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This Moment.

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posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:35 PM
People keep saying, "Live in the Moment" and "Be Present in the Present".

I suspect you [general] are meaning that one must be mindful of environment, emotion, thought, and so on each and every second.

My question is:

How can we be present at This Moment if This Moment is the past, present, and future of each moment at once?

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by ottobot

maybe it means just focus on right now....let go of the past...don't think about the future...because all we have is right now?

this very moment. The World is a fragile volatile carpe diem

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:40 PM
If I tried to explain it I would probably just end up losing most of the meaning in my words. I recommend reading the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle. He talks a lot about being in the "now."

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Thurisaz

Thats exactly what (they) mean. You can't control the future. The past are simple memories to help us learn how to better ourselves now. Now is actually all there is.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by Still_Learning
reply to post by Thurisaz

Thats exactly what (they) mean. You can't control the future. The past are simple memories to help us learn how to better ourselves now. Now is actually all there is.

Everything you do today is just a set up for tomorrow. So if you set yourself up for failure, than you will most likely fail. If you set yourself up to succeed, you will succeed.

Think of yourself in the future like someone you don't know, and your job is to make their life better. Or you can take advantage of them (like spend their money ie; debt) and live for the moment.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by badconduct

Originally posted by Still_Learning
reply to post by Thurisaz

Thats exactly what (they) mean. You can't control the future. The past are simple memories to help us learn how to better ourselves now. Now is actually all there is.

Everything you do today is just a set up for tomorrow. So if you set yourself up for failure, than you will most likely fail. If you set yourself up to succeed, you will succeed.

Think of yourself in the future like someone you don't know, and your job is to make their life better. Or you can take advantage of them (like spend their money ie; debt) and live for the moment.

yes I agree with forward planning but how certain are any of us that there is even going to be a tommorrow?

that sounds negative but it is realistic..

I know some people who worry about tommorrow... they are unbearable to be around....I always say, "how are things right now?" and they answer..".well, it is ok but tommorrow... " and it seems that their worries of the future ruin their moment or now.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

Originally posted by badconduct

Originally posted by Still_Learning
reply to post by Thurisaz

Thats exactly what (they) mean. You can't control the future. The past are simple memories to help us learn how to better ourselves now. Now is actually all there is.

Everything you do today is just a set up for tomorrow. So if you set yourself up for failure, than you will most likely fail. If you set yourself up to succeed, you will succeed.

Think of yourself in the future like someone you don't know, and your job is to make their life better. Or you can take advantage of them (like spend their money ie; debt) and live for the moment.

yes I agree with forward planning but how certain are any of us that there is even going to be a tommorrow?

that sounds negative but it is realistic..

I know some people who worry about tommorrow... they are unbearable to be around....I always say, "how are things right now?" and they answer..".well, it is ok but tommorrow... " and it seems that their worries of the future ruin their moment or now.

If there is no tomorrow, than events in the Universe beyond my understanding have taken over any direction or meaning to my life anyway. Even if I enjoy today, I won't remember it when it ends. It will be completely irrelevant anyway.

If you mean by no tomorrow, some sort of unforeseen natural or unnatural event that ruins people's lives indefinitely or an apocalypse or end of times for humanity, than I prepare for that too.

I set my self up for success for tomorrow. I may have missed out on some of the "live for today" moments, but I enjoy being older, more responsible, not having any substance dependency and planning my life on a macro-scale of understanding from a lifetime of research and education.

I don't worry about what I can't do. I think about what my final goal is, and what I could be doing right now that will help me accomplish that goal tomorrow.

Edit: What will worrying about tomorrow accomplish for me today? If I do have a problem I have to deal with tomorrow, I am better to spend my time preparing for it today.

Will the economy completely collapse tomorrow? It's possible.
How did I prepare for that? I asked my bank how to get paper-copies of my shares in case the currency is valueless. Business can change currency and exchange rates, and the value of the shares will still be important in a public company. You might have to buy a news paper in order to track the value, instead of viewing it up-to-the-minute online.
edit on 3-3-2012 by badconduct because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by ottobot
People keep saying, "Live in the Moment" and "Be Present in the Present".

I suspect you [general] are meaning that one must be mindful of environment, emotion, thought, and so on each and every second.

My question is:

How can we be present at This Moment if This Moment is the past, present, and future of each moment at once?

Yeah, this moment evelopes the whole of eternity as a first/last cause. This moment is the new beginning, whereby the creation is made fresh and new, and made available for us to walk into it.

We cannot hang on to a spiritual experience, nor continually forget the past and the future to sit and do nothing, focused on the present when the present is all there is to begin with!

This nonsense about linear time has just got to go. It's absurd.

We are always at the beginning, that is our true condition.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 12:36 AM
The fact is, you can never escape the now. But by being attached to the mind, you lose yourself in something which is apparently NOT now. What is meant is basically this. Thoughts are inherently of the past or future. NOW is timeless. No time can occur now, or else it can be divided into different parts, and therefore it is not now. In order for a thought to occur, it needs space. It takes time for that thought to occur. You can, therefore, never think about now. Now can only be experience, not thought about. When you think, it is based on memories of the past, or projections of the future. Now is timeless awareness, watching everything occurring both inside and out.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by ottobot

My question is:

How can we be present at This Moment if This Moment is the past, present, and future of each moment at once?

Damned guud quest-eYe-on!
It made me have to think.

Here's my answer:

By realizing the y0u lives in the Past and the ME lives in the Future and the eYe IS only live in the Present!

That's living IN This Moment and kNot letting IT live y0u, by living for the "eYe IS of WE" and kNot for the y0u & ME of We!

This Moment IS Life and it's n0thing as well!


edit on 4-3-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 01:08 AM
The future will never come, the past can never be regained and is only now a memory.

