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So, I think I may have some sort of ability, curse, insanity or coincidence. Is it some branch off f

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posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 01:18 PM
Ok, so i'm not exactly sure why I'm writing this, mostly for some sort of answer to this strange phenomenon. To elaborate i'll start from the beginning. A few years ago after a "super moon" event I noticed something starnge about myself that wasn't ther before, I "knew" what people were thinking. Not in a literal sense however, I knew what there deepest emotions were, their insecurities, through this I had a general idea of what they were thinking. I looked it up and supposedly people with said trait are called empaths hence a heightened sense of empathy. I'm not sure how this came to be but after I tried it on a few people and was accurate I knew i wasn't crazy. I'm not sure why I have this ability/curse, I would assume someone with a heightened sense in empathy would be quite emotional, but i'm not and I don't cry every time I see a tree get cut down. It just doesn't make sense to me, I used to be a sceptic, I never believed in psychics or any of it. Now it's a different story, now I believe it's possible, i'm just not sure now. Maybe it's what is most commonly refered to as telepathy?

Alas, recently I was walking through the local woods, i'm not sure how many acres but one could easily spend 10+ hours trying to cover the entire area. I was walking when I noticed a series of coincidenses, so many in fact that I have no choice but to believe they were not merely so.

The day was last sunday, mid afternoon at the beginning of the trail. These woods have a main bike trail and hiking trails, I prefer to simply wander off the trails deep into the woods. I was walking when I found a series of very large dog prints, (probably a wolf) along with some deer tracks. i continued and eventually went home. I came back tuesday, on that day I must have followed those wolf tracks because I came across deer foot that nhad been clearly bitten clean off. I figured it'd take something bigger than a coyote or dog to have that sort of jaw strength, I figured i'd better stay clear of the tracks in case the predator was still around. I discovered that would be a bit more difficult, to my own shock I kept finding bones and tracks but I wasn't following them. I was trying to avoid them but everywhere I went were deer droppings and bones. I was constantly finding myself following deer trails, it was as if I was subconsciously tracking either the deer or predator. I was starting to get a bit creeped out so I went home.

I came back the next day, to avoid the predator and tracks I figured i'd enter the woods from the east and head west northwest. I decide i would mindlessly wander and enjoy the weather to my shock I encountered the same bones and tracks as the day before, somehow I had wandered to the exact spot I was the day before. I let it go and continued to wander, nonetheless i couldn't avoid where my mind clearly wanted me to go, thus I let my mind drift off and allowed by subconscience to take the wheel. Every time i looked down i saw deer droppings, sometimes a trail. Between at least 5-7 squares miles I wandered across 3 leg bones 2 sets of ribs, and a buck and doe skull, it didn't stop there I looked around and discover i had wandered into what apperead to be the kill area of the animal. The grass was matted down and bones were scattered all over, I figured it had to be some coincidence. I thaught i'd come back Saturday and try to simply wander again this time avoiding that side of the woods all together, I concluded that the chances of me following the same tracks again were slim to none.

So, yesterday I returned and managed to avoid that area for a while. Eventually as fate would have it I wandered right back onto the deer trails, I figured maybe it was just coincidence, probably plenty of deer trails. That was until I saw it, the three legged deer, I was 50 yards away when it saw me a hobbled away. I continued on for awhile, I sat down on a fallen tree to eat a snack, looked down and saw fresh deer tracks three tracks from that deer. I thought wtf, I got up and continued eventually finding myself on another deer trail, i was trying to figure out how this was possible, these woods were vast and yet i was constantly following these paths. I decided to head home so I started I thought I was going the right way until I continued to find familar sets of bones.
I had wandered in a circle following that kill trail again, not once but three times. Eventually I found the right way, that was until I found myself following a branch off from that trail. After awhile of wandering and the decision to ignore the bones and tracks I came across a deer corpse it was still intact, however something had torn a hole in front of it's rear right leg.

I was speechless, I figured I may have lost it, so many coincidences, it made no sense, I couldn't explain it. I heard a 4 wheeler so took off running just in case, I ran across the river and climbed up on land. I continued to run, I heard it get closer so I went prone, in front of my face was a tuft of fur and another bone with a bit of flesh and fur left on it. I realized i was on another trail, i didn't haer the quad anymore so i decided I would go back and snap a picture of the deer carcass, I turned around and went back tp where I was, a sencond loomk showed that i had climbed ashore where the deer had, pout of all the shoreline it was this spot, i contiued to mfind the same stuff and eventually went home.

