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Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Jerome Corsi, Pamela Gellar, Robert Spencer, Anders Behring Breivik

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posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 03:56 PM
I guess I will start this off with a simple picture that will look innocent at first glance, but will blow your mind and cause your eyes to pop out of your head as a right wing radio host would say.

Jerome Corsi, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer

So what is so special about that photo? It seems to be innocent enough. Their is nothing to it you say. Well lets take a look at who these people are and then connect some dots then you will begin to see that picture in a new light.

Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer run the website

Pamela Gellar seems very happy to be with Daniel Pipes. Shes the kook doing the thumbs up.

Daniel Pipes is a propagandist with a long history but you can look that up on your own if you want.You would really get dogged down with Bush and how he used him to start and justify wars in the middle east. Most people would just say he is a Israeli supporter who likes to attack anybody Israel does not like at the moment.

But you do get the idea that Pamela Gellar is propaganda agent used by other countries extremist to manipulate the US population. And that is where this story is going. And one of her most famously propagandized person of interest in this story is the Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik. This guy went and targeted Democrats and wanted to start a war between right and left using guns to kill the evil Democrats. I will quote wikipedia a little here.

Breivik's far-right militant ideology is described in a compendium of texts, titled 2083 – A European Declaration of Independence and distributed electronically by Breivik on the day of the attacks. In it he lays out his world view includes support for cultural conservatism, ultra-nationalism, right-wing populism,
Islamophobia, Zionism, anti-feminism, and white nationalism. It also expresses support for paramilitaries such as the Scorpions. It regards Islam and cultural Marxism as the enemy, and argues for the violent annihilation of "Eurabia" and multiculturalism, and the deportation of all Muslims from Europe (culminating in the year 2083)
to preserve European Christendom. Breivik wrote that his main motive for committing the atrocities on 22 July was to market this manifesto.

This is the guy who will really make your eyes pop out with the connections that are coming now. I will put up a picture of him to remind you who he is encase you don't remember.

Anders Behring Breivik

And heres his Manifesto he released just before the attacks. He hoped it would be part one of a continuing story hoping someone else would continue left off.

2083 A European Declaration of Independence.

Heres Anders Behring Breivik in his own words quoting Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer website.

Anders Behring
Such cases must be considered together with similar cases where the media consistently ignores issues related to Muslim riots.

Everyone remembers the July riots in Marseilles and other French cities where the media were instructed not to report the news.

One can only wonder how many there have been riots in France or other countries that we have never heard of. It is in the process of developing a trend in Western Europe where there is full agreement that the media is suppressing such cases. Estimated damage from the July riots in France: 800-1500 burnt-out cars, dozens of buildings burnt out, injured several people (including police officers). Not a single article in the MSM. I called both TV2 and NRK but they said it was not "news worthy" ... Maybe not so strange when 90-95% of all European journalists are supporters of multiculturalism and do not want to contribute to the damage "integration process" by communicating the truth.

This is a very frightening development and further documents how the media works as propaganda machinery to the multiculturalists.

The orders of the "media blackout" Have Been Strictly Applied. Le Monde refused to respond, citing “ministerial instructions.” “Yesterday morning, every journalist who came, even for the smallest piece of news, to the firemen, or gendarmes or police, heard the same answer: 'No fires'. In fact, the truth is quite different. In fact, the truth is quite different. Some of those we questioned admitted under their breath: 'We cannot say anything about the fires. We have received orders.” In Lyons, the daily Le Progrès reports the same blackout: “Orders not to speak to the press were given to firemen, gendarmes and police.” &hl=no&client=opera&gl=no&strip=1

You can use google translate to changed the language.

And how does all this have anything to do with the guy Jerome Corsi in the picture? I'm sure you want to get to the bottom of this connection that I have not shown yet. Just seems like I'm throwing a bunch information out there about the other two in the picture but nothing about him. Well I guess I have so far but heres a new person I'm going to throw into this story. Jan Brewer Governor of Arizona.

Jan Brewer

You might recognize this picture better.

Now what the hell does she have to do with anything? Well we could allways quote her wikipedia page. That does show a interesting detail.

Brewer is of English and Norwegian descent. Her maternal grandfather, Emil Theodore Bakken, was from Norway, and her maternal grandmother, Carrie Nelson, was from Minnesota and the daughter of Norwegian immigrants. Meanwhile, her paternal grandmother, Sarah Rosina Ford (original surname Wilford), was an Englishwoman from Buckinghamshire.

