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I called my local Supermarkets and said "NO GMO!" Occupy the Supermarket!

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posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by justsaying
You are going about this all wrong. The supermarket store doesn't decide itself if they are going to sell GMO foods or produce. That decision is of the buyer who purchases for the chain. If you want to protest this, contact the administrative offices of the grocery chain and find out who their produce buyer is. THAT is the person who needs to hear your protest. Your local grocery store personnel are just people trying to earn a living like the rest of us and it's not them that decides what is sold....justsaying

Justsayin: Let the grocery personnel who we yell at should call. Why get wrapped up in bureaucracy? That's the whole problem! We can't just fix things as they break-no we have to ask 400 suits if it's okay to change, half of them don't agree so they have to ask the main suits, who ask the top suits, who make a phone call to the owner, who will let them know, while we wait, and complain, and time goes on...

Awareness. Tell everyone you know about the situation, and the easy solution to end it.

Just don't look. Just don't look.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by JanAmosComenius

Originally posted by CloonBerg
You need to state what your definition of a GMO product is. As a couple posters have already pointed out, man has been modifying food for thousands of years through selective breeding and hybridization for desired phenotypes. This selective breeding process is NOT natural, and therefore can be classified as a "modification".

Organic food is not equivalent to a non genetically modified organism.

I think that most people that want non-GMO products are actually saying they want products that have not been genetically altered in a lab through gene splicing from other animals or species.

I must stress that IF THAT IS THE CASE, please make it clear especially when it comes to writing bills and laws! Many bills are simply thrown aside because they are vague or "unreasonable". I promise you, Monsanto and like companies will point out that it is unreasonable to ban or label GMO products, because almost everything, including organic products, are genetically modified in one way or another.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with genetically modifying products to make them bigger, tastier, and easier to grow. It is essentially what mankind has been doing for thousands of years, but faster, more specific, and with modern technology. However, I do believe that the industry of genetically altering crops and other foods should be heavily monitored and regulated. I am not going to sit here and pretend that it hasn't had its bad consequences. If it is done right, it should not be a problem.

The rage against GMO will be 1/10 of current small amount if:
1. there will be possibility to support/not-support GMO by consumers (labeling)
2. farmers will not be prosecuted because theirs crop was pollinated by patented gene sequence
3. GMO currently produced will not harm rests of "natural" genofond (vis point 2) - if it is possible to create "terminator seeds", then it must be possible to create variety which will not f...k with anything else then own variety. This is clearly not intention of GM business, otherwise they will not be able to destroy small farmers via court.
4. varieties of GM crops really works. See cotton in India, rootworm in USA, superweeds resistent to glyphosate.
5. some techniques used by GM industry - namely use of glyphosate - were not directly harming humans and envirnment
6. uneducated farmers in third world will not be forced by criminal conspiracy of corporate executives and corrupted government officials to accept patented seeds

I think that ordinary people tend to embrace development in almost any scientific realm. It is flow in GM industry why so many people reject modern GM technology. It is not because people "hate GM without reason", people hate current GM industry. It is same reason why people hate banksters! Both are greedy bastards without responsibility but big influence on national and international scale.

When I first learned about GM I was amazed. The idea is brilliant and yes - now we have technology to fulfill this idea. But practice and results are HORRIBLE.

You summed it up entirely! We aren't against GMO. No. We are against the way it is being handled right now. Perhaps in the future we will be able to make it safer, but right now these companies are destroying farming. Farming is now a commercial feat of man, no a nature given right.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 11:50 AM
OK, I found the video that you mentioned Food Inc.

(Sorry I don't have any links but it's out there.)

Our family has already been cautious at the market and now, even more, after today.

If you can ignore some of the (other) agenda pushing (Global Warming, Bruce Springsteen and other crap)

The catch phrase [color=#00BFFF]It's for the children has been changed... [color=#55FF7F]It's for the Earth

The documentary is a very good presentation, although it should be rated for those with weak stomachs.

I strongly encourage viewing... for what it's worth.

Thanks for the OP. My wife and I always talk as we are shopping. Stopping to read labels intently.

Yes, other notice, especially when we talk loud enough for other meek people to over hear...

"What is MSG?" or toss a Campbell soup can back saying "I'm not going to read that long list of ingredients!"