I know this sounds made up and entirely implausable, you mprobably don't believe me, I don't blame you becasue i wouldn't even believe me if i wasn't there. However perhaps someone can give some insight on this, I know it's an unusual topic but maybe someone has some knowledge about this kind of stuff. Or maybe even someone has had similar experiences. Also I frogot to add that i am not a hunter, i'm actually against the sport, nor am I a tracker or trapper, nevr done so in my life. However if i didn't know better i'd swear i was tracking either the deer or predator on a subconscious level. Anyhow sorry this is so long, and thank you for your time.

edit on 3/11/2012 by JohnCreed777 because: Break down run on paragraph into smaller ones

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 01:28 PM
Hint: Big wall of text-too hard to read. You'll get more readers if you break it up some into more paragraphs

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 01:38 PM
Welcome to the club. I have actually found the reason for it though but am going to let you find it on your own. You will soon sense things. Try to understand what you sense. Use you're insight to study when your senses are the strongest. What's around you, look with your eyes open.

I can't tell you more. It would be as bad as telling you how a movie ends just before you start watching it. Enjoy your new found talent.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:10 PM
I for one believe you. Ive had, i guess you'd say "paranormal" issues my whole life. Any its seems to get crazier as I get older (not 30 yet). It does seem to be something no one can "guide" you so much but can offer advice. Ive had at least a dozen strangers come up to me and tell me I have ghost issues. And I talk to them out of curiousity. They all said something along the lines of following your heart/ feel your way through life and youll be at the right place. I've found meditative elements to be the best. Breathing and focusing on my senses, especially when I "sense" something. Opening all your normal senses and the less common ones open too.

Just for the sake of playing devils advocate about the coincedence's. Deer and blood have strong scents. It may be possible you are subconciously following them. Perhaps in conjunction with your "empath" ability of what ever you'd like to call it.

Follow your instincts though, if you feel its time to kick rocks....well get out. I was at split rock WY and followed some deer through thicket w/ a buddy. The wind was guiding us, the deer stopped and seemingly dissapeared when we found an old wagon. Strange thing is there wasnt much for them to hide in, its high plains, not much thicket for a heard of deer to go mia. We both had been talking prior about how interesting the oregon trail was and pony express. Imagining life in those days. The deer took us to an artifact of those days. Just saying instincts, intuition. I think they're relevent. Split rock was a pony express stop but first a very sacred native mound. We felt like we got a thank you from the ancients for having respect for the area, both as an american site and a more spiritual native sight. Its an amazing place if you ever get out that way.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by tinker9917

I'm sorry about that, didn't realize that until it was posted. I'll use more paragraphs in the future i'll see if i can break it up a bit now. Thanks

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Thank you Rickymouse, for making me search myself and not just telling me. I appreciate that, I shall keep an open mind and continue my pursuit for answers, perhaps i'll continue to go out there and see what i discover about myself.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Ok Mr. Creed, seeing as how you've proclaimed to have special abilities to be able to know what other people are thinking, tell me what is and has been on my mind for the past week.
If you cannot do so, then this entire thread is B.S.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:00 PM
Research yourself. I don't mean go take a flying leap, screw you man. What I mean is do your astrology, down to the hour and location. Do your numerology. break down your name from the big baby book of names, and research what your last name means in it's native tongue. That's a good start.

Also, visualize your thoughts about certain things and pay attention. Your Will can tie in with the "randomness".

Pay attention to people's tendencies, it can tie in with your ability to know how certain outcomes of unrelated events will play out. Pay attention to the cause and effect of the world around you.

Also if your instinct suddenly spikes about a certain event, like you see something and it gives you a quick imaginative thought about it pay attention.

That's about the best starter kit I can give you.

Oh, also look up the spiritual meanings of certain animal sightings you have. It may be a larger message. Also picture what animal you most identify with and research that from a spiritual perspective.

I hope you use this with the best of intentions, and realize what you have is no longer in a "job description" it was outlawed and forced out of the minds of the people of this world.

Good luck.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by ImAwareSC

I'd have to look into your eyes, the people i tried it on were face to face. I don't blame you for declaring this B.S. you are entitiled to your opinions and free to express them. If there was a such thing as proof on this subject, believe me it wpould be on here, unfortunately it's all on a first hand basis.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by matthewgraybeal

That is quite the starter kit matthewgraybeal, thank you. I've never tried any of those methods so i shall give them a look and see what I find.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:56 PM
I think you're a werewolf, and just don't remember your transformations and have been killing those deer yourself. That's why you see the tracks and bone everywhere you go, because you're leaving them yourself!

