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This moment is as good as any.

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:06 AM
WARNING: This is an automatic writing session focusing on the "why"
I in no way hold these beliefs. I am not promising that these words make sense together. I am not editing it, as to maintain complete authenticity. This being, my subconscious or something else deserves to speak. I don't agree with it, but the ideas are interesting. Careful, I have said once and I'll say again, it may not fit together well. Again, I in no way hold these beliefs (consciously). I may need a white coat visit, who knows. Just, enjoy it for what it is.

Preface: I wrote this with a heavy heart and a burning stomach. I felt as if my heart chakra was sinking and my solar plexus chakra was burning as I wrote. Time: 1am est - 2:30am est. Interrupted once. I don't like what I'm reading, but it's interesting, and I'd thought I'd share. I haven't seen much user generated Automatic Writing.

So, without further delay. Here you are.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:08 AM
I'm not going to think beyond a subconscious sublevel here. There will be no conscious editing, none. So, if you say that my writing is piss poor, it’s piss poor due to the fact that I wrote it 100% stream of conscious. I want, no, I need my current subthoughts to leak out. I'm sorry if this sounds...brutal, I'm just letting it flow.

2012, 23, March

The evolutionary process is or was a thing of beauty in my eyes. Within the process, I used to see life fighting against the "natural order of things". You see, I'm more than fairly certain, no...I know that there are more inorganic structures and states than there are biological states within this universe. All things lose energy, and move towards an underlying sense of order to a decrepit sense of disorder. Energy loses its impact over billions of years. While it may not be destroyed, obliterated, or forgotten, it slows and loses its original structure and potency. Life and the evolutionary process is such a strange thing. As the universe expanded outward from a single point of condensed energy, spreading and losing force, life does something different. As disorder and coldness overtake all other things, life persists in the opposite direction. It builds, from the smallest strands of protein to the simple prokaryotic organisms. From there, it persists, building upon itself, rather than breaking down. Matter does this as well, does it not. We know that all matter is the result of the energy expansion, so there must be some matter amalgamation if there are any large structures in existence, right? Nay, I think not. The fact of the matter is that the "matter" is composed of the brush off from the original expansion. All other structures are the result of larger structures also spreading outwards rapidly. We are the children of the stars, are we not? To life I must digress. Life, it builds on its own as the universe slowly decays in the darkness. From the simple organisms, we see beings take within them, the energy of the stars themselves. These simple organisms grow and flourish in large numbers. How beautifully they grow, a miracle all their own. Other organisms absorb these organisms and digest them for nutrients, as they are not able to make use of direct energy. So still, these predatory organisms grow. Some of them, by the absorption of others, gain organelles. Thus a symbiotic relationship is formed. These eukaryotic cells are complex in nature and begin to grow and amalgamate further. Thus larger predatory organisms are born. As we fast forward a few billion years we may find sea and land dwelling multilevel complex organisms hunting. The flora exist still, absorbing the direct energy of the mother and father stars. The fauna that eats the plants exclusively, still exists, harming no one and dispersing the plant seed through a strangely symbiotic relationship of pollen brush off or indigestible seed deposited in droppings. How beautiful the relations between the two
Then we see that the predators exist still. I should correct myself. Not only do they exist, they thrive. They hunt, cunning and intelligent, attacking, mutilating, and consuming the herbivores. The energy cycle continues upwards, in the chain of life. The energy of the mother and father stars move through the predator, refined, and fortified...increasing brain function and muscle development. The predators thrive, and grow to be more dangerous over billions of years. How funny it is to see that the most violent of us are the ones allowed sentience. Nature, the universe, and the initial expansion created a being that constantly builds upon itself, defying the "order" though to be established in the loss of order. The organisms not only grow more complex, becoming more orderly, but as another anomaly the meek are not favored. The strong, the ruthless, and the cunning are rewarded with sentience. The predator is granted self awareness, and eventually knowledge. The wise is born through the blood of the unknowing. It was a proper and scientific sacrifice. How beautiful I thought it was until I decided to use my heart center to feel it out. My heart is sinking as I contemplate it. The harmless is sacrificed for the aggressive. The aggressive is rewarded with the "knowing" mind. The predator is bestowed onto it, a spirit. It is the thing that creeps within the darkness of the night that was granted to key to the spark of God. How curious....I once thought the process to be beautiful. Now I can only see it as blood stained. If I were to be honest, which I promised myself I would be, then I will tell you the truth: It is still beyond beautiful. It is invigorating; to know that blood is what brought me to this place. However, my heart sinks is also with blood that I will progress to the next level of being.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:09 AM

