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Blacklisted: The BEST workers fighting a job market ban

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 02:56 AM

How obvious is this to me? I have over a dozen patents and fantastic successes in engineering. I was among the best. The 1st wave hit those as good and better than me. By the 3rd wave... only the "job milkers" for "billable work" remained. They kept the mediochre and ditched competence.
The reversed version of "Atlas Shrugged".
They'll be comming for you next.

Ignoring Toohey is becoming near impossible.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:12 AM
Yep, I saw this news about two weeks ago or so. It shows how corrupt our police force is. The fact that the police were selling illegal documentation to corporations is terrible.

Since the law no longer applies to those who enfore it where does that leave us? I am a pretty honest citizen (now, lol), and I will never allow someone to arrest me who is a criminal.

I used to get into a little trouble when I was younger till I had children, but I always had respect for those who upheld law and order. Now I dont get into any trouble and have lost respect for the police, go figure.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Yep, I saw this news about two weeks ago or so. It shows how corrupt our police force is. The fact that the police were selling illegal documentation to corporations is terrible.

Since the law no longer applies to those who enfore it where does that leave us? I am a pretty honest citizen (now, lol), and I will never allow someone to arrest me who is a criminal.

I used to get into a little trouble when I was younger till I had children, but I always had respect for those who upheld law and order. Now I dont get into any trouble and have lost respect for the police, go figure.

Thanks for the flags and the supportive post.

I'M ASSERTING here that if its happening to construction workers in the UK its surly happening to the best of the best here in the USA. Like me - patents, and a fantastic run of engineering successes dismissed while the mediocre is glorified by the forces of Ellesworth Toohey.

Its but 1 more step toward the Bolshevik decline. Or in this case the decline of the US-UK empire of the FED-Crown roberies. IE: The Bolsheviks in Russian History

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:24 AM
But of course we've got Pharasees on the Right...

Party A vs Party B...


edit on 26/3/12 by masqua because: fixed vid

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:36 AM
i wonder if all the architects and engineers for 911 truth are blacklisted?

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by jazzguy
i wonder if all the architects and engineers for 911 truth are blacklisted?

It appears Judy Wood is unemployed. But at the same time her research appears to an engineer like me to be the most TRUTHFUL and complete work available.

Anyone interested in scientific discovery would be blessed to have her contribution on their engineering or science team. In her videos she did excellently at defining the observations and speculated hypothesis for deeper analysis and then provided that analysis. She's truly a "SCIENTIST" - and yea I consider myself a "scientist" enough to "know one".

Her assessment of the "Toasted Cars" demonstrates a Tesla Death Ray in action. I don't dare say how easy that is to do with a few megawatts. It would only take a few 100W to toast me.
edit on 3/26/2012 by reitze because: sp & rework

edit on 3/26/2012 by reitze because: +link

edit on 3/26/2012 by reitze because: +vid

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:14 AM
It's the story of slaves fighting against other slaves over who's going to have the slave chores. If you think your beloved jobs are going to come back any time soon, you are deluded. Automation will replace you all, sooner or later. And then the collapse, which I will be watching with great content, because if it's what it takes to have a real change, a real evolution, then so be it.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by gosseyn
It's the story of slaves fighting against other slaves over who's going to have the slave chores. If you think your beloved jobs are going to come back any time soon, you are deluded. Automation will replace you all, sooner or later. And then the collapse, which I will be watching with great content, because if it's what it takes to have a real change, a real evolution, then so be it.

Nice post. Jesus is in my heart too. I read the bible cover to cover and when I did it cut through all the "religious #crap#". He transformed the story into my heart just like Howard Roark did.

By the way, that's The Best Guitar EVER yet built! I built it but got hated for that too.

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
edit on 3/26/2012 by reitze because: +""


edit on 3/26/2012 by reitze because: ++image

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:30 AM
This exactly what I have experienced. The behind kissers are kept, even though they are incompetent, and the competent people are let go because they are a threat to management.

Which is another reason why everything is getting worse and worse, and a lot of tech is falling apart.

I've known a lot of excellent people, pioneers in their field, let go for people from third world countries, all to save money.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by poet1b
This exactly what I have experienced. The behind kissers are kept, even though they are incompetent, and the competent people are let go because they are a threat to management.
Which is another reason why everything is getting worse and worse, and a lot of tech is falling apart.
I've known a lot of excellent people, pioneers in their field, let go for people from third world countries, all to save money.

Affirmitive action doesn't give a crap about skill. You can have 1000 engineers unable to solve 1 problem - bring in one "idiot" or whatever name given to him... score. But of course that person gets only a couple $K while the corporation gets all the royaltee rights and the goverment gets a kickback making it impossible for the individual to patent the concepts on thier own.

By the way, I taught "The Son Of Man" to read. You're mail is sorted via my mathematics applied to character recognition. My patents have earned over $1B - while I got paid... $2k/each patent.

