posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 07:54 PM
Ted Anderson has been an amateur astronomer for over 30 years. Like many ufologists, he is intrigued by a continual flurry of UFO activity he's seen
by telescope in the "handle" of the Big Dipper (the constellation Ursa Major --J.T.) , near the stars Alcor and Mizar.
If hyperspace is the "superhighway" for interstellar alien spacecraft, then this region is the "exit ramp to Earth" for the saucers.
Ted Anderson calls it "the UFO Universe Freeway Entrance."
"I've been watching a special location in the heavens for thirty years," Ted reported, "And I've seen several hundred mother ships and planetary
vehicles come and go. Since August (2004), something has changed. This is extremely important. As to why, your guess is as good as mine."
"Two to four small red alien ships are controlling the Entrance. They are moving around constantly. I have not seen an alien mother ship come or go
since this started. They (the four UFOs) move fast; they chase each other; they hold in place. This has been going on for several weeks now."
"If you can see the Big Dipper, look to the south toward Arcturus and watch between 9 p.m. and midnight. They are too dark and move too fast to
record with my small, telescope-mounted camera." (Email Form Report)
(Editor's Note: Arcturus is at or below the horizon by now. If you have a telescope, readers, zero in on the Whirlpool Galaxy just below Alcor and
Mizar and check the region of sky just west of the galaxy.)
(end snip)
For this and other facinating UFO news
EDIT: No ALL CAPS titles please.
[edit on 20-9-2004 by RANT]