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War Is going to happen soon, 100% sure now

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:25 PM
......AP Exclusive: Iran poised for big nuke expansion

VIENNA (AP) — Diplomats say Iran is poised for a major expansion of its nuclear program at a cavernous underground site.

They have told The Associated Press that Tehran has readied the site for the installation of thousands of new-generation centrifuges. These machines could greatly speed up production of material that can be turned into the core of nuclear warheads.

The diplomats say that electrical circuitry, piping and supporting equipment for the new centrifuges is in place.


Read this article

the war is written in front of our eyes, there is so much out there , and now I feel like Israel will strike soon, instead of April, they will have to strike ASAP, sanctions wont work, Iranains are known for sucidal cases, and they are not scared to die, well some of them. They will continue to build the nuclear war heads and they will strike and kill millions, Israel or the US should step up ASAP and strike and stop them from getting nukes. Its scaring me now , A nuke missle hitting us will burn the bones outta of us. Its time to step up and stop playing kid games, US should should strike as early as possible. I also belive pakistan , afghanishtan will come join in with Iran, this will be a scary scenario. If iran posses a nuke weapon, they will STRIKE and hit either the Israel or US and it will be devistating. I dont have any power to tell the government to go on war, but we will have to ASAP. Russia also said, if Iran is attacked, Moscow is right next to Iran, and they said it will be like attacking Russia, so Russia will also help Iran. We will have to play smart , i know going to war is not easy, but lets get together, US, China, India, Israel, get up and stop them.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by storm2012

The video says it all... except that it's my experience that this guy is accurate...

Love him hate him I don't care, he's ACCURATE. So, you can bet on it...

All that's happening now is that they are getting everyone ready.

Else, most mainstream people would erupt if they just did it without warning.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:29 PM
I love how you apparently know better than our government.

See, one could always argue that "oh, it's just us people dying, not them". Well, if 'millions' are going to die, I can pretty much guarantee some valuable figures are going to fall.

Also, you seem to be severely underestimating our ground-to-air missile systems.

Seriously, do you really believe you have it all figured out? Your paranoia is unhealthy.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by storm2012

......AP Exclusive: Iran poised for big nuke expansion

VIENNA (AP) — Diplomats say Iran is poised for a major expansion of its nuclear program at a cavernous underground site.

They have told The Associated Press that Tehran has readied the site for the installation of thousands of new-generation centrifuges. These machines could greatly speed up production of material that can be turned into the core of nuclear warheads.

The diplomats say that electrical circuitry, piping and supporting equipment for the new centrifuges is in place.


Read this article

the war is written in front of our eyes, there is so much out there , and now I feel like Israel will strike soon, instead of April, they will have to strike ASAP, sanctions wont work, Iranains are known for sucidal cases, and they are not scared to die, well some of them. They will continue to build the nuclear war heads and they will strike and kill millions, Israel or the US should step up ASAP and strike and stop them from getting nukes. Its scaring me now , A nuke missle hitting us will burn the bones outta of us. Its time to step up and stop playing kid games, US should should strike as early as possible. I also belive pakistan , afghanishtan will come join in with Iran, this will be a scary scenario. If iran posses a nuke weapon, they will STRIKE and hit either the Israel or US and it will be devistating. I dont have any power to tell the government to go on war, but we will have to ASAP. Russia also said, if Iran is attacked, Moscow is right next to Iran, and they said it will be like attacking Russia, so Russia will also help Iran. We will have to play smart , i know going to war is not easy, but lets get together, US, China, India, Israel, get up and stop them.

Is the latest check from Mossad already there? How are they paying these days ... might need some money too ...

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:31 PM
china and india wont help the zionists regime. if they go to war with iran we are all collectively screwed, economically, morally and radioactively.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:32 PM
Iran should have a right to Nuclear Technology in one aspect of the situation, simple reason if others can have so should they.

but as for them using a Nuclear weapon to destroy others, i cant say thats what they are going to do. as Defesne weapon fine to immediately nuke another country i would say no

but Iran and Israel both show aggression to each other.

Not sure were your from OP, but America cannot afford another war and has no business being in any of those countries.

+31 more 
posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:32 PM


One more crazy nation getting nukes is SURE to cause the POXYCLIPS!! Oh ma gawd Edna, we need to NUKE those crazy brown people NOW!!

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:33 PM
There will be no war with Iran anytime in the near future.

I've said this probably 1000 times now.

We have heard the same rhetoric with North Korea for many, many years, and they actually are a nuclear power already, but no war with them either.

LEt's look at this logically right now.

Election year, all troops just redeployed from Iraq and now back state side. Obama would not risk the political fallout by moving them right back into another warzone. That would be election year suicide for a sitting president.

Israel will also not go to war with Iran, for the same reasons, remember everyone tells you here that Israel and the US are one in the same.

The military is in a period of drawdown, meaning the end strength numbers are lower than the beginning strength numbers, the military is shrinking its troops size, not what you would be doing prior to a war.

There are countless reasons why this will not happen, we just need to take off the blinders and see them.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by youdidntseeme
There will be no war with Iran anytime in the near future.

I've said this probably 1000 times now.

