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The big secret is.....

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posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 09:01 AM
I am beginning to think that XXX777 is wrong in thinking that there are 6 larger steps containing 6 smaller steps.

The reference to Blavatsky and seven locks with seven keys turned seven times is valid. I think Blavatsky is talking about a weekly system definitely. Seven times makes me think of a week of seven days (times). The strange media events aligning with XXX777's weekly count is too incredible to ignore. The way those news stories are timed can't be merely coincidental. The Elizabeth Smart story is amazing all by itself. When you use a forty week count you will definitely notice that other news stories align with the fortieth week as well. The stock charts also align with theses theories of XXX777. The big issue is the lack of understanding the greater cycle at work.

I am beginning to believe that there might be 7 greater steps made up of the six archetypal steps that XXX777 has told us about. The Bible story of six days of creation and a seventh day of rest is something I find to be eye opening. These old stories are not told for no reason. There is something very deep hidden inside it all.

If there are 7 greater steps (or locks) that have 7 keys to their zig-zagging movements, and those keys are weekly keys then we could actually have 7 locks and 7 keys turned 7 times.

Another thing I find absolutely fascinating is that there is no mention of this sort of conspiracy to control the economy on any late night radio show or internet conspiracy website that gets mainstream attention. It is truly as if the secret money system is just not being talked about. This might in fact be the true secret of the secret societies.

If so, then I am thinking that the current time as quoted by XXX777 is off by one greater step. The Elizabeth Smart media event would be the gestation event or sixth lesser step. At the end of that step, the system would start again at lesser step one and the greater step would increment to seven. XXX777 has been talking about the Elizabeth Smart event being the end of the entire system and that the count has started over again at greater step one, lesser step one and weekly step one. Perhaps the entire system was only ready to roll over into greater step seven, the day of God's rest. That would mean that what XXX777 was calling 1-1-1, or (arche)TYPE 1 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 1 might in fact be TYPE 7 - ROUND 1 - WEEK 1. The stock markets experienced a giant movement upwards from early 2003 to late 2007 as the final TYPE 7 praise to the Creator.

If you have been following this thread then you know that this week is what XXX777 calls 3-4-24. The prediction of a major turning point at 3-4-20 did not come true. I think this current time is in fact 2-4-24! That would be the second, or feminine, or Great Mother archetype. That is why we are seeing the ISIS story in the news. Only this time the Great Mother is not a loving mother, but a wicked destroying mother. I do not know when the turning point will arrive, but I do see the Dow Jones index has broken out to all-time new highs. The S&P500 index has also broken out to all-time new highs. The NASDAQ index is fast approaching its all-time high and maybe that is the point of failure in some type of mega double top formation? Who knows? Go back and think about what XXX777 has written in regards to the news stories of interest and think about the archetypal significance of these stories when you turn back the greater step count by one. The post-Elizabeth Smart bull market of 2003 to 2007 becomes the honoring of the Creator on the seventh day. Then the new week starts and on day one the crash of 2008 becomes the darkness in the Beginning. Eventually after 72 weeks the markets bottom and begin to rise up again. The controlled economic Creation plays out as XXX777 states with news stories aligning with the 40-week cycle and key weeks in between.

If this is correct, then we are currently in 2-4-24, TYPE 2 - ROUND 4 - WEEK 24. That would be the second archetype of the Great Mother, the fourth archetype of the Birth of the Hero, and the twenty-fourth week. The turning point that XXX777 speaks about will not arrive until 3-4-20 which is quite a ways in the future. We would need to complete...

16 more weeks of Type 2 - Round 4 +
40 more weeks of Type 2 - Round 5 +
40 more weeks of Type 2 - Round 6 +
40 more weeks of Type 3 - Round 1 +
40 more weeks of Type 3 - Round 2 +
40 more weeks of Type 3 - Round 3 +
20 weeks into Type 3 - Round 4 or a total of 236 weeks into the future or the week of Sunday, September 1, 2019.

I don't know about you, but I am definitely going to be marking my calendar and returning to this ATS thread to see how it all plays out.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:59 PM
Looks like maybe week 23 was the highest closing for the DJIA. We can only watch and see what happens.

