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What if our unknown powers are being used against us?

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posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:07 PM
Silvye your brain makes me smile!

So yes The Karma as your own personal Harm Ye None, it comes back to you if you do bad...and you punish yourself with your own that film where the colonial girl, gets attacked by a "demonic spirit" and then the spirit takes vengeance on the family, and then the father "Donald Sutherland." This all for going against the church with Usury Loans, and his molesting his daughter...found out later in the film.

IF Karma takes a life of it's own and goes forth and punishes others...whom have done wrong according to a personal worldview/philosophy. It becomes a slippery slope there.

I engage in some heretical thinking, because if not mediated upon, it could end up disastrous for the goodly.

Where could I find more Gnostic Sources? The Metaphysical Jesus, has been denied to too many. I'm picking at The Gospel of Thomas, and The Lost Gospel of Judas. Nag Hammadi? The Yauldabloth, that you speak of...damn quite interesting. May We Be Protected Against That Kind of Evil Force! Yikes!

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by matthewgraybeal

The book I was talking about is called "The Secret Teachings of Jesus" and contains
- The Secret Book of James
- The Gospel of Thomas
- The Book of Thomas
- The Secret Book of John

You can find it here

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by sylvie

Thank you Sylvie,, I can see we are going to have a lot to discuss and talk about, as it seems that we both have similar thought modes of being.. Going to be fun I think!!

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:37 PM
I'm really enjoying this thread, it discusses things which have been turning round in my head for weeks.
I also want to add that some of your signatures are awesome and thought provoking too, I love it.

It's my view also that peoples personal shadows have created the negative flowing energy which can grab hold of people who are susceptible (from their own actions) to manifesting something very dark.
How powerful that is, is determined by the level of dark/negative energy a person has accrued with harmful deeds that they themselves have done.

I am so aware of the energy now that to have a bad thought is almost impossible, because the ramifications of that would make me culpable to the outcome, so I'm very careful when I extend myself the foremost thought is always love and acceptance of all.

I think to disarm the negative, it cant exist, which sounds juvenile/naive I agree, but to me it's that simple.
So with that thought every one must be forgiven, it doesn't matter what they've done. If your allowed to forgive and open yourself to the energy, then you can't demand more from someone else. Even those few families that have brought us all to this time and state of things, they must be forgiven too, by doing so they lose their power over your energy.

I think religions were a very good way of keeping the positive flow open, thank God for religious people everywhere, but a balance has been tipped, hence more people awakening. But in all things it is the individuals choice how and what they do with it.
We all have free will, at the beginning, it's how you conduct yourself and what sort of personal control you have that will determine the outcome of our futures.

Someone mentioned fey things, and they are as real as us, and there is light and dark amongst those as well. It is my feeling that some of them want to come back to this plain of existence too.

It's funny how we're living in such fantasy filled times, it is rather exciting in a light kind of way.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by matthewgraybeal

Hello Matthew, it is good to see that you are excited about this thread,, as I am,, it is the ''Meat" of the whole Reality Thing,, being able to influence Matter With Mind.
Just so we are all on the same page, I think it might be wise to give some definitions so we are all speaking the same language when certain words are used.
Tulpa is in my mind, more than just an ordinary 'thoughtform' so I will start with that word.
I looked around the internet for a good synopsis and actually Wikipedia has done a great job of laying out the basics about what this word means and entails. So,, if you would,,,, and I am rereading it again as new input has been added since I last looked. Go and check it out,, very informative and then we can bat the same ball around the court so to speak.
At its most basic, A tulpa is, in Tibetan(especially Bon Shamanism) mysticism, a being or object which is created through willpower, visualisation, attention and focus, concerted intentionality and ritual. In other words, it is a materialized thought that has taken physical form.
TULPA and some Definitions.
edit on 3/25/2012 by EarthCitizen23 because: added definition

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

That is a brilliant idea.
I have problems with so many labels for the same thing myself. I think people over complicate it by terms when most of it is feeling.
Will check out the link now, thanks.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:06 PM
I think if our unknown powers were being used against us then we wouldn't know it.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Gseven

I agree with you. All this "lost" ancient knowledge that has any kind of power would surely be withheld from us, or else we would not be able to be governed/controlled. Great point.


posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by AussieAmandaC
I am so aware of the energy now that to have a bad thought is almost impossible, because the ramifications of that would make me culpable to the outcome, so I'm very careful when I extend myself the foremost thought is always love and acceptance of all.

