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Romney sweeps primaries in five States.

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posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:40 PM
Link to CBS report.

(CBS News) Mitt Romney won all five Republican presidential primaries Tuesday night, completing a sweep of contests in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Romney boasted more than 50 percent of the vote in all five states.

In Connecticut, with 91 percent of the expected votes in, Romney led Ron Paul 67 percent to 13 percent. In Rhode Island, with most of the expected votes counted, Romney led Paul 63 percent to 24 percent.

In Pennsylvania, with nearly all of the votes in, Romney had 58 percent. Rick Santorum, who dropped out of the Republican presidential contest earlier this month, followed with 18 percent of the vote.

In Delaware, with most of the votes counted, Romney led Newt Gingrich 56 percent to 27 percent. And in New York, with 75 percent of the expected votes in, Romney led Paul 62 percent to 16 percent.

Estimates of delegate counts now have Romney at nearly 850 overall.

Looks like his confidence was justified.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:43 PM
HAHAHAAH this is poo.........bound delegates??? nope Willard is weird. You can ONLY sweep delegates,,those votes dont count....and those delegates ,,it clearly says at the bottom "cnn estimates",,,Doesnt matter NO ONE WINS TIL AUGUST..AND NOW!! ROMNEYS POLYGAMIST PAST HAHAHAH
edit on 24-4-2012 by avatard because: none

edit on 24-4-2012 by avatard because: forgets

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:45 PM
After reading the comments (on your link), you have to ask the question, who are these voters that are voting for Romney?

Read the comments. Unreal.
edit on 24-4-2012 by litterbaux because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555
I am sure this will follow in line with the other states as far as Delegates go.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Thanks for the update. Game, Set and Match. At least for this phase, I'd imagine Newt makes his gracious exit in the near future, based on headlines earlier today.

Well... Here we go, Now Obama can feel confident he has a stationary target to shoot at with the mud. I suppose it starts getting real now for both sides in the big fight.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by litterbaux

The people standing behind him tonight were a few dumb old ladies and some kid with a bow tie,,2 special ed people,,a zztop redneck and probly some people he paid and some security,,,nothing to see with romney move along....Id be embarassed to stand on stage with that fool..

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:49 PM
Real Clear Politics mentioned that Gingrich talked about reassessing if this happened. He will likely be gone and endorse Romney I imagine. Before its over so will Santorum I think. They won't until the VP choice is made though I'm betting.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:53 PM
I have no idea how I'll vote beyond the following

I may vote for the Libertarian Candidate, Romney or write somebody in. Don't know yet. To long to go to get excited. At the top of my list is anyone would be an improvement over what the D's are offering.

One thing is clear, Romney is going to be the Republican Candidate.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 11:57 PM
From USA Today

Former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, who suspended his presidential bid this month, said on CNN he was meeting with Romney advisers today.

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich told supporters in Concord, N.C., on Tuesday that he was "going to look realistically at where we're at," though he said he would continue this week's events. His campaign is more than $4.3 million in debt.

That's what I expected. It's over.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Looks like his confidence was justified.

how could it not be when playing with a stacked deck?

they have marked his spot & he is playing his position...

whether that is POTUS or not we shall see...

but be completely sure of one thing..

there is no election.. there is a selection..

and We the People do NOT & have NOT

been the ones to choose..
edit on 25-4-2012 by reeferman because: video link issue

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Estimates of delegate counts now have Romney at nearly 850 overall.

Looks like his confidence was justified.

Very much so. Folks were talking about taking the race all the way to the convention but it was all hype as usual. Fact is, deep down folks knew that Romney was to be the nominee since the start of these primaries, neither Santorum nor Gingrich were ever viable candidates. Ron Paul? He hasn't even won a State (atleast not yet).

Romney is focusing on Obama and has been doing so since his win in Florida. My question is, how did the newly energized tea party GOP end up with somebody like Romney? Why did so many GOPers, including tea partiers, vote for him? Were the conservative movements in 2009 and 2010 just for how? Questions, questions questions. Ah well, Romney is what you got.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by reeferman

Just because there has been voter fraud in the past, just because it's possible, doesn't automatically mean that Romney won through voter fraud as well. Until Paul supporters and others come up with real evidence that Romney won through unfair means or through fraud, nothing is going to change the fact that he will be the GOP nominee.

Thus far 4.5 million GOPers voted for Romney, over a million more votes than Santorum. Now please tell us that all those votes are those of dead or fake people.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by reeferman
Doesnt this suck?? We have no actual choice?? Are you good with that?? Blaine......anyone out there???

