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The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Known - Tesla, The law of nature and modern existance.

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+73 more 
posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:06 PM
Greetings ATS. Today I'm going to talk about what I believe to be the greatest conspiracy to effect mankind.
Many of you out there are well aware of the brilliant inventions of Nikola Tesla. Many of you know that Tesla is credited with the birth of many of societies most vital technologies including:

-The AC (alternate current) generator (including the first AC hydroelectric generator at Niagra)
-The electric motor
-The Tesla Coil (fundamental for the creation of Marconi's radio)
-Fluorescent light
-Laser beam
-Wireless technologies (including limitless free energy) -Remote control
just to name a few

So the question remains. Why is it that Tesla has been lost in the obscurity of today's history books and general known history? Why is his name not normally taught in public schools (in favor of Edison for DC current and not the successor)?
I think we all know the answer, blatant disinformation. The legacy of Tesla has been distorted along with so many other great events, for what purpose?

It is abundantly clear that Tesla was going to provide free wireless limitless electricity to all of mankind. If we had that technology like we should have 100 years ago, imagine the potential that the human race could have accomplished in that time! The way JP Morgan, the US government, and others treated him was outright disrespectful. The unknown struck fear into the hearts of those who did not understand.
The most vital point is that, after Tesla's death, his works were gathered by intelligence operatives by the United States Cia and Fbi, said to be of vital importance and utmost concern. This was back in the 40's. Which means our government has been holding some of the greatest secrets ever known to free energy, FOR SEVENTY YEARS.

Imagine the heated technology race of the Cold War. With access to Tesla's inventions, the government has had indispensable resources of energy, control and manipulation of the electromagnetic field on a grand scale. Most believe that haarp has been a major player in weather modification. The work of Tesla revealed something much more powerful than anything ever encountered, the manipulation of scalar energy. Scalar energy makes haarp look like a child's toy. The manipulation of the ionosphere and resonance of the earth holds truly limitless power.
All of this makes the supposed "war on oil", wars thought to believe fought for petrol a complete facade. TPTB reaps the benefits of a society creating exactly what they want. Just smart enough to operate the machines, too dumb to wake up or make a breakthrough without being silenced. And while the working class is poisoned, they buy ineffective medicine from the hand that feeds, too dumb to recognize they poisoned themselves, hoping for a cure.

I say it's time that We, humanity as a whole, accepted responsibility for our actions and, well, grow up. We are not separate. There is no difference between race, religion, income.... We are all human beings born of this earth. It's time that we, the human race squashed politics. The proof that people can govern themselves is more than validated by the role of survival in our puzzling existence. If we wish to truly survive, live freely and be happy, we need to do all that we can to help other human beings and the planet if we expect to survive.

Leaders in the past would talk highly of the children of their generation, saying that the children are the future which indeed they are. If that's the case, why are TPTB so blatantly disrespectful and negligent? It seems that as the future comes forward, tptb show less concern for the future and more concern for their own selfish desires. I think I can speak for everybody saying that we deserve our god-given rights of liberty and freedom, regardless where you are on this planet. The laws of nature will hold true, regardless of what government you live under, the only thing that has control of you is yourself. You made the decision to read this post today. You are where you are right now because of the choices you made and nobody else.

We here at ATS hold a high standard for the price of knowledge. Everybody here knows the path of knowledge well - Knowledge is what brings us together. Now that we have organized, I suggest that each and every one of us start their own personal movement. Spread knowledge like wildfire. Capture the intrigue of as many people you know. Forget discrepancies. Forget what separates us. Stimulate the minds of those who walk in darkness. Let's find a way to turn that light back on and wake everybody up. Deny ignorance.

+15 more 
posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:12 PM
haha, Admittedly I believe this to be the second greatest conspiracy.
The first is organized religion

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:19 PM
Nicely written.

I'm already experiencing lots of people becoming aware lately, even people I considered blind sheep.
In the end, man will prevail, not the man.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by kingllama
haha, Admittedly I believe this to be the second greatest conspiracy.
The first is organized religion

Wow, on topic and insightful.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by kingllama

Hi nice post, S+F.

