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Is it just me, or are sightings becoming more frequent?

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posted on Mar, 1 2012 @ 11:54 PM
Granted there have been waves of UFOs for as long as our nation has been around. However it would seem they have stepped up their presence. They being possibly hundreds of different species of ET. Upon walking up to my meeting tonight I noticed a bright light in the sky similar to venus. However the sun was still twenty minutes from setting and not a single star was visible. I paused and verified that this light was moving. It was pulsating in a very rigid specific pattern. The light then grew dim and disappeared within 45 seconds. I chalked it up as genuine as there is no way in hell an airliner would give off that kind of reflection from the sunset, simply too powerful. During the break in the meeting (7:35 p.m.) I was outside smoking. Looked up and saw this very odd boomerang shape sailing through the air. Upon first glance I was like oh well, are those birds??? Double took, verified what I was seeing was indeed a solid object and not a hallucination. Too rigid of a form to have been birds. Was easily going 150-200 mph based on how quickly it was crossing the sky. Was also very low which puzzled me. Almost looked like the ones Kenneth Arnold saw and many other drawings I have seen from over the decades. Is it just me? Or are we getting more and more observers?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by d00d557
Granted there have been waves of UFOs for as long as our nation has been around. However it would seem they have stepped up their presence...Is it just me? Or are we getting more and more observers?

It could be just you. Or there may be more sightings. But there is no real way of knowing. We have more reported sightings, but that doesn't necessarily mean more people are seeing UFOs, just that more people are reporting them.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:40 AM
This is true. I guess I just meant if any of yous guys have seen any lately. I'm talking full fledged unidentified. Meaning you've gone through just about every alternative in your head and through process of elimination come to the conclusion this is indeed something not of the ordinary.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 02:40 AM
This is true. I guess I just meant if any of yous guys have seen any lately. I'm talking full fledged unidentified. Meaning you've gone through just about every alternative in your head and through process of elimination come to the conclusion this is indeed something not of the ordinary.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by d00d557

D00D, I totally agree with you! I grew up in a very rural area of Texas. I've been "into" UFOs and looking at the sky since I was just a young lad. Living in the country I've always had access to a great view of the sky as there are no major cities around to obscure the view with light. My whole child hood and teenage years I searched for a sighting of something, anything that I could chalk up to being unidentifiable. While I did see a few things flying around that were weird, a realistic explanation would always arise to calm my excitement. I never gave up looking however. I started looking into this site as a guest about a year and a half ago. The more threads I saw the more I was convinced that, on this site I might find some answers to the questions I had my whole life. (I joined a couple of days ago, finally.) ATSers, in my opinion, must be among the most intelligent people on the net.

Anyways, to answer your inquiry.....concerning more frequency in sightings.................
I live near the Stephenville, Texas area, where in 2008 mass sightings were reported. A few days before Christmas 2011. I had my first sighting. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen. I searched for logic but the most logical thing I could think of was that the objects in question where unidentifiable. A few weeks later, on mufon, I found a similar report that described objects of the same appearance and behavior. This report was from a few miles north of my location and several days after my sighting.

Then in mid January I had another sighting of two objects that were almost identical in appearance to what I saw December. This sighting didn't last nearly as long as my first but was unexplainable just the same.

And finally, Around the middle of February, my wife and I had another sighting similar to the first encounter I had in December. This sighting lasted a considerable amount of time and again, displayed similarities in appearance to the first sighting. I

In all three of my sightings, multiple objects could be observed, and in all three cases the multiple objects seemed to be working together in some way.

Now what gets me is, not the fact that I finally saw something I couldn't explain. It is the fact that in almost thirty years I had no "legit" sighting , despite constant searching; and in a period of about two and a half months I have three of the strangest experiences in my life.

