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Has anyone noticed that the ET'S are already here-Eye Color Change in other humans-usually black an

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posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by bknapple32
I get that some people truly believe what they are saying, so I try and sympathize with them for a second. But when they post it here, they are obviously trying to prove their point by even stating it. And if you want to prove something on ATS, you need proof, or you go to the grey area. No shame in that, just the way it is.

And if this was posted in the grey area, (where the mods will likely move it soon anyway) would you or the others who don't believe his story be any more forgiving?

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
Start making direct eye contact with happens so fast..Text..or one eye will change and the other will stay the same..the human does not realize that this is going down..the only physical change is eye color..or the person may just not feel like themselves..These beings cannot stay in the human body but for short amounts of may see Lights, Shadows, Orbs..going from person to to car..Just start paying attention..if you notice what I am talking about..tell me what State or Country you are in..Thanks

It's of course very human...

Scientists tried to prove people are monsters and crap, but hey. It's just the way it is.

It doesn't change color... It's either you are color blind or you are just trolling.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:03 PM
Busk up buddy some of us have been unaware of any such phenomena, we hear you and will start to observe more closely .....the premise may be false it may not, but we are all here to learn if thats possible...
Some minds are like steel traps, sprung closed and opened with great difficulty......
Regardless of the odd sort of possibility presented here, i think it entirely rude and ignorant that those who gave flip answers just felt compelled to do so......
Thanks for the heads up, and if i observe anything similar, you bet illbe back!
peace out...s

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:14 PM
There are no colored parts of any persons eye that are changing color. Other than the persons pupils becoming enlarged, you are either imagining things, or are on hallucinogenic drugs.

And the 'aliens' (greys, green martians, and purple poke-a-dots races), just informed me that they are reading these boards and will start eating peoples brains in their sleep if they continue to see asinine threads being made. Accept their warning.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:35 PM
I noticed how noob those fakers are:

Look at the pupils, they stay vertical even when Bush rotates his head, clearly an effect

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Actually yes I would. For whatever reason, I feel posts that are made in the main forums for whatever topic, need to be backed up with some kind of evidence. If its a theory with nothing behind it, I think the op should be somewhere else. To me the main forum just deserves more respect. And I don't mean this in a judgemental way. Just looking at it from a research point of view

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by n3mesis

What? I dont get it?? I was going to work for Homeland Security in Sept-2006..I am not making this up..I am serious..and most are making a joke out of this..and what in the world..who is going to get hurt?? No-one..either you have noticed this or not..please do not insult my intelligence..

I thought Homeland Security agents had to take classes in English and grammar? From the looks of it, you skipped more than a couple...

My point being, we get a lot of nutjobs in here who claim to be from or going into or had special training by various high-priority government agencies...don't be offended if we don't take your word for it.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
I noticed how noob those fakers are:

Look at the pupils, they stay vertical even when Bush rotates his head, clearly an effect

I just wanted to point out that any sphere stays vertical, no matter what direction it tilts, because it only has one side, technically, and that side is technically always facing upward.

The pupil is round, like a sphere, and therefore follows that geometry.

High school ed, bruh.

edit on CSaturdaypm454540f40America/Chicago18 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by n3mesis

What? I dont get it?? I was going to work for Homeland Security in Sept-2006..I am not making this up..I am serious..and most are making a joke out of this..and what in the world..who is going to get hurt?? No-one..either you have noticed this or not..please do not insult my intelligence..

Hey everyone, you better believe this guy, he was GOING to work for DHS way back in 06, so yeah......... um, yeah.... take him seriously.......

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by shambles84

The Aliens have infiltraited the human will be able to notice this by paying attention to other humans around will see a complete eye color change and then back to whatever normal color..usually this will be Black..or one eye will change and the other will stay the same..Just start paying attention and you will see what I am talking about..

I do pay attention to the human race...on a daily basis. And most people are too stupid to have any kind of alien intelligence above humans to have infiltrated the human race. I *might* grant you that they *might* have infiltrated those in position of power *if* it were true, but i have not been close enough to those in position of power to accurately judge.

And i look people in the eye all the time. I have never seen a change of eye color like they movies show. 'Cause it's Hollywood.