However i think this statement would be good to back up with a link, for those not up to date on this. I have a friend that stopped reading here.

It is abundantly clear that Tesla was going to provide free wireless limitless electricity to all of mankind.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:26 PM
Nice post and these type of posts always get me thinking........the big what if things were different because of innovations discovered years ago and allowed to flourish to their intended end?
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:27 PM
Thank you all for the positive feedback. This is my first post here and I wasn't sure what kind of feedback I would receive from this post.... It's a topic I ponder quite often and was wondering what are your thoughts on this? How should we go about educating people properly while inciting them to want to learn again after they are used to the torturous systems of public schooling which make people never want to pick up a book again. (Generalities)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by NeoVain

This is the first thing that came up on a youtube search

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by NeoVain

True! Alright this is a site to check out if you're more interested in the works of Nikola Tesla

It's a site that has a bunch of articles on Tesla, mostly cited and will really stimulate your mind!

Tesla is my favorite inventor

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by kingllama
Greetings ATS. Today I'm going to talk about what I believe to be the greatest conspiracy to effect mankind.
Many of you out there are well aware of the brilliant inventions of Nikola Tesla. Many of you know that Tesla is credited with the birth of many of societies most vital technologies including:

-The AC (alternate current) generator (including the first AC hydroelectric generator at Niagra)
-The electric motor
-The Tesla Coil (fundamental for the creation of Marconi's radio)
-Fluorescent light
-Laser beam
-Wireless technologies (including limitless free energy) -Remote control
just to name a few

So the question remains. Why is it that Tesla has been lost in the obscurity of today's history books and general known history? Why is his name not normally taught in public schools (in favor of Edison for DC current and not the successor)?
I think we all know the answer, blatant disinformation. The legacy of Tesla has been distorted along with so many other great events, for what purpose?

It is abundantly clear that Tesla was going to provide free wireless limitless electricity to all of mankind. If we had that technology like we should have 100 years ago, imagine the potential that the human race could have accomplished in that time! The way JP Morgan, the US government, and others treated him was outright disrespectful. The unknown struck fear into the hearts of those who did not understand.
The most vital point is that, after Tesla's death, his works were gathered by intelligence operatives by the United States Cia and Fbi, said to be of vital importance and utmost concern. This was back in the 40's. Which means our government has been holding some of the greatest secrets ever known to free energy, FOR SEVENTY YEARS.

Imagine the heated technology race of the Cold War. With access to Tesla's inventions, the government has had indispensable resources of energy, control and manipulation of the electromagnetic field on a grand scale. Most believe that haarp has been a major player in weather modification. The work of Tesla revealed something much more powerful than anything ever encountered, the manipulation of scalar energy. Scalar energy makes haarp look like a child's toy. The manipulation of the ionosphere and resonance of the earth holds truly limitless power.
All of this makes the supposed "war on oil", wars thought to believe fought for petrol a complete facade. TPTB reaps the benefits of a society creating exactly what they want. Just smart enough to operate the machines, too dumb to wake up or make a breakthrough without being silenced. And while the working class is poisoned, they buy ineffective medicine from the hand that feeds, too dumb to recognize they poisoned themselves, hoping for a cure.

I say it's time that We, humanity as a whole, accepted responsibility for our actions and, well, grow up. We are not separate. There is no difference between race, religion, income.... We are all human beings born of this earth. It's time that we, the human race squashed politics. The proof that people can govern themselves is more than validated by the role of survival in our puzzling existence. If we wish to truly survive, live freely and be happy, we need to do all that we can to help other human beings and the planet if we expect to survive.

Leaders in the past would talk highly of the children of their generation, saying that the children are the future which indeed they are. If that's the case, why are TPTB so blatantly disrespectful and negligent? It seems that as the future comes forward, tptb show less concern for the future and more concern for their own selfish desires. I think I can speak for everybody saying that we deserve our god-given rights of liberty and freedom, regardless where you are on this planet. The laws of nature will hold true, regardless of what government you live under, the only thing that has control of you is yourself. You made the decision to read this post today. You are where you are right now because of the choices you made and nobody else.

