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FAQ's on Freemasonry, by former 32 degree mason, shriner, proficiency card holder..

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posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 11:57 AM
taken from

The following are FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) that I commonly receive regarding Freemasonry. My answers, while providing some general information about Masonry, only scratch the surface of why Freemasonry is incompatible with the Christian faith. By way of background, I was a 32nd degree Mason and Shriner, as well as a Blue lodge officer and Proficiency cardholder. A Proficiency card is a rare Masonic credential conferred upon those Masons who can perform every position in each of the three Masonic degrees from memory. Those who hold this card are also authorized by their Grand Lodge to instruct in Masonic ritual.

Edited by Byrd to remove the whole cut-and-pasted page. Please note the guy's copyright statement that I've copied from his page:

Copyright 2001 - 2004 � by John Salza. All Rights Reserved.
WHAT THAT MEANS -- IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Please don't copy my web page without my permission, no matter how noble your intentions. It doesn't matter if it's "not for profit" or whatever. These are my words and I have the right to say who reproduces them. Thank you -- John Salza.


[edit on 20-9-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by chief_counsellor

Why is Freemasonry incompatible with Christianity?
Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity because it promotes indifferentism. Indifferentism is the heretical belief that all religions are equally legitimate attempts to explain the truth about God which, but for the truth of His existence, are inexplainable. Such a view makes all truths relative and holds that God can be equally pleased with truth and error. Because Christians believe that God has definitively revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, and desires that all men come to the knowledge of this truth, indifferentism is incompatible with Christian faith. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." (John 14:6).

Freemasonry's teachings and practices also result in syncretism which is the blending of different religious beliefs into a unified whole. This is evidenced most especially by Masonry's religious rituals which gather men of all faiths around a common altar. This is also demonstrated by the Lodge's prayers and its unique names and symbols for God and heaven. Syncretism is the logical consequence of indifferentism.

Copyright 2001 - 2004 � by John Salza. All Rights Reserved.
[email protected]

Attention Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Taoists, and those who are NOT Christians (the OTHER millions and millions of people):

You're all going to hell because you are of no account. Your gods are false, and you have no right to salvation. Christianity, according to the above, does not want people of different faiths coming together in a spirit of mutual respect and understanding.

What a way to promote peace and goodwill among mankind . . . . . . .

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:40 PM
Jesus was the one who died on the cross for our sins, and redeemed us by his blood. He is the only way to the Father, as it says in scripture.

Buddha etc...never died for me....Jesus did.

There can only be 1 truth.......not a whole bunch of contradictary truths...

Jesus is not only one path, buddha, or Hare Krishna another path.

Jesus is the only truth.

[edit on 20-9-2004 by chief_counsellor]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:45 PM
Unless you are a Christian, that argument makes no sense. Anyhow, he didn't really die did he? He's still around right? Are you of the opinion that Jesus is dead and has ceased to be?

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:48 PM
Jesus, died, and rose again yeah....etc.. you all heard it

however, when a Buddhist, Hare Krishna, Taoist etc.. enter Heaven, it is because of Jesus. no one goes to hell because they are not Christian. You can say your not a Christian, but still do all the things Jesus has said to, but Salvation is only through Christ.......non-Christians also go to Heaven, for sure, but only because of Jesus..He is the ultimate judge of our souls

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 12:57 PM
To many, Jesus was a prophet.

Siddhartha Gautama DID die, perhaps not for you personally, but for ALL of us, of ALL faiths, but that does not give you licence to promote a bigoted, twisted, subtlely racist, quasi-xenophobic ABOMINATION of the Christian faith.

YOUR "version" is perhaps some of the most morally reperehensible doctrine I have ever come across.

The Buddha, the Taoist Ascended Mastes, the Hindu Gods . . .ALL OF THEM are just a legitimate as the one you call "Christ." So: Brahman vs. Christian Heaven. Ultimaet Reality vs. the Right Hand of the Father. Who wins?? NO ONE. Each has its place. Each must be respected and welcomed.