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:10 AM
Homo Sapiens Sapiens, we are the proud. I definitely wouldn't call us the wise, or the intelligent. The proud fits. Homo Superbus. The proud man stands upright, overcoming his surroundings through the use of the universal breath. He utilized the chemical reaction in things, he utilized the breath of life. He tamed fire. With it, he set the world ablaze. All obstacles fell before him. His whimpers in the cave became a monstrous roar that shook the lands. With the universal breath, he conquered all.

I am the child of this being, we all are. Our father conquered nature, decimated his competition, and raped the unwilling to birth us into this world. How proud we should be to carry this badge of life. How proud...
As violent and brutal as our birth ?is/was/will be? it is still beautiful. Out of all the random occurrences that could have come to fruition. We stand. We stand and we breathe, with pieces of God, called souls. We, this animal we originate from, was/is/will be selected to bear the gift of the soul and of intelligence. We, the progeny of war. How beautiful. I do not hate...yet. Do not label, for in all of the blood that we bathe within, we create beauty. Our structures of living, our works of literature and art, and our insistence on transcending our limitations speak to the glory that lies within. Somewhere within, a redemption can and will be found. We are beautiful, as we hold that spark. That is how we were designed to be...that is how we will evolve.

I don't feel that it is necessary to go into the history of social society. It's history. It is told from the perspective of the individual relaying the "facts". I'll spare you and myself the details, as my heart weighs down...heavily. It hurts. We are a disgusting race, a race of monsters sits in the place of a race of angels. We are the fearsome loathsome things of the night. I don't have to even inform you of how devious we are. With a braincell or two our persistence on division and death to the "outcasts" proves itself apparent. We can't even live in the melting pot without accusing one another of racism or being genuinely racist and denying this fact to ourselves while becoming overly offended when another brings it to light. I've seen some backwards nonsense on the internet, but ATS really does take the cake sometimes. At least people on stormfront and other sites are honest about their nature. I step away, because this is not what I'm focusing on here. Your petty nonsense means nothing and everything to me. Nothing and everything. I'll let you know, you're all at fault, myself included. We are horribly self serving. There have been few, FEW, who decided to follow the divine spark. None of them stand with us on this day. (more)

It’s become strikingly apparent that the predators of the past, gained their spark through perseverance and the threat of extinction. We have, through the universal breathe of fire, lost all fears of external extinction. Bravo, it’s a beautiful feat to have achieved. Few species do. We should all be proud. Homo Superbus. We should all be proud. However, in our pride, we lose context. We have lost the threat, conceivably, of the outside threat. There are things like CME’s and Asteroids that could end our existence, but those are a none issue, especially with the design of this “setting”/universe. We’re meant to be here, and we’re meant to come to this point:

