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John Lear: Introduction -- My name is John Lear

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posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 10:09 PM
I'd first and foremost like to thank both Skeptic Overlord and the rest of the ATS staff for taking the steps to ensure an open environment for Mr. Lear to interface with the ATS community. It's a tribute to their desire to keep knowledge, and the search for truth available to their readership.

I'd also like to thank Mr. Lear for coming back, and spending his time with us, sharing his opinions on a highly controversial subject, that is often clouded by many agendas and steeped in dogma. As a person that truly seems to have made a point of avoiding discussing this subject matter in ANY method that would lead to his own personal financial gain. That is very refreshing, in a community rife with persons hoping to "cash in" on the subject matter, his viewpoint is one which many should be able to respect, even if they don't agree with that viewpoint.

To start off my questions to you, Mr. Lear, I'd like to ask you to go into your background in this field. I noticed above you spoke of MJ-12 and Mr. Doolittle’s confirmation of it’s existence to be primary motivators for you. What motivations kept you interested in searching for the truth about aliens and their relation to our planet? What items had such an impact on you that helped to forge your resolve to uncover the “truth” whatever that may be?

Next, I’d like to get your opinion on the current climate regarding the government and their alleged cooperation with extraterrestrial beings. How long do you believe this cooperation has occurred? Is it your opinion that our government works with these beings? Or are they working for them? Who’s really in control of the human condition, and if it’s not humans, what does that make us, in your opinion?

Also, I’d like to know if you believe any specific technologies have been given to government(s) of this world? If so, what are they? Are any alien technologies used against human beings either with their government’s knowledge or via the governments themselves?

And to wrap up this initial set of questions, I’d like to get your stance on the “New World Order”; do you believe it to be a part of this control? Have you ever researched either the “New World Order” or the “Illuminati”? Have you found any relation between either of these supposed organizations and the extraterrestrial situation as you see it?

Thank you for your time. Please, feel free to be either as descriptive or answer as blunt as you see fit. I know that’s many questions, but I think they will truly help establish a foundation for this discussion, and add to the pool of subjects that persons (both posting and reading) would like to hear from you about.

The Seeker

[edit on 20-9-2004 by TheSeeker]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by TheSeeker

I'd first and foremost like to thank both Skeptic Overlord and the rest of the ATS staff for taking the steps to ensure an open environment for Mr. Lear to interface with the ATS community. It's a tribute to their desire to keep knowledge, and the search for truth available to their readership.

I'd also like to thank Mr. Lear for coming back, and spending his time with us, sharing his opinions on a highly controversial subject, that is often clouded by many agendas and steeped in dogma. As a person that truly seems to have made a point of avoiding discussing this subject matter in ANY method that would lead to his own personal financial gain. That is very refreshing, in a community rife with persons hoping to "cash in" on the subject matter, his viewpoint is one which many should be able to respect, even if they don't agree with that viewpoint.

To start off my questions to you, Mr. Lear, I'd like to ask you to go into your background in this field. I noticed above you spoke of MJ-12 and Mr. Doolittle�s confirmation of it�s existence to be primary motivators for you. What motivations kept you interested in searching for the truth about aliens and their relation to our planet? What items had such an impact on you that helped to forge your resolve to uncover the �truth� whatever that may be?

Next, I�d like to get your opinion on the current climate regarding the government and their alleged cooperation with extraterrestrial beings. How long do you believe this cooperation has occurred? Is it your opinion that our government works with these beings? Or are they working for them? Who�s really in control of the human condition, and if it�s not humans, what does that make us, in your opinion?

Also, I�d like to know if you believe any specific technologies have been given to government(s) of this world? If so, what are they? Are any alien technologies used against human beings either with their government�s knowledge or via the governments themselves?

And to wrap up this initial set of questions, I�d like to get your stance on the �New World Order�; do you believe it to be a part of this control? Have you ever researched either the �New World Order� or the �Illuminati�? Have you found any relation between either of these supposed organizations and the extraterrestrial situation as you see it?

Thank you for your time. Please, feel free to be either as descriptive or answer as blunt as you see fit. I know that�s many questions, but I think they will truly help establish a foundation for this discussion, and add to the pool of subjects that persons (both posting and reading) would like to hear from you about.

