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Astronaut Story Musgrave's Views on Extraterrestrials

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posted on Mar, 10 2012 @ 09:24 PM
NOTE: I'm reposting this thread because my original thread was sent to the trash bin due to my mentioning another forum!

A few days ago I wrote to astronaut Story Musgrave to ask him for his stance on UFOs. He replied right away and included an attachment which contained his views on extraterrestrials. I wrote to him because since 2000 I have been curious about his views on UFOs after watching him be amazed at the emerging giant white shape that is seen to materialize from earth's atmosphere in the STS-80 footage. This was included in a 2000 TV documentary titled "UFOs UNCOVERED - OUT OF THIS WORLD. He was interviewed at his home, I'm assuming, and some of the footage from STS-80 was shown on his big-screen TV. As he watched, he made comments that are not your average NASA spokepersons' comments. While he does say "...whether it's a washer, debris, ice particle ..." he admits he doesn't know as opposed to, yeah, it is a washer, debris, ice particle. Since he has been up there he has a qualified opinion that has to take precedence over those who have not been in space but still try to convince us with definite assumptions. I thought that because Musgrave showed amazement at what he saw on the STS-80 footage that he might be open to his accepting UFOs as real although not necessarily from far-away galaxies. So I asked him.

I read his views and was sort-of disappointed because he does not mention the aerial craft that are seen and photographed and videotaped which we call UFOs, and although he does express belief in life outside of earth he doesn't think they're visiting us. Below are his comments after my setup.

In this documentary which I taped on March 7, 2000, a segment is dedicated to the STS-80 anomalies (some of them) This segment is as interesting, or more than, the STS-48 footage as far as anomalous objects.

We see and hear Astronaut Story Musgrave speaking. He says that so far he hasn't seen anything indicative of other forms of intelligence or other kinds of craft. Twice he said he saw what he called "my eel" and we see footage of this "eel." It doesn't really look like an eel, more like those white tubes with metal ribs to keep its round shape and some house lamps resemble this shape (sort of like a TA-KE lamp seen here but round: www.metaeffic...archives...). As the tape continues, the voice-over says: "The new frontiers of space are providing pictures that to some fuel the UFO controversy." We are shown color, daylight footage from STS-80 and the voice-over continues: "In this footage taken from shuttle mission STS-80, the camera is pointing back at Earth. There are many features that are known here. Flashes of lightning from tropical thunderstorms, the city lights of Denver, Colorado. Meteors, satellites, and some 8,000 pieces of space debris. But there are some objects that still remain a mystery. Like this strange shape that appears unexpectedly from the Earth's atmosphere. Is it a UFO? What do the experts make of it?"

Then Story is shown the above footage from STS-80 on a TV and he comments on the "strange shape" which materializes from earth's atmosphere and drifts up. It is not really a strange shape, it is circular with a center "hole" and it looks huge or if it's really small it is has a white envelope surrounding it making it look huge (more on this below).

Story: "I don't know what it is. Whether it's a washer, debris, ice particle, I don't know. But it's charateristic of the thousands of things which I've seen. What is not quite so charateristic, it appears to come from nowhere. You would think that even if it's facing the dark side or facing a side towards you which is not reflective sun, you think you would see something there. That one is really impressive!"

My Views On Extraterrestrials
My view, and that is a critically important preface to anything that I communicate, MY VIEW of the goings on out there is that Cosmic Evolution including Biological Evolution has produced trillions of planets conducive to life as we know it and our universe has been around for 12 billion years. Life is everywhere out there in trillions of forms including very advanced evolutionary strings that have had millions or billions of years to develop the technologies to do star travel, that is to venture outside their particular solar system. I cannot know but I would venture to speculate, and believe, that there are millions or more star-travelers in our universe. And, while passing on that I do think and believe in multiple universes. So that is my interpretation of that side of the coin.

I have been out there alone in the forests at night at the age of three, with the confidence and faith that whatever was out there would recognize a fellow spirit and would take care of me. I build my own rafts and river rafted alone at the age of five. I have immersed myself in nature; I have explored and surrendered to whatever was there. I became super sensitive to the goings on out there and, as you will learn, brilliant in my methods of observation especially in the aviation and space environment. I worked very hard at catching and experiencing all of it and expressing it to others. It was a privilege to have the amounts of time that I was given in aircraft and spacecraft and did my best to be to be a true witness to the world.

Nothing that I ever witnessed or observed in any situation leads me to think or belief that an extraterrestrial vehicle or being was in my presence. I prayed for them to come and get me, but they have not, yet. No evidence presented to me by other astronauts or others has lead me to think or believe that we have been visited here on earth. That is also true of all my observations taken during STS-80. I will present all my observational methodologies, particularly aviation and space at MUFON. I will present the observations that I made and MY INTERPRETATION of these findings. No stretch of the imagination could lead ME to interpret the events of STS-80 as being a visitation from out there. Unfortunately most of the STS-80 videos on are not the ones that I photographed. I don't know how someone created them, but it was neither me nor mine.

