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Chemtrails and Depopulation – An Insider Speaks Out

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:20 AM
This story or so called letter is from the year 2000 and maybe earlier than that.
Notice the date of this

It sounds to much like Sorcha Faal in my opinion; which would put automatically in the hoax category if that were the case.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

LOL Aloysius, you are one confused little fellow that even Proudbird likely does not agree with.

Please tell us HOW, a contrail would exist without exhaust pollution being DIRECTLY, now THINK about this CAREFULLY, INJECTED into your CONTRAIL, that is somehow ONLY WATER, and yet even according to YOU
they can only be formed by POLLUTION causing CHEMICAL BURNING HOT GAS exhaust !!!!

I would love for you to tell us about contrails caused by some OTHER source, I.E. SUPER HOT HEATERS, that cause CONTRAILS to appear when no CHEMICAL BURNING is taking place !!


You believe contrails are water, THAT COULD NEVER BE TRUE !!!!

Because you see, they are never created except when chemicals are burned !! The science you buy into, is WRONG, CLEARLY,, you keep saying they are only water but you have NO EVIDENCE...

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by ProudBird
reply to post by MountainLaurel

Look...I LISTENED into the FIRST SIX minutes of that audio....and as soon I mean as SOON as I heard this Congressman mention "chemtrailing"??? I knew...he is an IDIOT (or, if not an idiot.....just terribly MIS-INFORMED!!)

The happened at the (approximate) 6-minute mark of a YTube video (sound only) of rouglhy 15 minutes. are NO SUCH THINGS as "chemtrails"....PLEASE try to UNDERSTAND this basic, basic fact.....

EDIT.......WAIT a minute....I "listened" again to that YTube link.........Hmmmmm......WHO, in ANY reality spells the name ":RALPH": as .....(wait for it)....."Ralph"........???

(Just take a look, at the ALL means....take a LOOK!!!!!!)

LOOK....this ONLINE IDIOT on YouTube (jonah70757)...his "full' name is "Micheal Jonah"....and, he is an IF+DIOT!!!....he thinks that "chemtrails" are real....I mean, this guy is an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on Tue 17 April 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

There are no such thing as "Contrails" !!!

Can you show us how a trail of condensation could be created in the skies without your polluting engines at the very least ?? The answer is NO!!!! Of Course !!

LOL at Chadwickus telling us how, (and you likely agree) that the pollution from up high gets swirled away into NOTHINGNESS, or SUCKED INTO SPACE

I mean, man, THESE JET ENGINES, produce these totally clean emissions,, MAN they are so clean you would DRINK THEM, if ONLY i could harness these CON-trails they could be used as a NEW source of drinking water !??!!!?

WHY NOT use them to create clouds to rain on my crops,, OOPS CONTRAIL SCIENCE told me these clouds CANNOT produce precipitation,, HMMM WAIT,,, THEY SAVE US FROM SKIN CANCER !!! Errrr...I am going to go watch Dumb and DUMBER, cause it makes me LAUGH !!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

So what your saying is you have no clue what your talking about. Contrails can be formed without pollution yes they can yes they can yes they can. Keep digging

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:01 AM
Any pollution caused by all the jets in the world for a week is a laughable and miniscule amount, when compared to even a smaller city in a single day. I'm much more worried about local pollution making me sick, than any jet might (even if they did spew out pollution en masse, which they don't).

They are absolutely NOT spewing chemicals of any sort. If they had been, it would have been discovered repeatedly over the years, but it has not. To suggest they spray so thickly it covers cities in fogs, that is then undetectable by all the soil and water sampling that goes on daily, is laughable.

All I can say is, for all the supposed ongoing effort to depopulate the U.S. through chemical spraying or whatever else they do.. well.. they are REALLY lousy at it. Decades of hard work trying to kill us all, and nothing to show for it!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by pshea38
As regards the reality of persistent trails, I will not accept strangers dictating terms to me,
contadicting the reality of what I have seen over and over with my own eyes.
For three weeks now, no persistent contrails and a massive reduction in air traffic. Same
thing happened about one year ago, as I explained in this threadHere.
I am lucky to see one or two planes per hour now, whereas when the trail days are in,
I might see 20-30 planes per hour, all leaving persistent and gradually spreading trails.

This is deliberate. But I have heard that a massive fightback is in full swing, and I am hoping
that the cessation of the spraying here is a sure sign, and that fight this will be spreading
to other infected areas.

I suppose you and others here will deny also that there are gangs of people paid to
scour forums to push the official versions of events.

I am sure there are people who get paid to post in these forums. The 9-11 forum seems to be filled with them. But that is because the ones that don't agree with me must be getting paid.