Its no answer to whats going on by any means but I agree with you. Something seems to be on the rise.
I'm sure skeptics will have all kinds of answers to your question..............
Sightings arent on the rise.....People are just more connected now than ever before. Sudden Global communication just gives the illusion of an increase in reports.
Tech is allowing more people than ever before to own cameras and computers and this is the reason cases seem to be on the rise.
I wouldn't buy any of that kinda junk.
S&F for ya. Keep on denying that ignorance. Some day we may get some answers.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:40 PM
No, people are just becoming more delusional.

That's about it.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:47 PM
Good, solid, intriguing UFO reports are few and far between these days. The entire field is in a doldrums, flooded by bad fake YouTube videos of LED balloons or GCI creations.

And we are in no way getting anywhere toward linking UFOs with anything, particularly "aliens from space." It's not so much frustrating as it is just downright boring.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:57 PM
I believe it is just:
more aircraft in the skies (actual identifiable stuff)...
more satelites.....
lots of misidentifications (see above)
and technology (cameras, videos, internet, youtube, etc)....

all of those combined make it appear as there is "more"....

back before the internet, the only time you ever heard of someone seeing an UFO was when you read it on some tabloid rag and it was ALWAYS some country person who lived on a farm.....

....i think i aged myself

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Their are too many trash reports and bad videos out there, clouding the water. Its a job searching through all the reports and videos. At least RC crafts and balloons are easy to throw out of the mix. Still, the good ones are often few and far in between. I do think the number of good reports has increased.
It took a long time before I personally saw something I couldn't Identify. ( I'm not saying 'alien aircraft' )
I have often thought it could be experimental air craft (which would be unidentifiable to me) or some type of atmospheric or geological phenomenon that is yet to be explained. It is frustrating when you've witnessed 'things' and an explanation isn't available. Equally as frustrating, is when you scour the net for a video or picture that resembles what you saw, and you have to weed through tons of material (the CG fakes with the corny music are the worst.)

I know, I'm from the country, and I'm probably not nearly as educated as most. Common sense is something you are born with and I know when I see something that isn't right. And if 'We' are in possession of technology, fifty years ahead of what is commonly known, I'd like some proof. If its aliens....i'd like proof. Same for any other phenomenon. I'm sure every one has at least that take on it.

We may never really know. That's the bottom line.

* I remember a lot from the time before the internet. Remember Unsolved Mysteries ?

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by txMEGAlithic

Welcome to ats yeah there are a lot of smarty pants around here. Did you ever get pics or footage of these ufo's you have been seeing? I too have been looking up for around 20 years but have yet to see anything unidentifiable, maybe I should move cant really even see stars half the time.

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by shamdaddy
Thanks for the welcome. I love this site. I've been a frequent guest for a while. Its an intelligent site with intelligent members, for the most part.
I didn't get any pictures or video of my sightings. I tried with my cell phone. It didn't turn out. My wife bought a good digi cam last week end so now......we will be ready. That last sighting really freaked her out. And me for that matter. ( its the only one she was witness to. and it feels good to finally have a witness ) The first two times for me, I was totally unprepared and it took me by total surprise.
I say keep looking up, even if you live near or in a city. And be prepared. When you actually see something so incredible you will want others to see it too.
* To All * No worries about any haters. Its expected. Sometimes I'll probably be a hater too. If I haven't been already, in my quest to finish my twenty replies*

By "Intelligent sit" I mean the Staff.

edit on 2-3-2012 by txMEGAlithic because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
more aircraft in the skies (actual identifiable stuff)...

If you pay attention to the stealth and raptor pictures that some member was nice to post on the Area 51 section, you would actually realize that some of the descriptions are indeed nothing like even this round triangilar stealth fighter.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:38 AM
Actually, i have found the opposite to be true.

I see less and less credible sightings. Sure the amount of planes and balloons and what have you increase, but this is hardly tangible sightings.


posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 04:53 AM
The amount of UFO's I seen in 2010 some varying from several orbs to one case where me and two friends saw what was about 30 of these orbs at around 2:00 AM GMT. These were all during that year, it was also the year I was on ats and more into the UFO phenomenon reading other members threads regarding sightings. I must have seen at least 5 different accounts of UFO's within that year. Ironically when I shifted focus from UFO's onto other topics, (bearing in mind when I was looking into It was for several months) I no longer saw any UFO's, It was a regular site for me lol.

