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Object spotted above the Lunar surface

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posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 10:41 PM
Looks like a crappy photoshop attempt to me... When you zoom in on the picture the 'object' appears at a slightly different focus to the rest of the picture and it seems a little sharper than the rest of the image. Images/videos like this really annoy me! the internet is flooded with so much rubbish that the genuine stuff is getting harder and harder to find.

It's a disinfo agents paradise! Ufo/Alien research will never be taken seriously exactly because of all the fake footage/pictures/stories out there. First rule of disinfo - make your subject look like a fool by mocking their beliefs and ripping to bits all the 'evidence' their beliefs are based on. It's just like one of the many techniques that the entertainment industry uses to prevent illegal downloading, employ companies specifically to upload millions of fake torrents to all the sites hoping to put people off downloading.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Anon77
Looks like a crappy photoshop attempt to me... When you zoom in on the picture the 'object' appears at a slightly different focus to the rest of the picture and it seems a little sharper than the rest of the image. Images/videos like this really annoy me! the internet is flooded with so much rubbish that the genuine stuff is getting harder and harder to find.

It's a disinfo agents paradise! Ufo/Alien research will never be taken seriously exactly because of all the fake footage/pictures/stories out there. First rule of disinfo - make your subject look like a fool by mocking their beliefs and ripping to bits all the 'evidence' their beliefs are based on. It's just like one of the many techniques that the entertainment industry uses to prevent illegal downloading, employ companies specifically to upload millions of fake torrents to all the sites hoping to put people off downloading.

There is a link to the original image. So who, pray tell, do you think "photoshopped" the anomaly, NASA?
It probably is a speck of dirt but it sure as hell isn't "photoshop".

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Cynicaleye

The problems I have are twofold. The first being your insistance that this is proof positive of an alien craft. That means you are interpreting evidence in a manner to fit your beliefs. Bad science. The second issue. At first glance it looks like a satellite. I didnt see alien craft at all. Upon closer inspection the clarity is the problem. The clarity is in reverse of what a far off object would be. So its rather obvious that the object is very close. Right on the lens seems likely. So lets let logic prevail over emotion. Lets use science and common sense instead of personal belief. We all want to meet ET but lets not fabricate him or let that desire cloud our judgement.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by Phage
And of course the other blobs in the scanned image are ignored.

Maybe because they don't stand out like that one in particular. I know you like debunking but you got to admit that one (whatever it is) stands out more.

Maybe it's dirt, maybe it's a digital artifact or maybe it's something else, but it's in the picture and stands out more than the other 'blobs'.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Willease
I happen to be friends with Streetcap1 so I know this anomaly is not faked. But having found over 1800 anomalies myself in NASA images, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being an alien craft. But this one may be...

You can request the biggest hi-resolution image available on the bottom of this NASA web site...

edit on 30-3-2012 by Willease because: Image posted, no need for question.

What is THAT?

has that been debunked yet?

I just downloaded the hi-res image, that seems very odd!

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by Willease

Sorry, I should have been a little clearer. I meant 'photoshopped' as a generalisation for a lot of these types of photo's/video's. Your right a speck of dirt/damage to the film/digital interferrence is more likely. But still my other points stand. I also think it may be possible that NASA have photoshopped some images (the mars re colour was one example). Proof is lacking but still possible in my opinion.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by shamdaddy
It doesn't look real, it looks photoshopped in, and badly...

Originally posted by Anon77
Looks like a crappy photoshop attempt to me...

So... let's see if I have this straight...

You are both saying NASA is photoshopping images...

...and doing a poor job?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 06:02 AM
Yup, NASA have photo-shopped it

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by Willease
I happen to be friends with Streetcap1 so I know this anomaly is not faked. But having found over 1800 anomalies myself in NASA images, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being an alien craft. But this one may be...

You can request the biggest hi-resolution image available on the bottom of this NASA web site...

edit on 30-3-2012 by Willease because: Image posted, no need for question.

What is THAT?

has that been debunked yet?

I just downloaded the hi-res image, that seems very odd!

Is it not the shadow of the shuttle taking the pic?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Willease
I happen to be friends with Streetcap1 so I know this anomaly is not faked. But having found over 1800 anomalies myself in NASA images, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being an alien craft.

Maybe you two would like some tea and toast to go with your friendship and love for aliens.

MEMO: Aliens dont exist, its a HUGE plot to deceive the human people into thinking there is life beyond earth.

Find all the anomalies you want, they will keep adding more.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by holywar666

Originally posted by Willease
I happen to be friends with Streetcap1 so I know this anomaly is not faked. But having found over 1800 anomalies myself in NASA images, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being an alien craft.

Maybe you two would like some tea and toast to go with your friendship and love for aliens.

MEMO: Aliens dont exist, its a HUGE plot to deceive the human people into thinking there is life beyond earth.

Find all the anomalies you want, they will keep adding more.

It's almost a certainty that there's life beyond earth, the universe is too big for their not to be.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Blargcakes
Wow! That is amazing! One of the better moon images I have seen. Certainly looks like NASA has a good reason not to return..... Something is up there, and it doesn't seem happy.....

I don't get it... You see this video of a bit of dirt or whatever it is, and not only are you convinced that there is something intelligent about it, but that it doesn't seem happy
What in that pic makes you think that the "thing" is unhappy in any way?

As far as the thing in the video... I guess it could be a lot of things. I don't see anything that jumps out to me as intelligent aliens visiting the moon though.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by holywar666

Originally posted by Willease
I happen to be friends with Streetcap1 so I know this anomaly is not faked. But having found over 1800 anomalies myself in NASA images, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being an alien craft.

