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Trayvon Rodney ?

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:26 AM
Those that saw the newest thread Treyvon Rodney ? are probably wondering what I am referring to. Let me break it down.\

Trayvon Martin (audio)

Huffington Post


Rodney King (video)

Two different people I know, but are these two instances really that different when something becomes a social issue where race is involved? And ‘if’ this does become a major social issue where race is indeed involved. What will happen next, and who will be involved?

Shout out and big thanks to TheHoneyComb for the idea collaboration.
edit on 23-3-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:02 AM
The Associated Press

This is going to be a really BIG social issue. Stay tuned. The MSM NEWS is relentlessly working hard to make this a BIG social issue

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:06 AM
Rodney King - High on PCP, driving in excess of 100MPH through a residential neighborhood.
Pursued by and beaten up by police.

Treyvon Martin - Walking home with skittles and Iced Tea.
Shot to death by some guy.

Not sure I can put those in the same basket.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by LErickson

Both are African-American are they not? I am not comparing what they have done in their life, I am comparing the two events that may have a similar outcome.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by KonquestAbySS
reply to post by LErickson

Both are African-American are they not?

So is Al Roker so where does he fit in? Bill Cosby coming in too?

I am not comparing what they have done in their life,

Neither am I.

I am comparing the two events that may have a similar outcome.

I am specifically talking about the two VERY DIFFERENT EVENTS.
Do you not know what actually took place?
These are extremely different things. All you have is "they are both black?"


And please tell me how there is any possibility that there will ever be a similar outcome? Is Rodney King going to go back in time and die or is Treyvon going to come back from the dead?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by LErickson

Well first you don't know what happened, Zimmerman said he was attacked walking back to his truck. I don't know who was right and who was wrong, but what I do see is a racial issue building. It looks to me like when something happens in the black community that is questionable, all hell breaks loose. Every body jumps on the wagon like Al Sharpton, and starts shooting there mouth off about how bad blacks are treated. Boy, sure is too bad that we can't get this many people upset that we are getting robbed every day by the Fed!

I feel bad that this tragedy happened to a young black man but I can't help to think that if this happened to a white man we would not hear a peep. The Black Panther group is saying that they will take action on there own,, That is really going to help. Can you imagine what would happen if the KKK said they were going to seek out a black man and bring him justice?

One other thing that I resent is that they are now blaming the law itself. It is a good law not a bad one, but yet it seems they just keep yelling out demands.

Lastly I really hope that the situation is brought under control because I for one am getting a really bad taste In my mouth over it. I don't like the way these people (the group) are going about everything and I am sure I am not the only white who feels this way. I would like to say I am not racist, but the attitudes I am seeing makes me sick! Unfortunately I feel if this situation is turned around and starts pointing fingers at the whites, we are all going to have a really BIG problem! Because I think there are many like me who are fed up with this racial Bull $&8^ and all the whining!

edit on 3/23/12 by xyankee because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/23/12 by xyankee because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/23/12 by xyankee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by xyankee
reply to post by LErickson

Well first you don't know what happened,

No more than you do and I never presumed to.
Guess where I stopped reading.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by xyankee
Lastly I really hope that the situation is brought under control because I for one am getting a really bad taste In my mouth over it. I don't like the way these people (the group) are going about everything and I am sure I am not the only white who feels this way. I would like to say I am not racist, but the attitudes I am seeing makes me sick! Unfortunately I feel if this situation is turned around and starts pointing fingers at the whites, we are all going to have a really BIG problem! Because I think there are many like me who are fed up with this racial Bull $&8^.!

edit on 3/23/12 by xyankee because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/23/12 by xyankee because: (no reason given)

"Brought under control?"

Oh do please expand on that.
I kind of feel sorry for both you cowards. Come on, YANKEE, you know you love America because of freedom of speech and the right to protest wrongs but you get uncomfy when uppity black folks do it.

The OP cannot just say that he thinks black people are going to riot because that is what black people do whenever any black person gets other black people upset.

Be upfront or go back to Appalachia and whittle something.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by LErickson

Before you get all bent out of shape, let me explain. From what I have been seeing on the news the protest has gone from being a reasonable request for a FULL investigation, to having Al Sharpton, and the Black Panthers threatening to seek justice on there own. Demanding that the police arrest Zimmerman when they don't have enough evidence to do so.

I never said I knew what happened, I said that what Zimmerman said was that he was attacked and had marks to back up his story. Now wether or not he was right or wrong I don't know. But the police should be given a chance to look into it.

By the way, who are you calling a coward? Not a very healthy thing to do when you don't know who you are talking to!
edit on 3/23/12 by xyankee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 06:01 AM
I think your attempt to connect Trayvon Martin with Rodney King is inappropriate.

Rodney King was driving recklessly, led police on a wild chase that ended in a parking lot, then refused to lie passively on the ground and be frisked, fought off policemen and repeatedly reached into his waistband as if he had a gun there (he didn't), the police had to use force to subdue him but they didn't pull out their guns.

Trayvon Martin was simply walking home, carrying a bag of candy and an iced tea, and was shot to death.