Regardless today at sunset I'm going to head up to higher land here in the West Midlands UK little city light and armed with a camera see what I encounter, I will upload pics of any strange occurrences in the sky.

Oh yeah, Sorry for my overuse of UFO's

edit on 3-3-2012 by AG123 because: Punctuality.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 05:50 AM
if its something you're into perhaps it seems this way due to youtube and the growing number of humans with cameras to capture the sightings and get the properly reported to the rest of the species. I could be wrong though, there could be more coming. . ...

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by txMEGAlithic

Thanks for your report.

I've felt that was the case from my moderate monitoring of the reported sightings. However, I've seen few statistics on it after trying for years to get various well known sites to try and keep some kind of stats on the sightings. I don't recall where I saw the stats now. LOL.

IF ATSers even would keep stats on what THEY saw--it would be a measure.

I have a hunch that sightings are going to escalate at some point fairly dramatically reasonably close to them springing the whole thing onto the public table in a big way. I think the latter may be in the middle or at or right after the end of the looming WW3.

I hate to see it come as life will be more tyrannical and DECEPTIVE for 3.5-7 years or so thereafter--intitially wonderfully heralded, likely as a new era of peace . . . alas with tyranny unprecedented in the history of the world.

However, it will be what it will be. I'd love to have some clue about the sea changes such public involvement of the critters will have on our world by a record of stats so we could tell when they dramatically shoot upwards.

If anyone knows of a site with stats, please let me know.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 06:54 AM
They have become more frequent months ago, my friend.

I've a couple of theories on why's that.

My first theory is because we are getting closer to 2012.
You know, the "big" 2012. Ancient people said that, this will be the year when the Gods will return to Earth.

And my second theory is that our technology is getting better every day. I should better say, our "secret" technology" .

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull

Originally posted by d00d557
Granted there have been waves of UFOs for as long as our nation has been around. However it would seem they have stepped up their presence...Is it just me? Or are we getting more and more observers?

It could be just you. Or there may be more sightings. But there is no real way of knowing. We have more reported sightings, but that doesn't necessarily mean more people are seeing UFOs, just that more people are reporting them.

I would assume that. I agree with what you said about more reported sightings lately.

For me, 2010-2011 has been the most eventful years of unidentified objects in the skies regarding unexplained actitivy. However i haven't spotted anything noteworthy since 2012 has come. To be honest, i've only seen several satellites throughout 2012 so far.

Odd to be honest, at the end of 2011 i was counting "satellites" like grains of sand on a beach, one would fly over at night every 5-10minutes. It seems, where i am for the least that "activity", also including terrestrial objects seems to have died down immensely.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 11:46 AM
It's odd how on the MSN homepage, news (CNN and Fox that I watch) and etc. there was a lot of cases of UFOs in 2010/11 and even business meetings to discuss alien life. This year though has been strangely vacant of any such thing in the media.

posted on Mar, 3 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I keep " records " for a living. My job requires that I be extremely accurate, as record keeping would be useless without accuracy. With all the junk reports and false I.D's, ufo records as a whole are pretty much corrupt if you're only looking for the real sightings. Having a little more in depth organization would be a big help. And more investigators. Most sites like Mufon are not as in depth with their records as I would like to see. I attribute that to the difficulty in sorting and investigating legit cases.
I'll search later tonight and see what I might be able to find as far as over all statistics go. It won't hurt my feelings if some one beats me to it. I've got a busy day ahead of me.

"IF ATSers even would keep stats on what THEY saw--it would be a measure. '"

You and I are in total agreement.

Anyways, 2012 just started. I don't really believe it holds the ' End of the World' but I am sure our world is forever changing and 2012 will be no exception in terms of change. How big those changes are is yet to be seen....


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