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No more drinking ever again...

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posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:03 PM
I have been moderate daily drinker for years and it's finally caught up with metabolism has slowed and i've gained weight. I decided to quit once and for all...

Getting over this hump I've been abusing soda...the sugar is a mental/drug subsitute for the carbs of my much loved beer.

I get the notion that if I don't simply quit cold turkey one day I will experience DT's. It's now or never. I've come to the conclusion that there are two kinds of drinkers...alcoholics and reponsible moderate drinkers.

I am right in between responsible and an alcoholic. My body has craved alcohol more than necessary. I have been inebriated more times the past few years than medically acceptable for myself not to be an alcoholic.

I'm tired of the judgemental aspect of choosing to drink or not drink. I have noticed that social functions are fun when alcohol is not around. The party is often talk of business and work...Those in the corporate world fancy booze simply because it numbs the pain of a dull existence.

I've been to parties where conversation has been of no depth. Is it the patrons of the party or is it the party favor dumbing the people down? Probably both.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:08 PM
Do it up, man. March 6th of this year will be exactly 30 months sober for me. I was a heavy drinker from 19-30 years old. I could drink till the sun came up but whether I had one drink or 10 drinks, I'd black out every single time I drank for about the last 3 or 4 years before I quit. If you know that you can't be responsible and drink in moderation then it's definitely time to give it up. I didn't go to AA meetings but I was lucky enough to meet a girl (now my wife) who was very supportive and gave up drinking with me when she realized what I was going through. Feel free to hit me up with a PM if you need to

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by RightWingAvenger

I've come to the conclusion that there are two kinds of drinkers...alcoholics and reponsible moderate drinkers.

You forgot binge drinkers, the folks who don't drink every day but when they do, they out drink everyone until they collapse.

Responsible moderate drinkers??? Who the Hell are these people? The only responsible moderate drinkers I've ever met are elderly grandparents at a wedding reception, and that generation is all but gone at this point.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:22 PM
I respect and admire your decision to quit drinking. I too have given up the sauce, but for far different reasons (which I will spare the forum at this time.)

I personally feel almost disgusted with "drunk" people now... and perhaps mostly disgusted with the realization of the fact that- that was me! The debauchery as well as the idiotic slurs and pseudo-philosophy seems so wasteful and coarse to me now...

I am with you in the being right in between moderate and alcoholic drinking, however my disposition was of a behavioral manner, rather than a physical one. I never suffered with weight gain, nor DTs. Instead, my problem was the amplification of anger under the influence.

Generally, I was a jovial and happy drunk. Also, I didn't get wasted every time, but when I did... it was the unpredictability that was my problem. If I was among friends, all was well. In fact, I had some of the happiest, most moronic fun. However, other times (namely two... when I was expected to follow directives or meet the expectations of a loved one) I had very well almost died and/or killed someone else...

It is that very uncertainty which has ended my drinking "career." I ADORE craft beers. I savor the artistry of every aspect of a well made beer, and it saddens me to bid farewell to them... but I must. I have played the "just a couple drinks" game far too long, and with far too poor results to even attempt it again.

So, again... I commend your decision, sir. The health of body and clarity of mind you will cultivate from taking this path will surely benefit yourself as well as those around you FAR more so than the path of intoxication. If you are ever struggling, feel free to PM me.
edit on 20-2-2012 by Aqualung2012 because: .

edit on 20-2-2012 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by RightWingAvenger

I hope you're able to quit, or at least cut down. I would probably fall into the "binge" drinker category that another member mentioned. The weekends is the only time I will drink, but I hit it pretty hard when I do.

You're OP tells me that you're serious about this so I hope it works out.

Good luck!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:28 PM
Best to have a glass of red wine daily. it calms the nerves and the health benefits of a glass or two of red wine a day is fantastic. Far better than a coke anyhow.

Beer is fattening as you have noticed, and it doesn't have as much redeeming value as red wine.

As far as parties..well hell, parties are meant to network, not to have prolonged deep discussions (thats what coffee shops are for). I think a bit of drink now and then is good for you. I think drinking till your flat out intoxicated..well, maybe once or twice a year, otherwise, moderation is key, and research before setting the pattern.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:30 PM
Although it goes well against the belioved sterotype of my proud alcoholic fueled canadian middle class, I've been sober for about a year now after 6 long years living in the bottom of a bottle. I can tell you it is not an easy first few weeks but I found once I hit a month my entire prespective changed for the better and I regained so much clarity. It's a hard fought battle made up of many small mental skirmishes but a truely worthwhile endeaver.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Aqualung2012

DUDE! AWesome avatar i've met Opeth a couple of times! and i was drinking by the way! But it is a disposable use of my income i should save my money and lose weight at the same time by not drinking!

p.s. it's nice to know you were able to overcome your demons!
edit on 20-2-2012 by InfoRobinHood because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by InfoRobinHood
reply to post by Aqualung2012

DUDE! AWesome avatar i've met Opeth a couple of times! and i was drinking by the way! But it is a disposable use of my income i should save my money and lose weight at the same time by not drinking!