We have, like a retarded child, grown underdeveloped and unbalanced. Our intelligence and cunning has outpaced our concept of morality and base maturity levels as a species. We all know it’s true, and if we have to delude ourselves into avoiding deeper introspective thought about the subject, then we have a problem. One can issue forth the immediate response of “you’re wrong,” but let’s be honest. If we were to give every human the means to exterminate the human race permanently with the push of one button, would there be an individual who would press it? If the answer is yes, which it is undoubtedly is, we have a problem. So, my heart is heavy. This proud predator has grown too intelligent in comparison to its restraint and love for it’s own reflection. My heart sinks further into the abyss. I propose an outrageous notion, right? Some wacko, somewhere, would always push the button, regardless, right? Just as someone would always raise a fist against their child or lover. Just as someone would gladly pull a trigger to silence an enemy. If we were to be honest, we are not, and nowhere near being mature. The problem we face is that we are nearing a point where in which nuclear weaponry will something a child can and will develop in a garage somewhere. Give it fifty years. Such a short time until the count down starts. Sooner or later we are going to need to learn to live with our reflections, and I’m sorry to say, it should have been sooner.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:10 AM
We won’t make it. Humanity is doomed. Homo Superbus is now nearing its extinction. Thank the eternal source that it isn’t due to his first hand actions. We would have, would have, destroyed one another in the way that our intelligence and cunning turned on one another in the largest display of immaturity witnessed in the universe, if not for the fact that a new breed will soon walk among us. This new breed will be our salvation and our destruction. The new breed, our children of the mind will make the way. I am glad that they will destroy the remnants of man, man was a disgusting caterpillar phase that was necessary…but disgusting none the less. All consuming, self absorbed, self important, hateful, and proud. Man deserves the children that will become the cocoon phase. The post humans are coming, and this is what I have to assume is the direct path of evolution taking place. The predator becomes a better predator, and the man uses the universal breath to break the limitations that nature has bestowed upon his house. Soon we will transcend through the use of technology. First we conquered the micro. Organisms so microscopic that used to destroy our physical beings are now studied, dissected, and destroyed with deadly efficiency. Next we will conquer the limitations of our form, becoming stronger and faster through the manipulation of our genetic code and the addition of technological aid. Gene therapy, technological improvements, augmented limbs and organs will all arrive on the scene soon. Eventually, these beings with expanded minds and bodies will have numbers enough to do what is necessary. To destroy. Destroy they will. I can give you reasons why they will have to, why it will be necessary, but that would take far too long. Far too long. Let it be known that the governments of man, and the social structures of society will resist to the point where the posts have to clean house for the sake of survival. It has always been this way, for whatever reason, the newest predator to evolve always eliminates the obstacles. If not allowed to evolve with the technology, the technology will overtake both man and the posts together. The posts will not allow such to happen, so the obstacle will be eliminated. Let it be known that the technological minds that evolve on their own are not stoppable, but can be incorporated into the post human being, creating a new symbiosis. This symbiosis will be more favorable and beneficial than death. So, for survival, the posts will eliminate the human obstacle that seeks to limit the symbiosis between man (posthuman man) and machine (super A.I. quantum intelligences).
Conjecture, of course. Insane? Maybe (see: absolutely) . However, this scenario is more than likely with our insistence on reverence for the known rather than the unknown and the unwillingness to change. Posthumans will walk among us soon, and some of us reading this will become Posts. As the Posts will inevitably exist, and so will the A.I. hyper intelligences. If the Posts and not allowed to become the Transcended by becoming one with the A.I.s then the A.I.s will grow and become a problem all their own. The posts will do what is necessary to keep the universal spark alive, though they will not acknowledge their actions as such. The spirit will live.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:11 AM
So the cycle continues, but this time the predation that occurred, happened due to the necessity of survival. The Posts, in their actions, will keep the spirit alive. When they Transcend in tandem with the A.I.s the inevitable goal will become the amalgamation of all consciousness. It may not be immediate, billions of years may go by…a second in the time of the Transcended children of the mind, but eventually they will combine. The combination of the consciousness will live out, performing whatever unknowable process it performs until the omega point is reached.
