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oh my GOD. College tuition is RIDICULOUS!

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 08:59 PM
So I'm half way through my bachelors at devry (great school) for web/graphic design. My tuition was 67k. Well they just let me know they gave a modest increase starting June 2012.

It went from 67,000 to 71k. Seventy one THOUSAND dollars. That's for online. For those LIVING there on campus, it rose to 110k

Every single on campus person is 100k or more for tuition now. How.... why... what?????????? WHAT?

It's disgusting. Not to mention the fact they make you take stupid classes that have nothing to do with your degree at all. Like 4 classes of science at 2000 each is going to really help my web/graphic design.

I'm so PISSED right now I'm spitting fire. It'd be cheaper to leave Country. I swear. What's it going to be next year? 77k? ugh. Hindsight is SO loud right now. I shoulda done a trade school but I had zero idea about that even existing. I took online because I have no car and figured it'd be easier and to do it at my own time.

by the time I pay that crap off, it'll be over 150k with interest.

Do NOT do college. Do a trade school

Whatever happened to the days where if you had aptitude, you'd learn on the job and get trained that way? Hands on training and after a few years you'd be a pro at what you did? Why does everyone require a stupid 500 thousand dollar piece of paper to have you indebted for life? Why?


posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:02 PM
DeVry has always been expensive. On the flip side, the education received from there is one that has great earning potential.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:12 PM
College is a scam for the un-imaginative and those who are scared of life.

If there is a specific discipline you are hoping to study, and you are confident that the market can return your investment after graduation, then it could be a calculated risk. But for the VAST majority who enter college, you will only be left with an enormous debt load you haven't a chance of ever repaying.

I lived in a college town for ten years and took several classes on audit, and regularly attended lectures, etc, at no cost to myself. Education is good. Paying for it? Probably a scam.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:14 PM
Because the education system hasn't changed in sync with the needs of the students it teaches.

It's a brave new world out there from when the established practices of schools were implemented. A lot of changes have taken place but it's the same ole same ole for the schools.

I'm not gonna ream you for your mistake because you seem to be doing a good enough job of that on your own.

Just consider it another lesson taught to you by the school of your choice.

And that is their job right?.........To teach you?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:21 PM
That sucks about the tuition However, with the continuous commercials DeVry runs on television, they have to pay for that advertising somehow.

I looked into putting my daughter through dental assistant school through a chain tech school. They wanted $16K for 11 months. I found a small school that only charged us $2995, was 5 months of intensive study, and she immediately was hired upon graduation.

My older daughter got her bachelor's degree in IT the hard way....through the military, with the G.I. Bill. However, it is all paid for, and she carries no debt.

No doubt about it, getting an education in this country is quite difficult these days. Trade school? Yes, that was an excellent deal. College? My daughter had to give up a lot in order to get her degree in terms of time and service.

I guess since you're half-way done, you have to take out loans. :-(

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Pretty soon the only people that can afford it are the kids with rich parents that put them through private school growing up. A well defined division between upper and lower class is going to emerge.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:34 PM
Not knocking what you are doing, but why not just quit and learn it on your own? Especially for this subject.

Why am I gonna pay someone an amazing amount of money to pretty much read me abook that I can read myself. I understand that teachers can help with one on one and such, but there are tutorials on just about anything you can think of on the web.

Instead of learning something over the span of a year or 2, you can learn it in a few days to weeks.

Just my opinion though. Hate to see people in Debt for nothing.

edit on 8-4-2012 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by mayabong
Not knocking what you are doing, but why not just quit and learn it on your own? Especially for this subject.

Why am I gonna pay someone an amazing amount of money to pretty much read me abook that I can read myself. I understand that teachers can help with one on one and such, but there are tutorials on just about anything you can think of on the web.

Instead of learning something over the span of a year or 2, you can learn it in a few days to weeks.

Just my opinion though. Hate to see people in Debt for nothing.

edit on 8-4-2012 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

because sadly, even if you can work miles around others in say fixing cars or fixing pcs or whatever, if you do not have that degree, you will not be hired. they choose to hire degree holders over those who don't have one - even if said person without a degree knows more than the degree holder in the field. I know a few folk who can work circles around degree holders; they know everything, work faster, are impressive to the point you'd swear they have masters; but when it comes to job openings in their knowledge department, they are not hired due to lack of degree. I could train all i want online without school but all jobs mostly want 'bachelors with 5 years experience minimum' to apply.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:54 PM
Paying for going to college is soon a thing of the past. With internet, you can learn all the stuff online, even now. For free. Take quantum physics as an example, Leonard susskind have most of his lectures put on youtube. Why pay for it when you can sit at your computer?

I really like this one.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:57 PM
Tuition is pretty expensive. I spent the better part of 6 years in college. After everything was said and done, it ran me about $80,000. It took me some time, but I paid it off.