Possibilities and results vary. I really try hard not to cuss at the labels!

edit on 4·6·12 by DrMattMaddix because: ... Colorizing

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I use a website that delivers non-gmo food right to my door once a week. On my bill it tells me how far my food travels, and what farm so basically in the last few months I've eliminated like 90% of purchases from stores who sell gmo products.

The only way to beat them in a civilized way is to just not buy or shop where this crap is sold, its plain and simple.Every day is seems more people are realizing its better to eat natural non gmo foods and everyone wins even the environment. As far as conspiracy theories or whatever this one is real to me and its the one cause I am actively fighting with the power of pruchase.

You can look at that list and say OMG I cant avoid all those brands they are everywhere! I honestly thought that when I learned this info a while back but after doing about 15 minutes of research I learned of many brands and places to fill the fridge with much better tasting and quality foods. I am a bargain hunter so I always try to look for the best deals possible and with smart shopping you can do it cost efficient.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
I called my local supermarket and told them I want more NON GMO products. I will not shop at their store if they don't provide. Then I called another and another.

Why is Monsanto allowed to make laws in congress that says we can't even grow our own food? WHY?! So they can become a food monopoly? If you don't use their seeds you can lose everything, and they have poisoned people in the process? They don't even know the effects of GMO on humans (yes we do but they don't believe scientists who don't work at their facility).

Just like the farmer in the movie Food Inc. he said let the market know what you want and businesses will provide. Right now they seem to think we all love fast food, and that is where the money is...

Call your supermarket ask for NON GMO-Do something! We can't watch this play out. This isn't a conspiracy, yet they are treating it like one. Please help us all help each other!

Will do. Good call. I'm going to call all of the grocery stores I go once a month and urge others to do the same.

This is bulls&%t and I've had enough.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Slickinfinity
I use a website that delivers non-gmo food right to my door once a week. On my bill it tells me how far my food travels, and what farm so basically in the last few months I've eliminated like 90% of purchases from stores who sell gmo products.

The only way to beat them in a civilized way is to just not buy or shop where this crap is sold, its plain and simple.Every day is seems more people are realizing its better to eat natural non gmo foods and everyone wins even the environment. As far as conspiracy theories or whatever this one is real to me and its the one cause I am actively fighting with the power of pruchase.

You can look at that list and say OMG I cant avoid all those brands they are everywhere! I honestly thought that when I learned this info a while back but after doing about 15 minutes of research I learned of many brands and places to fill the fridge with much better tasting and quality foods. I am a bargain hunter so I always try to look for the best deals possible and with smart shopping you can do it cost efficient.

Agreed. The only way to beat them in a "civilized" way is to alter my purchasing habits. Fortunately...I have not ever claimed to be "civilized".

In fact...I have been accused of being downright feral. LOL

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:37 PM

You summed it up entirely! We aren't against GMO. No. We are against the way it is being handled right now. Perhaps in the future we will be able to make it safer, but right now these companies are destroying farming. Farming is now a commercial feat of man, no a nature given right.

Personally...I find the idea that you can patent a self-replicating gene to be absurd. When the patent office was first established, it was made very, very, clear that an individual cannot patent what were referred to as "natural laws".

In other words, an individual couldn't go ahead and get a patent on something like gravity or the number pi and then purport to control the rights to such a thing.

Think about this...if Monsanto can patent a specific sequencing of amino acid-chains which they have artificially inserted into something like corn or soybeans and then essentially declare it to their "property"...what's to stop them from doing the same to animal species?

The idea of "designer babies" has been circulating in science fiction for a long, long time...but the capability draws ever-closer. is perpetually accelerating. The advances of the last 100 years will look like child play compared to the next 100 years, barring a complete breakdown of society for one reason or another.

So...let's say Monsanto develops a patent on a more "disease-free" person? Does Monsanto have a partial claim to "ownership" that human being given that the human in question contains "proprietary" technology? If the artificially created genetic traits are dominant and are normally passed down to 9:10 offspring...does Monsanto begin to have a de facto stake in this entire family lineage?