An old story tells about Caesar being stabbed 23 times.

23 letters in the Hebrew alphabet tell the entire story.

Maybe the questing men were looking for the name of God and it can not be found. In time all will perish.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 03:04 PM
A quick assessment of the situation:

Today is Friday, April 3, 2015. Stock market regular session was closed today for Good Friday holiday. Easter is a religious (occult mystery) event. Overnight stock futures session walked sideways until plunging near the end of the session.

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 we will start the 30th week of the weekly cycle of 40. Blavatsky explicitly calls the 30th week of gestation the point of Viability. The idea is that the baby is strong enough after 30 weeks to survive outside the body if it were to be removed (naturally or purposely?) at this point. This is creepy old science. Who was monitoring and testing(!) this idea. How does it relate to a zig-zagging stock market that inherently moves ever upward?

We know that matter condenses, or slows, we say falls into being. A baby moves downward to enter into the light. Has the controlled economy reached a point at which is can fall and survive?

The 40th week of the cycle count is going to strangely enough align with the Summer Solstice this year. I think this is going to be a nice opportunity to communicate something in the news.

Remember that XXX777 is thinking we are in Week 29 of Lesser count 4 and Greater count 3. That is 3-4-29.
I am thinking that we are in fact in 2-4-29, the Greater count 2 (the Great Mother, or Isis imagery). The 4th Lesser count is The Birth Of The Hero so the Viability idea is very timely here.

We can observe and learn. I notice that the thread is rather inactive. This is difficult work. No doubt this is difficult and requires diligence. Let's just watch this thing and see what happens. I really have no guesses at this moment.

Do the star chart watchers have any information about next week (30) and the Summer Solstice time (40)? The actual 40th week runs from Sunday, June 14 to Saturday June 20.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 03:53 PM
You already have one anomaly in the theory... time to start modifying it.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: theCheddar

You make me think. I do some more research. I have cobbled together some internet stuff....

* In the Northern Hemisphere, the sunrise is farthest north on June 21, the Summer Solstice

* longest day, strongest sunlight

* Sun passes through the Gate of Men in Cancer, reverses course and moves toward the south

* Sun's path in the sky is now descending

* the "descent into generation" into re-birth, by the tropical gate of Cancer

* light decreases, darkness increases

source for this stuff is a very nice PDF file you can go read at the Vermont Lodge of Research site.

This Solstice Gateway discussion made me think about the upcoming Summer Solstice that so amazingly aligns with the 40-week cycle we are discussing here. The previous 40th week (or ''gateway'' week) showed us the story of Holly Bobo's skull. So I go looking again at the skull symbol. It is not just a death symbol. Apparently it is a symbol of the transience of the material world, and is used in initiation rituals as a symbol of rebirth. Go read about it here at this interesting symbol site.

So the skull clue is pointing us to this year's Summer Solstice, eh? The previous 40th week has given us a hint of what is going to happen in the next 40 weeks. That being a journey to the rebirth and the descent. So far the Dow market top is the 23rd week. This is the 30th week. If this plays out, then the 23rd week would be the ''key'' week for this 40-week cycle, which hides the turning point at the top. If so, then we are already seven weeks into the major downturn. Remember how the market bottomed in 2002 during the 18th week (quickening) of the Elizabeth Smart event? That was the hidden bottom and reversal of the downturn that was occurring at that time in what would be Type 6 - Round 6, or if you like Greater Count 6 & Lesser Count 6. This time we are in right now may be keyed by the 23rd week in Type 2 - Round 4. I am certainly intrigued by the possibility of number 23 symbolism.

Keep watching the news and thinking about the possible connections.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 08:18 AM
The Big secret is that they are real, they do exist and they have been pulling everything since the days of Assyria!

The newton Project - there are several different encodings in these texts - one for normal folk another thats near impossibile to decode but should you succeed answers will be given! Good Luck

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 03:49 PM
I just now remembered the Trayvon Martin shooting took place in a previous 30th week.
Now the media is highlighting another shooting this 30th week.
I'm pretty sure people are getting shot every day. There are probably several shootings to choose from every day if you wanted to run a news story about it.