Maybe you two would like some tea and toast to go with your friendship and love for aliens.

MEMO: Aliens dont exist, its a HUGE plot to deceive the human people into thinking there is life beyond earth.

Find all the anomalies you want, they will keep adding more.

I am certainly skeptical when it comes to space anomalies, UFO's, etc... But to say that in a universe as vast and old as ours that we are the only intelligent life.. Well I would say that view is as blind and uneducated as the ones from those who think there are Grays living in their basements.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Cynicaleye

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by Willease
I happen to be friends with Streetcap1 so I know this anomaly is not faked. But having found over 1800 anomalies myself in NASA images, I wouldn't hold my breath about it being an alien craft. But this one may be...
You can request the biggest hi-resolution image available on the bottom of this NASA web site...

edit on 30-3-2012 by Willease because: Image posted, no need for question.

What is THAT?

has that been debunked yet?

I just downloaded the hi-res image, that seems very odd!

Is it not the shadow of the shuttle taking the pic?

This is one of the most unfriendly threads yet! Lots of stupid assumptions and hostility all because a member saw a video/photo of something that he believed to be a lunar anomaly and everybody jumped on his ass as if they were qualified to pass judgement.

A lot of members look up to Phage as some kind of authority and always request his participation as if he had the magic elixir of knowledge. His reply: "And of course the other blobs in the scanned image are ignored." Look at the image again, Phage, and show us "...the other blobs in the scanned image..." I looked at the photo and blew up past 300 magnification. It's a clear, black sky that shows only the object under discussion. But perhaps you'll do the impossible and actually find "...the other blobs in the scanned image..."

But Phage's reply, while it did piss me off it didn't top the question Cynicaleye asked: "Is it not the shadow of the shuttle taking the pic?" What's wrong with you, Cynicaleye, the shuttle doesn't go to the moon! I guess it's not necessary to say that your question is about as stupid as they come.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:42 PM
If it actually were an object above the horizon, it would be blurred at least as much as the horizon or the landscape that we see throughout the photograph. If it were a piece of dust on the scanner or a photographic development error, then it would appear in perfect focus, as we see. Which do you think is more likely?

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Majiq1
I am certainly skeptical when it comes to space anomalies, UFO's, etc... But to say that in a universe as vast and old as ours that we are the only intelligent life.. Well I would say that view is as blind and uneducated as the ones from those who think there are Grays living in their basements.

This is one of the most often-repeated and oldest red herrings in UFO reseach history.

Of course there is other intelligent life in the universe. You'd have to be incredibly ignorant to deny it.

Does that necessarily imply that intelligent life has visited the Earth or the moon? Now the odds are massively stacked against such an assertion. The incredible distances, the laws of physics, and the probability of detecting other intelligent life at such great distances all speak against such a possibility. Not impossible, no, but largely improbable; which is why we demand serious proof before we are to believe in such an actuality.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by The ShrikePhage, and show us "...the other blobs in the scanned image..." I looked at the photo and blew up past 300 magnification. It's a clear, black sky that shows only the object under discussion. But perhaps you'll do the impossible and actually find "...the other blobs in the scanned image..."

In the very same image, I found similar blobs in perfect focus "on the lunar surface". If you are seriously pedantic enough to insist that I post what I've seen, I will.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by Cynicaleye
Is it not the shadow of the shuttle taking the pic?

A much more likely explanation is that during the long process of scanning and digitizing all the millions of photographs from the NASA missions, a piece of dust got on the scanner bed. If it were a shadow, we'd expect it to be blurred in a manner consistent with the lunar surface at the particular focal depth of the photograph, reflecting the orientation of the craft and the position of the sun. On the other hand, you can essentially guarantee that at least one of the digital copies of these photographs will feature a piece of dust on the scanning bed.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by wirehead

Originally posted by Majiq1
I am certainly skeptical when it comes to space anomalies, UFO's, etc... But to say that in a universe as vast and old as ours that we are the only intelligent life.. Well I would say that view is as blind and uneducated as the ones from those who think there are Grays living in their basements.

This is one of the most often-repeated and oldest red herrings in UFO reseach history.

Of course there is other intelligent life in the universe. You'd have to be incredibly ignorant to deny it.

Does that necessarily imply that intelligent life has visited the Earth or the moon? Now the odds are massively stacked against such an assertion. The incredible distances, the laws of physics, and the probability of detecting other intelligent life at such great distances all speak against such a possibility. Not impossible, no, but largely improbable; which is why we demand serious proof before we are to believe in such an actuality.

No one on planet earth has any evidence for any life in the universe that has developed as we have. All that is repeated ad nauseum as speculations and speculations are as empty of reasoning as Drake's "equation". All such speculations start with zero and end in zero. Prove me wrong!

UFOs are not evidence of life elsewhere in the universe, they're just evidence of anomalousness in our skies, above earth, and over the moon.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by wirehead

Originally posted by The ShrikePhage, and show us "...the other blobs in the scanned image..." I looked at the photo and blew up past 300 magnification. It's a clear, black sky that shows only the object under discussion. But perhaps you'll do the impossible and actually find "...the other blobs in the scanned image..."

In the very same image, I found similar blobs in perfect focus "on the lunar surface". If you are seriously pedantic enough to insist that I post what I've seen, I will.

"Pedantic" I must be for you supplied the answer to the not-asked question. The OP is about an object above the lunar surface. That's where any other "anomaly" should be seen to be discussed.

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