Supposedly his killer was acting under Florida's "Stand Your Ground Law" -- except he wasn't standing his ground, he was gratuitously following Martin around - even against police instructions.

edit on 23-3-2012 by Shoonra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by LErickson

Yes everybody does have freedom of speech but stuff like this seems to cause stuff like what happened last year were all those black teenagers were running around yelling kill whitey and beating the hell out of people just for being white. Also the example between the two cases has another problem. White men got Rodney king the person that shot Trayvon was hispanic.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:36 PM
As mentioned konquestabySS and I did collaborate together on this thread. While we have differences in how we see this could potentially unfold we do have some common ground on where the issue could potentially could possibly go on a grand scale, which I will try to offer additional explanation.

Yes, these are two different events entirely. Ironic though that Rodney King was nearly 20 years ago to date, many in the OWS movement are too young to remember this even first hand. Some are not. But what is important here is the racial division here spewed by the media where as in the Rodney King case may have been more accidental or coincidental and then was blown out of proportion due to public reaction.

KonquestabySS asked my opinion on this subject, he asked me do you think that is what the elites want, violence and disorder? Well of course it is, where as in the case of RK a bit different let's not let a good tragedy go to waste says the media. In fact George Soros personally predicted that violence would occur within the Occupy movement this year. Second the way that the media has spun this, reporting to the public that the shooter is white when he is in fact hispanic.

Many have pointed out that according to the way feds do paperwork and census data is set up that makes him white by law. Ok well give you that, but that also makes blacks a minority at every given time. If whites stopped breeding all together and blacks increased exponentially they would still be technically a minority according to the federal government. This is the gray area within resulting from the civil rights movements if I had to guess. But lets be honest, in most largely populated cities blacks are not a minority. I know that they are certainly not where I am from.

Anyhow, with the RK incident it had an aftershock that lasted for years. That imo is when America as a whole became very PC and it became frowned upon to make any sort of generalizations about the black community, but if a black or hispanic made a generalization about the white community it was perfectly PC. I realize this is also a result of the civil rights movement as well as slavery but I digress because I hope this doesn't become a topic about race. I would rather focus on the bigger picture which is potentially where this could head.

Now that said, I warned konquest to tread with caution in this area. One reason, is because OWS would throw a fit. And I will throw all my money in the hat that bets OWS will use this to their advantage. Not only will OWS use it, but the media is imo inciting violence by reporting falsely on this story. The labor groups and civil rights groups are sure to throw in to the ring as well, in fact there are already occupy demonstrations capitalizing off this tragedy in NYC of all places. That is dangerous because there is an element of OWS that wants the rioting and the looting. The liberal media and elite also want it because they can use this to structure their desired socialist utopia in their own image.

Last, if there is one thing that definitely will come out of this, small reforms in gun control legislation. We have seen this happening slowly over time. Jared Laughner, Columbine etc. Throw a civil rights case in the mix and it might just be enough to let them have their way with further restricting the 2nd amendment.

All things said. Please consider the potential direction this tragedy could take and take care of each other. There is no need for American people to fight amongst each other. Though for some that is exactly what they want us to do.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Shoonra

I think your attempt to connect Trayvon Martin with Rodney King is inappropriate.

How so? It follows the order on how I outlined my OP. And I simply gave an example of what happened to Treyvon which so far all they have is audio evidence, and they have video evidence for Rodney King. Video evidence trumps audio. So when it comes down to the court hearing what will the verdict be? Remember this issue with Treyvon immediately flourished due to our advancements in technology...
edit on 23-3-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by xyankee

Lastly I really hope that the situation is brought under control because I for one am getting a really bad taste In my mouth over it. I don't like the way these people (the group) are going about everything and I am sure I am not the only white who feels this way.

I can't believe you just wrote that. What Century is this?

I'm sure Trayvon's family has a worse taste in their mouth.

As for the OP comparing Trayvon Martin and Rodney King. FAIL.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Well at least your post gave it more thought...

However, the country is vastly different than it was 2o years ago.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by KillerQueen

As for the OP comparing Trayvon Martin and Rodney King. FAIL.

Is it just me or are people trying to come to a conclusion that all I am doing is comparing the two? Read the OP, I stated I know they are two different people , but are the same race. Now evidence wise all Treyvon has is audio for his defense. If Zimmerman does not get a sentence due to the lack of substantial evidence things might get ugly.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

No - we get what your saying, it's just wrong. See below:

Originally posted by LErickson
Rodney King - High on PCP, driving in excess of 100MPH through a residential neighborhood.
Pursued by and beaten up by police.

Treyvon Martin - Walking home with skittles and Iced Tea.
Shot to death by some guy.

Not sure I can put those in the same basket.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by KillerQueen

I also replied to that, and said I am not comparing what they were doing that got these two in their predicament. I am comparing what came afterwards, Rodney King was beat by Whites, and a Hispanic. Treyvon shot by Zimmerman whom they believe to be a Hispanic, but seems like they are painting him white at the moment. Try again.
edit on 23-3-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Young black males with skittles and ice-tea get shot to death by young black males everyday.

This is different though...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by TreadUpon

Young black males with skittles and ice-tea get shot to death by young black males everyday. This is different though...

Exactly, so why are they ignoring the black on black violence that occurs everyday? This is different because now we have different races that are involved.

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