The Seeker

[edit on 20-9-2004 by TheSeeker]

In 1985 or 1986 I walked into a friends house (Al Newall) and noticed a book laying onthe table called "Missing Time' by Budd Hopkins. I read the book and was frightened, very frightened for a long time. Because I 'knew' it was true.
Thats what started it all.

We have had an on going alliance since the late 40'. We help them keep the secret of their existance and they give us cool technology. In our military/governments infinite wisdom they think they have the upper hand.

I don't know what technology they have given us, but from the guys who have seen it and know about it is beyond extraordinary. Don't know if its been used against our enemies (the enemy being us, of course.)

Regarding the NWO/Illuminati this post says it for me:

[edit on 20-9-2004 by johnlear]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 10:55 PM
Mr. Lear,

1) What is your opinion of Ambassador Merlyn Merlin II?

2) The boron mining operations. What's your opinion of what the aliens are doing with this element? Could they be making an alloy, using it and the element 115?

3) Do they still hold the Ultimate UFO Seminar? If yes, when and where will the next one be held and will you be attending?

[edit on 20/9/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:06 PM
A few other threads have been posted containing more focused questions for Mr. Lear. These threads can be accessed from this page:


posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Mr. Lear,

1) What is your opinion of Ambassador Merlyn Merlin II?

2) The boron mining operations. What's your opinion of what the aliens are doing with this element? Could they be making an allot using it and the element 115?

3) Do they still hold the Ultimate UFO Seminar? If yes, when and where will the next one be held and will you be attending?

1. Never met him
2. Naturally occurring element 115 could only be found in a solar system much, much larger than ours. The 2 main factors which determine the residual matter that remains after the creation of that solar system is the amount of electromagnetic energy and the amount of mass present at the time of the creation of that solar system. A much larger solar system than the one earth is in would have had to have been created to have element 115 occurring as a natural element. No, there is no possiblility that the aliens are mining it or making it here.
3. I have not attended or spoken at a UFO seminar in years. Those guys are nuts. Just plain nuts.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:32 PM
okay. this is really cool. kudos to ALL who were able to weld this discussion back together.

i like your taste in NWO definitions. street cred and all.

after reading howard blum's book, 'out there', it is hard to believe that anyone can say for sure what is going on. the layers of disinfo are a mile thick. what is it that makes you think you are not just another 'useful fool' that is following all the right leads to all the (expected) false conclusions, as intended by the illuminati?

the illuminati are rumoured to be staging a FAKE alien invasion to bring about 'world peace' under the reign of the 'anti-christ'. do you feel this is a valid scenario?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:46 PM
I myself have witnessed 2 vastly different types of UFO's..
My questions are..
1. What craft are directly related to the greys?
2. What races do the other crafts belong to?
3. Are any of these man made?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:55 PM
I wanted to thank both the ATS staff and Mr. John lear for setting up this unique forum to have a civilized discussion of the Issues.

Good Evening Mr. Lear,

I wanted to get your take on Bob Lazar. On the net and elsewere there are several logical pieces that pretty much debunk his accounts of UFO building, his background, and the supposed base at Papose Lake. Tom Mahood's BlueFire page goes into great length on these issues. Do you feel that his story and the issues surrounding it help or hurt your cause?

My other question for you is underground bases at Area 51. As part of the Area 51/Groom Lake research group here on ATS, I have come to the conclution that while underground bases do exist (Richard Saunders does an excellent job proving this) there is simply no evidence to support the existence of massive 40 level underground structures housing various alien races and thier technology. Do you have any evidence that supports the underground base theory?

If indeed that all your assertions are true, Such as the domes on the moon, advanced alien technolgy, etc could you please explain how they have managed to keep operation security for so long? If they are hiding such huge secrets such as Mr. Lazar for example has asserted, why would they not eliminate or isolate him?

Lastly I want to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. I look foreward to a lively and spirited debate.


posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Mr. John Lear,

It's an honor to get to have dialogue with you.

Well let's get started with the questions, I hope they're not too long:

1) You talked about Dr. Edward Teller being a member of MJ-12 and his determination to develop weapons to fight EBE's with technologies that are being funded under the SDI. How is he coming along on this project?