Gary Johnson for President.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian


Did you see where Mr Curtis ran a campaign in the Uncounted video then after got affidavits from the voters door to door and found a 20% discrepancy? then filed a legit complaint and got NOWHERE? that really happened.. those people were not DEAD or vote twice!

why are you expecting anything less in the primary's? let alone the National Election?

there is what a man can do

and what a man can't do..

and these men can, will & have done election fraud consistently..

with out a fully open paper or open source code ballot box

you are living in Plato's cave watching & wishing on shadows..

until we all demand upfront honest elections..

ps Ive read your posts before & would not have expected a shill stance from you..

even if there is proof from RP supporters it will not be heard with that attitude..

just like Ohio..

just like the hanging chads.. Bushs conflict of interest brother..

on & on & ON..

do you really think it is going to stop because you hope it will?

or that his code or a code was removed?

no. no it wont..

but lets just give them the benefit of the doubt AGAIN..

and wait for the truth to come out years later..



we could look back.. learn from recent history.. ok..


demand real justice..

and honest fair elections..

edit on 25-4-2012 by reeferman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:25 AM
I'll probably write in Ralph Nader..

or myself on the ballot hehe

votes mean nothing anyhow

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 10:01 AM
Oh i see, so Romney secured the 1144 delegates needed to actually WIN the nomination. Oh no, no he didnt, and they are just estimates as of now, and nothing will be over until the convention. Hmm methinks everyone needs to be patient, or you just sound like Fox News or Mitt Romney, et al with all of these false presumptions and claiming things that arent true too soon
edit on 25-4-2012 by phishfriar47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by hoochymama
reply to post by reeferman
Doesnt this suck?? We have no actual choice?? Are you good with that?? Blaine......anyone out there???

Gary Johnson for President.

Sorry, had to leave right after posting.

We always have a choice, it's just that sometimes we have no good choice. I'm not pleased at all this time around.

I'd really like to see a whole new crop of people enter the game. I think most start out with good intentions, but the system corrupts them. Which Party seems to mean less and less.

Johnson would be a good choice I think. He can't win though. I'm torn between making a statement with my vote or voting for Romney to help make sure what we have now does not happen again. The last thing we need is a second term President who relies on hate and illiteracy to get his second term. Were I a Democrat I'd be really hesitant to vote Obama. I think many Democrats are unhappy.

Happy or no, I can't help but hope Romney goes after Obama at full speed, starting today.

Of the Libertarians I actually prefer Johnson to Paul. Johnson has accomplished more and knows how to play nice in the sandbox. Were it not for the drug issue, I think the Libertarians would have a chance at joining the big two, making it the big three.

I'd like to see the Parties trashed and people run on their own merit. If not that, then many Parties to add to our choices.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Romney sweeps primaries in five States?
yeah thats a clear vote rigging not surprised Blaine91555 you do know that if Romney is elected nothing will change right? Expect the fact that he would sent us into a war with Ira.
edit on 25-4-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by reeferman

Every time someones candidate does not do well they yell Voter Fraud. It's been that way my whole life for every election, even local ones.

Yes, there is voter fraud on a small scale. I doubt highly that it reaches a level in most cases to change an election.

There is one and only one I can think of that probably did result in the wrong person in office. I think Franken lost and should not be in office. Sadly it was his added vote that gave us Obama Care. As to Bush vs Gore though, the Gore folks should have left well enough alone. All they did was manage to prove that the error was in Gores favor and that Bush won.

As to Ron Paul, no amount of self deluding will change the fact his following is to small to get him anywhere near a nomination. I have nothing at all against him and would consider voting for him, but the false fraud claims hurt him more than help him. Anytime a group of followers are so fanatical it hurts their candidate. He lost fair and square and the sour grapes won't change any of that. That he did as well as he did running as Republican when he is not one is quite and achievement. People should leave it at that.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by Blaine91555

Romney sweeps primaries in five States?
yeah thats a clear vote rigging not surprised Blaine91555 you do know that if Romney is elected nothing will change right? Expect the fact that he would sent us into a war with Ira.
edit on 25-4-2012 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

If you read my posts all along you know I'm not a Republican or a Democrat ... or any other Party member.

The only other alternative is more Obama. There is no choice. Obama is the only President I think has posed a real threat to our Freedoms. He gets two more SCOTUS appointments, the radical Left will control it all and kiss most Freedom goodbye and a true Nanny State hello. He scares me. Others angered me, Obama scares me.

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