This is a photo obviously taken from inside a helicopter, so to see during the first pull-out of all rescue workers caused by a warning by radio, that
a second plane was entering Washington DC airspace. All people were pulled back under the Pike overpass, for about 15 minutes long. The Wedge 1 part
with the impact hole in its wall has not collapsed yet.
The trailer is so to see pushed around its rear double wheels axle and came to rest at an angle of about 45° to the long fence, and the long west
wall's foundation line.
This position is much more in concordance with a hit over the generator cabin roof by the wing its out-most flap-guide-rail housing, under an attack
angle of about 75° to 80°, which is the real angle as can be seen in that photo of it, which will smash the whole trailer about that 45° angle
aside and backwards because of its much stronger pushing vector force in the sidewards direction along the latitudinal, smallest side axis of that
trailer. The wing had already milliseconds passed that trailer, when the mass of the trailer started to shift and moved backwards under influence of
that huge impact.
If that wing its outer guide-rail housing however had really smashed through that generator cabin's roof under an attack angle of 42° as proposed by
the ASCE report, that's thus about half as big an angle as what the cabin's roof gouge shows as the real angle it was hit and gouged, then the whole
trailer would have been dragged more forwards than aside, more along the attack path, under influence of the much sharper and thus stronger resulting
vector force in the forwards direction along the trailers longitudinal longest length axis :
This is the famous gouge photo, one thing is curious, it looks as if the whole trailer has been pushed back towards the fence again, it seems not the
originally recorded by photograph 45° angle anymore with the long fence line, it's much less, about half of that after-impact angle. It is obviously
shot much later than the impact hour, so to see even one or more days after, according to the lights and tents set up along the fence.
Luckily I have photos much shorter after the impact, where you clearly can see the onset of that gouge, in the top side of the generator cabin's side
panel. So the gouge was there, in the same spot, already just after the impact time :
In the below picture from 05 September 2001 you can see that the diesel tank plus attached generator trailer was originally positioned in the north
corner of the fenced off renovation trailers space. That trailer was put there in a parallel position to that fence, with its diesel tank attached on
the same trailer, crammed against that wire mesh of the corner of the fence, at the far north end of that trailers space, in the northernmost corner
portion of the fence. The fence made there a 90° angle towards the about 2 meters protruding-out part of the west wall north-south line, it was a
hundred meters long portion of the west wall facade that stuck out.
You can also see the green leafed tree behind the long white conference (or another generator) trailer, that was the spot where the nose of the plane
hit the west wall, after having obliterated both the conference trailer and that tree :
Source :
Only a 1.5 meter high stump of that impact point, green leafed tree was left to be seen after impact, with two thin side-stick pieces sticking out
from the left side of the roots portion, and can be seen in this part of a Riskus hires photo, shot by him within three minutes after the impact :
In the below photo, you can see that the diesel tank + generator trailer (both on the same undercarriage) had been impacted by the right wing its
outer flap guide rail sticking out from under the right wing, making a deep gouge in the roof of the generator part (shown later), with such
tremendous force, that the whole trailer was pushed around its back wheels axle to an about 45° angle with the fence, while its original position was
parallel with that fence, and with just enough room between the trailer and the fence that a wooden access stair with wooden platform fitted in
between. You could also see in other sharper pictures that that stair's platform now stood about 1.5 meter further north (probably still in its
original place) than the whole pushed away generator trailer, while the access door in the west side-panel of that generator housing space was that
same distance pushed back by the impact of the right wing's tip.
Just as Probst reported in the ASCE report to have witnessed when he dove to the ground while the plane flew over his head. He was walking on the
small foot path along the safety rail beside Route 27, just a few meters away from the Heli pad, according to him, when AA 77 came diving towards the
west wall. That's a spot on that foot path a few meters away from the southern one of the two trees that grew in front of that Heli pad, along Route
The plane has thus crossed over Route 27 with its left wing tip just a few meters beside that southern tree.
Source :
When AA 77 really would have taken the SoC 52° attack angle shown in this ASCE report drawing (instead of the even sharper ASCE angle of 42°,
according to the ASCE Pentagon Performance Report its own printed words, real impact angle, which I do not believe in), it's right jet engine would
have impacted and straight smashed through the generator's left side, and we would have seen nothing back from that trailer. It would have been
Instead however, in reality the right wing tip (according to renovation worker Probst) scratched the top of the roof of that generator trailer and
made a 75° to 80° gouge in it.
When you look at the side of that diesel tank, it does not show a sign of an eventual hit by a huge 3 ton heavy jet engine. It has the looks of a
sagged-in container, scorched by an intense longterm hot fire, and looks as a strongly oxidized metal plating, red rust colored.
When a huge jet engine, with the end-speed proposed by the found FDR data, would have ripped through its top part, the whole diesel tank would not
exist anymore, and the jet engine would have broken off and cartwheeled into the soil and then impacted the west wall, and remained visible in front
of that west wall's first floor's bottom line. It did nothing of that all, it must have straight gone into the wall and its columns, and partly
penetrated it and blown to a thousand pieces somewhere shortly inside, where its remaining parts collided with the rest of those sturdy massively
steel bar reinforced columns, and/or the vast thick second floor slab :
The above gouge is probably caused by one of the far right-side flap guiding rails, that stick out under each wing, about 80 cm down (0.8 yard). These
are sharp keel-formed extensions under the wings, which are about the only things that could have caused that 70° to 80° gouge in that trailer's
roof. Since the flaps were not extended according to all witnesses, the plane attacked in a clean configuration, no flaps, and wheels up.
Since these flaps their guide-rails are fixed-fit under each wing, in a fashion that's perfectly parallel to the plane's body (no extra enormous air
resistance at cruise speeds), the resulting gouge from the cut that one of these rails seems to have made in the generator trailer's roof top, also
indicates perfectly the attack angle of the plane on its impact path towards the Pentagon's west wall.
Thus, this is another grave indication that the whole official South of CITGO gas station flight path for AA 77 is a full blown lie.
It is more obvious a lie, when you study this ASCE report drawing and the plane's angle of attack of 46° to a perpendicular line drawn on the west
wall longitudinal north-south line. In my opinion, the angle with that west wall its longitudinal line should be taken as the angle of attack, not
this depiction. In that case the same angle of 46° instead of 42° is shown in this picture, and a line through the fuselage would not end up in the
red "Hole in wall" in the AE-Drive space, and that fuselage line is again depicting not a 42° angle, but a 46° angle.
When you draw a real 42° angle through the red line and extend it towards the trailer area, that line depicting the planes center line in its body,
will go through the second trailer to the left. Not through the generator trailer at all. The right wing its jet engine would go straight through that
second trailer. All these ASCE report drawings are all meant to confuse the reader, and to plant the wrong conclusion in his mind.
When you hold a plastic ruler at a circa 80° angle to the nose of that tiny plane in the inserted photo in the upper right corner, you will see the
real attack angle, and that the whole plane in fact ended up under the later "collapsed" portion of Wedge 1. It did not further get inside than the
inner wall of the E-Ring, where the collapsed portion ended.
All the other internal damage must have been caused by explosives, there is no other explanation, when you see through the ASCE report its pile of
hogwash :
edit on 6/3/12 by LaBTop because: (no reason given)
edit on 6/3/12 by LaBTop because: (no reason given)