Link: New York Times (You may need to register for free or Google for Dr. Teller articles elsewhere)
Edward Teller Is Dead at 95

I just thought John and others here would realize if they did not know that Dr. Teller is deceased. His project is surely continuing, imho.

My questions: Restating from the earlier Q&A and adding other thoughts. Please elaborate if you will.

1. The gist and theme of Flying Saucer documentation is they are "billions of years ahead of us." At the same time, we have may all have from time to time read a run of stories implying their "anti-social," behavior and/or excesses of "professional detachment." Imho, they are mirroring our context.

Is there hope intelligent life so "advanced," in so many diverse forms, will among any of them, get it right on philosophy and political science? Basic morality would be great for any social structure.

2. So far it seems there is a "non-interference directive," at least space aliens have not as yet arrived on the cover of Time Magazine meeting any President. So I wonder what you might have to say on the Disclosure Project, and any other projects on the same light, will it really never happen?

3. I am still trying to connect the dots on my own sighting in Waikiki, to reach out to others who can reconfirm. Do you have any ideas on how to go about finding others who may have witnessed a Flying Saucer at the same time? I had zero bad vibes at the time, just astonishment and wonder. I am comfortable with myself here, but talking to others sure helps. See link below for this story to picture it.

UFO Sighting Over Waikiki

[edit on 21-9-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by FredT
I wanted to thank both the ATS staff and Mr. John lear for setting up this unique forum to have a civilized discussion of the Issues.

Good Evening Mr. Lear,

I wanted to get your take on Bob Lazar. On the net and elsewere there are several logical pieces that pretty much debunk his accounts of UFO building, his background, and the supposed base at Papose Lake. Tom Mahood's BlueFire page goes into great length on these issues. Do you feel that his story and the issues surrounding it help or hurt your cause?

My other question for you is underground bases at Area 51. As part of the Area 51/Groom Lake research group here on ATS, I have come to the conclution that while underground bases do exist (Richard Saunders does an excellent job proving this) there is simply no evidence to support the existence of massive 40 level underground structures housing various alien races and thier technology. Do you have any evidence that supports the underground base theory?

If indeed that all your assertions are true, Such as the domes on the moon, advanced alien technolgy, etc could you please explain how they have managed to keep operation security for so long? If they are hiding such huge secrets such as Mr. Lazar for example has asserted, why would they not eliminate or isolate him?

Lastly I want to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. I look foreward to a lively and spirited debate.


I don't have a cause so there is nothing to help or hurt. Bob is my friend, I believe every word he ever told me. I was there in 1989, Mahood wasn't.

I have no evidence for anything I say. Its all speculation. The undeground facility at Groom Lake is massive.

They don't have to try very hard to keep it secret. Who's going to believe it? And who's going to believe Lazar? He was convicted of pandering. No decent, god-fearing, S-4 flying saucer mechanic scientist is going to pander. And thats actually a fact.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by SkipShipman

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Mr. John Lear,

It's an honor to get to have dialogue with you.

Well let's get started with the questions, I hope they're not too long:

1) You talked about Dr. Edward Teller being a member of MJ-12 and his determination to develop weapons to fight EBE's with technologies that are being funded under the SDI. How is he coming along on this project?

Link: New York Times (You may need to register for free or Google for Dr. Teller articles elsewhere)
Edward Teller Is Dead at 95

I just thought John and others here would realize if they did not know that Dr. Teller is deceased. His project is surely continuing, imho.

My questions: Restating from the earlier Q&A and adding other thoughts. Please elaborate if you will.

1. The gist and theme of Flying Saucer documentation is they are "billions of years ahead of us." At the same time, we have may all have from time to time read a run of stories implying their "anti-social," behavior and/or excesses of "professional detachment." Imho, they are mirroring our context.

Is there hope intelligent life so "advanced," in so many diverse forms, will among any of them, get it right on philosophy and political science? Basic morality would be great for any social structure.

2. So far it seems there is a "non-interference directive," at least space aliens have not as yet arrived on the cover of Time Magazine meeting any President. So I wonder what you might have to say on the Disclosure Project, and any other projects on the same light, will it really never happen?