You only ever live in the present, so there is no use worrying about what has come to pass or what may come. All you can control is the now, and all you can control in the now is how you think.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 03:52 AM
Where are you? When are you?
You will only ever experience now and you will only ever experience here! You can never step out of here and now, you may beable to wander through time but only in your mind. Your body never knows time because it lives only in the here and now. It is only the mind that believes in time, but the mind is deluded.
When you find yourself, know where and when you are, you will know peace.
The hereness and nowness of you is the only one constant in an ever changing scene.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 04:10 AM
Humans are unhappy because they believe that 'time' will save them for this miserable life. They feel lost and incomplete and they believe that in time they will feel better, they say 'it/I will be ok', instead of 'I am ok'. 'Time' can not save you but now you can check to see if you are ok, what is wrong with right now unless you think about it? Are you ok?
It is because humans are scared that they look for security in time. Look now directly at the fear. Do not be afraid of the fear, it is only energy felt in the body, it is no more than light. Your being is saying look at me but humans don't look at the energy in the body they turn to the mind, they turn toward time to relief the pain not realizing that that is the cause of the pain and suffering.
The body is where now is felt and now feels fantastic. Only time is full of horror. The horror is mind made.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 04:26 AM
Your being misses you, that is why it is screaming at you, it is saying here i am, i am right here, right now can you not feel me? The body is here and now, the real you (being) is trying to get your attention by hurting, it is sending a message, it is an invitation to wake up.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by ottobot


That's all too complex, so simplify.

Being in Now means to maintain awareness on what you are doing, what is around you. It is about not following the millions of little thoughts that rush in and out of the Mind constantly, as those take you out of Now.

The moment before Now is Gone. It no longer exists except in our thoughts.

The moment after Now has not happened yet and so does not exist yet either, except in our Mind.

You only have Now.... and Now.. and Now.

Staying focused on your intentions, choices, actions, words and surroundings as you live each Now takes a lot of practice. It doesn't happen without practice.

You will find yourself having to remind yourself about every 10 to 30 seconds of the day to refocus on Now. After some time it becomes a new pattern of behaviour.

All the other what if's ? The coulds and shoulds do not apply.. except for in the Mind.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 06:14 AM
reply to post by ottobot

moment as one of momentum, in truth u are only free sense out while anything u see is also that, and what is between u and others things u see is also to absolute freedom sense out

be at the moment mean to consider priority of existing rights, the definitive character of existing freedom value out, keep ur back free in absolute freedom value as infinite sense too, but conscious is to give rights to existence truth right now that is not connected to ur absolute freedom will nor mean, but just to freedom rights existence now

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 08:47 AM
Now is not of the mind.
The mind is time and suffering.
Suffering is your teacher:
Escape the prison of your mind;
edit on 4-3-2012 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by ottobot
I suspect you [general] are meaning that one must be mindful of environment, emotion, thought, and so on each and every second.

Better to be mindless than mindful for increasing awareness of the present moment. The mind operates using duality: bouncing around in time measuring, comparing, and categorizing. Feeling is a present-moment experience that is easier to recognize when the mind is quiet. When you're thinking, you take your 'presence' with you.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

suffering has nothing to do with being subjective or a will, u teach evil potentials to evil life
as if u cant talk nor mean what is normal being

unfortunately the rejection of truth is all of individual freedom, starting from zero to one whatever that one is powerful

but there are innocents that never meant any and there is me who mean its nonexistence for truth existence absolutely first

as ridiculous as it sounds we are the majority when at the same time ones means became one existing freedom, so all of u and all out of same mean too do not exist since one god exist which is evilest lowest can free one sense b free
so whatever down and up u mean in depth same as free it doesnt matter u do not exist nor live and never will, all is to him, his existence and his life, that is how truth limited free pervert one relative right

so ur reference is same mean, u refuse to exist unless truth is not free too so not existing
u refuse to exist relatively out of truth existence rights from recognizing truth existence more always

the sense of existence freedom is before anything to truth freedom and it is obvious how it is not to anyone life or existence, it is obvious tht truth is free and it forced while surprising all free senses of its own realisation that has nothing to do with what is there or was

while u keep rambling like dry wood thing talks how all is from what u do and what u do is from all creations and that anything is looking after u to please and fullfil his goals

the bottom point is only that, when freedom is the truth that justify free senses being individually the only possible present facts, then any existing mean objectively is the proof that truth is free too, so existing, and ur sense of willing to realize smthg is the proof that truth existence realize its freedom as it pleases it

truth is not in the duality of one and all, truth is freedom so also only but on higher dimension which is superior absolutely, while bc it is truth so infinite superiority freedom too which is the reason why what i say is proven right, that freedom and existence are completely separated

existence is to absolute freedom rights which has nothing to do with infinite freedom superiority facts

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by circlemaker

freedom is not to shapes, or ways, truth is freedom bc freedom is the exclusive thing so that come out from its constant fact of being thing object existing

that is why u have right existence and evil one existence
it is inherent to the thing, the freedom out constant that cant b else

that is why who really mean to change knowing its own self being evil, has no options to realize actually should stop meaning anything, but only admit objective existence while denying to himself the right to exist totally
then truth would i guess sort it for him

before there were no existence, so those non right freedom to exist couldnt b attacked or pointed out of existence rights that belong to truth or relative true freedom

but now that existence is obvious objective, evil freedom is put in same situation that right freedom inherently do

right freedom is senses that are aware but would never mean their existence objectively out from knowing the right of truth existence being superior while always first, even if they are very much aware of being right to exist too relatively

u cant keep meaning wrong up and right down abused for evil one life

u believe that u can, but i say u cant

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