I know your saying to yourself what the hell does that have to do with the Norway killer or even the people in the photo. Well Norway! Just kidding!
You have to look at her views and the things she has done and that she is doing to see the connections besides Norway. Heres some news for you.

During a Sunday appearance on NBC's "Meet The Press," Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer defended her state's crackdown on immigration as a necessary response to drug violence in Mexico, saying that the Mexican government is operated by drug-runners.

"The whole state of Mexico is being controlled by drug cartels and all of that crime is coming across our border and Arizona is the gateway," Brewer said.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 03:59 PM
That sounds like something Anders Behring Breivik would like to say or at least quote as he pushed his agenda of murder and hate. It also sounds like something that would be perfect for the Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer run the website You have to admit that no matter what your side on the issues are.

And now you are going to get a new person to complete the circle. Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Well now who the hell is he? What does he have to do with all this? Well he connects some more dots for you.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio with Jerome Corsi.

Well they have a picture together so what? How does any of this have any thing to do with each other? Well shortly after the heated conversation between Jam Brewer and President Obama. Sheriff Joe Arpaio made the news with the Birther Issue again. By saying the Presidents birth certificate is forged. Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a Sheriff in the state with Jan Brewer as Governor. And I guess you have to look at some news about Sheriff Joe Arpaio to see some of the common ground between these people.

DOJ investigation of Sheriff Joe Arpaio for civil rights violations namely the prohibitions against national origin discrimination.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio with Neo-Nazi Vito Lombardi

That picture is from the website [hate-site-nolink] a Neo-Nazi website.

And then you have the Sheriff bringing up the Obama birther issue claiming Obama is not a US citizen. Which is based in the whole idealism he has of nationalism just like Anders Behring Breivik. After all that is what he wanted was Nationalism and to shoot anybody who tried to promote multiculturalism. And thats how he targeted people of his own nationality because he thought they promoted multiculturalism that they just don't deserve to be his nationality. They were with the enemy. Everybody else.

And so I guess your wondering whats the final piece of the puzzle that places Sheriff Joe Arpaio with Jerome Corsi? Well Jerome Corsi supplied all the information for the investigation by Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He was the lead in the "Cold Case Posse" the group who did Sheriff Joe Arpaio's investigation.

And in case you did not know. Jerome Corsi is now selling a book about his lead in this case.

I guess they say that the Tea Party is the ones who pushed for this case. Well I could go deep into that rabbit hole but I will leave you with a thought.

The Taliban is called a terrorist extremist religious group who enforce the form of law on the citizens where they rule. But really when you think about the people you hear complain and hate these people the most are the ones who are most like them. That is the Conservative Nationalist Tea Partiers. When you come to think about it the hate and propaganda the threat and use of guns to push their way or else and even the territorial way of thinking that these two groups have is created in the same fashion and thats probly the reason they both seem so close. I guess you could look at Anders Behring Breivik friends the Freemasons and if you understand their thoughts that "nothing is evil its just how you use it that is evil" way of looking at things that lead to this. They look at propaganda and say its not evil as long as its not used for evil. Which could be and probably is true. But when this whole thing started it started with Daniel Pipes being put in office by George Bush to push a war with Arabic countries and he was chosen because of his ties to Israel and their hate of Arabic countries. And you end up with a growing cancer that festoring into complete chaos and anarchy putting one country against another starting racism nationalism zionism and multicultral warriors who want to kill anybody and everybody who is not their color their race their nationality or even their class or financial status. You decide to fight terrorism with torture and doing assassinations using propaganda to support your case and eventually all your leaders end up just like Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio attacking people arressting people and even investigating people for no other reason then race, sex, nationality or even financial status. And they see no wrong with this. The talk of guns and painting bullseyes on people was just fine to until U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head by someone just like Anders Behring Breivik.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:00 PM
Strange its in the same exact state the rest of this is going on in. Theres another connection I did not even make until just then. But this is a a crazy thing about the web and most people don't see it unless its pointed out to them. Some will deny it but the web just keeps growing until its a good excuse to say "well everybody is doing it". But do we want everybody doing this?

Heres news on the U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona shooting.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:11 PM
So far all I'm seeing is:

* Some news people didn't report on Muslims in France causing riots and property damage last July

* Some people don't want non-national persons in their country so those not born in a country should be kicked out

Then something about the Taliban and people who blog.

