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The upper class, would it be better if they weren't there.

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posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:24 PM
If all the current upper class were destroyed would the world be a worse or better place?
In fact would any long term change occur or not?
edit on 22-2-2012 by s12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by s12345
If all the current upper class were destroyed would the world be a worse or better place?
In fact would any long term change occur or not?
edit on 22-2-2012 by s12345 because: (no reason given)

The new "upper class" would just be the highest of the middle class. You can't just get rid of a class like that. If you got rid of the upper class you would have to get rid of all their things, so say good bye to your smartphones, retail stores, grocery stores and everything else that is owned by the upper class. That is unless you are talking about just taking all their stuff.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:32 PM
Just because the upper class would be replaced does not mean they would have all the same traits. Without the existing upper class as an example of what they should be to fit in, they would be quite different. Of cause I can only talk about the British upper class as I have only lived in this one country.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:36 PM
A world with no upper class would be a tough place to find a job wouldn't it? Are you, personally, hiring? I'm not... Anyone else? No? Err.. I guess it takes money to hire and pay others. That would make the job creator types among that upper class by economic measures.

Now I'm all for getting rid of those among that class who have let the money, power and sense of being above it all go to their head. Some of them, like Soros, seem to find it amusing to toy with entire nations. Oh what some people call entertainment.

I guess there is being upper class...and then there is having one's very existence and purpose in life defined by that. Let's keep the former who generally worked hard to get there, and help the latter category get a taste of the normal life they've been missing all of theirs. Nothing hurts a rich person like making them a poor person. Just don't hate on ALL people with money. We kinda need 'em to make an economy work.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:38 PM

As much as I dislike the thought of them and what they stand for, the individual people themselves I can't comment on.... the thing is you see, I don't think we nor anyone should talk about removing another class/race/gender/age whatever from society but rather should put more effort into tollerating and accepting each other.

It comes down to respect...

The Lower Class - Well, they need the support of the higher classes in the way of jobs etc but provide man power for the Middle and Upper class.
The Middle Class - They help support the lower classes by creating jobs etc but also rely on the lower class to work for them they also work hard for the Upper class.
The Upper Class - We we can do withou... lol, only joking, they provide the businesses, investments, global trades etc but they rely heavily on the lower classes to do everything for them.

So we're all linked and we need a healthier society where we all look after one another instead of exploiting each other.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by s12345

you have to remind that the upper class build the world we now live in, with companies,architecture,education, inventions ect, You can't dismiss them by waving them off, But I agree they should stop to act greedy and look at world as it is now, And they can make it better for all of us...

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:48 PM
In answer to all the people that state that, this company or that would be removed, if the people were not there the wealth would not evaporate, it would simply go to someone else. Also major corporations are owned by many people. I suppose it partly depends upon your view of the upper class: in Britain it is about many things other than wealth. An old Etonian would be considered upper class no matter how much they screwed their life up, lost money, became poor, their children were educated at a state school. The rich are generally upper middle class or the super rich, the super rich.

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by s12345
In answer to all the people that state that, this company or that would be removed, if the people were not there the wealth would not evaporate, it would simply go to someone else. Also major corporations are owned by many people. I suppose it partly depends upon your view of the upper class: in Britain it is about many things other than wealth. An old Etonian would be considered upper class no matter how much they screwed their life up, lost money, became poor, their children were educated at a state school. The rich are generally upper middle class or the super rich, the super rich.
If you're talking about the British upper class I think that's slightly different because I think you're referring to "toffs"?

I say, let them keep their hats and leave them to play, I just think a little more respect would go a long way to solve societies problems, they need to remember that it's mostly us lower classes that keep them there.

A bit of Mister_Bit philosophy now.... "The highest leaf on the tallest tree with fall to the ground without the support of it's branches and roots"

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:00 PM
Wouldn't it be nice to do away with class structures altogether?

If there is to be some form of hierarchical structure, surely a more egalitarian one, based entirely on merit and not on connections or bloodlines or bank balances or even entreprenurialism, would be more equitable, more inclusive and possibly by extension, less exploitative or discriminatory?

posted on Feb, 22 2012 @ 02:02 PM
My guess would be that within 5 years, you'd have another "Upper Class".

However, this new group would be well aware of what happened to the last group so they would hide their money better.

There will always be an "Upper Class"

posted on Feb, 23 2012 @ 06:20 PM
It is simply the current upper class that have to be removed: they other that came after would not accept their values, or lack thereof in order to be accepted. If Eton was removed it would mean suddenly all of the top positions in the uk would be open and greater social mobility could begin. The uk is so corrupt that someone could go to a public school, and if it was not Eton could think rightly that it is pointless the going into politics as they could never become a prime minister. Note in the uk all leaders of all 3 main parties are etonians.
edit on 23-2-2012 by s12345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
A world with no upper class would be a tough place to find a job wouldn't it? Are you, personally, hiring? I'm not... Anyone else? No? Err.. I guess it takes money to hire and pay others. That would make the job creator types among that upper class by economic measures.

Now I'm all for getting rid of those among that class who have let the money, power and sense of being above it all go to their head. Some of them, like Soros, seem to find it amusing to toy with entire nations. Oh what some people call entertainment.

I guess there is being upper class...and then there is having one's very existence and purpose in life defined by that. Let's keep the former who generally worked hard to get there, and help the latter category get a taste of the normal life they've been missing all of theirs. Nothing hurts a rich person like making them a poor person. Just don't hate on ALL people with money. We kinda need 'em to make an economy work.

Actually the upper class hire very few people. Mostly their personnel lawyers, accountants, security and service staff.

Most people are employed by middle class and upper middle class business owners. The corporate entities that the "upper" class own a small portion of(except for a few companies[Microsoft, Walmart], most companies are owned by retirement and pension funds, as well as millions of small investors).
edit on 25-2-2012 by korathin because: (no reason given)

So eliminating the upper class would be the quickest way to employ millions. As the Upper class stay upper class via market and monetary speculation. With that gone from the system, the system would run much smoother for a time.
edit on 25-2-2012 by korathin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 02:00 PM
The children of the poor die everyday, so would it be moral to blow up a school for the upper class if it would save many lives of the poor. I am saying of cause if it were known for sure, which it never could.

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