I think to disarm the negative, it cant exist, which sounds juvenile/naive I agree, but to me it's that simple.
So with that thought every one must be forgiven, it doesn't matter what they've done. If your allowed to forgive and open yourself to the energy, then you can't demand more from someone else. Even those few families that have brought us all to this time and state of things, they must be forgiven too, by doing so they lose their power over your energy.

Good post. But to forcibly keep yourself from having bad thoughts is not the solution, IMO. I've lived among New Agers for years, back in Sedona, and one attribute of the most devout among them is this constant-bliss, love & light attitude that completely fails to acknowledge the dark side of life and the individual Shadow as defined by C.G. Jung.

To become WHOLE, we have to look at our Shadow, acknowledge all the things that are not so wonderful about ourselves, and harmonically integrate them into our Being. Those who fail to do that are just fooling themselves into thinking that they're advanced or enlightened or what-have-you. There's no spiritual progress without dealing with one's Shadow, and those who don't are very easy prey for the Dark Side because they don't recognize their own weaknesses and fallibility... hence they're easy to tempt and easy to sway. I've seen the most contemptible and imbalanced personalities in the New Age crowd -- not due to maliciousness, but simply due to the fact that they didn't know a thing about themselves.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Gseven

Well you don't hear what I'm about to say as feedback
on Highly Speculative Big Game Chessboard type Conspiracies,
very often. Especially one as specific (and brilliant) as this one.

But I think you are exactly right in this assumption .
The Powers know us infinitely better.
They keep us full of Bread Circus and Fear.
And if they feel like steering Humanity off a cliff.
Why should they care?
They have bunkers sitting on sq miles of guarded virgin land.

Ha! The ad banner on this page has a tornado and the headline
Natural Disasters on the Rise! Are you prepared!!!

edit on 25-3-2012 by sealing because: add info

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

Hello AussieAmandaC!! Thanks, I am not sure it is brilliant as much as something more should do,, define common language among ourselves.
As someone who has an interest in Linguistics and The Power of Words, both Magickally, Neuro Linguistically and in normal usage, it is a given we must define our words if we are ever going to get far in our conversations.
Words do have power, thus the saying the Pen is mightier than the Sword, because words can mold, change and create New visions of the World.
Again Thanks,, look forward to the fun here on this thread, as it looks like it is going to be a good one.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:08 PM
I am glad I came across this thread. These past few days all I have seen on this site is "oh No Look at this!", "oh crap, look at THAT!", "the world is ending blah blah blah..." when from my personal perception we are in an AMAZING time right now!
Call me naive if you must, but I have so much hope and excitement for our future--the whole planet. All this negative stuff is being thrown around to keep us in that fear and WE DON'T NEED TO BE THERE! It is our choice where we put our energies.
I'm sure there are people on this site getting hounded for being off on a cataclysmic prediction this past week as though its a BAD thing they were wrong. Here the thing...they may have been right and we really COULD have experienced something horrible, but there is a mass of people jumping onto the love train (lol) that are actively working to help keep our global consciousness high. That train grows longer everyday and I honestly believe TPTB fully expected something very bad to transpire (thinking their fearmongering would be as successful as it normally had been). I would LOVE to find out that they were genuinely surprised it was a simple couple of EQ in Mexico and not what they had expected. They had no idea the Earth herself is playing too

We seemed to have switched timelines more full of light.
Prepare for freedom

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by sylvie

I have done that 'walk' already so I understand what you are saying, which is why I have to be doubly careful,because I do understand, that part at least.
It is the unknown which makes me cautious with my thoughts and I'm careful to send out only what I feel in the positive (love) and I'm still not positive on what I'm supposed to do with it, if anything at all more than I already am.

I'm not hiding from the 'reality' or violence, the neighbours had a 'slap bang' (5 adults men and women) last night, the priority for me though, was the kids (2) first then the adults. It doesn't matter what they were fighting about so much as they all willingly stepped into chaos, it was quite surreal. Blood, broken bones, smashed furniture, it was quite a sight, but also becoming a regular occurrence.
No laying of blame can sort them out so in my view they're all equal, there is no light or dark there. The potential for either or is there though.

Lack of personal control (mental/physical/spiritual) is never the way to get where you want to be is what I've learnt so far.

I'd be very interested to hear of your own experiences with some of your 'workings', maybe you could offer advice on how best I can be of help to my neighbours?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:38 PM
Really in the hell do you expect someone to use my superhuman strength and catlike agility against me

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:40 PM
Cool thread. I really like the ideas you have brought forth regarding thoughts creating reality as a collective. The ideas regarding Christian god worship also make sense to me. Why would a god need worship? Makes sense to me.