It is definitely noteworthy that we are seeing another shooting story this week. It fits the narrative on several different levels actually.

After today's trading activity I am expecting a big surge in the Dow tomorrow. A new daily high and weekly high would set the stage for the bull market top. The trend may very well be finished tomorrow.

Like the Elizabeth Smart 18th week Quickening was the bottom of the market in 2002, this could be the top of the market keyed by the 30th week. Back in 2009 the bottom was keyed by the 32nd week, the number that would bring to mind the Widow's Son in Greater Step 1, Lesser Step 2 (the Great Mother). So this would give us 3 keys so far being the 6th key 18, the 4th key 30, and the 2nd key 32.

I can't believe some of you Freemasons don't know this.

posted on Apr, 9 2015 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: XXX777
Don't be fooled by the neo-Communist NASDAQ or the other stock indexes. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is the one to watch.

How do you determine which stock index to look at?

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

A very timely piece of news.
Memorial service on Sunday for Holly Bobo

Somewhere back in the thread it was posted that the Dow index started with 12 companies and now has 30 companies. This is 12 for the steps of the hero and 30 for the silver coins paid to Judas.

posted on Apr, 18 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: Generation9

Friday Dow stock market closed down near the year's opening price. So far this year we have made a round trip up and down and up and down.

The picture here shows a blue line from the previous week 40 to the close of week 30. This runs from the Holly Bobo skull news in 40 up to the Holly Bobo memorial. Week 15 Ascension, Week 23 highest Dow weekly close, Week 30 Viability. All this is happening in the 4th round Birth Of The Hero. It is a Christ passion story from 12 to 15, an assassination or conclusion at 23, and a point of viability at 30 from which the Hero can fall into regeneration.

Friday strangeness includes widespread rumor of Greek default, Chinese ban on OTC margin trade and Bloomberg terminal outage. Art Cashin explains at this link

posted on Apr, 18 2015 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Generation9

It was expirations day and the futures market which drives the Dow often gets out of phase.
Usually the dream team comes in and does some temporary window dressing?

posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: Generation9
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

A very timely piece of news.
Memorial service on Sunday for Holly Bobo

Somewhere back in the thread it was posted that the Dow index started with 12 companies and now has 30 companies. This is 12 for the steps of the hero and 30 for the silver coins paid to Judas.

Thanks for replying! I noticed that I was replying to a 3 year old post and didnt expect any answer.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 03:24 PM
This is frustrating.

Week 32 ends higher than week 30 (on the Dow Jones Industrial Average chart).

So far, the Dow has topped in week 23 (a number that brings to mind the Tropic of Cancer) so we may be seeing a market that reaches as far as it can in week 23 and gradually declines from there.

Week 32 could be significant for some reason. It may be a line in the sand. It can be seen as the fourth daily lower high since the Dow peaked on March 2, 2015. However, this system is not a daily system. It is a weekly system. So on the weekly Dow chart this week 32 can be seen as the third lower high.

We are on a journey to the Summer Solstice. The 23rd week may be the point of the "skull" in the sense that 23 represents the Tropic line or the peak of the Sun's journey.

We can only watch it unfold.

The following chart came to my attention today....

You can see that money has drained out of the stock market since the beginning of the year. It does appear as if the biggest players (or controllers) are positioning for a major sustained downturn. The public media in general is all bullish. The NASDAQ has actually reached a record high.

We'll see.....

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 03:33 PM
That 23rd week is the key. I am hopeful. It is no coincidence that the all time Dow top occurred in the 23rd week. The Dow saw higher days, but ultimately by week's end the closing price would fall below the closing price of the 23rd week. That is the top and the key to the "Birth of the Hero". The "rebirth" and the skull symbol. This cycle aligns with the Summer Solstice just as week 40 ends and the Sun tops at the Tropic of Cancer (roughly 23 latitude).

So we have keys of 18, 32, and 23.

