i im no quick to answer means im asleep or at work, yes work tommorow.

edit on 23-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2012 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Well, Facebook could indeed, and has been the topic of some very interesting discussions, and a perfect example of where "good" and "evil" can merge.

I think you are being rather hard on yourself......and living in two different countries is not an easy obstacle to overcome...even in the name of am only 250 miles from the man I love, and heck we were together for years, lived together...but life is, jobs, money, I say it's complicated......we hurt each other.....but we loved each other too....

It really is uncanny the conversation we are having.....and I appreciate the Mods and OP allowing us to work through what ever "force" is at work here. You remind me so much of the guy I keep talking about, I would love to say his name, but he doesn't like when I do that....he is very smart, masculine, fixes electrical stuff, cars, plumbing...he is also a musician, great guitar player, decent singer, and he once sent me a song he wrote on FB too....I listen to it all the time still....
Like yourself he is good with the ladies, but somewhat closed down when it comes to sharing HIS feelings.....kinda hot and cold I guess you could say?

We also met on-line 11 years ago......very wierd story actually.....and it took another year after that till we actually started dating......we also had a distance issue, but nothing like yours.....when I think back on everything we could or should have done differently, the biggest thing I can come up with is is to communicate what, and I mean REALLY what is important to you both in life.

Him and I had attraction / chemistry, common interests, we had fun, could hang on each other's every word...but we never talked about anything "practical" in enough depth to merge our lives the way we did....we made decisions from the "heart" and enough of my advice based on what you have told me so far is to engage her as man who is interested in her dreams and values, become best friends.

How do you guys see any and all senarios that might come your way as a couple? Passion and desire are VERY important in a healthy relationship don't get me wrong...and clearly there seems there were "sparks" between the two of you.......and trust me when I tell you this.....if this woman has feelings for you, she will welcome you taking an interest in her life and feelings......send her a great movie to watch, and then discuss it, tell her a joke, send a funny story or picture....all that silly stuff that "melts" us girls......and if that leads to being "lovers and soul mates....WOW......

Anyways.....have a great afternoon.....I am getting pretty chocked up writing all this stuff actually.......I hope it helped you in some helped me ....Thank-You.....

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by MountainLaurel
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Well, Facebook could indeed, and has been the topic of some very interesting discussions, and a perfect example of where "good" and "evil" can merge.

I think you are being rather hard on yourself......and living in two different countries is not an easy obstacle to overcome...even in the name of am only 250 miles from the man I love, and heck we were together for years, lived together...but life is, jobs, money, I say it's complicated......we hurt each other.....but we loved each other too....

It really is uncanny the conversation we are having.....and I appreciate the Mods and OP allowing us to work through what ever "force" is at work here. You remind me so much of the guy I keep talking about, I would love to say his name, but he doesn't like when I do that....he is very smart, masculine, fixes electrical stuff, cars, plumbing...he is also a musician, great guitar player, decent singer, and he once sent me a song he wrote on FB too....I listen to it all the time still....
Like yourself he is good with the ladies, but somewhat closed down when it comes to sharing HIS feelings.....kinda hot and cold I guess you could say?

We also met on-line 11 years ago......very wierd story actually.....and it took another year after that till we actually started dating......we also had a distance issue, but nothing like yours.....when I think back on everything we could or should have done differently, the biggest thing I can come up with is is to communicate what, and I mean REALLY what is important to you both in life.

Him and I had attraction / chemistry, common interests, we had fun, could hang on each other's every word...but we never talked about anything "practical" in enough depth to merge our lives the way we did....we made decisions from the "heart" and enough of my advice based on what you have told me so far is to engage her as man who is interested in her dreams and values, become best friends.

How do you guys see any and all senarios that might come your way as a couple? Passion and desire are VERY important in a healthy relationship don't get me wrong...and clearly there seems there were "sparks" between the two of you.......and trust me when I tell you this.....if this woman has feelings for you, she will welcome you taking an interest in her life and feelings......send her a great movie to watch, and then discuss it, tell her a joke, send a funny story or picture....all that silly stuff that "melts" us girls......and if that leads to being "lovers and soul mates....WOW......

Anyways.....have a great afternoon.....I am getting pretty chocked up writing all this stuff actually.......I hope it helped you in some helped me ....Thank-You.....

Wow thanlks for your advice mountain Laurel, Your incredible and how you read me has go me trembling abit. If your not a clariyovant you should consider it. I never thought about sending her some simple gestures like a tjhat a movie link. I guess i fail in the senstive neage age guy department. I keep laughing at myself now oh wow im so clumbsy with trying to be romantic i guess i may even qualify for a neandathal award.

Your right about the OP so hope you dont mind as i send this message to your email as well. I gotta run to work. No im a mechanic by day and well plumbing, not my area either i guess i can say my area is electrical but nothing to do with sales.

Your rambling was good it released a burst of energy from me. Your story and mines are similar i believe we were meant to meet her like this, time will make things more clearer for both of us.

posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

Well, give me too much credit....and yes time will tell.... the "spirt" of the OP's actual intent of this thread......and again, thank-you for being so kind as to let it be "derailed" to some degree by what I consider the opposite of the "devil's"♥

In America today, it is football Sunday.....and I would like to talk about that, cause I have such "mixed" feelings about how that effects the way we think here. I liked playing sports as a kid, became pretty good at volleyball for a girl of 5'-5"....played on my high school team and played inter-murals in I understand being is great to win....but I also saw how ruthless it can become, and my niece is now into leauges outside of also being on her school team....and it is brutal how hard she works....practice and games everyday....I picked her up the other night at almost 9;30....she was takes after her aunt and is a great setter, so she is played the entire game and tournaments....

Now what seems really wierd to me right now, is I KNOW how coorporate and corupt professional sports are, the obscene amounts of money involved, the distraction it causes to much more important issues, but I cared what the friggin score was? Not so much cause I like watching football, I don't....but people I love do....and I know that when the Steeler's win today my family back east will be happy....I know when the 49's win the man I love will be happy.....and there is some strange "loyality" attached to those feelings......Is that the "devil" at work?

edit on 23-9-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

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