I have always known to myself that thoughts can create reality. I was just a personal thing that I never really mentioned to anyone as no one else seemed to be saying it or letting me know they thought the same thing. Then the book "The secret" came out and I realized it wasn't just me.

Many years on and coming to realize that the world we know is controlled by an elite group of people with bad intentions and I see myself slowly becoming a negative person. It is not who I want to be. Your post below really brought that home. My immediate life is actually pretty good. Its just when looking at things globally that it gets you down. I will make every effort to keep this at the forefront of my mind from now on. Thanks Sylvie.

Originally posted by sylvie
reply to post by EarthCitizen23

That wasn't always the case. At one point I noticed that I was becoming exceedingly negative in my outlook -- and other people told me so too -- and I started to focus more on my immediate life, which is actually very balanced and happy. So nowadays, whenever I'm in danger of getting sucked into the "The world is horrible -- look at the terrible things that happen everywhere" mindset, I remember that my own little world is darn near perfect. That instantly calms me down.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:52 PM
I've been told that these aliens taste just like chicken! They better watch out for human beings that like chicken! They may become the meal, instead of the eater!! I know why I have never been abducted or seen a ufo. Because the alien would be dead, and I would shoot the ufo down. They can sense this in my thoughts, and they avoid me at all costs! Now where's my chicken?

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Well now that some of us are nearing the same wavelength, it is seriously important we share the knowledge we have gained. Independent experts are hard to come by. Ive used a scientific method for things which my heart and Intuition could only fill in the blanks. Tulpa, Great info btw... Yes I have been flowing free with them for some time. Not the 3d variety however. Mine are invisible, as per the thought form. (Whether others can see them, dunno). Had some friends look at my aura, for my Guardian Angels, or Spirit guides. They have seen, a Lion and an Old Man like a Wise Man.

Belief Creates, nuff said. Which is funny, because in order for me to have had to believe, I was harassed starting at about 4 years old by things unseen. I didn't have words for them, but as it turns out mother played around with things she only had a cursory/casual knowledge of...That and I was having prophetic dreams, and random spontaneous waking visions/feelings accompanied by knowledge I could not have possessed...but Also more as time would go by.

However, thanks to my Dad's Strong Faith in Jesus, our sharing of the old Cherokee Stories in the family, and his healthy love of Sci-Fi and Heroic underdogs...I learned I was for the "good guys"...Many campfire nights camping in the beautiful mountains in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire USA.

Through my mother's small Library of Mysteries of the Unexplained, broken up into various Paranormal Topics, and frighteningly enough others with seemingly harmless *cough* Pentagrams, not Pentacles (BIG DIFFERENCE) on the outside cover I learned of Spiritualism, Transcendentalism, and Stories of Black Masses.

I used to just look at the pictures, but I was an early reader, about 3 1/2... So It's rather funny, I learned to read from Little Golden Books, and Parapsychology books... By 5, I told my parents I wanted to grow up to be a parapsychologist. lol I guess I didn't disappoint myself, here I am.

Thank you for being here, sincerely and deeply.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by sylvie
Now here's a controversial thought: In one of my previous posts, I said that Sarah Graymalkin, the dark old witch in Nick Redfern's book "Three Men Seeking Monsters," said that not just fairies but also the old gods had been forgotten and weren't believed in anymore.

Could it be that Yahweh/Jehovah was one of those old gods, but he managed not to be forgotten and is now domineering the landscape, gaining power from the devotion of his followers?

Could that be why the first and foremost of the commandments is, "You shall not have any other gods"? Would losing the devotion and worship to other "old gods" like Zeus, Aphrodite, Isis, etc. weaken him? Could the whole reason behind the Bible, Koran, and other scriptures be a fierce competition between Cormons to get the attention of mankind?

I've always wondered why the Creator of the universe, the ultimate, absolute, omnipresent and omnipotent Godhead, would need to be worshiped and sacrificed to by us little human worms. The God I believe in doesn't want or need any of that stuff; he is very much self-contained.

Could it be that the need for worship is a Cormon need? In the Gnostic book, "The Secret Teachings of Jesus," in "The Secret Book of John," Jesus tells the story of how the world was created. In that story, Yahweh is one of the low-level minions of Yaldabaoth (whom we'd call Satan/Lucifer = the bad guy) and is one of the servants designated to rule over Earth and keep things in line.

