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posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 03:59 PM
I have come to the possibility that perhaps the health defects and general physical decline of the American people (other nations are excluded, due to lack of research and relevance as per corporate influence) is contrived. Yes, I think that maybe, just maybe, the government is killing its own people. ...Maybe killing is a strong word; but poisoning seems to come pretty close to the mark. Sabotaging, yes. The government is SABOTAGING the people it is SWORN TO PROTECT.

How so? Through the one resource that we all use, no matter where in America we are from, and the one resource Americans have come to rely on through the past few decades.

Food...and medicine.

We all know there are additives in our food. And we've all heard the various excuses given for this. Color, flavor, preservative, texture...all of these things. And it may have started out on such innocent territory. But then comes the ability to affect the physical and mental state through drinks and fast foods.

Here is a list of such additives:

Harmful Food Additives

And here are the effects of these additives:

Effects of Additives

Seeing as how the majority of people don't realize exactly how the "secret" contents of their food affects them, the government freely manipulates the market of certain drugs, as well as the business flow of various hospitals, by controlling the additives in these foods.

But it doesn't stop there.

Citizens are encouraged to visit hospitals for everything from a stomach ache and a stuffy nose, to fevers and seizures. But what is in the medicines they give us? How do we know we're getting what they say? They are paid to do their job...and in a country where the jobs are growing scarce, are you going to turn your back and walk out?

Perhaps this is the true reason the unemployment rate is so low! To keep their mouths shut!

Essentially, both drugs and food are, quite possibly, being used to not only keep the economy afloat via medical issues, but also to keep the intellectual level from rising too high. What is the first thing to attack when quietly sabotaging a village? THE WATER SOURCE.

Then come in and parade around with a "miracle drug". Using this drug, you swiftly subdue the villagers, while they believe you are assisting them with a problem that, unbeknownst to them, you created in the first place!

To some of you, this may sound like a load of malarky, but when you look around and wonder why there are so many illnesses, and wonder why the intellectual level is dropping, why our economy, which should be dead, is still twitching...when you look at the FDA, and wonder just how closely they are tied to the CIA, and just what chemical experiments are being conducted in the secret medical and military facilities of America...when all these secrets are withheld from us, and you begin to question what value you have to the government, what value any citizen has to Congress and CIA and FBI...when you look at yourself and realize that you're a cash cow waiting to be milked, and that you have the duty of reproducing and creating more cows to be milked for the government's benefit...

Well, there's just one question:

How much do YOU trust your leaders?


(note: the main idea here is not to accuse the government; it's to remind you to never completely trust those in power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely...especially when you find you may be able to control your entire country at a whim.)
edit on CWednesdaypm545421f21America/Chicago29 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:09 PM
Given that some old civilizations used to eat out of lead pottery, and others drank from contaminated wells, some ate mercury thinking it would give them immortality...



I think people are trying to make money, other people love to consume crap.

That's about it.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:11 PM
Depopulation is a big step in TPTB's plans...the less people their are and the sicker the survivors are the easier they will be to control

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:13 PM
We are actually living longer than we used to and civilized countries with healthcare provisions are even doing better than we are, In my life time it has steadily increased almost 10 years. Quite frankly 80 some years is really more than I am prepared to deal with.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by spyder550
We are actually living longer than we used to and civilized countries with healthcare provisions are even doing better than we are, In my life time it has steadily increased almost 10 years. Quite frankly 80 some years is really more than I am prepared to deal with.

As I said: how much do you trust your leaders?

We have no real proof, besides circumstantial bs that no court would ever accept. Thus, we are left with our intuition, and political track records.

Just food for thought.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by spyder550
We are actually living longer than we used to and civilized countries with healthcare provisions are even doing better than we are, In my life time it has steadily increased almost 10 years. Quite frankly 80 some years is really more than I am prepared to deal with.

As I said: how much do you trust your leaders?

We have no real proof, besides circumstantial bs that no court would ever accept. Thus, we are left with our intuition, and political track records.

Just food for thought.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by spyder550
We are actually living longer than we used to and civilized countries with healthcare provisions are even doing better than we are, In my life time it has steadily increased almost 10 years. Quite frankly 80 some years is really more than I am prepared to deal with.

As I said: how much do you trust your leaders?

We have no real proof, besides circumstantial bs that no court would ever accept. Thus, we are left with our intuition, and political track records.

Just food for thought.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

Well, you have to follow the sources asserting the bull#. Then you have to value the degrees to which each associated source is responsible/aware of the harmful deeds.

Makes sense to me at least. Or we could just do what we've been doing, which is putting up with complete idiocy and malcontent due to ignorance or malevolence.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:22 PM
Why would trust of my leaders have anything to do with a fact that people are living longer?????? It matches up with my own observations.

BTW I am only going to post my question once

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:23 PM

edit on CWednesdaypm010124f24America/Chicago29 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:23 PM
Never trust those who are in power. Man is easily tempted...especially when control over the world (or a nation) is at his fingertips.
edit on CWednesdaypm464623f23America/Chicago29 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by spyder550
Why would trust of my leaders have anything to do with a fact that people are living longer?????? It matches up with my own observations.

BTW I am only going to post my question once

Your leaders determine everything about your life. Come on, I thought an ATSer would know this!

Also, making lifespans shorter would draw suspicion...they have to be subtle about it. I didn't say our leaders were morons!

I know, I sound nutty...but honestly, watching everything we KNOW they're doing, I have to question exactly how much we take for granted. And when money is involved, virtually anything is possible.


posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by spyder550
Why would trust of my leaders have anything to do with a fact that people are living longer?????? It matches up with my own observations.

BTW I am only going to post my question once

I have been in health wand wellness for 25 years and my observations are that the quality of life is deteriorating rapidly where people who are sick think it's normal and lifespans have increased simply due to indoor plumbing and better sanitation practices. Having money doesn't necessarily mean much anymore either as the rich overly trust diplomas and can eat worst than the poor that eat mostly off the dollar menu at McDonalds.
I see that people are sick much more of the time and milked by Dr's as they do not die quickly but slowly spending all their savings on medical care and Dr's. A form of socialism.

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