We here at ATS hold a high standard for the price of knowledge. Everybody here knows the path of knowledge well - Knowledge is what brings us together. Now that we have organized, I suggest that each and every one of us start their own personal movement. Spread knowledge like wildfire. Capture the intrigue of as many people you know. Forget discrepancies. Forget what separates us. Stimulate the minds of those who walk in darkness. Let's find a way to turn that light back on and wake everybody up. Deny ignorance.

Hey Kingllama... don't want to rain on your parade, but although incredibly interesting, Tesla's wireless transmission failed. I've seen several experiments since then, one I believe on mythbusters, and sadly, it just doesn't work.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:31 PM
excellent post.

If you think about how much he has done, documented and created and think thats not got much praise, what was he on to that he haddnt perfected.

The man was one of those one in 50 million who, should he have lived any longer gone to do more increadable things.

The anti-tech guys who like the consumption of energy at a sellable rate are easily the ones suppressing these influential and quite frankly amazing people.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:32 PM
I forgot... none the less, a great thread...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:34 PM
Great topic! I kow many things about Tesla since he was borned in my country (Croatia) under Serbian nationality. We are not being thought about him in schools aswell, believe it or not. He is slowly being forgotten.
Many people know about HAARP, but they are not aware that Tesla created it with good intentions. For example, he created an earthquake in NY hotel using a device he created, with time earthquake got stronger and stronger than he hammered the device so he could save the hotel. Tesla even said that he knows how to halve the earth, but won't reveal it. - That was a smart decision.
edit on 16/2/2012 by Fichorka because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:35 PM
Unless you were still alive back then, I don't know. I'm not even sure myself OldCurmudgeon. I believe nobody will know if this history is accurate, there has been so much disinformation since before our birth. I was using Tesla's struggle as an example of what happens to brilliant men looking for worldwide peace living in a world run by financially dominant globalists. The true message in my post is what matters most right now. What are we going to do to create a better world as a collective whole?

Gotta start somewhere, somehow.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:46 PM
Interesting, I've seen many things about Tesla in the past and I believe it is very likely some of his breakthroughs were kept under wraps. That said though, at what point would any of us possibly begin to replicate his work or maybe even take it to the next level?

The knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum seems to be the best start in understanding how we might be able to use this information. I certainly enjoy threads like these, but they never meet ends. It always stops in speculation, I ask, what does this information mean to us? Can it benefit us in some practical way, other than simply telling others that Tesla has outsmarted billions of those who came after him.

I end up in the same position with things like understanding the roles of platonic solids, fractality, the golden mean ratio, the fibonacci sequence, all this stuff is so incredibly interesting and seemingly fundamental. The problem I have is being able to coherently connect information to a format that may lead to discoveries that probably have already been made but are hidden.

I so much want to be able to use this kind of information to find a better way.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:47 PM
Can you not have wire-less electricity when using super conductors?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by kingllama

King llama,
Your last few paragraphs really speak to me, and props to your good writing. I agree with how you feel somewhat & LOVE the idea of everyone and their own movement! You should keep pressing that, I know I feel a movement coming on, it makes me itch everyday to sit back and watch and not do something about this world. We are all one like you said, and we need to reach that point again..& personal movements would be a great step! I think you have a beautiful mind and I do wish more people thought like you. Thank you for the thread & your very well rounded opinion! I'm ready to start my movement, are you.

Also p.s. if anyone likes to read about the laws of nature, check out books written by a family member of mine, George Ledyard Stebbins, he was all about nature.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Majestic Lumen

Thanks, but that clip only proves wireless transfer of energy at a short distance.

How about the other statements, like "Unlimited Free energy"

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by kingllama

This is nothing new.

The government has been at work for years now, suppressing any and all technology that would aid us in creating a utopia. All our nation wants is war and control.

We're a superpower for a reason. I don't know why we aren't seeking an alternative source of power, but that's just one more conspiracy on the federal plate.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:10 PM

I believe Tesla's wireless transmission of power DID work!, Maybe a little too well.

Has anyone else ever pondered the possibility, that the 1908 Tunguska event may have been caused by Tesla and his Wardenclyffe tower?

Just throwin' that out there...

BIG fan of Tesla by the way!

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