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SOCIAL: "The Wasted Vote Disease"

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posted on Sep, 25 2004 @ 09:58 AM
The wvd is a big player in how millions of people are going to vote this year.
It's sad to see so many people being duped, brainwashed, and scared.
They don't want to "waste their vote on a third party" but yet they are wasting their vote because they are voting the lessor of two evils.

This syndrome is determining our nation's future. The two parties who invented this disease are still in business because they have people subjected to the idea. If you are not sure who to vote for this year, vote NO VOTE, don't even bother voting the lesser of two evils because they are both evil, and they are both the same.

See this ad here.

[edit on 25-9-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 06:03 PM
I'm with you on this one.
I have voted the "lesser of two evils" for far too long at this point. I have never voted by party lines except for some local "town treasurer" or some such positions(who really cares?)
. Point being that the majority of choices are always R or D.
I'm voting third party this time around. I would likely vote for Bush at this point if I had to but Badnarik has the liberal edge as well as the semi-conservative in a good mix.
The two party system has to come to an end. The "wasted vote syndrome" is only pushing us all closer and closer to a one party system!
I must admit that I find some of Badnarik's positions a bit extreme but then I remember the other two he's running against...
We need a wake up call here in America and the Libertarians are the ones to rouse the "sheeple" and make EVERY CITIZEN start taking personal responsibility for our country and our way of life. I like it.

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 07:37 PM
Yall will soon be deludged by both parties claiming your vote for who you believe in will just result in (fill in the blank) winning the election.

I am still weak and cant sit up long so I will make this short.


Vote your heart and who you believe is the best man for the job, dont buy into this lesser of two evils BS. At least you will be able to look yourself in the mirrior the day after the election and say "I tried MY best"

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 11:51 PM
The biggest proponant of the "Wasted Vote Disease" is those who seek to resolve temporary situations in lieu of long term change.

Typical lines run like this:

"We need Bush out".

"We need to maintain/reduce fill-in-the-blank"

They are ignoring the prime problem in America. That problem begins and ends with the US Federal Government. From there, real and lasting change is possible.

Otherwise, the big two will maintain their stranglehold and keep their coffers full.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:25 AM
Amen and Hallelujia my discontented disillusioned American bretheren!

Thank you folks for serving as a fine example of what it truly means to be a REAL American: voting for who you like best, no matter what affiliation, and to hell with this nonsense of "lesser of two evils"......

The difference between a Democrat and Republican to me is the same as the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Labels and advertising, pure and simple.

Let the revolution to start voting in REAL leaders begin!

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 05:40 PM
I hate how the Republicans and Democrats have to constatly put down the smaller guys. It just so happens the smaller guys have something good to say which is why the two big guys know they can't compete against the real canidates. I'm tired of hearing third parties don't make a difference, and I'm tired of hearing a vote for them is a vote for Bush.

As Skadi the Evil Elf said:

Let the revolution to start voting in REAL leaders begin!

Right On!!!

Edit: Additions to post, typos fixed.

[edit on 9/30/2004 by cyberdude78]

[edit on 9/30/2004 by cyberdude78]

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 10:48 AM
Good point there. Just because they are smaller parties, doesnt mean they are just as contributing. They are only small because people wont back them. This ideas of being brainwashed are interesting, cos its something that occurs all over the world when it comes to politics, yet the people never see it, until its to late.

Additionally, with this WVD, its something that shouldnt occur. Voting gives us a say in what is going on ( well meant to ) and for this belief many people gave there lifes, until we live in the world today. Each person can make a difference and should attemptively voice his/hers opionion.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
Yall will soon be deludged by both parties claiming your vote for who you believe in will just result in (fill in the blank) winning the election.

I am still weak and cant sit up long so I will make this short.


Vote your heart and who you believe is the best man for the job, dont buy into this lesser of two evils BS. At least you will be able to look yourself in the mirrior the day after the election and say "I tried MY best"

Hey , havent been arround much latly.. hope your feeling better.

I understand the wish for greater than the 2 party. The innate problem (as I have said in other places) is that our current system does not support the reality of anything greater than a two party system. I don't think that this is right, but I acknolage that it is true. If all the votes were used for something other than a single party victory and enevitable monopoly of the house and likly the senate then the multi party would be viable. If for example the percentage of votes for any particular party translated directly to a percentage of members in the Senate and House then, yes, absolutly a Multi-party system would work.