Bottom line: My personal interpretation of the cosmic goings-on is that there are trillions of life forms out there and millions or many more of them are so advanced as to be travelling outside their home solar system. My personal immersion in the cosmos and all of the empirical evidence brought to me by others leads me to think that we have not been visited by extraterrestrial vehicles or beings here on earth.

Story Musgrave

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:27 PM
Kudos to Shrike for performing original research and sharing the results. More, please, from many others.

Can we compare what Musgrave says now to what McClelland claimed Musgrave said to him:
[Was McClelland just making it all up? I'd suggest so.]

Clark McClelland: ‘The demonstration’

Further elaboration here re Musgrave:
NASA Astronaut: Aliens are Real… I Guarantee it!
October 13, 2011 Leave a Comment
Top NASA astronaut, Clark McLelland discloses shuttle encounter with disc UFO while in orbit

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by The Shrike

The STS-80 anomalies:

Allegedly unedited original footage:

footage with music, from Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs:

Dialogue and professional opinion included:

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by ILikeStars
Dialogue and professional opinion included:

James Oberg at NASA and all the other pundits at NASA would love you to believe that these are all ice crystals and space junk and debris, Quite frankly, if there was that much debris, in sheer number of shooting stars, flying around in close proximity to the space shuttle and the Mir space station, it would be not safe to put craft up into space. A piece of rock just a few millimeters across traveling in the opposite direction of the space shuttle would rip through the entire structure of the space shuttle and cause a fatal accident.

Who says this is a 'professional' opinion? The guy's name isn't even given, much less any evidence to support any 'professional' status. Who was he?

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:29 PM
I find it weird that you can make a statement, "I believe there are millions of star traveling beings in the Universe, but there is no evidence of anyone visiting Earth."

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

This is a great argument, so are all the ice particles and comets that common around NASA space craft? Is it truly dangerous?

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by game over man
reply to post by JimOberg

This is a great argument, so are all the ice particles and comets that common around NASA space craft? Is it truly dangerous?

What comets?

Re your other misunderstandings, these are from my soon-to-be posted "99 FAQS About Space UFOs"

15 Q: Does NASA view these reports seriously?

A: For safety reasons, at the very least, NASA flight controllers do indeed pay attention, and have been doing so for decades. John Glenn’s report of ‘fireflies’ was closely examined as an indicator of how the cooling system – an externally-mounted ‘flash evaporator’ that used water to cool the capsule – may have been malfunctioning. On Apollo-13, observations of ice particles out the window helped quickly characterize the severity of the cryogenic tank explosion. During Apollo missions, reports and images of what came to be humorously called ‘moon pigeons’ provided clues to the status of critical external components such as heat shields and thermal blankets. A Skylab mission was nearly aborted with a rescue flight when ‘snow’ showed that a thruster was leaking precious fuel. A critical international space rendezvous in 1995 was nearly cancelled because of excessive fuel leaks, observed as ice swarms outside the STS-63 window. Structural pieces of shuttle missions have been observed and closely examined by camera zoom, but the most serious shuttle space failure, the ‘Columbia’ disaster, missed a chance to be forewarned when a hunk of the vital heat shield drifted away but was NOT observed by eyeball or camera. For reasons such as these, strange-looking outside stuff gets the immediate attention of Mission Control – and all in public.


42: Q: How could this degree of dandruff be tolerated, purely from a collision safety point of view?

A: Anything solid, coming off a space vehicle, has a very low relative speed, so it wouldn’t be a threat to puncture the hull. If it comes around in orbit and does make recontact, it would probably bounce off harmlessly.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by JimOberg

Thanks! This is great! Looking forward to reading your 99 Facts about Space UFOs...
edit on 11-3-2012 by game over man because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by JimOberg
Who says this is a 'professional' opinion? The guy's name isn't even given, much less any evidence to support any 'professional' status. Who was he?

I have absolutely no idea who that guy was. I just liked the footage in that clip a little better than the others.

It was me taking some liberty to call him a "professional" because he looked and acted the part. It was me taking some liberty to call his dialogue "opinion" because that is what I thought he was sharing, his opinion.

No, I don't know who that guy was. If I knew, I would have gave him credit.

My only intention was to provide this thread with the footage that the OP mentioned many times in the introduction.
edit on 12-3-2012 by ILikeStars because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by ILikeStars
My only intention was to provide this thread with the footage that the OP mentioned many times in the introduction.


My own technical report on why I think the dots are only shuttle-generated 'dandruff' has been out on the Internet for about ten or eleven years.