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by ImAwareSC

It doesn't work that way ImAware. It's a communication thing. Maybe you should go buy a new car or something so you can chill out and support the Economy.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by ImAwareSC

Also, i don't neccessarily "know" what people are thinking. It is often in a general sense, I read emotions better than anything. If I attempted to tell you what you were thinking it would be incredibly vague and not credible in any sense. My ability works like this, i look into your eyes and i know and feel what you feel. it doesn't even have to be face to face it can be a picture, i can tell you how you felt at the time. the emotions get transitoned into thoughs in an extremely complex process, it's not single emotions that you can point out it's bundles of them. So say for example iI could look in you're eyes while you keep a straight face. I could tell you that you've had a bad week, work has you stressed and your home life isn't so peachy either, your parents divorced when you were young and you aren't too fond of your old man, you're not currently in a relationship but the last one you had ended with you being dumped. You feel alone in the world which makes you bitter towards others, you're not bad person, just not fully undertood. You sit here on ATS because you want you're voice to be heard, you read about other peoples problems to remind yourself that yours could be worse. You often spend your leisure time playing action or violent video games, mostly because you share more interest in a fantasy world than reality. You have depression but you're not always depressed, people don't usually know you're mood because you prefer to keep a game face so people don't bother you about you're problems.

Now this is just an example and does not pertain to you, in fact i'm pretty sure it pertainsa to my friend who just left the room....... yeah it fits. Anyhow 4 years ago I would've called this b.s. also, the only reason I say otherwise is due to my own experience. I hope this makes a bit of sense but draw your own conclusion.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by The Cusp

I appreciate your insight friend but I seriously doubt that, I personally don't believe in such a thing. If it were true I would definately notice, the only way it would be able to go unnoticed would be if i maged to get out of bed while still asleep, get undressed, tip toe through the creeky old house, and sneek outside to the woods past the local police patrols, kill my prey still asleep then sneek back home get dressed and and climb back in bed. Nice try though.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:36 PM
Small detail: I believe a wolf has the jaw strength to sever animal bones.

Do you think you're developing the ability to empathize with the animals? If so, both predator and prey, or just one?

Very interesting story. Keep us informed of what happens next!

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

I belive it was a wolf, it was following right with the deer tracks. I actually figured the whole experience might be animal empathy, i'm not sure right now but i wanna say wolf. When I read about empaths it said they can communicate with other living creatures and also feel their emotions. If this would be the case then perhaps my brain would be picking up on some energy trail? I've heard theories that emotions carry certain amounts of energy perhaps that could be the case. Good point though, thank you.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by JohnCreed777

Cool story!

Psychic werewolves for the win!

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by JohnCreed777

Do you have any pets and if you do, have you noticed a change in your relationship?

Also you mentioned something about the moon possibly causing this. Can you elaborate?

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by JohnCreed777
reply to post by ImAwareSC

Also, i don't neccessarily "know" what people are thinking. It is often in a general sense, I read emotions better than anything. If I attempted to tell you what you were thinking it would be incredibly vague and not credible in any sense. My ability works like this, i look into your eyes and i know and feel what you feel. it doesn't even have to be face to face it can be a picture, i can tell you how you felt at the time. the emotions get transitoned into thoughs in an extremely complex process, it's not single emotions that you can point out it's bundles of them. So say for example iI could look in you're eyes while you keep a straight face. I could tell you that you've had a bad week, work has you stressed and your home life isn't so peachy either, your parents divorced when you were young and you aren't too fond of your old man, you're not currently in a relationship but the last one you had ended with you being dumped. You feel alone in the world which makes you bitter towards others, you're not bad person, just not fully undertood. You sit here on ATS because you want you're voice to be heard, you read about other peoples problems to remind yourself that yours could be worse. You often spend your leisure time playing action or violent video games, mostly because you share more interest in a fantasy world than reality. You have depression but you're not always depressed, people don't usually know you're mood because you prefer to keep a game face so people don't bother you about you're problems.

What you describe is a fairly good example of how an empath would translate his/her experience; I know this for a fact because I've had this ability for all of my life and the way you describe it as a gift/curse is how many new empaths (and even some experienced ones) would describe it. I wouldn't use telepathy as a description because this is what gives the many skeptics food for fodder and what you're experiencing is real and indicative of an empath's abilities. As to why it became apparent to you after a super moon I can't speak to but what difference does this make?

As for your experiences in the woods, I agree it's part of your awakening to your abilities but probably doesn't have a direct tie to your empathic abilities; oftentimes when one sixth sense is awakened, other synchronic events will become more apparent to us as well. I think that matthewgreybeal's advice is right on spot and you need to pay attention to the significance of the animals you're coming into contact with and not try so hard to connect them to your empathetic abilities. There's a strong message being communicated to you and it's up to you now to put those pieces of the puzzle together.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by timidgal

Ignorant question but I want to know.

Is there a way to become an empath?

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