Yes, I was drinking when I met them too, haha. That was one of those "jovial" times to be sure!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:51 PM
Congratulations on your decision !! It takes a lot of courage and I do not know You but I'm sure You have it in You ! I am coming up on 4 years sober with the help of AA , it saved my life ! I drank to excess from a very early age , I could never have only a few ( what's the point ) I drank to get drunk period . My life is worth living now , I have Real friends not drinking buddies , I've gained back my self respect , the love from my family and friends . I understand what You were saying about parties with no alcohol , there's a better quality of conversation and fun ! ( no police or fights either !! Lol) pm me anytime ! Best of life to You !!

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by RightWingAvenger

I am right in between responsible and an alcoholic. My body has craved alcohol more than necessary. I have been inebriated more times the past few years than medically acceptable for myself not to be an alcoholic.

That is the most telling statement right there.
When you have the craving, it means that your body is missing something that it wants because it is used to having it. You may be closer to being an alcoholic than you realize, and I dont mean to offend, just to help.

I absolutely respect your decision and applaud you for doing it on your own before someone else has to step in, or worse...I'm sure you can see whee I am going.

Best of luck to you! Kudos my friend.

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 08:03 PM
Prayers for Clarity and Serenity....

Bright Blessings Sir,


posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 09:35 PM
Good for you for not drinking..Most people who iv'e met that can't handle it are allergic to alcohol.But please do not get sucked into the cult known as aa.Those poor souls are the most miserable people i have ever met outside a religious orginization.They feed on the weak in the sense that they get off on people sliding back into drinking and not living the"12 step bs"..The same way when you are competing against others,be it,sports,business getting ahead..etc.They are most of the time only waiting for you to fall of the the wagon so they can feel better about themselves..Psychology 101..People don't change,only the way they do what they do to get the same feeling has.But i wish you the best..

posted on Feb, 20 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by earthship35

I'm sorry that You see AA With that perspective . It saved my life and a lot of the people I have met in AA . Of coarse it's not for everyone , it's not only about quitting alcohol it's about living life to the best of your abilities . I have helped other alcoholics coming into AA and it's a good feeling seeing them still around sober and doing better than myself sometimes !!

posted on Feb, 21 2012 @ 08:35 AM
Lager has had no respect for my midriff these past 18 months. As a Brit I'll hold my hand up to being the average sociable binge drinker, although not to the extent the young ones go to these days. Lager is the weapon of choice, you can keep your shots, the bottle of whatever poison before you go out and no puking on doorman's shoes or passing out in the street.

I have swapped to drinking pints of bog standard soda water with loads of ice betwixt beers, being no fan of water anyway it takes me ages to get through it. Not much fear of drinking in the house - it bores me to tears and I'd rather have a herbal tea. Speaking of which; I have taken to with a gusto. Mornings is a detox tea with Milk thistle for the old abused liver and throughout the day I'll swap and change Ginger and lemon / peppermint and nettle they are lush. Detox baths 3 times a week and a change of diet and exercise to tackle the evil I impose on myself during the weekends helps a lot.

I admire anyone who has taken the choice to completely give up alcohol (I myself have no intention to but simply to respect the old liver a bit more, but depending on how often you drink and how much - regardless of not touching a drop having dealt with processing so much yeast and sugar the liver will still work itself silly producing more alcohol (Which is why many reforming alcoholics will appear dry drunk). So you need to take care of that and not just think refusing to touch a drop will stop the cravings. Your body will want the yeast and sugar so cutting out anything that contains processed yeast and sugar for a time in the meanwhile will help alot.

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by rick004

good for you,brother and i wish you nothing but the best..
..I am just expressing what i had seen over the 15 years i was in...No disrespect intended..

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by earthship35

No offense taken , fellow ATS friend !! I have also come acsoss a few predators in AA . But like anything you can't let a few bad apples spoil the bushel !! All the Best to You !!

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by RightWingAvenger

Soda is far worse for ya than some beer.

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Lysergic

Very true but for some like myself one is too many and a thousand is not enough !! Cheers !!

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Sigh, first rule of thumb, with beer... When you need to have beer.. To function... Its time to quit.....

I am a man, We drink beer...

Yet good luck on quitting. Don't blame it all on the beer thou, you will be let down..

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