Trying real hard to figure out the point to this thread but right now, I just can't. Would you post a "too long, didn't read" version cause right now my brain refuses to function and take this in.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:28 PM
Good luck on honing your liberal propaganda. I just read your whole post, ( a few minutes that I will never get back unfortunately) and there is absolutely nothing concrete in there about any of these clowns being linked. When you threw in the Giffords shooting, I did a facepalm. Wheres the evidence? Oh, thats right. Its Liberal v.s. Conservative. Who needs evidence to be an assclown?
edit on 5-3-2012 by AnimositisominA because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:28 PM
Caught me with the headline........ Although in my mind your theory is really reaching, grabbing at short straws. You point out things anyone can see but when you allude to collusion, that's reaching........ No conspiracy there buddy....


posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

I appreciate the idea that there may be some interesting connections between all of these people, but having been born & raised in Arizona, I can tell you that the Mexican Drug Cartels are among the biggest problems facing Arizonans, and Arizona's border NEEDS to be protected. I've never known anybody with more respect for the Office of the Presidency than me, but if I was Gov. Brewer, I would be waving my finger in his face too. (Side note: I am not a Brewer supporter).

Many people think of Arizona as a racist state, but these people pointing the racist finger don't understand the dangers (physically, economically, etc.) that illegal immigrants can impose on Arizona citizens. Also, it stands to reason that Mexicans probably aren't the only illegal immigrants slipping through that border.

Like Ron Paul said, we need to stop worrying about the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and worry about our own!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 06:18 PM
Heres some more on Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Neo-Nazi links. Seems it goes back a while.

Crooksandliars quote this story. close/

Seems he uses them to gain more votes during elections and push his Anti-immigrant policies. But as you can see from the photo he does not want to be branded with the group. So like some kind of drug pimp daddy he rolls up and cracks the window to talk to his boys.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:51 PM
Anders Behring Breivik made this post.

2009-12-03 01:21:04
Hlund, Fjordman, Hårstad, Rust

I’m NOK much later in the game than him when I have only been politically active for 13 years. I førstegenerasjonsdhimmi (Generation Y). I was active Oslo FrP / FpU in the first 6-7 years (in the cultural conservatives + laissez faire capitalist / liberal camp) and contributed to the Progress Party’s success before I stopped. I felt the time was more important to help develop / promote the political doctrines abroad especially British, German, French, American). I ran the business a few years while I studied and earned a few million so I could finance a inntektsløs politically active life. I now use these funds to be able to work full time to further develop / promote the Vienna Academy (Vienna school of thought) that Fjordman, Bat Yeor, Spencer + many others have already contributed so much till. The last three years I worked full time with a cultural conservative works that will help to further develop / promote these political doctrines further.

Anyway, I consider the future consolidation of the cultural conservative forces on all seven fronts as the most important in Norway and in all Western European countries. It is essential that we work to ensure that all these 7 fronts using the Vienna school of thought, or at least parts of the grunlag for 20-70 year-struggle that lies in front of us.

The book is called, by the way 2083 and is in English, 1100 pages).

To sums up the Vienna school of thought:

- Cultural Conservatism (anti-multiculturalism)
- Against Islamization
- Anti-racist
- Anti-authoritarian (resistance to all authoritarian ideologies of hate)
- Pro-Israel/forsvarer of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries
- Defender of the cultural aspects of Christianity
- To reveal the Eurabia project and the Frankfurt School (ny-marxisme/kulturmarxisme/multikulturalisme)
- Is not an economic policy and can collect everything from socialists to capitalists

Frankfurt School (kulturmarxisme) is a very ambitious unofficial ideology (and quite unknown to most) and they have succeeded in most areas (except to smash capitalism, European Christianity and European identity, traditions, culture). Vienna school is more a defense against this where we often use the Marxist ‘own creations against them (sexual liberation, feminism, liberalism, anti-racism, anti-autoriære arguments).

Vienna school of thought is far from a complete ideology but consists of principles and ideas that are constantly under development. It is unofficial and does not necessarily ever to be recognized.

He speaks of Bat Ye'or.She has provided briefings to the United Nations and the U.S. Congress and has given talks at major universities.'or

He speaks of Robert Spencer who runs Jihad Watch.

Anders Behring Breivik also made this post.

2009-09-07 09:23:59
Such cases must be considered together with similar cases where the media consistently ignores issues related to Muslim riots.

All remember the July riots in Marseilles and other French cities where the media were instructed not to report the news.

One can only wonder how many riots have been in France or other countries that we have never heard of. It is in the process of developing a trend in Western Europe where there is full acceptance that the media can suppressing such cases.

He also qouted this artilce on Atlas Shruggs.

That article was posted to Atlas Shruggs by Pamela Geller she also runs that site. She was once called the darling of the Tea Party and wanted it to join with the English Defence League.

Heres a picture with Pamela Gellar with Robert Spencer.

