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XNA is synthetic DNA that’s stronger than the real thing

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:26 PM
Forget the island of Dr. Moreau... that's outdated tech... now they are designing new DNA for all new monsters never before dreamed!

New research has brought us closer than ever to synthesizing entirely new forms of life. An international team of researchers has shown that artificial nucleic acids - called "XNAs" - can replicate and evolve, just like DNA and RNA.


X is for xeno, as in alien... but not off the world alien:

The "X" Stands for "Xeno"
Every organism on Earth relies on the same genetic building blocks: the the information carried in DNA. But there is another class of genetic building block called "XNA" — a synthetic polymer that can carry the same information as DNA, but with a different assemblage of molecules.

The "X" in XNA stands for "xeno." Scientists use the xeno prefix to indicate that one of the ingredients typically found in the building blocks that make up RNA and DNA has been replaced by something different from what we find in nature — something "alien," if you will.

And it opens up new questions on just how we got here:

The implications of the team's findings are numerous and far-reaching. For one thing, the study sheds significant light on the origins of life itself. In the past, investigations into XNA have been largely driven by the question of whether simpler genetic systems may have existed before the emergence of RNA and DNA; the fact that these XNAs appear to be capable of evolution adds to an ever-growing body of evidence of a genetic system predating DNA and RNA both.

Forget frankenfish... how about bananafish sandwiches?

I really wonder how long until we wipe ourselves out... This is like giving an immature child a chemistry set that can make bombs, saron gas, nuclear reactors and more... all at once... you KNOW they are going to start experimenting... maybe it's time to prepare for the zombie banana-fish apocalypse!

I know Semper's ready... keeps his knife sharp for just such an occasion I bet... any takers?

edit on 19-4-2012 by pianopraze because: ...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:38 PM
We are going to push the envelope to far, This is like a resident evil feel to it.

Wonder how many new life forms they have locked up waiting for the biblical revelations to unleash on the world...Makes sense to me.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:46 PM
This is very much worth investigating IMO. This could give us new insight into how we got here; furthermore, it can provide insight to what is possible on other planets.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:51 PM
This proves to me that we were intelligently designed. If we can do this now, think what other civilizations are capable of with a million year lead?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:57 PM
This is just wrong. Scientist trying to play God.

Should be working on other more improtant stuff. Such as getting rid of hunger so the people in Africa doesn't starve and finding cures for common dieseses, blindness, deafness, paralyisis and so on and forth but you get the idea.

Do any of you have any idea how hard it is for these people to have a normal life? I'm deaf and hard of hearing and I don't even feel like a man half the time and I'm 24.Most of the time I feel like an intelligent 16 year old kid. I feel useless, yet full over energy that I cannot use because I know what I could accomplish if I had my full potential available. What's life if a person can't even live the life they were meant to live by heart? Nobody should never have to settle for anything less that what they truly deserve and for those who take life for granted and complain just expect their life to get better without any effort at all. You CAN change your life, you CAN do whatever you want to do and BE whatever it is you want to be as long as your heart and soul is into it.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

The people that fund these scientists don't give a darn about you... or me...

They didn't know if the atomic bomb would ever stop... they tested it anyways...

They don't know the health effects of GMO... they are spreading it anyways...

I think it's time for the inevitable homage to Carlin here... language warning:

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Hmmm....code-carrying self replicating...
Question is how long have they been doing this?

These "mad scientists" make us conspiracy theorists here on ATS seem
very down to earth.

With a "little coaxing", huh? Very curious...

Now this also makes Joni Mitchells recent move very interesting.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

This is just wrong. Scientist trying to play God. Should be working on other more improtant stuff. Such as getting rid of hunger so the people in Africa doesn't starve and finding cures for common dieseses, blindness, deafness, paralyisis and so on and forth but you get the idea.


Well this argument is flawed because some of the greatest scientific discoveries were by accident and were not related to the field in which they revolutionized.

The whole "playing god" thing I have never understood, as most religious people believe god mad us in his/her image, so I think it is a given that man is going to tinker with nature.

Anyhow, if scientists were only to to research for one specific field (ie. curing blindness) it would be so linear that the number of discoveries would be cut down by a large percentage.

There could be a number of things that come from this, off the top of my head, I'd like to wonder what type of an effect a XNA based bacteria/organism might have if it were introduced to a DNA based life form. Very interesting.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by boncho
I'd like to wonder what type of an effect a XNA based bacteria/organism might have if it were introduced to a DNA based life form. Very interesting.

Funny you should ask...."We know there's something going on here"

Well, I wonder what Oklahoma State University Professor Randy Wymore would have
to say about this....he was the first scientist to conduct research on the self replicating
fibers found in people that seemed to suffer from a mysterious fact
he says it's the biggest mystery he's ever been involved in.

Oklahoma State University Professor Randy Wymore was the first scientist to conduct research on this disconcerting disease. He says it's the biggest mystery he's ever been involved in.

