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Evidence of Parallel Universes

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posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by neoholographic

The entanglement theory is interesting but you have shown nothing that takes it beyond being just that....a theory,
Whilst the observations made are worthy of further research,I cannot see the empirical data that led to these conclusions,Still believe that there is a lot of work to do here before "proof" can be atributed to these theories.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by neoholographic

I've read this whole thing twice and still don't understand what they're talking about. Can someone dumb this down? Evidence?

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by neoholographic If Stephen Hawking or Dr. Michio Kaku made these predictions, they would make front page news.

That's because they're famous. Not because they're men.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:00 AM
With all the strange and odd things that are happening now days I am starting to wonder if parallel universes are starting to overlap. It would help explain the time slips and other things.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by fixer1967

What time slips and other things are you talking about here? I'd love to read about these time slips you are talking about.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:03 AM
my 2 cents...the rush to believe this is based on her interpretation of the EFFECT on our own universe, not on any direct measurement or evidence that there is another universe. plausable causation does not "prove" anything. i think that is why there is skepticism in the astrophysics world. but, skepticism in the scientific community is an absolute neccessity, they are, at the same time, their own worse and best critics, for it keeps the notion of "faith" at bay.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:39 AM
I'm not sure about a parallel universe, though it could be possible. I do know that I think I dream in different "worlds". By that I mean, I know of at least 3 landscapes/regions in my dreams where I seem to live another life in my dreams when I sleep. My dreams are usually in some familiar region where I know the people, and just explore the area more, with or without some dramatic/adventure events going on, or just living out a good life for the day (which is my night dreaming.)

I don't know for certain about dreams and parallel universes, but I feel there could be a relation. I do firmly believe that deja vu comes from forgotten dreams, based from experience.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:17 AM
Cool story, horrible thread. The "status quo brigade", as you call them, have been talking about parallel universes for decades or longer, nothing covered up about it. And what does this have to do with Einstein? Why do you rip on him and the science community? Nothing about this goes against Einstein's relativity.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by neoholographic

I first came to know Laura Mersini-Houghton's work when I saw her on "Through The Wormhole" and then another similar program. She is quite brilliant when it comes to her profession. Many people have opened up to her theories but she is also very controversial while highly respected as a theoretical physicist-cosmologist. She can really get across in layman's terms for people like me. I learned so much because of this wonderful woman. It's nice to see more people acknowledging her theories.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:59 AM
I wonder how many years it well be before scientists start to understand and prove to themselves that Astral Projection is not just some hallucination.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by OwenGP185

Speaking of Astral Projection, is there a thread on here that talks about experiances? I'd like to look into it because I've been trying to do Astral Projection for myself and would like to know more about it from members on ATS.

I would greatly appreciate it.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:18 PM

In 2006, Mersini-Houghton with collaborators predicted a series of observational imprints of her theory [4] for the birth of our high energy universe from the multiverse, by using the unitarity principle of quantum mechanics (no information loss). They predicted the existence of a giant void far away of size about 12 degrees in the southern hemisphere of the sky; the 'tilting' of the gravitational potential in the universe, which gives rise to a Dark Flow of structure, caused by superhorizon entanglement of our universe with all else in the multiverse; the suppression of the overall amplitude of inflationary fluctuations due to the same interaction of our Hubble volume with others in the multiverse, etc.

Our smoking gun for discriminating this proposal from others with similar CMB and LSS predictions come from correlations between cosmic shear and temperature anisotropies, which here indicate a noninflationary channel of contribution to LSS, with unique ringing features of nonlocal entanglement displayed at structure and substructure scales.

She went on to make other predictions.

After the observational confirmation of the three predictions (the Void, Dark Flow and Sigma8) her work continues to attract international media attention, GCHEP/UNC, and Discover magazine, October 2009.]

Holy crap a real Turbo encabulater.

I still see no "proof", although I think it highly unlikely that space isn't "multi"

According to some religious beliefs, we ARE behind a veil.. you can't explain 3D to a 2D creature. Extrapolating, you wouldn't be able to understand a higher existence; as above, so below.

edit on 15-4-2012 by rbnhd76 because: cause i is a silly redneck and to add another disjointed philosophy to the fray

edit on 15-4-2012 by rbnhd76 because: I need some ammo, man

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:29 PM
Very interesting thread, tough topic though. If I read right, the voids that were found were cold regions in the sky. Cold as is cold temperature in microwaves. Which means there is little to no mass in that region. Nothing in that region giving off radiation in any form, and nothing really there to reflect radiation or inhibit the travel of said radiation.