But in reply to your thought that air traffic has decreased, I would venture a guess that nothing has changed except the upper level air conditions. you don't see the lines like you did before, so you don't notice the planes as much. If you verify that air traffic has not decreased, then this is a prime example of why contrails form, and why they don't, somewhat putting a damper on the chemtrail myth. or not.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by ProudBird

How is spelling Ralph in all caps or not an issue?

What difference does the name of who posted the video make? what makes you any more or less qualified to express an opinion? Actually , he doesn't even give a personal opinion, he just simply provides oral and written evidence that this "rare" interview occured, and what was discussed.

We know at the very least that "Geo-engineering" is being carried out on some level, including actual "application" and "testing" from what information we are able to gather, the purpose of this has something to do with "global warming" and it is a highly debated subject among scientists and governments as to the implications of this and infact some "key players" have been put in place to handle "damage control" or as they put it "restore the people's trust" that is funny......

I have no idea who you folks are, but I find it very odd the effort you all made to "de-rail" this thread, and make any meaningful discussion impossible. Like I said I tend to examine "motives" when discerning someone's crediabilty.

There is a vast amount of information , much of it presented here at ATS in other "Geo-engineering" threads and for anyone interested in examing this subject more closely, I would encourage you to go back and study those threads, some very smart people put countless hours of research into documenting this subject. Infact ATS gave the subject it's own forum in responce to the growing concerns members were having.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 02:23 PM
I posted earlier about the chemtrails in the san francisco, east bay area. It started up early morning again today, and they are really pouring it on thick, crisscrossing the whole sky. I looked out my kitchen window and just saw one flying straight up, like a rocket. Kept going straight up, til out of sight (like a rocket launch). and no, it wasn't flying across overhead with the illusion of just flying straight up.
I live in a sweet spot with several airports, nasa lab, lawrence livermore labs, etc. in every direction within an hour or so drive. ive been skywatching here for 8 years. I also live on the Hayward fault. Like, ON it.
Ive had massive headaches and neck pain for about 2-3 weeks. theres been a major uptick in big quakes and the current solar activity, geomagnetic activity. And for 2-3 weeks, the chemtrailing has increased with it.
I see passenger jets fly over all the time and they never have a contrail.
Maybe the chemtrailing is supposed to help block radiation (although it would trap heat), or affect quake likelihood on major faultlines (by blocking radiation energy from combining with the existent faultline energy). Either way, they are connected.

I added this as an afterthought.. I can usually hear the passenger planes. the chemtrail planes are always silent.
edit on 17-4-2012 by gemdog because: Add info

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by network dude

Originally posted by pshea38
As regards the reality of persistent trails, I will not accept strangers dictating terms to me,
contadicting the reality of what I have seen over and over with my own eyes.
For three weeks now, no persistent contrails and a massive reduction in air traffic. Same
thing happened about one year ago, as I explained in this threadHere.
I am lucky to see one or two planes per hour now, whereas when the trail days are in,
I might see 20-30 planes per hour, all leaving persistent and gradually spreading trails.

This is deliberate. But I have heard that a massive fightback is in full swing, and I am hoping
that the cessation of the spraying here is a sure sign, and that fight this will be spreading
to other infected areas.

I suppose you and others here will deny also that there are gangs of people paid to
scour forums to push the official versions of events.

I am sure there are people who get paid to post in these forums. The 9-11 forum seems to be filled with them. But that is because the ones that don't agree with me must be getting paid.

But in reply to your thought that air traffic has decreased, I would venture a guess that nothing has changed except the upper level air conditions. you don't see the lines like you did before, so you don't notice the planes as much. If you verify that air traffic has not decreased, then this is a prime example of why contrails form, and why they don't, somewhat putting a damper on the chemtrail myth. or not.


I have perfect vision and can see each and every plane (with normal
short lived trails) anywhere in the panorama on a clear day.
I live in the outskirts of a small town, pop. 20,000.


I can easily do.

So F those who would have you intrinsically doubt yourself.

Many are paid to deceive. Their names are on a list somewhere,
and their days of treachery are surely numbered.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 03:26 PM
Omg all the arguing about what comes out of the back of an engine seems almost pointless.
if anyone has ever seen a crop duster or skywriting or anything similar, isnt it obvious it's possible to purposely release a spray from a seperate container/dispenser other than the "exhaust" ?
edit on 17-4-2012 by gemdog because: Fix

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by gemdog

We're in CA too and have also have seen an increase in these "Chem-trails" , they also do it here early in the morning.

I don't know why they are doing it, and we can only speculate since full dis-closure doesn't seem to be forthcoming to the public. Anything this important being kept "secret" in anyway makes me very uncomfortable.