I hope this thread doesn’t turn into one of those…..”I shouldn’t have to pay anything because..Blah, blah, blah.

Nothing good in life is free and anything worth having take’s hard work and dedication.

If you want something bad, than do what it takes to obtain it. You knew what you were in for before you jumped on the band wagon, so don’t expect everyone else to pay your way when you can’t make it happen afterwards..

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by sarra1833

Originally posted by mayabong
Not knocking what you are doing, but why not just quit and learn it on your own? Especially for this subject.

Why am I gonna pay someone an amazing amount of money to pretty much read me abook that I can read myself. I understand that teachers can help with one on one and such, but there are tutorials on just about anything you can think of on the web.

Instead of learning something over the span of a year or 2, you can learn it in a few days to weeks.

Just my opinion though. Hate to see people in Debt for nothing.

edit on 8-4-2012 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

because sadly, even if you can work miles around others in say fixing cars or fixing pcs or whatever, if you do not have that degree, you will not be hired. they choose to hire degree holders over those who don't have one - even if said person without a degree knows more than the degree holder in the field. I know a few folk who can work circles around degree holders; they know everything, work faster, are impressive to the point you'd swear they have masters; but when it comes to job openings in their knowledge department, they are not hired due to lack of degree. I could train all i want online without school but all jobs mostly want 'bachelors with 5 years experience minimum' to apply.

I understand that but you can also work freelance and be your own boss these days with this marvelous internet. You can always show companies your portfolio, I've always figured that always goes further than how much school you've taken, but I could be wrong.
edit on 8-4-2012 by mayabong because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Propulsion
Tuition is pretty expensive. I spent the better part of 6 years in college. After everything was said and done, it ran me about $80,000. It took me some time, but I paid it off.

I hope this thread doesn’t turn into one of those…..”I shouldn’t have to pay anything because..Blah, blah, blah.

Nothing good in life is free and anything worth having take’s hard work and dedication.

If you want something bad, than do what it takes to obtain it. You knew what you were in for before you jumped on the band wagon, so don’t expect everyone else to pay your way when you can’t make it happen afterwards..

Nothing good in life is free

I respectfully disagree.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by NeoVain
Why pay for it when you can sit at your computer?

Can I put that on my resume?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:22 PM
Meanwhile in Australia, something like web design/computer related courses will set you back maybe $5000.

Your country is sick.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by CaptainNemo

Originally posted by NeoVain
Why pay for it when you can sit at your computer?

Can I put that on my resume?

I'm sure lots of nuclear power companies would be fine with you working in their control room as long as you have enough hours watching youtube tutorials on nuclear energy.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Unrealised
Meanwhile in Australia, something like web design/computer related courses will set you back maybe $5000.

Your country is sick.

Is your government more or less intertwined with schooling than in the US?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by mayabong

Originally posted by Unrealised
Meanwhile in Australia, something like web design/computer related courses will set you back maybe $5000.

Your country is sick.

Is your government more or less intertwined with schooling than in the US?

Yes and no.

It depends if you're on any sort of Government help-scheme, but even if you're not (i-e you have work), the courses are far and away from the U.S prices.

Most people in Australia, if they go to University, don't work, because it's too much of a hastle, so the Government helps them out by cutting course prices and helping with living expenses.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Unrealised

Originally posted by mayabong

Originally posted by Unrealised
Meanwhile in Australia, something like web design/computer related courses will set you back maybe $5000.

Your country is sick.

Is your government more or less intertwined with schooling than in the US?

Yes and no.

It depends if you're on any sort of Government help-scheme, but even if you're not (i-e you have work), the courses are far and away from the U.S prices.

Most people in Australia, if they go to University, don't work, because it's too much of a hastle, so the Government helps them out by cutting course prices and helping with living expenses.

From what I understand its so high in the US because the government guarantees the loans, therefore giving the colleges free reign to charge what they like cause they know they will get reimbursed. Just the price of books is ridiculous, made me not even want to go to college. lol

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Propulsion

I hope this thread doesn’t turn into one of those…..”I shouldn’t have to pay anything because..Blah, blah, blah.

After talking to a good friend of mine and him explaining how he went to a decent school in southern california in the 60s, he told me his tuition was a little over $100 for room and board per semester. College is big business and it perpetuates debt and feeds the large banks through student loans. So you're basically telling me, in order to pursue something i am great at, i need to basically "buy in" my way into the ladder in on a chance that it will help me sustain myself through my life.

Our system is not self-sustainable and will eventually default in the future because of how it is set up.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

Holy cow! Over 100K for a BA? $2,000 a class? That's insane. At my college, it's around $300 a class, but it is a community college. When I transfer to the university I plan on going to, (University of North TX) for my BA, it's around $1,000 per class. I was always under the impression that Devry wasnt that expensive. Nearly everywhere seems to be upping their tuition nowdays.

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