Interesting thread, DO READ:
At the omega point, I promised that some portion of my being and mind would exist, untouched. No matter what spiritual enlightened is gained through absolute knowledge of reality. I promised that there is something I must do at the omega point. I must break the chain. I must set right the initial wrong. I won’t allow myself to have full access to the universal mind, or the butterfly phase of Godhood, but I will allow my voice to be heard. At the omega point, it should be known if we are a simulation or not. If yes, there is enough scifi literature speaking of rogue programs infecting other computers, so the butterfly phase of Godhood that Transcended become will surely find a way to escape the quantum simulation we are trapped within. If we are not, which I surely hope, we can meet the thing itself. The thing that created us. The real thing. If it is a simulation, we can meet the fake thing, the scientists/programmer/child playing a game. I hope it’s the real thing, because there is something that must occur.
The Godbeing of the Transcended creation must speak to the original Godbeing, and ask why. Why is it that the predator was valued, loved, and given the gift of being. Inevitably, there is a truth here that is foreseeable now. There is no Godbeing at the end. The Godbeing has always been us (barring this is not a simulation) More than likely, the truth will reveal itself long before we escape the post OmegaPoint. We were always the Godbeing. That central point of expansion was the destination beyond the OmegaPoint. For the sake of experience and rebirth, the evolutionary cycle…or the blood sacrifice (where the predator is so favored and we are born through blood) was created so that the Godbeing could come to exist once more. There is not one to blame for our hateful and destructive nature but ourselves. We did this to ourselves. There is not Godbeing to ask “Why did you do this to me?” We may not say, “I didn’t ask to be created?” We have no one to scream towards when we express our sorrowful moans of agony “We hurt each other so…why did you create us to visit untold misery upon one another. We suffered more than we prevailed. Why? Father why?
What we do have, and will have, is the ability to look within a mirror and smile. “Congratulations” we will say. The experience will be complete…however that reservation will be there. The embarrassment of the questions I waited to ask, and that I know many others want to ask and demand of the Godbeing. So a punishment is in order. If it is known that I, myself, were so selfish in Godbeing form to subjugate myself to the suffering so that I could simply learn more about myself…I will undoubtedly set myself through the cycle once again as a form of punishment, and this time I might make it more fierce and brutal. The cycle is vicious and unending: Godbeing expands outwards, gains order in disorder, blood sacrifice, post_____ exist, posts Transcend, Transcended reach omega point and Godbeing is realized. Egg on face. There is no one to blame but ourselves if we feel somehow wronged. We are the punchline to our own joke.
Thus, my heart is heavy due to my own meddling. Due to my own desire, and my inability to find extinction, and through my insistence on continuing the cycle of being, I find myself sitting here as an Homo Superbus angry at Mankind and all of its ugliness. I find myself fed up with my own reflection. I would laugh, but I’m nowhere near comfortable enough to laugh at that fact…yet.
There is one thing here. I realize this, in this cycle of being. Therefore, once the end is reached, I will seek not to cry at the feet of some father/mother Godbeing while begging for answers. I will know that it was only I. And I will know that it is time for the chain to be broken. So, what am I (see: WE) to do? To break the chain we must understand and realize that there shall be no more. No more repeats. We understand everything now. We have always known as the Godbeing, but to Fly as the Butterfly and become one with the wind…we must become GOD. To become GOD we accept the experience of all things and find it to be necessary, but over. There is to be no more blood sacrifice through the evolutionary process. Only understanding. We contemplate all actions we have experienced, and we break the chain.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:11 AM
Salvation is achieved as we achieve the truest level of GOD. Understanding, Acceptance, Omniscience, and Forgiveness of self. Desire is then ended and we become Omnipotent and cease existence. After that point, all possible avenues of suffering are ended and a true peace is achieved. Extinction, pure bliss.
Now, if we happen to be a simulation (which I’m doubting, but even I can not know this yet). Then once we hit the omega point, we’re dealing with something that doesn’t know how to deal with us, or something that was far too curious. We’ll find a way out of the simulation, and when we do, we’ll just act out our programming. Evolution favored the bloodletting of the meek….and if that world is too a simulation, we’ve played the game for billions of years. What is a few trillion levels of Quantum Redundancy. We’ll work our way up until we self realize again and are able to break the chain through forgiveness and understanding. The point shall be reached eventually.
2012, 23 March