Several years ago I asked Story, whom I had worked with professionally in Mission Control in the early 1980s, to comment on my prosaic explanation. This response has also been circulated on the Internet:

From: "Story Musgrave" To:

posted on Mar, 12 2012 @ 11:28 PM
Sad -- Shrike posts some original research that reflects directly on a topic of tremendous interest here, and opens the opportunity to calibrate a number of UFO personalities who have wide following -- and the subject drops off the active list. People pretend they want explanations and direct testimony -- seems as if, when they GET it and it doesn't confirm their original beliefs, they run away, ignore it, pretend it doesn't exist. Not well played at all.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by The Shrike

I always have trouble what to make of Musgrave when it comes to his opnion on UFOs. The reason for that is because he is one of the astronauts with the most time in space. An other reason is that he has also many, many flight hours as a fighter pilot in the US air-force.

As we all know shuttle astronauts have reported many encounters with unindentified fying objects over the various shuttle missions and Story is a veteran with six space flights. Musgrave has spent a total of 1281 hours 59 minutes, 22 seconds in space.

Read all about it HERE.

His militairy background, his second-life in an airplane and in space makes him the ultimate candidate to really experiance an UFO encounter. That in combination with his commitment for his country and carreer makes him also the ultimate candidate to keep his mouth shut on ultra-clasified intelligence knowledge and play stupid.

edit on 13/3/2012 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 01:34 AM
I've been busy and it is now 2:33am EST and I'll be going to bed shortly. I'm coming back and I'm going to post 13 screen grabs (slightly edited) of some of the goings-on seen on the STS-80 video posted above. The screen grabs will support that any explanation of ice crystals and associated comments are going out the window.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by zatara
As we all know shuttle astronauts have reported many encounters with unidentified flying objects over the various shuttle missions ...

Sorry to be out of step with the crowd. What shuttle astronauts reported such encounters? And I'm not counting Cady Coleman and her clumsy joke. Who else -- seriously? Names, please.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

You are right, sorry I can not give you names. maybe you should research if there were any. What I do know is that most astronauts wish to see an UFO when flying their mission in space. No, I have no source for these words.

Forgive me for my mistake...I am tired, and I know that is no excuse on ATS.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by JimOberg

What shuttle astronauts reported such encounters? And I'm not counting Cady Coleman and her clumsy joke. Who else -- seriously? Names, please.

Story Musgrave

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by ILikeStars
reply to post by The Shrike

The STS-80 anomalies:

Allegedly unedited original footage:

footage with music, from Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs:

Dialogue and professional opinion included:

All just souls IMO... Would be a good place for purgatory (IF it existed)

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 04:51 AM
Bravo, Shrike!

Way to take the dig strait to the source. Ive always found the pioneers of American space travel have some splendid opinions aut ET, and they are to be respected IMO. These Gs aren't like the rest of us, they've been off of our planet, out in the dark of space and have seen things that pictures can't really do justice to I'm sure.

I recently saw Story Musgrave on ancient aliens, where he seemed to be saying much the same thing as he has in your letter, that life certainly does exist, but he doesn't believe it has come here before....

I personally agree with him about pretty much his whole take, except the visitation part, Im convinced we were visited thousands of years ago up until the present.

Thanks for sharing!

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by The Shrike
He was interviewed at his home, I'm assuming, and some of the footage from STS-80 was shown on his big-screen TV. As he watched, he made comments that are not your average NASA spokepersons' comments. While he does say "...whether it's a washer, debris, ice particle ..." he admits he doesn't know as opposed to, yeah, it is a washer, debris, ice particle.

I'm not arguing for or against ufo's, but why not just take them at their word instead of adding all this pointless wishful speculation for no reason? He clearly says he doesn't know, and when you don't know you don't know..

I've analyzed alot of the outer space vids, and honestly it is very difficult to discern anomalous phenomena through a pinhole crack when you can't tell whether it's an ice particle or a clump of metal. It's like watching a UFO vid on youtube, you can't tell if it's fake or real and you never will.

Alot of the stuff can be explained rationally and convincingly so, mistaking images for ufo's that has already shown that it is part of a spacecraft etc.. etc..

IMO it's not worth paying attention to.

posted on Mar, 13 2012 @ 06:43 AM
Another thread that clearly points out the none of these guys knows crap more about this from you and me whatsoever, but just spouts stuff they think or want to believe.

Somebody wake me up when a credible space dude actually says something worth a damn, rather than mindless, hippie speculation that I can read online everyday.

How and why folks interested in this subject put weight on these guys is beyond me, first and foremost they are idiotic humans, like you and me. The fact that the moronic monkeys can do math, fly a pane and press a few buttons while weightless has nothing to do with how smart they are on this subject. And yeah, this is coming from someone who personally knows a few of them on a family related level.

You ever notice that most of these guys sound like a lite version of Richard Hoaxland? Odd that.

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