What's worse is the fate of the more recent ones
1. Passive desalination pump - I'd better not say more under legal risk of $25K lawsuit. Nor do I dare build it (even though I could for about $100).
2. Wind Turbine with Variable Area Propeller - Patent issued, but not built. URI students took interest and lost their funding after that.
3. Secure Intranet - patented to own the IP, but not recognized in its' wide-applicability. Truly it is the next generation of the internet - and you'll need one for that computer-to-brain just to avoid spam.
4. Wind-Radar - must have gotten "classified" since it was approved but I've not heard from the legal council.

The patents are listed here on my outreach page: But even that seems like why bother. There's a couple issued since I last updated that page and nobody cares - so WHY SHOULD I? IDK.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 07:56 AM
It seems a trend these days, the way they are doing things out in the open that were once behind closed doors.

People have always been blacklisted by business owners through an unofficial network where business owners or managers or HR people would alert or give a heads-up to others concerning some employee they just "let go" or saw "red flags" during an interview.

A very talented CAD draftsman friend of mine got blacklisted for political beliefs that he shared with co-workers. I'm guessing, but I feel sure, he can't get hired anywhere in West Michigan and would probably have a hard time in the Detroit or Chicago areas finding work because of this.

I wouldn't have given this much thought at the time if I hadn't talked to a temp service worker who knew of my friend and gave me the impression he was off limits for hiring. I also felt that by mentioning him, I blew my chance at the job I was after at that temp agency. Guilt by association can get you blacklisted as well.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:53 AM
Some are more than blacklisted... Especially nuclear scientists and Microbiologists

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:47 PM
I've been seeing the parallels with Atlas Shrugged and the economy ever since I read the book about six years ago. The Tooheys and Mouches are in charge, and the Galts are driving taxis and mopping floors. Maybe it's always been this way; I don't know, but it has been this way ever since I read that book and looked around and saw how dead on Ayn Rand had things. The Fountainhead also had a very similar theme to it, and I felt the same way about that book.

I've also experienced difficulties in the workplace. I got an electrical engineering degree, but I've been consistently passed up for engineering work even though I was at the top of my class. I've seen classmates who couldn't design a flashlight get jobs because they had connections in the workplace. I spent a long time unemployed before finally getting work in construction, and now I'm working retail in an electronics store making less than half what I could be at an engineering firm. Sometimes people think I'm being too picky when it comes to the job market, but is it really so much to expect that I be able to work in my chosen field?

I'm not blacklisted (that I know of) but it sure feels like it sometimes. Without a professional designation I can't really start out on my own, either; I need 4 years work experience before I can get that. I know others who are in the same situation. I work with another electrical engineer (who I went to school with), an electrician, and an electronics technologist, so I know it's not just me.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by DragonsDemesne
I've been seeing the parallels with Atlas Shrugged and the economy ever since I read the book about six years ago. The Tooheys and Mouches are in charge, and the Galts are driving taxis and mopping floors. Maybe it's always been this way; I don't know, but it has been this way ever since I read that book and looked around and saw how dead on Ayn Rand had things. The Fountainhead also had a very similar theme to it, and I felt the same way about that book.

I've also experienced difficulties in the workplace. I got an electrical engineering degree, but I've been consistently passed up for engineering work even though I was at the top of my class. I've seen classmates who couldn't design a flashlight get jobs because they had connections in the workplace. I spent a long time unemployed before finally getting work in construction, and now I'm working retail in an electronics store making less than half what I could be at an engineering firm. Sometimes people think I'm being too picky when it comes to the job market, but is it really so much to expect that I be able to work in my chosen field?

I'm not blacklisted (that I know of) but it sure feels like it sometimes. Without a professional designation I can't really start out on my own, either; I need 4 years work experience before I can get that. I know others who are in the same situation. I work with another electrical engineer (who I went to school with), an electrician, and an electronics technologist, so I know it's not just me.

It hasn't always been that way or I'd have been driving taxis for 20 years. I read the Rand books in 1995. Its only since 911 that its gotten really crazy. Like the controllers are shrugging the Atlas's rather than the reverse.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by reitze

For example, I got bullied anytime I got As in HS - by the teachers. My honors math teacher even cheated my grades and got corrected by the principal. Then he got my sister to cry every night while I was in college. He was pissed that I never had to do any homework to ace his tests. Thankfully that lasted all the way through college (MSEE). However, I wasn't as good at "fitting the mold" as this girl. EVERY time I got A's going teachers did something foul to f-me over. I had to learn to "play the game" (seems only to last till they figure out my IQ is over 200 or and they're scared or something). But thankfully there's finally a Valedictorian speaking out. My heart goes out to her.

posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 12:06 AM
It starts in kindergarten. For example,...

Which of these things doesn't belong?
1. Cat
2. Dog
3. Lion
4. Canary

Hint, the NY regents "correct" answer doesn't fly, ...

+nor does a lian have a beak, feathers, wings, or poop on the others.

Too smart for my own good, damn. And it persists to this day, every T/F test I've seen has "ambiguities" in the word-meanings or "best" depending on audience, etc.

So are the indoctrinators just dumb or are they evil like Toohee?
edit on 3/28/2012 by reitze because: +nor

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