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Americans Are Sealing The Fate Of Humanity - And It Doesn't Look Good!

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posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:13 AM
When did America stop caring? When did America stop playing the good guy? Why does America not care about it's own?

Recently a thread was composed about Dr Ron Paul discussing Big Pharma and the FDA. This is only one of hundreds of discussions Dr Ron Paul has had with the media about the current state of the US that "somehow" misses the US public's gaze.

People are discussing that the MSM have an agenda, they aren't releasing the information to the public. That may very well be the case (and sure looks like it), but it still doesn't stop people finding the truth, we have havent we? I suspect that there are far more Dr Ron Paul supporters out there than any other candidate, its just that people don't talk about him for fear of ridicule from their peers.

Dr Ron Paul, whether you believe it or not, is the answer to unlocking the road of recovery for the US. If the US can sort out its corruption, greed and control over its people, then the world will follow.

Recently there was a thread titled I Hope To God WW3 Happens that made me sick to my stomach. Not because of the idea of the war or the thought of my family and loved ones being affected but because its a sign of where peoples opinions on life lay. Who would ever hope for the death of a species so that a "reset" can occur because they are fed up with their governments policies? Instead of reigning death across humanity and destroying this miracle that is Earth, would it not be easier, cleaner and more advantageous to remove those in power?

I recently was in New Orleans on business (my first time in the US) and i loved your country. I was surprised at how friendly and confident your nations people are. My personal opinion though is that you have things kind of backward with regards your policies and if you don't mind me saying, compared to European countries, the US didn't seem as developed. Don't take that the wrong way, the US is still a young nation and it takes time to perfect ideas.

Would i live in the US? Yes and No. I would for the climate and the people but not for the politics. If Dr Ron Paul was somehow voted in, i could see the US being a very very pleasant place to live that would have massive potential to emerge a superpower in all fields, not just militarily.

What i don't get is why the citizens of the US are letting themselves be taken for a complete ride. They know the voting system is rigged, they know WW3 is on the horizon, they know the unemployment state, they know the control of the MSM, they know the poisoning of the water and food, they know the control of big pharma, they know the control of Hollywood, the illegal wars and the impending financial collapse. The list goes on and on. Yet most are happy to accept all that for the sake of what? The fake happiness experienced when you get a pay check and can go to Macy's or Wallmart for the latest gadgets?

I'm still confused really about how your elections work but what I'm hearing is that Romney is going to win the race to debate Obama for POTUS. What a pity that would be for the world. With all due respect to Romney, honestly...are you lot having a laugh? He is truly angers me that you let this happen when a form of potential salvation is right there but its ignored. I hope Dr Ron Paul gets the delegates (this part confuses me too), so that Dr Paul can debate with Obama. As a poster on a previous thread said...

"I'd give my life savings to watch a debate between Dr Paul and Obama for POTUS"...i couldn't agree more. That would be a far better night in than watching the World Cup, X Factor, Superbowl etc. The thought of that being a possibility actually gives me goosebumps with excitement.

The sad fact is that it wont happen unless you lot over the pond wake up and stand up for the very thing you all campaign about being removed from you...THE CONSTITUTION.

Until the US citizens decide where their destiny lies, the world will be kept in the shadows. Why don't you all become the generation that "changed the world after thousands of years of slavery?"...

Good Luck Ron Paul, Good Luck the people of the US, Good Luck Humanity...
edit on 12/4/12 by jrmcleod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Blame Blame Blame Blame Blame. Put your finger back in your pocket. If you have problem with it, then do something about it yourself, aside from just whining about other people.

Originally posted by jrmcleod

Until the US citizens decide where their destiny lies, the world will be kept in the shadows. Why don't you all become the generation that "changed the world after thousands of years of slavery?"...
Thousands of years??

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:25 AM
I live in Australia and I worry about America just like you do. America effects us all. We all live in America's Empire. I have been getting into Roman History lately and I found it interesting that populations outside of Rome got to the stage that they demanded citizenship.

I think people of the world should demand to have a say in America's elections. We live in the Imperial Empire but we are not Imperial Citizens. It angers me so much. I know more about American politics than most American's. The American public has failed the world just as much as their leaders have in many respects.

edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by jrmcleod

Blame Blame Blame Blame Blame. Put your finger back in your pocket. If you have problem with it, then do something about it yourself, aside from just whining about other people.

Originally posted by jrmcleod

Until the US citizens decide where their destiny lies, the world will be kept in the shadows. Why don't you all become the generation that "changed the world after thousands of years of slavery?"...
Thousands of years??

