No, I'm not 100% sure as no one can really be sure about such things and there's no way to verify it. But this is the first time that I followed a
lead and it seems to have developed into a real mystery. I won't bore you again (and again!) about my qualifications as a lunar anomaly researcher
except that since the early '80s I've never seen a NASA photo containing a real anomaly regardless of who claims what even though I did find a couple
but they did not having enough detail to come to a firm conclusion. But I don't give up 'cause one never knows. However, I can say that this IS the
first time I've seen something that makes me wonder, And it's not on a NASA photo, it's at Google Moon.
Looking around the web I found a website dedicated to lunar anomalies. I looked at a few of the photos but was not impressed. But when I looked at
their screen shot of Belyaev Crater and saw that I could "verify" for myself by finding the area in Google Moon I got excited.
This website and the crater were mentioned as a source in an ATS thread in 2009, but this particular anomaly was never discussed so I thought I'd
bring it to your attention to see what you think. First, I'll include the website's URL and an edited-by-me comment from the page to give them
Belyaev Crater - "V" Shaped "Lights"(?)
This is an image of a crater inside Mare Moscoviense named Belyaev. You can see there is a small crater of diameter around 15 Km South-West to
Belyaev. One can see the coordinates marked on the edge of the crater.]
Here are 3 screen shots that I took and cropped on Picasa. The first photo is the overall photo, followed by a closer look at the crater we are going
to arrive at to see the anomaly. The anomaly is what look like 7 white circles in a V shape, 3 circles to a side and the point circle. This anomaly
reminds me of a NASA Apollo 11 film where a white "orb" is seen flitting over the lunar surface. When the "orb" is about to pass over a darkened
crater you see a light emanate from the center of the darkness and grows in brilliance and then lights out. Right after this center flash, you see
other flashes on the crater's rim and surrounding area. You can only see these flashes if you record the footage and playback frame by frame. I call
them "acknowledge" flashes.
The V shape could be 7 "orbs" parked or they could be a combined light source that creates flashes of light. But the V shape is in a different crater
than the ones I describe. It's just a thought.
Copy the coordinates and go see the anomaly for yourself and come back and add a reply.
I've added a white square.
edit on 4-3-2012 by The Shrike because: To correct reply.
edit on 4-3-2012 by The Shrike because: To correct spelling