3. I am still trying to connect the dots on my own sighting in Waikiki, to reach out to others who can reconfirm. Do you have any ideas on how to go about finding others who may have witnessed a Flying Saucer at the same time? I had zero bad vibes at the time, just astonishment and wonder. I am comfortable with myself here, but talking to others sure helps. See link below for this story to picture it.

UFO Sighting Over Waikiki

[edit on 21-9-2004 by SkipShipman]

Skip, when I made that post I was thinking "Didn't he die? Thanks for the link."

1. Skip, we are lab rats. Deal with it.
2. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, ever.
3. If you saw one, you are 'in'.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 01:00 AM
Mr. Lear,

1) Have you ever been harrassed by governmental agencies because of the knowledge you're disclosing? If so, then that should be enough proof to the public that they are hiding something.

2) Did you take part in helping Bob Lazar build his "Sport Model" flying saucer and did it ever work in the slightest?

3) Have you been in touch with David Darlington lately and do you two have any plans of publishing another udated book together?

[edit on 21/9/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Mr. Lear,

1) Have you ever been harrassed by governmental agencies because of the knowledge you're disclosing? If so, then that should be enough proof to the public that they are hiding something.

2) Did you take part in helping Bob Lazar build his "Sport Model" flying saucer and did it ever work in the slightest?

3) Have you been in touch with David Darlington lately and do you two have any plans of publishing another udated book together?

[edit on 21/9/04 by Intelearthling]

1. Never.
2. Bob never built a 'Sport Model" The "Sport Model" was what he called the alien flying saucer at S-4.
3. David, imho, was less than thorough in researching his book. He used the statements of certain individuals without checking these statements or the individual out thoroughly. The book was not Pulitzer prize material.

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 03:23 AM

I think the book Above Top Secret, and other books by Timothy Good are really great. Possibly my earlier question on "friendly aliens," was inspired by a deep story there about a close encounter of the fourth kind. These Flying Saucer guys looked like us, and commented "we don't use money," and "each person has a task to do from an early age in our social structure," as I remember it. They showed him their world, and it appeared quite ideal. Later government agents debriefing him wanted to keep secrets especially the idea "we don't use money."

1. I wonder if you have read Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, and what are your thoughts about his book?

2. Did you find it an inspiration, interesting, flawed, or what is your take on it?

3. I think about space aliens as being MY lab rats dogone it! Sure they are advanced, but I have the same atoms, maybe molecules, and a spirit that is in no way "dependent," upon any of them, but friendly and communing with a universal father. Call it "the universe and more, a personal God, if you will." Anyway that is how I "deal with it," regarding your "we are lab rats," statement. Sure they might have faked some of our religions to make us controllable, but so do humans. I hook into the universe just like they do, imho, so I do not consent to submit to them. Why think like "victims," here regardless of technologies, is there a better approach to "deal with it," as you say?

[edit on 21-9-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 04:02 AM
1. What was it that made William Cooper turn on you and Lazar?

2. Why would Mr Cooper claim you to be one of the members (together with Bob Lazar, Bruce Maccabee, William Moore, Jaime Shandera, Stanton Friedman) in a ring of government agents that he called "the greats of UFOlogy"?

3. What is your opinion of the events surrounding the death of Mr Cooper?

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Durden]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 06:52 AM
Mr. Lear,

Thank you for your above answers, very interesting stuff. Also the link you provided is thought provoking to say the least. My next set of questions is as follows:

1. You sound so certain of several things, namely that a) Ufo disclosure in a truthful and open manner will never occur. And b) we are a sort of "cosmic cow" on an experimental farm. What is it that you know that gives you the ability to exude your opinion with such certainty?

2. Is there, in your opinion, any logical means of resistance to this "experimentation"? Can we fight them? If no, why not? If yes, what would it take to see this come about?

3. Your father was a powerful man, a great man in the eyes of history/the public. Was he aware of extraterrestrial life? I know he was a member of elitist organizations such as Bohemian Grove, how involved was he in "secret government"? Is his involvement in black/ covert projects part of the reason you seem to have had a "less than healthy" relationship with him?

What I'm getting at is, there must be reasons for your relationship with your father. For him leaving you only US $1.00 at his passing. If these reasons are not overly personal, and deal with the subject matter at hand, would you mind going into them with us?

Thanks again, great stuff.