This is just one of my many speculative thoughts, but quite interesting if you think it through, without religious bias.

OK Sylvie,, on to the 'Big One" here you started.
The Gods. Why is it they so need our worship, praise and adoration when supposedly they are the grand Creators of it all. Is it the same as when an Artist has made a Masterpiece and it is hung in a museum or gallery and people come to see it,, admire it and take it all in. I don't think so.

So, the Grand Ultimate Ground of All Being, the Creator of it ALL,, needs and compels us to worship him,, and it some instances on threat of Damnation if we don't Worship and Adore as required. Again,, I don't buy it.
Now,, as you mentioned, Yaldabaoth has other needs and desires, so instilling in humankind fear and the knowledge of him being a jealous god who REQUIRES worship, obedience to Laws, and more lets us in on a clue. Either this is just another demented Humanoid,, who is playing 'god'. Or it is a Thoughtform created by our spiritual needs and wants and nothing more. If it is the True Creator we are all in a mess.

My thought is that Yaldabaoth, Jehovah/Yahweh and a whole slew of deities are nothing more than Tulpa, created by thousands of years of intense thought, prayer, worship and devotion, not to mention animal sacrifice and human blood shed in 'his' name. Blood Magick is always the most potent and powerful magick there is to perform, and so many deities owe their very "Lives" to such workings. These are some of the most potent and strong Tulpa, and now in our Modern world we face them and the ''gifts' they have given us.. I am not really of the mind those gifts are all that good. So, I believe that the only way to counter this phenomenon is to face our Shadow, and reabsorb the products or eons of Tulpa creation. Else we are doomed to live our Armageddons, or our End Times, and Never will we see the UTOPIA's that so many of us have forgotten even as ideas.
Heaven on Earth?? Only if we see that our collective creations,,, Our Gods and Goddess, that have sucked out our humanity in return for blind worship and praise are due their funeral. Humanity must grow beyond the confines we have created for ourselves.

Now with that said, does that mean I am an Atheist? No,,
I just have always Loved the God behind the other gods, and goddesses. I see the creator as being the Tulpa behind the Tulpas, so to speak. Possibly impersonal and having no need of worship,, especially since I believe it is more akin to some pantheistic ideas of deity. The kabbalistic view of the Tree of life, shows the 3 great supernals at the top with Kether as the top spot,,

But above that are Ain, Ain Soph, and Ain Soph Aur,, which are the real unknowns of the 3 veils of Negative Existance. They are Nothing, No Limit, and Limitless Light. They are closer to the ideal knowledge of what deity might be, not the Tulpa we have been worshiping for millennium.

The Tulpa that humanity have been feeding for thousands of years are afraid,, because when the Scientific revolution took over, and modern secular life was on the upswing,,, what could they do? They Instilled some more fear,, to ramp up the fundamentalists so that they could get their energy back for the big show,,,
End Times,,, Armageddon,, and the End of the World,,,, for who??:

or Us.

I say, them.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:42 PM
are you serious we could live a million years and still not know thr true power of the mind you created every aspect of your life to serve your own ego and only that what you want you are your ideals are not to be trusted they only serve you and nobody else master yourself you can achieve it for those who have eyes to read do it now for those who don't your just not ready yet forgive yourself no problem none of us has yet to "make the choice" the only one that matters the one that will set you free the power is yours stop giving it away stop being a mushroom and grow your own way

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by awakendhybrid
I am glad I came across this thread. These past few days all I have seen on this site is "oh No Look at this!", "oh crap, look at THAT!", "the world is ending blah blah blah..." when from my personal perception we are in an AMAZING time right now!
Call me naive if you must, but I have so much hope and excitement for our future--the whole planet. All this negative stuff is being thrown around to keep us in that fear and WE DON'T NEED TO BE THERE! It is our choice where we put our energies.
I'm sure there are people on this site getting hounded for being off on a cataclysmic prediction this past week as though its a BAD thing they were wrong. Here the thing...they may have been right and we really COULD have experienced something horrible, but there is a mass of people jumping onto the love train (lol) that are actively working to help keep our global consciousness high. That train grows longer everyday and I honestly believe TPTB fully expected something very bad to transpire (thinking their fearmongering would be as successful as it normally had been). I would LOVE to find out that they were genuinely surprised it was a simple couple of EQ in Mexico and not what they had expected. They had no idea the Earth herself is playing too

We seemed to have switched timelines more full of light.
Prepare for freedom

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