All of those faiths also believe in an afterlife, and in fact, the Celestial paradise of the Taoist Masters would make you green with envy. LOL.

In any case, continue, by all means.

[edit on 20-9-2004 by LTD602]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:04 PM
IMHO, I thought Christ did not die on the Cross he was given Mandrake and vinegar in the form of a wet sponge and this concoction simulated death, he was then placed in the cave and a group called the Teutonic Knights came and got him as the drug wore off 3 days later and they took him and his wife and kids out of the country to France, witch later lead to the royal blood lines of Europe, and the Teutonic Knights are today the Masons?. This is just what I�ve heard, read somewhere and been told along the way I don�t know if it�s true though just MHO.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Hindu gods have no place with Christ, Jesus is above all, he is the only means....There is no other God other than the Holy Trinity, Jesus came to show us the truth, and the true path to salvation.

I can't believe you would even dare think of putting the hindu gods on the same place with Christ!!!!

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:12 PM
They ARE. Millions upon Millions of Hindus would tell you so. Or, do they not count??

That's fine, though. Rest assured, you'll go to some sort of heaven, but don't be surprised if Hindus, Taoists, and Buddhists are sitting with you. Some of them do not even have a concept of sin. In fact, some of their Gods are more powerful than your Jesus. Oh yes, and they didn't lament so much when in pain - many do not feel pain, since of course, they are divine. Some of them would not have blasphemed their own divinity by taking on human form. NOT everyone buys that "both human and divine" business. Just some things to consider.

Just out of curiosity, do you even aknowledge people of others faiths as human beings? Do you "lower yourself" to sepak to them? Careful you don't get your halo caught in a turban as you lean down . . . . . . .

[edit on 20-9-2004 by LTD602]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by LTD602
Siddhartha Gautama DID die, perhaps not for you personally, but for ALL of us, of ALL faiths, but that does not give you licence to promote a bigoted, twisted, subtlely racist, quasi-xenophobic ABOMINATION of the Christian faith.

Geez man... I agree with you for the most part, but at least he said that non-Christians weren't all destined for hell. Thats an improvement over many views.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 02:01 PM
Ok, so let me see if I got this right, Jeff... your argument is NOT about masonry, but about Christianity versus everyone else? So, lets see, how many MILLIONS must die so that you can feel good about Jesus?

Your church has been the source and cause of millions of people's deaths, for "religious purity"... the inquisition, the committee for purity of the faith... you have heard all the drill...

So, lets see, you object to Masonry because our very premise is equality and unity, brotherly love, non judgmentalism and the search for that which unites us rather than that which divides us... right?

Given the propensity of your church toward rape, molestation, murder, warfare, hate... all clothed in the veneer of religious faith, I would chose Masonry...

As for the claims of this previoius mason/shriner... well, lets just say that exaggeration knows him real well...

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 02:44 PM
Chief Counsellor seems to be confused; he has apparently mistaken this forum as a Christian discussion, which it is most certainly not. He is certainly entitled to his religious beliefs, but his error is in assuming that we give a rat's rear end about them...except maybe to point out the fact that Masonry has never launched inquisitions to torture people they disagreed with, nor have covered up child molestation cases.

Secondly, he is engaging in hypocrisy. He himself is a Knight of Columbus, which is just as much of a "secret society" as Freemasonry. I have absolutely nothing against KofC, and have friends who belong to it (a couple of which are also Freemasons). But his attempt to discredit Masonry is hypocritical because practically anything that can be said against Masonry can also be said about KofC, with the sole exception that Masonry does not discriminate on the basis of religious belief, while KofC does so discriminate.

I would recommend that this gentleman remove the splinter from his own eye before attempting to remove mine.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 03:32 PM

So, you used to be a Mason, and you "saw the light" *ahem* and decided to follow Catholic teachings?
As a person who was baptized and raised Catholic, I must say it bothers me that the CC would penalize Catholics who were Mason.
What would the CC do to one such as I who thinks Masonry is a harmless and worthwhile organization? *sigh*

I also am amazed at your narrow-minded view of other religions!