That makes me think of a large galaxy rather close by, with great gravity from a really massive star and massive planets around that. The void may be explained by the force from that sun taking in most if not all of the resources and matter in that section. Thus, leading to most if not all mass being sucked away from that region, creating a void as they say.

This picture is a 5year WMAP data map. It shows all the cold spots, hot spots, lukewarm spots based on microwave radiation, CMB is light emitted after recombination after the Big Bang. So to say that is light released and traveling in the universe that is just now reaching our telescopes. The WMAP map shows patterns of density and radiation. The pattern that I see, is like that of a pond. The waves that move around the surface when the surface is disturbed, is what I imagine in space. But instead of only moving when the surface is disturbed, it's always happening, in real-time. The matter and mass of space is constantly accelerating due to forces of those great mass structures, and also force from small mass structures. But the greater force wins, looking at our current physics. So this map is expected, due to the way forces interact with each other. So these voids seem fairly common in the multiverse, right? Maybe not one this massive as the lady stated, predicted and found. This void seems to me as just proof of the particle-wave duality theory.

Maybe, just maybe, all matter moves and transverses as a wave, but is viewed on the smallest scale as a particle?

And about the parallel universe theory attached to this, what exactly did she "prove" that clearly reveals the existence of parallel universes? Maybe I'm missing something out of what I read, I will re-read, but the only thing I can see about parallel universes is maybe another universe existing in the whole multiverse. Or is that the whole idea? I mean we are very small in the grand scale? Whose to say OUR universe and how we perceive it is the one and only universe in all of Space.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by TheProphetMark

The ATS Search button is your friend. It permits you to spend hours reading threads, and gaining knowledge. Simply type in any phrase, and low and behold, information at your finger-tips.

It's also prudent to "search" before you start a new thread. More than likely it's already been covered if it is a popular topic.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:55 PM
I'll be the devil's advocate in my reply, and say that "evidence" in the thread title is quite similar to "proof", and they both bring out the skeptic in us. A good title would be "Possible Evidence......"

However, I am fascinated with the topic of quantum physics, so I will be doing more research (link following) accordingly.

My position: Multi-verses do exist, and are responsible for many natural phenomena that we can't yet explain. Trying to derive a "Theory of Everything" is futile until more is understood about the quantum level in the reality among us.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:17 PM
I myself don't know if I believe in parallel universes but I do believe there are other universes and maybe lots or endless amounts of them. The longer I live the more strange things I see or experience. But I do also understand that somethings maybe of this world and by that I mean our government or other governments. So I never jump to conclusions. I decide for myself what is what and keep it to my self. The world will open up more with things someday will it be in my life time who knows. God Bless...

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:22 PM
The ancients have always known about the etheric and astral planes. We live in a multi-dimensional universe, the physical body is the top layer of bodies that make up the human being.
edit on 15-4-2012 by RadioactiveRob because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:24 PM
You mention this ? woman ...Laura Mersini-Houghton, Well frankly I haven't heard of her, and I belong to a couple Physics forums..... Also as far as Einstein goes, he had a couple contemporaries at the time every bit as Genius, by the name of Maxwell and Plank. They were all physicists working in quantum mechanics and the 'Unified field Theory' as well as the current crop today. One comes to mind in contemporary times, Nassim Haramein, who is quite in vogue at the moment, almost cult.
edit on 15-4-2012 by Plotus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by neoholographic

Hello Sir, I for one believe her for sure. The weird part is last night I ended up watching the movie "Thor" and now this becomes front page news on ATS, It's kinda strange haha!. In the movie Thor the scientist was on about a similar statement a bridge infact I haven't looked to much into it but Ill be doing my research now

Thanks for posting this - David Star and flag

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Philippines
I'm not sure about a parallel universe, though it could be possible. I do know that I think I dream in different "worlds". By that I mean, I know of at least 3 landscapes/regions in my dreams where I seem to live another life in my dreams when I sleep. My dreams are usually in some familiar region where I know the people, and just explore the area more, with or without some dramatic/adventure events going on, or just living out a good life for the day (which is my night dreaming.)

I don't know for certain about dreams and parallel universes, but I feel there could be a relation. I do firmly believe that deja vu comes from forgotten dreams, based from experience.

I have come to believe this myself in the last couple of years.

The places I go, and people I meet, I have never seen in this universe,(or on TV for that matter),
Yet, Everything seems so familiar to me!

I wish I had an artistic bent, so I could draw these people and places on paper.....
Sometimes, the intricate details are incredible...

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