We have heard the same rhetoric with North Korea for many, many years, and they actually are a nuclear power already, but no war with them either.

LEt's look at this logically right now.

Election year, all troops just redeployed from Iraq and now back state side. Obama would not risk the political fallout by moving them right back into another warzone. That would be election year suicide for a sitting president.

Israel will also not go to war with Iran, for the same reasons, remember everyone tells you here that Israel and the US are one in the same.

The military is in a period of drawdown, meaning the end strength numbers are lower than the beginning strength numbers, the military is shrinking its troops size, not what you would be doing prior to a war.

There are countless reasons why this will not happen, we just need to take off the blinders and see them.

you presume it's only about nukes. it's about much more than that, nukes are just the popular war mongering tactics being used by israel and the UN.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by storm2012

Well, this is the same story again as in the WMD episode in Irak, these are the early episodes of the propaganda campaign to justify another war. I don´t know why they want to attack Iran.... to avoid threats to Israel, or to gain control of Iran´s banking system, or whatever, but if they want to wage a war, they will do it and will surely find an excuse. In this case, it´s the nuclear threat, when Iran has repeatedly asserted they do not seek the A-bomb. But that doesn´t count, there´s another war to be waged and it´s going to happen no matter what. Once the war is over, and just as in Irak, we will find out that the invasion was not justified, that it was all a lie to justify a war, we will be given a few lame excuses, and we will carry on with our lifes as we have done before. And no one will be held responsible for the lies and deceit, no politician will spend time in jail. The only things is that this time around we might not be able to carry on with our lives as usual, if the S really HTF.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle

you presume it's only about nukes. it's about much more than that, nukes are just the popular war mongering tactics being used by israel and the UN.

Nukes or any other reason that may exist. There will be no war with Iran. I only referenced nukes because of the OP and the striking similarity this story is to the exact same threads that we have seen regarding N Korea thrugh the years. The reasons for no war remain the same even when we take nukes out f the equation.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:43 PM
[color=gold]SOLUTION: If America would take the money that is being spent for bases overseas, aid to other countries (ie Israel), and policing and "rebuilding" other countries, and INSTEAD, use it on a nuke-defense system for our homeland, we would have ONE HELL OF A DEFENSE in place that even "God" himself couldnt penetrate.

And then get Israel off of Americas teet and tell them so-called "chosen people" to simply pray to their "god" to help them instead of relying on Mommy-America's help as well as the American citizen's hard-earned TAX DOLLARS.

Theres our solution.
edit on 18-2-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:43 PM
I am just giving a heads up, belive it or not, but soon to be war, its your choice too. I know if the war occurs, we cant protect our selves, but we can deff avoid it from happening.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by storm2012

How do you know this. Where's the evidence. I thought it was America that did this - just look at both history's and you'll get nearer the truth.

TextThey will continue to build the nuclear war heads and they will strike and kill millions,

For Once the US has come up against a Country that isn't going to just role over under pressure so the NWO can be put into effect so yes they probably will eventually take action like they usually do with their Israeli buddies.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:46 PM
the hate has to stop between countries, in order for peace to come, and peace will arrive. We cant keep going on like this, someone has to step up and make it all stop. We are just degrading humanity.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:47 PM
the hate has to stop between countries, in order for peace to come, and peace will arrive. We cant keep going on like this, someone has to step up and make it all stop. We are just degrading humanity.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by youdidntseeme

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle

you presume it's only about nukes. it's about much more than that, nukes are just the popular war mongering tactics being used by israel and the UN.

Nukes or any other reason that may exist. There will be no war with Iran. I only referenced nukes because of the OP and the striking similarity this story is to the exact same threads that we have seen regarding N Korea thrugh the years. The reasons for no war remain the same even when we take nukes out f the equation.

NK never had the ability to begin destroying the dollar as the world currency reserve, iran does. NK wasn't drunk on zionism, israel is. if iran continues to trade oil for gold and other currencies thus bypassing the dollar then soon the dollar will collapse. china and russia along with india have already begun trading among themselves in other currencies besides the dollar. many african countries are also interested in how iran, china, russia and india make out with this. with the euro tanking also it doesn't look good for the world banks to be holding all their assets in the dollar or the euro since gold, oil and other currencies will make them worth less and less everyday.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles


One more crazy nation getting nukes is SURE to cause the POXYCLIPS!! Oh ma gawd Edna, we need to NUKE those crazy brown people NOW!!

Yeh, can't let Iran touch anything with the string "nuc".

Meanwhile in the fabricated land of toilet tissue and cotton candy, Sarkozy and Cameron discuss a deal on boosting their own nuclear energy throughput....

Is there not one single leader in the western world that ISN'T a hypocrite?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by quedup

like i said, i strongly belive now , the chances are so high, i dont know if u follow up on the news, and prohecies , but combining stuff i know, it starting to make sense, a war like secnerio will rise strongly, and you will eventually feel it too, just keep following the daily news.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

Be that as it may, and I am not disputing those claims at all, they very well could be true...

The reasons that I laid out in my original comment remain true, the United States will not be entering into an overt war with Iran.

Star for you for picking up on the economic uncertainty that Iran poses

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