I hope your health improves and you feel better soon
We have also noticed "allegery" type symptoms, my Dad had a terrible cold he couldn't shake for weeks, and my sister got a bloody nose the other day out of no where? Now I have no idea if this is related, but it's strange cause we're typically a "healthy" bunch.

We had some "intense" thunder and lighting storms here over the weekend, again no idea if they are related to this in anyway...but it was scary and, my 21 year old daughter, the 2 dogs, and 1 cat all came and jumped in bed with me so I remained as calm as possible cause they were all so freaked out. I was definately praying......

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by gemdog
I posted earlier about the chemtrails in the san francisco, east bay area. It started up early morning again today, and they are really pouring it on thick, crisscrossing the whole sky. I looked out my kitchen window and just saw one flying straight up, like a rocket. Kept going straight up, til out of sight (like a rocket launch). and no, it wasn't flying across overhead with the illusion of just flying straight up.

That's weird gemdog. Last week I saw exactly this, a distant object which appeared
to fly straight up (like a rocket launch), leaving behind a thick trail.
I am in the west of Ireland, and there are no military bases (as such) in the Rep.of Ireland.
I tried to capture it on camera but couldn't get a clear shot.

That is the first time I have seen anything like this. It was an isolated occurence
during what is otherwise an extended period of a distinct absence of spraying.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by gemdog
Omg all the arguing about what comes out of the back of an engine seems almost pointless.
if anyone has ever seen a crop duster or skywriting or anything similar, isnt it obvious it's possible to purposely release a spray from a seperate container/dispenser other than the "exhaust" ?

of course it is possible - it's been possible since at least he 1920's, when I think the first such apparatus was designed.

So what/where is any apparatus for doing so on any of these airliners? That would be very good evidence indeed .....if it existed.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by pshea38

I know that the gaul and the other responders are chemtrail deniers, so their credibility is completely shot with me.

So the only people with any credibility (in your opinion) are the ones who believe in the nonsense that is "chemtrails"?


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

Can you show us how a trail of condensation could be created in the skies without your polluting engines at the very least ?? The answer is NO!!!! Of Course !!

Ever seen a cloud?.....a cirrus cloud to be more precise.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by gemdog

Oh.....well. Yes, let's DISCUSS this:

Omg all the arguing about what comes out of the back of an engine seems almost pointless.
if anyone has ever seen a crop duster or skywriting or anything similar, isnt it obvious it's possible to purposely release a spray from a seperate container/dispenser other than the "exhaust" ?

The "idea" of adding something to the HOT exhaust, in order to make a "trail" is, basically, what is done in Air Shows.

(Please, just look that up).

BUT......commercial airliners DO NOT "add" something to the engine exhaust......the FACT of contrails is entirely due to the environment.


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by gemdog

I posted earlier about the chemtrails in the san francisco, east bay area......

There are no such things as "chemtrails".


I could make it in all "CAPS" and 'shout' it....but, seriously....there are NO such things as "chemtrails".

There ARE things called "CONTRAILS"....or (CONdensation TRAILS)...and those are what you see, in the sky......overhead.


edit on Tue 17 April 2012 by ProudBird because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

LOL Aloysius, you are one confused little fellow that even Proudbird likely does not agree with.

Please tell us HOW, a contrail would exist without exhaust pollution being DIRECTLY, now THINK about this CAREFULLY, INJECTED into your CONTRAIL, that is somehow ONLY WATER, and yet even according to YOU
they can only be formed by POLLUTION causing CHEMICAL BURNING HOT GAS exhaust !!!!

You clearly have limited comprehension abilities - the white fluffly clouds that are contrails are water. That is what fluffy clouds are - whether generated by jet engines or not.

Sure the engines produce pollution as well - I have said so many times in this thread - but the pollution is either invisible, or looks completely different to contrails. And the pollution is generated whether there are contrails or not.

so the only difference between contrails and non-contrails is that the WATER has condensed out - ergo visible contrails are just water, and saying or implying there is anything chemically different between them and the much more common invisible exhaust without contrails is patently nonsense.

I would love for you to tell us about contrails caused by some OTHER source, I.E. SUPER HOT HEATERS, that cause CONTRAILS to appear when no CHEMICAL BURNING is taking place !!

You believe contrails are water, THAT COULD NEVER BE TRUE !!!!

I have shown how it is exactly true - please try to keep up.

Because you see, they are never created except when chemicals are burned !! The science you buy into, is WRONG, CLEARLY,, you keep saying they are only water but you have NO EVIDENCE...

Contrails forming without combustion:

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by pshea38

I know that the gaul and the other responders are chemtrail deniers, so their credibility is completely shot with me.

So the only people with any credibility (in your opinion) are the ones who believe in the nonsense that is "chemtrails"?


If I met you in person, I would give you short shrift.
I will extend the same courtesy here.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:58 PM

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