Its people like you that make me sick. Arrogant and obnoxious. Why shouldnt we all be angry with the American public?

We will do something about you people before you know it.
edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

While I agree we've stood idly by and let corrupt politicians rake us over the coals for bigger paychecks and corporate interests, you lot out there in other countries should be minding your own store. The euro is ready to tank, when it wasnt all that long ago it was doing better than the dollar.
Besides where would you rather be, living in a country capable of sealing the fate of the rest of the world or some country capable of having it's fate sealed by another. I choose the former

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by twohawks

you lot out there in other countries should be minding your own store.

I live in Australia. We have a better credit rating than the US and our dollar is worth more,amongst other things. You guys are third world compred to us really.. The only thing that threatens us is the fall of America since we are mixed up in your Imperialism and beholden.

And America and its Bankster's have more to do with Europes problems than anything. Its American Imperialism that has destroyed the world.

America is the centre of the Death Star. Its needs to be destroyed if you people wont fix it.
edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:56 AM
I appreciate the shout out for the good doctor, but here across the pond it's all about "Romney this, Romney that" a debate between Paul and Obama would be great (to the awake people) but it is WAY too easy for Obama, the pathological (and very good) liar to play the American public.

I mean look at Clinton, he got impeached for lying about getting some action and Obama has set the stage for complete dictatorship while invading multiple countries in his first term. You have underestimated the rampant apathy of the American people unfortunately

edit on 12-4-2012 by Monsatan because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2012 by Monsatan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by Monsatan

edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by jrmcleod

Blame Blame Blame Blame Blame. Put your finger back in your pocket. If you have problem with it, then do something about it yourself, aside from just whining about other people.

Originally posted by jrmcleod

Until the US citizens decide where their destiny lies, the world will be kept in the shadows. Why don't you all become the generation that "changed the world after thousands of years of slavery?"...
Thousands of years??

Its people like yourself who are precisely the issue...your not willing to accept responsibility. I can't do ANYTHING about it, i ant a US citizen. I don't have a say on how the US operates, all i can do it post a thread and try to let people see a point of view from another country on your affairs.

And yes, humanity has been in slavery in one way or another since the dawn of civilaisation through money, power, corruption...

Do you live in a box?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by twohawks
reply to post by Germanicus

While I agree we've stood idly by and let corrupt politicians rake us over the coals for bigger paychecks and corporate interests, you lot out there in other countries should be minding your own store. The euro is ready to tank, when it wasnt all that long ago it was doing better than the dollar.
Besides where would you rather be, living in a country capable of sealing the fate of the rest of the world or some country capable of having it's fate sealed by another. I choose the former

My country isn't part of the Euro, don't live in ignorance, if the Euro fails, the dollar fails. To answer your question, I'd rather live in a country who was at the peril of another country because i couldn't live in the country that controlled others and sit back and say "i didn't do the right thing, i have helped f**k it up for the entire planet"...there is only so much a UK vote can do compared to a US vote.

We are all in this together and whether any of you like it or not. If America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.

You guys need to vote for the right guy and demand change.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

For the record, the entire euro zone's debt is not more than ours. If we weren't the reserve currency we would be screwed. Greece is about to fall apart over 500billion, and we have 15+ trillion

That's the only difference. The second we lose reserve status America is completely and utterly destroyed, if it makes you feel any better. Supposedly that's going to happen a little bit before 2030, though I'm predicting it to be sooner rather than later
edit on 12-4-2012 by Monsatan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Monsatan
I appreciate the shout out for the good doctor, but here across the pond it's all about "Romney this, Romney that" a debate between Paul and Obama would be great (to the awake people) but it is WAY too easy for Obama, the pathological (and very good) liar to play the American public.

I mean look at Clinton, he got impeached for lying about getting some action and Obama has set the stage for complete dictatorship while invading multiple countries in his first term. You have underestimated the rampant apathy of the American people unfortunately

edit on 12-4-2012 by Monsatan because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-4-2012 by Monsatan because: (no reason given)

In all fairness, the awake would enjoy the show, but could you just imagine how many others would start to awake hearing Dr Paul tell it how it is. Obama wouldn't stand a chance against Paul. TPTB know it and i secretly think most on here know it.

I would be glued to the TV

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
reply to post by twohawks

you lot out there in other countries should be minding your own store.