I feel like 30 will play a role in some future cycle. We still have the potential of Kyron Horman news in the future also. Keep watching for high profile missing person cases. Watch for war also. The next 40 weeks after the Summer Solstice is a time of fighting. It will be the 5th round of Slaying the Dragon.

Remember in the Bible there is a story about God making the Sun "stand" still while his people defeated their enemy? I knew you would.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:15 PM
I don't see any news of importance today.
Tomorrow starts Week 33 (Sunday, April 26, 2015).
You can read all day about the number 33.
I expect a major down move next week. Something that really paints the picture nicely on the chart. I have no idea what could happen, but I absolutely expect the stock market to accelerate to the downside.

posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 03:17 PM
Wednesday, April 29, 2015, cycle research week 33 king kill

pool of mercury

Iranian aggression in Strait of Hormuz

high profile missing child Etan Patz case deadlocked

Federal Reserve vaguely mumbles

former head of world's most gigantic "bond fund" Fed chair Ben Bernanke to advise barely enormous bond fund Pimco

stocks sell off slightly to take the Dow weekly chart negative and still below Week 23...

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 03:44 PM
The hanging man candlestick tends to display sellers in control. The idea is that sellers have tricked buyers. These candlestick chart ideas are... well.... you take 'em with a grain of salt.

Week 33 ends with a hanging man candlestick. Not the daily chart. The weekly chart.

The blue arrow shows the highest weekly closing price back at Week 23. You can see a previous example of a hanging man back at Week 17. It was followed by a few weeks of downward action. Ultimately though it was not time for the uptrend to end. That would occur at Week 23. That is the solar maximum idea (23.5) in this 40-week period that ends at the summer solstice.

I think a hanging man is appropriate in Week 33. He we go with another exciting edge of the seat market moment. Week 34 is starting. Watch closely....

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 05:11 AM
Another picture of the unfolding universe....

This is how the DJIA looks after closing at 18,191.11 on Friday, May 8, 2015 in Week 34. The cycle count here is 2-4-34.

I have drawn blue boxes around Week 23 and Week 24. The closing price on Friday of Week 23 was 18,140.44 and that was the highest Daily closing price as well as the highest Weekly closing price at that time. Three trading days later on Wednesday of Week 24 the Dow would achieve its highest intraday price and highest closing price. Those were record high trading and closing prices at the 23.5 mark. I have drawn a yellow band to display the trading range of that day. The 24th Week would ultimately close lower than the 23rd Week. Again three trading days later on a Monday the turning point would become apparent as the Dow closed at 18,288.63 which marked its highest level ever. The high of the day was the close of the day. The following day would even gap down on the market opening as the Dow was not to trade again at such high levels.

You then see the Dow move in a sideways channel. There are attempts to get beyond the 23.5 yellow band, but they fail. Most curiously, Friday's close at 18,191.11 is the actual WEEKLY highest closing price in the history of the Dow and yet it is not even able to reach beyond the yellow band maximum set at 23.5 weeks.

Oh, and the Etan Patz high profile missing child case has a mistrial declared. They'll try to figure it out again later.

Also, the mainstream media's stated reason for Friday's surge in the Dow was good job numbers. There was robust hiring and a reduction in unemployment. The price move was actually manipulated in the early morning index futures market. The whole thing is paradoxical because the Federal Reserve chairman has clearly stated that they are waiting to see an improvement in the jobs market before they begin to raise interest rates, which will supposedly weigh on the stock market. Is this the final sucker move upwards before the selling begins in earnest next week? There are only six weeks left before this 40-week period concludes at the summer solstice.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 05:12 AM
That image above us blurry.

You can click on this one for a clear picture...

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 05:19 AM
The idea here is that the actual turnaround was keyed some ten weeks ago. The ordinary turning point the general public is aware of could very well be last week. That is what actually shows on the Dow chart as the highest closing week thus far. If the market sells off from here then the general public can easily understand that the market rose higher and higher until reaching a daily high and later a weekly high. And that is all they want to know. They will naturally disregard any discussion of some outlandish conspiracy. This thing stays hidden in the mind.

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