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SOFEX: The Business of War - Full Length

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posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Vice made an interesting documentary on SOFEX. Which is like a car show for weapons. Multinational corporations pretty much go there and hawk weapons to generals/countries.

The Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX) is a special operations and homeland security event that is held every two years at the King Abdullah I airbase in Marka, Jordan. The specialized event is held under the patronage of King Abdullah II, the supervision of HRH Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein and is fully supported by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF)

I’ve been to hundreds of depressing media trade shows, and SOFEX’s salespeople are no different from the rest, except that their wares are designed to destroy things and kill people. I witnessed representatives from almost every nation spending millions of dollars on heavy munitions; I was wondering if the transactions were padded by foreign aid from the US and other countries. I heard high-ranking soldiers say things like, “When I retire I’m going to be on the other side of the table—ha ha ha ha.” What this means is that it’s not uncommon for generals with government-controlled salaries around $100,000 a year to spend the twilight of their careers purchasing billions worth of munitions from arms companies who, in turn, offer these same senior officers state-side “consulting” gigs with multimillion-dollar salaries. It’s blatant payola, the whole thing so corrupt it borders on absurd. Absurdity, as it turned out, was a running theme of the conference.

I think it makes an interesting watch

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:16 AM
Seriously? Anyone gonna watch this? It is good and entertaining at the same time.

I know its not from a right wing source but that REALLY doesn't matter.
edit on 8-4-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 10:34 AM
Pretty cool stuff !

And now we can actually see that arms trading is truly an international business.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

lol well thanks for being the 1 person to reply

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:25 AM
You guys would make a thread about a mcdonalds cat toy have reptilan eyes 5 pages over this? Something is wrong with this forum

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:09 PM
I agree man. This place is messed up just like the rest of the world. People just pretend they're awake and somehow different than the masses, but really they're just looking for the next sensational thing to keep them entertained for another day. Wash, rinse, repeat. It never actually goes anywhere or leads to any action.

I had this tab opened for a while before i had a chance to check it out. I tend to open more tabs than I have time for. Too many things going on in the world today. Perhaps you should have had a title like "Reptilian gathering aimed at weapons trade" or "Reptilian-controlled military weapons expo". Or maybe since there was no YouTube link or embedded video, people just passed it by. Hard to say, my man. Just remember to spread info beyond ATS. Way beyond it... Get a yahoo answers account and ask a question like "Is this insane corruption in your opinion?" And post the video with a brief explanation. That's just one idea but I'm sure you can think of others, and you can get at least a few more people to watch it, and they might show it to other people, and so on... I got the video bookmarked for quick access when I find an open and interested mind during my travels


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