I live in Australia. We have a better credit rating than the US and our dollar is worth more,amongst other things. You guys are third world compred to us really.. The only thing that threatens us is the fall of America since we are mixed up in your Imperialism and beholden.

And America and its Bankster's have more to do with Europes problems than anything. Its American Imperialism that has destroyed the world.

America is the centre of the Death Star. Its needs to be destroyed if you people wont fix it.
edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

As I stated earlier, if your country is capable of failing due to the actions of the US then you've fallen short of protecting your own interests as a nation. But I digress, no nation stands alone in this day and age.
Greed is rampent around the world and we produce some of the greediest bastards on the planet

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by twohawks

Every nation on Earth produces those greedy bast**ds, the problem is that when election time comes, its only ever the greedy bast**rds that are eligible for election. TPTB force those they want in power. Dr Paul is a potential spanner in the works.

I just cant see how you guys over there cant see it. Maybe its because we over here haven't had the same brainwashing etc...

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:14 AM
We're at a turning point in America.

One where our best days are either behind us or just ahead of us.

Obama certainly has failed as president.
Romney will have his chance.
Paul? He's been in the senate for over 30 years. I don't understand the attraction. In 30 years he couldn't get anything accomplished. What makes anyone think he could as POTUS?

At the moment I'm pessimistic. I'd say cut ties as soon as possible with the US. Because it's going to get alot worse before it gets better.

And just to add, I've seen every MAD MAX movie. You Aussies are calling us backwards? (what's with the mohawks you all wear?)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus

I think people of the world should demand to have a say in America's elections. We live in the Imperial Empire but we are not Imperial Citizens.

edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

You can, in all honesty you just have to come here illegally and you will be patriated ASAP. Hell, you can walk in the front door (tourist visa) never leave, and not have to worry about a thing

After all, if the current administration lets you stay, gives you a green card, and treats you better than American citizens you are more likely to get them re-elected, am I right? There's a reason we don't deport anymore, especially around election seasons
edit on 12-4-2012 by Monsatan because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by twohawks

As I stated earlier, if your country is capable of failing due to the actions of the US then you've fallen short of protecting your own interests as a nation.

I agree. The Australian public is no better than the American public. They may even be dumber. And we have failed to protect ourselves.

But we do not have the resposiblity/burden that the American public has. We do not have the power that you do. I honestly believe that every person should have a say in American election's because you guys control it all. The UN,NATO,the IMF...... Only American's have the power to fix things

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by beezzer


Im scared we may all be living a Mad Max like existance before long.

Alot have given up on Ron Paul but I predict he will run as an Independant. Its not over yet. I still have hope.

edit on 12-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by jrmcleod

Originally posted by twohawks
reply to post by Germanicus

While I agree we've stood idly by and let corrupt politicians rake us over the coals for bigger paychecks and corporate interests, you lot out there in other countries should be minding your own store. The euro is ready to tank, when it wasnt all that long ago it was doing better than the dollar.
Besides where would you rather be, living in a country capable of sealing the fate of the rest of the world or some country capable of having it's fate sealed by another. I choose the former

My country isn't part of the Euro, don't live in ignorance, if the Euro fails, the dollar fails. To answer your question, I'd rather live in a country who was at the peril of another country because i couldn't live in the country that controlled others and sit back and say "i didn't do the right thing, i have helped f**k it up for the entire planet"...there is only so much a UK vote can do compared to a US vote.

We are all in this together and whether any of you like it or not. If America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.

You guys need to vote for the right guy and demand change.

I'm all for Dr. Paul, but your under the impression our vote still counts, which if you read here at all, you already know the voting process has been rigged, which is why msm is toughting Mitt Romney as the next republican nominee. To fix this situation here it would take nothing short of an all out revolution

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:29 AM
The Presidency isn't the only seat of power in US politics. Term limits on House Reps, Senators and Supreme Court justices would be a good start. Removing special interests groups from the equation is also needed. You cannont make good decisions for the people with corporations whispering in your ear and padding your pockets.

I'm not exactly sure why everyone thinks America needs to do anything. Most of you hate our influence. You can't have both sides of the argument. You either want us involved or you don't. You can't pick and choose.

America is having a tough time like the rest of the world. We may not come back from it. It doesn't matter how we got here because we all had a hand helping us get here.

Personally, I'd like to see America rebuild its manufacturing infrastructure and bring all the overseas work back home. It starts with realizing that a healthy profit margin isn't the end all be all of an American company and that they actually have a responsibility to keep America strong.

There's so much to discuss on this topic...we'll never tough all of it.

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