I would love to see something like that happen. Then again I would love to see Bush be able to correctly pronounce the work Nuclear.. but it is not going to hapen anytime soon.

Here is a question for everyone. you are obviously against a 2 party system.. how many parties would be too many parties? 5.. 20? 50? one for each state?


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 12:51 AM
No amount of parties would be too many, but even in a completely open system I think that the inherant nature of society would limit them.

Personally, I would like to see as much diversity as possible. If the office holders know they have a 50+% chance of winning and have been in office 20+ years, they will not work as hard and will have further financial ties with business than a new guy with a 20% chance in winning.

We need to cap public office terms. This is just an example.

1 term on the federal level
1 term on the state level
2 terms on the local level.

This will create a pipeline from local government for fresh folks with "downhome" (for lack of a better word) ties from the not to distant past.

We need new life to survive, and the reason it is not popular, is that people would rather turn a blind eye and ride as comfortably as possible til the end than to risk any of the security they have for lasting change.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
No amount of parties would be too many, but even in a completely open system I think that the inherant nature of society would limit them.

Personally, I would like to see as much diversity as possible. If the office holders know they have a 50+% chance of winning and have been in office 20+ years, they will not work as hard and will have further financial ties with business than a new guy with a 20% chance in winning.

We need to cap public office terms. This is just an example.

1 term on the federal level
1 term on the state level
2 terms on the local level.

This will create a pipeline from local government for fresh folks with "downhome" (for lack of a better word) ties from the not to distant past.

We need new life to survive, and the reason it is not popular, is that people would rather turn a blind eye and ride as comfortably as possible til the end than to risk any of the security they have for lasting change.

An intersing idea.. however what kind of effectively free and just system would we have if say there were 50 parties.. one fore each state. Due tot he inherant tendencies of man each state will simply vote for their own candidate bacasue they woudl feel that their state party would have them in mind. This would result in an almost default win for the most populace state.


posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by wraith30
An intersing idea.. however what kind of effectively free and just system would we have if say there were 50 parties.. one fore each state. Due tot he inherant tendencies of man each state will simply vote for their own candidate bacasue they woudl feel that their state party would have them in mind. This would result in an almost default win for the most populace state.

I don't think people are that dumb. The residents of 49 other states know that if they voted for their individual state candidates California would win hands down every time. I understand the point you're making, but the example doesn't work.

A few clear cut leaders will always rise to the top. Look at elections in Democratic nations around the world to see that.

While the current system in the US is a two-party system, does it have to always be? The current system favors corporate interests over the good of the people. I sure hope not.

Ross Perot made great leaps toward ending the two-party system in 1992, but the Reform Party was subsequently run very poorly, losing all that ground.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by PistolPete

I don't think people are that dumb. The residents of 49 other states know that if they voted for their individual state candidates California would win hands down every time. I understand the point you're making, but the example doesn't work.

A few clear cut leaders will always rise to the top. Look at elections in Democratic nations around the world to see that.

While the current system in the US is a two-party system, does it have to always be? The current system favors corporate interests over the good of the people. I sure hope not.

Ross Perot made great leaps toward ending the two-party system in 1992, but the Reform Party was subsequently run very poorly, losing all that ground.

See, thats the problem.. I think people are in fact that dumb. Not a plesent thought, but to be compleatly honest the majority of people in our country are either unwilling or simply unable to produce a well informed insightfull thought of their own.

"A few Clear cut leaders will always raise tot he top." Your right and that is precicely what has happened to turn our nation into a 2 party system. So the real question is what is it about our system that nurchers a black or white choise? The answer to that is the method used to place our House of reps and Senate, not the presidential race. Change the method of seating the senate and the third parties will grow in popularity and then they will have a greater voice to challange the presidential elleciton.


posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 12:20 PM
I'll agree with you there. The problem can only get worse though, and the rest of the world will follow suit eventually. The overprocessing of everything to get people to not only buy their products, but to keep buying them is spreading. Our culture and products are taking over the world much more effectively than our politics.

