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How come Obama is a BLACK MAN cuz he's 1/2 Black, but not White even though hes 1/2 White?

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+9 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:27 PM
why is that? we'd all readily accept Obama as a 'black' man but heads will roll if Obama were referred to as white even though he's half and half... if anything, brown.

and so what are the psychosocial implications looking forward that even today in 2012 American society stoops to the racist american colonial "1 percent rule"?

to me, it all boils down to American being against multiculturalism and all for 1 percent rule and black vs white like left vs right dem vs rep, all dichotomies.

"Here we go...America has yet to see a black President...the only thing about obama being black is his Dad getting his Mom pregnant...Than he left and so did she..leaving him to be raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii..LOL

edit on 9-3-2012 by BiggerPicture because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:30 PM
All I know is that in the ordinary order of things, black people don't accept somebody who's mixed any better than white people do where I'm from, so it makes me laugh to hear black people down here referring to how they're proud to have a black man in the white house.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:34 PM
At least to a racist hes half right

*copyright Jay-Z*

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:36 PM
um because black is a color annnnd well hes black?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
All I know is that in the ordinary order of things, black people don't accept somebody who's mixed any better than white people do where I'm from, so it makes me laugh to hear black people down here referring to how they're proud to have a black man in the white house.


I thought most African-Americans ARE mixed due to slave-rapes and such in history,

but yeah, just deny it.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:37 PM
In american society anyone who is brown is not considered nor treated like a white man, even if they happen to be half white. Don't ask me why, it is what it is. I doubt if america will ever elect a black man. America is willing to elect a half black president, but only if he comes from a rich family. Isn't it fun being in the land of the rich and home of the broke?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:37 PM
funny logic isn't it? I think any shade of brown puts him out of the "white" category. Now if he was still 1/2 black and 1/2 white, but born with blond hair and blue eyes, I'm sure he would be called "white'

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

OK..Why is this hard for some people to grasp?.....This is actually quite simple....Obama is Black because he LOOKS BLACK! In fact many Scientists debate the entire concept of 'race' as a scientific definition.....Here's an article this.
edit on 9-3-2012 by bhornbuckle75 because: I had a reason.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:40 PM
Umm, How does being brown

and half white,

equal black?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:40 PM
I think the psychological implications of your train of thoughts is even MORE interesting

Because you say "Why not call him white?" - which in some odd, sub-conscious way would imply that "black" is something bad?

I mean..this is the whole vibe i am getting from your posting...or do you think that him being "white" is better than him being "black", even if logically he could be both?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:42 PM
Im saying he is as WHITE as he is BLACK and he's got the genetics (White mom, Black dad) to prove it.

Unless, someone can prove his dad is not black or his mom is not white?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

Exactly, which is what makes the whole attitude even more laughable.

+15 more 
posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:44 PM
He is half black, half white, and 100% puppet. The math is there folks

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:44 PM

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by BiggerPicture

"Here we go...America has yet to see a black President...the only thing about obama being black is his Dad getting his Mom pregnant...Than he left and so did she..leaving him to be raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii..LOL

As for the rest of your thread: I don't care.

As for the above quote: This is funny how? What about all that made you laugh?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:47 PM

Notice the LOL is part of the quoted text?

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ILikeStars

Originally posted by BiggerPicture

"Here we go...America has yet to see a black President...the only thing about obama being black is his Dad getting his Mom pregnant...Than he left and so did she..leaving him to be raised by his white grandparents in Hawaii..LOL

As for the rest of your thread: I don't care.

As for the above quote: This is funny how? What about all that made you laugh?


Nothing funny about it actually.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:49 PM
Yall misread, obviously I quoted the LOL" and -credit

and even put a
right under it

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by BiggerPicture

To be fair genetic differences are generally greater within a race than between races. The truth is that race is a social construct. If a person looks black they're going to labeled black. If they look white they're going to be labeled white. It doesn't matter what their lineage actually is. It's also probably a throw back to antebellum practices where even if someone looked white they would be considered black due to lineage even if they were something like 1/16th black.

posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 08:52 PM
He doesn't look black to me,

I spent alot of time in the Caribbean and Brazil and I would have guessed him more readily as Creole or Pardo

which is colloquial for mixed.

Apparently, America on the other hand is all about Black vs White.

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