Billy Koch, Oakland A's pitcher career was interupted by this mysterious affliction
of synthetic fibers in his skin - here is his account and his Dr. (Wymore) on a news report.

Some sufferers even have found fibers that seemingly move, and self replicate!

RNA Used to Control a DNA Rotary Nanomachine
edit on 19-4-2012 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by burntheships

I'm thinking "they" have been using this tech for quite some time. I wonder why the physicians claimed people were imagining it? Maybe they are experimenting by introducing it to the public?

I hope the world ends this christmas..

I'm starting to get tired of all this..

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:14 PM
I shared this on FB, and my Added thoughts were..Ever wonder if this wasn't created, but found and then analyzed, and then released to public knowledge.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

I really wonder how long until we wipe ourselves out...

not very long
according to legend the Atlanteans were doing similar stuff
the gods decided to destroy them
when they started converting their criminals and enemies
into theriomorphic chimeras.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by burntheships

That reminds me of that woman that has metal growing out of her skin i'll link it. LINK HERE
Wonder if the op is anything like this..

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by helloglykke

I would imagine most doctors are just not up to speed on this would be much easier
to tell your patient they are imagining things when you have not a clue what could be
going on, well idk. Its obviously not the swine flu.

These types of artificial life forms are known to use DNA/RNA/siRNA or sRNA plasmid templates of viruses, microorganisms, animal/plant proteins and/or enzymes to build the artificial technology structural form at nano level. Furthermore, they are not limited to only these referenced life forms plasmids, enzymes, and/or proteins.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by GunzCoty

I wonder too. I found this, going back to 2009.

Artificial Life Might Come from Self-Replicating RNA

The way they obtained their chemical was by forcing RNA building blocks to mutate under observation, leaving them with more than 288 possible outcomes. By applying Darwin's theory on the survival of the fittest on a microscopic level, the researchers then selected only those fragments that proved they could successfully replicate even in the harshest competitive environment.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:49 PM
im suprised and yet......what the # man holographic necromany and now we have a build your own monster kits. WHERE THE EFF ARE THE MAD SCIENTISTS OR EVIL COBRA ORGANIZATION WHEN YOU NEED THEM!!! all this doom and gloom man id kill to be the butt end of the joke from a DR mindbender expierment gone wrong.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:03 PM
Great news! If anything, these guys are finding blue prints... as in a "system". Intelligent design, heh. But seeing as how these folks had to do more hands on than i had thought.. that magic question is still out there

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by pianopraze


They have had some of this down for over a decade.

What makes the findings of Pinheiro and his colleagues so compelling isn't the XNA molecules themselves, it's what they've shown these alien molecules are capable of, namely: replication and evolution.

"Any polymer can store information," Pinheiro tells io9. What makes DNA and RNA unique, he says, "is that the information encoded in them [in the form of genes, for example] can be accessed and copied." Information that can be copied from one genetic polymer to another can be propagated; and genetic information that can be propagated is the basis for heredity — the passage of traits from parent to offspring.

In DNA and RNA, replication is facilitated by molecules called polymerases. Using a crafty genetic engineering technique called compartmentalized self-tagging (or "CST"), Pinheiro's team designed special polymerases that could not only synthesize XNA from a DNA template, but actually copy XNA back into DNA. The result was a genetic system that allowed for the replication and propagation of genetic information

A bit more in laymans terms:

“All these unnatural polymers are well known. What is new is the authors have developed proteins that allow information to be copied between XNA and DNA forms and vice versa. This means that all the cool tricks we can do with DNA, we can now do with XNA by including a couple of extra steps,” said Mukund Thattai, a biologist at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, and an expert in synthetic

Oligomers are also involved in heavy and light chain operations in the human body. These normal chains have been altered by these polymers. An oligomer is defined as “A polymer that consists of two, three, or four monomers” as described in the OnLine Free Dictionary which also describes a monomer as: “A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer.” The common denominator here is the polymer. Notice they are all mers. A mer is the replicator, the repeating unit. It is described as: “(organic chemistry) a combining form denoting the repeating structure unit of any high polymer.”!

Google Video Link

It has been proven that nanomaterials pass through the blood-brain barrier and also gets into cells, the liver, spleen, pancreas.

Nanoparticles can cause oxidative stress, which could start a transcription of genes which
should not occur and become problematic. It's been recommended that nanomaterials are
regulated as "Hazardous", however, are not regulated to date. And yet development continues. Nanobioweapons for one. Chemical weapons for another. There are

edit on 19-4-2012 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:24 PM
I thought of Resident Evil when reading this too... Very Interesting find OP

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:16 AM
Too bad this synthetic XNA can be used for benevolent purposes, wonder what's been on their agenda with this method of genetic engineering. For some reason I feel this technology is merely new by public release; with this being said, tptb are having a lot of fun with this ancient genetic engineering....Release the kraken!

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