Heres some article from loon watch about the above people with details on them.

So is this guys crazy ideas already in America or were they born here? I still would like to know more about this secret Vienna school of thought. And I find the part about the presentation for his website to the secretary at the Israeli Embassy and being told how to go about it and who to work with strange.

And I noticed this about some of the people mentioned above that knew this Norway gunman.

Frequent FOX News Contributors Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer to Visit Tampa Bay, Premiere Film, Report on Ground Zero Mosque and the World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial.

Pamela Geller, leading opponent of the Ground Zero Mosque, Editor/Publisher of the widely popular and award-winning website and Robert Spencer, New York Times bestselling author of nine books on Islam and jihad who has led seminars on those subjects for the US Army, the FBI, and the US intelligence community, and Director of, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, will screen and discuss their new documentary:

So was his ideas born here? He sure was friends with people in the US.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:57 PM
I have news for you.

Anders Behring Breivik started out with his ideas before any of the people you mention ever hit the Internet or started promoting themselves.

The time lines don't match up. He had clear intentions already formed in 2001, which is a couple of years before your list of people came on the scene.

I need an icon of a bomb, for when I blow people away.
edit on 2012/3/5 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:21 PM
The thread left out one of the biggest stories in AZ.
If you have a problem with Arizona,
bring it up to my Congress woman,
District 8, retired now.
Any insult to Arizona
Is an Insult to
The Democrat Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords

edit on 5-3-2012 by Gmoneycricket because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:30 PM
So I am looking for how Americans will ridicule us in AZ
on April 17
I guess I get to vote that day to replace Gabby.
So those of you that don't have to vote that day enjoy mocking AZ,
our Sheriffs, our Governors, our problems on that day.

edit on 5-3-2012 by Gmoneycricket because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Aeons

He started his career and making money then. He began his isolation and preping for the event in May 2009. He quit his job bought a farm began playing with explosives. At that time he went into the blogosphere and gaming. The blogosphere was where he made his post on websites and he began his manifesto and collection of copy pasted stories from websites such as Jihad watch and atlasshruggs. He traveled during this time to several countries meeting with groups such as the EDL and other racist groups that Pamela Geller is not afraid to say she supports whole heartedly. And he used his fathers connections at the Royal Norwegian Embassy to get a meeting with the Israeli Embassy to try and get funding to create a hate group such as EDL in Norway and start internet websites promoting racism. Israeli Embassy gave him a list of names and said work with these people then come back later and we will talk more. So you can't say he started his plans at birth or at the begining of his career. He started his plans when he decided to drop out and go into isolation. And found a world of propaganda from the likes of Daniel Pipes , Pat Buchanan, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller. And what a plan and crazy place he had to go to listening to them to do what he did.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

Give me a list of the leaders in your state,
so I can begin to see how they compare to mass murders,
like you have today in my state!

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

Hey im just pointing out the friends they have found. If that hurts maybe you should say something to them about who they are hanging out with. They work for you after all.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:54 PM
It was a Democrat Sheriff that was not paying attention
as a Democrat was shot.
So edit your pictures, story, in your thread and add the truth.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

And I am pointing out how it was a democrat sheriff that was not doing his job.
If you can not handle it.
Don,t start left against right threads about AZ unless you live here.
So what state you from?
Oh you don't want say,
there is no dirt in your state right?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

And you end up with a growing cancer that festoring into complete chaos and anarchy putting one country against another starting racism nationalism zionism and multicultral warriors who want to kill anybody and everybody who is not their color their race their nationality or even their class or financial status. You decide to fight terrorism with torture and doing assassinations using propaganda to support your case and eventually all your leaders end up just like Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio attacking people arressting people and even investigating people for no other reason then race, sex, nationality or even financial status. And they see no wrong with this. The talk of guns and painting bullseyes on people was just fine to until U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head by someone just like Anders Behring Breivik.

I never said they had anything to do with her. I used her as an example as to what happens when you ignore a problem and let it go to long. Maybe you should read some of this and if you see anything that is something you think is a problem with what they are doing. Speak up and make them change. Don't ignore it. Like I said earlier they work for you. Im simply pointing out to people who they are climbing in bed with. And its pretty scary if you ask me.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:05 PM
And you left out Fast and Furious,
but that is to expected from America today.
A democrat DOJ let a Border Patrol agent get shot,
and killed in AZ,
add that to your thread also.
So what else left/right about AZ do you want to talk about today?

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by Gmoneycricket

I have this guy deciding he wants to come to my district. I hope people don't ote for him or we will be doomed for sure.

Congressman Allen West

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