This is utter nonsense.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by samlf3rd

Originally posted by justsaying
You are going about this all wrong. The supermarket store doesn't decide itself if they are going to sell GMO foods or produce. That decision is of the buyer who purchases for the chain. If you want to protest this, contact the administrative offices of the grocery chain and find out who their produce buyer is. THAT is the person who needs to hear your protest. Your local grocery store personnel are just people trying to earn a living like the rest of us and it's not them that decides what is sold....justsaying

Justsayin: Let the grocery personnel who we yell at should call. Why get wrapped up in bureaucracy? That's the whole problem! We can't just fix things as they break-no we have to ask 400 suits if it's okay to change, half of them don't agree so they have to ask the main suits, who ask the top suits, who make a phone call to the owner, who will let them know, while we wait, and complain, and time goes on...

Awareness. Tell everyone you know about the situation, and the easy solution to end it.

Just don't look. Just don't look.

Why not do both? I'm not above bitching to the local store managers/asst. manager as well as the regional and corporate HQ's.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by showintail
How do I know which foods are non gmo.?

My husband is diabetic, what can he use for sweetner?

I need the answers in a way I understand, as do tons of people
telling me watch out for xyz in ingredients, and so forth.

Its hard to read ingredients with 4 Kids in tow, what brands are safe?

Is there a thread with easy to read and comprehend info?
A website?

Sweetener is easy. There are two products which come to mind in a BIG way.

1. Stevia: It's a 100% natural extract from flowers which contains ZERO gluconates, saccharids, carbohydrates, or calories. It looks more or less just like sugar, tastes just like sugar, and mixes at the SAME RATIO'S as sugar when cooking/baking. There are a TON of brands out there...but we use "Sweet Leaf" brand. It's usually found in the baking aisle, by the coffee flavorings/sweeteners, or in the organic aisle(s) of most grocery stores. Sometimes it's in all three. Just look at the label and make sure it's not a "knock-off" product that is still mostly chemicals.

2. Agave Nectar- Comes straight out of the Agave cactus. If memory serves this does have a very, very, low amount of sugars in it...but far less than ANYTHING like sugar, honey, etc. It barely registers on the glycemic index. You can find this in most of the same places. It is a liquid...and has a consistency sort of like honey. You might have to try a couple different kinds to find one you like as it comes it a variety of "dark amber" or "light" colorations. Again...much like honey. Personally, we like the lighter varieties...but some people are just the opposite.

We switched about four years ago and are remarkably thinner, healthier, and happier because of it.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

Dont forget Xylitol which is really good imo.
edit on 6-4-2012 by Slickinfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
Oh seriously people. GMO's have been around for thousands of years. Every fruit you have ever eaten has been genetically modified either by farmers or scientists.


This is a wild banana.

This is the banana we all we know and love. We have been "genetically modifying" it for hundreds of years.

In my opinion, Monsanto is just skipping that "waiting" part and gets directly to the results.

Though, I will admit the way they conduct business seems a bit shady.

edit on 5-4-2012 by TsukiLunar because: (no reason given)

That is a ridiculous comparison. To compare Monsanto's GMO 'foods' to plants that are naturally or intentionally cross pollinated is asinine. Cross breeding tomatoes from different regions to grow more efficiently is completely different than genetically modifying corn to contain 1,000 times the amount of BT toxin than what it has naturally. Farmers cross breeding plants via pollination is totally different than how Monsanto makes GMO's in a lab. Crops designed to be soaked in RoundUp poison and thrive is not relative to what occurs naturally. It's like saying a plant that catches pollen from another plant and cross breeds is therefore GMO. Technically, yes, but it's abuse of the term to lose it's meaning. GMO's are foods modified in a lab, not modified through pollination, big difference and are not even close to being the same thing.
edit on 6-4-2012 by Merlin Lawndart because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by milominderbinder

So...let's say Monsanto develops a patent on a more "disease-free" person? Does Monsanto have a partial claim to "ownership" that human being given that the human in question contains "proprietary" technology? If the artificially created genetic traits are dominant and are normally passed down to 9:10 offspring...does Monsanto begin to have a de facto stake in this entire family lineage?

This is utter nonsense.

I did not go so far with my thinking. It is valuable argument. In fact it is brilliant argument.

posted on Apr, 6 2012 @ 01:52 PM

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edit on April 6th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

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