Overindulgance leads to stupidity, not only physically but mentally. We are by far one of the most unhealthy countries and that is not doing anything for the cognative capacity of our people. Couple that with a failing education system and you have what we are seeing today.

To further the problem, the bulk of information we intercept is either advertisements or junk in the form of Access Hollywood, Celebrity Justice, and the other disinformation puchers.

We are a nation educated by our consumer culture.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 01:03 PM
I was once a sufferer of the wasted vote disease...but then I found ATS...*bursts into tears*

Seriosuly though...I was determined to vote Kerry a few months ago b/c I knew that if I voted for any other third party candidate, my vote would be wasted...all I knew was that Bush must go...then I got to thinking about things...I don't agree with everything Kerry stands for, and most of all, I despise the two party I decided that regardless of whether my vote goes to ousting Bush or not this election year, I know that I'll add one vote to the third party voters, and just maybe a few more people will make that choice, and our voices will be heard...

So I'm voting for Badnarik...I'm now a registered Libertarian, and that feels a whole hell of a lot better and honest then I've ever felt before, politically speaking...

[edit on 10/4/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
So I'm voting for Badnarik...I'm now a registered Libertarian, and that feels a whole hell of a lot better and honest then I've ever felt before, politically speaking...

[edit on 10/4/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

That sums it up for me.

I could not be honest with myself and vote any other way than Libertarian.

Its bad to lie to others but its worse to lie to your self and choose by who you think will screw you the least

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 02:02 PM
Yes, I'm wasting my vote this year. I have to be honest
with myself and vote my conscience rather than for
political expediency. I get a sick feeling when I go
past houses with Kerry or Bush signs planted in them.
It really is interesting that if all the voting age people
who usually don't vote were to waste thier votes on a
third party candidate, that candidate would win the
popular vote! Perhaps we need mandatoryvoting in the
US. That seems right since we have mandatory taxes.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 02:27 PM
Joining a political party ( Enron, dude, sad to see you go!
) is the real waste to be mindful of.
If the measure of the man after consideration of all salient points is leading you to a vote...AMEN.
Voting any party because it's not the other ones? Just as wasteful.
On trial is intelligence, or the lack there of. Voting 'in opposition to ' as a sole factor is not the right way.
Though they've decried the Dems along with the GOP, I don't think enough Libertarians have been honest with themselves and gleaned away whether their vote is a protest of or an endorsement for.
Just don't join a party.

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Voting 'in opposition to ' as a sole factor is not the right way.
Though they've decried the Dems along with the GOP, I don't think enough Libertarians have been honest with themselves and gleaned away whether their vote is a protest of or an endorsement for.
Just don't join a party.

I am voting FOR the Libertarians not against the other two.

I honestly believe in their stand on 99% of the issues.

I must admit I have mopre respect for someone who votes Dem or Rep because they BELIEVE in what they say than those who are voting "the lesser of two evils"

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
I am voting FOR the Libertarians not against the other two.

I honestly believe in their stand on 99% of the issues.

I must admit I have mopre respect for someone who votes Dem or Rep because they BELIEVE in what they say than those who are voting "the lesser of two evils"

I definatly plan on foting for Kerry because I like alot of what he plans to do. The fact that he is not Bush is just a bonus. I admit that at first I didnt much care for Kerry and liked Dean. But the more I looked into him and his history I found that I suport him.

I do have question for some third party voters.. how many of you are voting for a third party for the soal reason of hating the 2 party system? I know a number who are doing jsut that. Wouldent you say that is just as bad as voting for the lesser of two?


Ps Lobo is awsome!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by EnronOutrunHomerun
I know that I'll add one vote to the third party voters, and just maybe a few more people will make that choice, and our voices will be heard...
So I'm voting for Badnarik...I'm now a registered Libertarian, and that feels a whole hell of a lot better and honest then I've ever felt before, politically speaking...

Oh my gosh!! Do you know how much happiness just bubbled inside of me when I read that??!! WOOHOO! Excellent choice EOH! I just got back from dispersing 500 brochures in the mail for the Badnarik campagin, the new brochures are much more intriguing and really grabs your attention. I saw one guy pull it off his box and he literally stood there reading it for 5 mins... I hope too people will register to vote lp... Again congrats and keep on fighting the good fight!

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