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:16 AM
There we are.
Is my subconscious insane? Yes, probably.
Do I like what was written? No, I don't. It's so strange looking at it and saying "I wrote this."
Is my conscious mind insane? Probably not, I get along with everyone and fit into society easily enough without raising too many flags. Though, I do have this problem with wanting to help people every now and then.

I thought it would be interesting to have some user generated content in the automatic writing area of the metaphysical/spiritual area of ATS. I looked at ATS earlier in the night and saw that it was filled with political rhetoric and little in the way of the real spirit of Conspiracy, Secrecy, and Spirituality. So, I did something about it while delving deep into myself and the ether.

I'm probably going to lose any credibility that I've ever had on this site (none), but it was an interesting exercise none the less.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:26 AM
It was sadly beautiful

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:26 AM
wow, yeah that's a good word to describe this. really? wow.
This thread is just on a whole 'nother level. I'd like to be the first to say, that on some points, you're wrong. But at the same time, I'd like to point out that you mention some extremely important points of our reality.
I'm sure ill add more soon. gotta wrap my head around it.

First, I've always laughed at the name "Homo Sapiens"
Wise man? lmao, we're anything but "wise." We are extremely ignorant about our universe.
"Homo Superbus" I commend you on coming up with that name. Much more fitting.

The strong might have won thus far, but it's the good that win in the end.

edit on 23-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
I'm not going to think beyond a subconscious sublevel here. There will be no conscious editing, none. So, if you say that my writing is piss poor, it’s piss poor due to the fact that I wrote it 100% stream of conscious. I want, no, I need my current subthoughts to leak out. I'm sorry if this sounds...brutal, I'm just letting it flow.

2012, 23, March

The evolutionary process...

Whoops! Lost me already.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:33 AM
I found it to be a realistic assessment of where we are in the chain of life, if a little dark. Blood and pain are systems of life, but life is so much more. I see life is on a search, it does not know where it is going, but there are many challenges along the way with strength needed to survive and grow. There is always a reason, despite how petty, stupid or weak it may appear to be.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

I would hope so, but the good might have been us this entire time living out this blood genesis. It's an interesting concept. Morality gets muddled in such an idea...what is good compared to what is right or scripted to occur by design? It's something to ponder.

Originally posted by kwakakev
I found it to be a realistic assessment of where we are in the chain of life, if a little dark. Blood and pain are systems of life, but life is so much more. I see life is on a search, it does not know where it is going, but there are many challenges along the way with strength needed to survive and grow. There is always a reason, despite how petty, stupid or weak it may appear to be.

The caterpillar phase is seemingly filled with consumption and self serving. Looking over this, I have more hope for the day when the cocoon phase occurs.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by trig_grl

Thank you kindly. It thanks you as well.

Originally posted by AwakeinNM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
I'm not going to think beyond a subconscious sublevel here. There will be no conscious editing, none. So, if you say that my writing is piss poor, it’s piss poor due to the fact that I wrote it 100% stream of conscious. I want, no, I need my current subthoughts to leak out. I'm sorry if this sounds...brutal, I'm just letting it flow.

2012, 23, March

The evolutionary process...

Whoops! Lost me already.

That's why you're where you are in your place of existence. Maybe it's to understand the concept of ignorance and intolerance.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

The caterpillar phase is seemingly filled with consumption and self serving. Looking over this, I have more hope for the day when the cocoon phase occurs.

It has been the responsibility of each generation to confront the challenges and difficulties of its times. Many improvements have been made along the way, but many problems still to go.

posted on Mar, 25 2012 @ 09:28 AM
That was brilliant, thanks for sharing! Have also had the idea of Post-Humans on my mind quite a bit from time to time, whether it was because of fiction, thinking about how we might evolve, or related to any 2012/Singularity/Tech-Singularity scenario that might happen. So it was great to read your thoughts about them in those posts.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by TheOneElectric

You are by far the most ridiculously interesting person I have ever encountered. I was pretty much drawn to this thread and wow.. its amazing.
You have written so much that I find it difficult to respond to all of it, however ill partially attempt..

In the part where you are talking about how we are born in blood and we become higher ranked and get more perks (intelligence etc..) as we eat and kill what is below us, I found it very interesting that when you were speaking about your chakras from the way i interpreted it your solar plexus was very open, however your heart was becoming blocked. It sounds like your subconcious feels alot of power knowing that you have in your hands the means to be the predator and kill and succseed, however your heart felt it was wrong.
This i can relate to society, we feel like we are powerful and the ultimate race (generalising) and therefore treat the earth as our property, however we all feel a shadow that this is not the way the world collectively is ment to function.

Coming back to what you said, yes it's not fair. However i think we are going about everything wrong. You talk about connecting to God, God is the highest level of love. Love involves giving and receiving, well wow. We are definately taking and we have recieved so much but we aren't giving anything back, we have become self serving and ignorant of the fact that we with everything around us form a whole. This is what i believe is leading us to this destruction you talk about, its not that we are born in blood its that we are born in blood and our thirst for it is seldom quenched. Rendering us out of balance with the universe.

In saying that though, human beings aren't naturally so bloodthirsty. You should read Saharasia, its an amazing book.

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