And even if it were true, it would not be given away that easily.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by nineix

We here in the South are Straight have either seen this or not..dont waste my time..have a wonderful life

I'm sorry, but, I don't get your colloquialism. Are you trying to convey that since you live in the South, you don't lie? Are you saying because you are uneducated about optics, light refraction, prismatic effects and such that it absolutely has to be aliens? Even if both were true, your logic is flawed.
The latter would require you to have some first hand education and training in the identification of extra/para/trans/meta/non -terrestrial beings.

Since you have exhibited no education of the sciences to warrant confidence in your understanding of optics, and optical effects, I'm going to suggest that you also don't have any higher education/advanced training and/or experience in the positive identification of beings outside of terrestrial origin.

Further, as to living in the SOUTH, well, if you look at my location, you'll see I live in Houston.
I'd say that qualifies as living in the South.
Thus, what does that say?

I'm going to propose that you are uneducated (at least about optics), possibly delusional, and that your reasoning and logic regarding the whole matter is full of holes you could drive super tanker ships through.
I'm also going to propose that I'm right, and that you should be the one not wasting our time.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by bknapple32

I am talking about an Eye Color Change..from green to Black and then back to Green or Blue to Black and then back to Blue..Please do not insult my intelligence..just take a look around..

Probably just change in lighting or angle you observe from??
Or even your eyes/mind playing tricks on you would be a more plausible explanation.

edit on 18-2-2012 by juleol because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
I noticed how noob those fakers are:

Look at the pupils, they stay vertical even when Bush rotates his head, clearly an effect

I don't think they are faked but instead artifacts caused by high compression and bad video quality.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 07:46 PM
I can't say I'm agreeing with your theory, OP, but I will offer some additional information so maybe you won't feel as crazy from all of the replies you're getting.

I was first introduced to UFOs in 2003 by a self-proclaimed contactee. He was able to show me orbs, and I still see them to this day. I've never seen a disc shaped UFO, much less any aliens. But the contactee did say that when he sees the aliens, they often appear just like a human and the only way to tell a difference is by looking at their eyes. He claimed their eyes were completely black. I don't know if he meant just the colored part is all black or if the entire eye is black.

As for your initial post, I think you need to work on the delivery a little better. That may explain some of the derogatory feedback. What makes you so certain about what you're saying? Why do you think these people are actually aliens? Did somebody tell you something or are you just making a guess? You can't make wild claims without any supporting evidence or an explanation and expect everybody to take what you're saying at face value.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 08:38 PM
I'm not sure i buy into anyones eyes turning completely black. I am sure peoples eyes can change color. My uncles eyes change from blue to green to brown. You can tell his mood by the color of his eyes. My eyes also change color. From green to dark brown. Sometimes it does seem to have something to do with my mood. Most of the time they are brown but often for a few hours after i wake up or when im in a very good mood they are green. They've done this my whole life as far as I know. Youd think this is something people would notice but they dont. My mom first noticed it when i was 12. Shes the only one thats ever noticed in fact with out me telling about it. Usually when i do tell, people dont believe it until a few days later when they notice my eyes have changed color. I was even married 6 months before I told my wife and it took her a few days to believe me. I'm not sure i buy into anyones eyes turning completely black but i think if it is happening theres a very good chance few would even notice. My wifes cousin has one green eye one brown eye. Its very odd to look at. At first your not sure but something doesnt seem right. It takes time to notice. From talking to her she agrees that no one really knows until she points it out to them. Then they are left feeling a little blind that they didnt see it. How many of the people you see every day do you remembers eye color right now? There could be something to this eye color turning black for a second, I question why are just the eyes changing. I'd think the entire appearance would change if theres a change at all

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by wmd_2008

I have not seen any video's about this issue.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Apollo7

I have a really bad cold at the moment an my eyes have changed to red an puffy
does this mean im an alien,or reptilian ? wait let me take medication , give me half an hour my eyes will be back to normal

edit on 19-2-2012 by imnothereru because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Starchild23
I just wanted to point out that any sphere stays vertical, no matter what direction it tilts, because it only has one side, technically, and that side is technically always facing upward.

The pupil is round, like a sphere, and therefore follows that geometry.

High school ed, bruh.

edit on CSaturdaypm454540f40America/Chicago18 by Starchild23 because: (no reason given)

I'm talking about the vertical lines that you can see in the first minutes of the video, not the general how a sphere always looks the same.. If you had a mark on your skin, it would tilt when your head tilts right?
University degree, 'bruh'

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 10:50 AM


posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by imnothereru

Cute, I dont Play Games.

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