The Seeker

[edit on 21-9-2004 by TheSeeker]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 07:48 AM
Mr. Lear, what are your opinions on the "mothman"? This supernatural creature appears to terrorize witnesses and perform behaviors that normal humans don't seem capable of doing. How likely is it that the "mothman" is an alien/genetic experiment/demon? Often it is described as having large, black, reflective/glowing eyes.

This alleged creature was supposedly captured in 2 photographs while jumping from a bridge in Russell, KY in 2003. Found these (brightness enhanced) on the web:


Thank you,
MK & lost

[edit on 21-9-2004 by MKULTRA]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by billybob
okay. this is really cool. kudos to ALL who were able to weld this discussion back together.

i like your taste in NWO definitions. street cred and all.

after reading howard blum's book, 'out there', it is hard to believe that anyone can say for sure what is going on. the layers of disinfo are a mile thick. what is it that makes you think you are not just another 'useful fool' that is following all the right leads to all the (expected) false conclusions, as intended by the illuminati?

the illuminati are rumoured to be staging a FAKE alien invasion to bring about 'world peace' under the reign of the 'anti-christ'. do you feel this is a valid scenario?

I could very well be a "useful fool" or even a "useless tool". Heck I don't know. I don't think I'll ever know. Regarding the illuminati and any predictions I have no opinions. Hard to believe? Wait a minute...let me think about this....

[edit on 21-9-2004 by johnlear]

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by SkipShipman

I think the book Above Top Secret, and other books by Timothy Good are really great. Possibly my earlier question on "friendly aliens," was inspired by a deep story there about a close encounter of the fourth kind. These Flying Saucer guys looked like us, and commented "we don't use money," and "each person has a task to do from an early age in our social structure," as I remember it. They showed him their world, and it appeared quite ideal. Later government agents debriefing him wanted to keep secrets especially the idea "we don't use money."

1. I wonder if you have read Above Top Secret by Timothy Good, and what are your thoughts about his book?

2. Did you find it an inspiration, interesting, flawed, or what is your take on it?

3. I think about space aliens as being MY lab rats dogone it! Sure they are advanced, but I have the same atoms, maybe molecules, and a spirit that is in no way "dependent," upon any of them, but friendly and communing with a universal father. Call it "the universe and more, a personal God, if you will." Anyway that is how I "deal with it," regarding your "we are lab rats," statement. Sure they might have faked some of our religions to make us controllable, but so do humans. I hook into the universe just like they do, imho, so I do not consent to submit to them. Why think like "victims," here regardless of technologies, is there a better approach to "deal with it," as you say?

[edit on 21-9-2004 by SkipShipman]

1. I've read all of Tims books. I took Tim to look at Area 51 in the early 90's. I participated in discussions with Tim and Bob Emmenegger and others. I met Tim regularly in London. Above Top Secret is an excellent read and very, very detailed.
2. I had no problem with the book.
3. Your approach sounds excellent. my approach is kinda like:
"Hey, this is really interesting. I wonder whats going to happen next?"

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by Durden
1. What was it that made William Cooper turn on you and Lazar?

2. Why would Mr Cooper claim you to be one of the members (together with Bob Lazar, Bruce Maccabee, William Moore, Jaime Shandera, Stanton Friedman) in a ring of government agents that he called "the greats of UFOlogy"?

3. What is your opinion of the events surrounding the death of Mr Cooper?

[edit on 21-9-2004 by Durden]

1.It started with the PM Magazine (Salt Lake City) television interview at my house in Las Vegas with me and Bill being interviewed (I think this is 1988 around September or October). Bill said in the interview, on camera, that he had seen the O.H. Krill papers while in the Navy. I turned beet red and hustled him into the living room away from the camera. I asked him what the hell he was talking about that John Grace (Val Valerian) had written that a few months before. Bill told me again with a straight face that he had seen it in the Navy. In a state of shock I went back into the den where the cameras were only to hear him say that he also had seen the "Excalibur" document (concerning the deep undeground penetrating missile being developed at LANL) in the Navy which Lazar had written only the week before. After the PM Magazine folks left I called Lazar and told him what happened. Cooper was then officially moved to our s**t list.
2. He felt we were all part of the UFO conspiracy.
3. Exactly as printed in the paper. That was Bill Cooper.

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