Masonic Light~~how do your friends who are both Catholic and Masons rationalize their situation?

[edit on 20-9-2004 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 03:55 PM
It is forbidden for Catholics to become can not recieve communion if you are a member, and are Catholic.

I did research on the church's stand, and it IS still forbidden. The Catholic church is not the only church that takes this stand.

by the way Theron, my name is not Jeff.....I don't know where you got that from.

I didn't mean to try to turn this into a religious debate..however someone quoted the part refereing to "indifference" or whatever..

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 03:59 PM
To pipe up here.

I am both a (protestant) Christian and a Mason. I don't feel that the originator of this thread has done a good job of representing either movement.

The Blue Lodge is not specifically Christian. Yet, I think it does an outstanding job of demonstrating Christian virtues in a forum where many young men are open to moral teachings they would otherwise ignore if the same were coming out of a preacher's mouth.

One of the charges various "authorities" within the (catholic and protestant) churches spew is that masonry teaches legalism, i.e., salvation by works. To anyone who makes this charge, my response is that you weren't paying attention to the third degree, or never really experienced it.

My personal hope is that on the Last Day I will be raised to eternal life in the same way I was made a master mason, and not by my own virtue at all.

If the Lord ever looks at me as being innocent and upright, it will only be by virtue of being 'covered' by the Lamb of God. Different people symbolize that in different ways. I think one of the most meaninful is the badge of a mason.

For nonmasons and nonChristians, I guess what I am saying is that you can judge a tree by it's fruit. No good tree produces rotten fruit. No good Christian, or good mason, is involved in hatred, torture, or spreading lies or even in spreading prejudice against groups they personally dislike.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by chief_counsellor
It is forbidden for Catholics to become can not recieve communion if you are a member, and are Catholic.

I did research on the church's stand, and it IS still forbidden. The Catholic church is not the only church that takes this stand.

by the way Theron, my name is not Jeff.....I don't know where you got that from.

I didn't mean to try to turn this into a religious debate..however someone quoted the part refereing to "indifference" or whatever..

Yes, that someone WAS me. And you DID mean to turn this into a debate.

There are MANY Masons who are Christians. You should know better than to follow the dictates of the church. Christianity can thank it for all its ills. Still, it's your choice, and you are most certainly entitled. If you revere it, it is not my place to ask you to do otherwise.

To be honest, I too, could care less whether a percentage of Christians have an inordinate fear for their souls. If they don't want to join masonry, it will do absolutely no harm to the Craft.

I'm not a Christian. I tried, but I don't recall ever caring enough to receive First Communion . . . or was it Confirmation? Either way, your quote from Salva reminds me why. ;-)

I have a God, too, though . . . .except HE loves ALL his children, equally, without exception.

He's also the kind who counsels me to keep far, far away from churches. Masonic Temples are the exception, obviously.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 04:44 PM
Well said, Strangecraft . . . . VERY well said.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Masonic Light~~how do your friends who are both Catholic and Masons rationalize their situation?

I have several friends that are RCC and Masons... they do not feel a need to justify their position. The day where all Catholics think the pope is infallible on issues of faith are LONG gone, especially in America... there are many catholic priests that are even masons, so despite the popes position, it is, like his stance on abortion, premarital sex, birth control and many more issues, being soundly ignored in favor of a more rational approach.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 06:59 PM
Norman Vincent Peale, for example, was a Mason.

posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by theron dunn
I have several friends that are RCC and Masons... they do not feel a need to justify their position. The day where all Catholics think the pope is infallible on issues of faith are LONG gone, especially in America... there are many catholic priests that are even masons, so despite the popes position, it is, like his stance on abortion, premarital sex, birth control and many more issues, being soundly ignored in favor of a more rational approach.

Thanks for your answer.
That is what troubles me about the CC. It seems like there's a lot of the rulings coming out of the Vatican are worth ignoring. At some point, a person might have to decide whether one could remain in the CC in good conscience? How do those priests remain true to the Church and true to Masonry. It seems it would not be possible.

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