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Rumbling sounds are driving me crazy over here...!!!!!

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:05 AM
Hi, I'm new here and I'm nearly hooked to ATS. It seems to answers so much questions I have lived with my entire life. Or at the very least I get to know the opinions of people on a lot of stuff.
There seems to be little going on I am not interested in. I have seen and experienced some things I am not comfortable expressing when talking to people around me. Being human I sometimes want to vent those experiences to know what others think of them. Fortunately for me I have found a place with mindlike people.

I live in the Netherlands and this is the second day on a row that we experience an unknown sound from the air (?). Like I posted before we hear different kind of sounds. They come and go. But now it's making me uncomfortable for it keeps on going. It sounds like an mixture of an airplane flying low, rumbling, humming. If it were airplanes, than all the airplanes in the world flew over these last two days. Its going on day and night. We tried to capture it, but our phones didn't do the job right. There is nothing to see in the sky. It sounds a few minutes, the pauses in between are taking more time than the sounds itself. Between 5 minutes to an hour. The night before last, when we ( Me, my son, two sisters and a friend) thought it was over, it was just to give way to a different kind of sound; like electrical sparks, for like ten minutes. After this the low rumbling continued. While I'm typing this I can still hear it once in a while.
I know a lot of people are hearing these sounds. But do they also experience them for long periods of time?


posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:08 AM
recording the sound and posting will help u a lot i think

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by happybee
Hi, I'm new here and I'm nearly hooked to ATS. It seems to answers so much questions I have lived with my entire life. Or at the very least I get to know the opinions of people on a lot of stuff.
There seems to be little going on I am not interested in. I have seen and experienced some things I am not comfortable expressing when talking to people around me. Being human I sometimes want to vent those experiences to know what others think of them. Fortunately for me I have found a place with mindlike people.

I live in the Netherlands and this is the second day on a row that we experience an unknown sound from the air (?). Like I posted before we hear different kind of sounds. They come and go. But now it's making me uncomfortable for it keeps on going. It sounds like an mixture of an airplane flying low, rumbling, humming. If it were airplanes, than all the airplanes in the world flew over these last two days. Its going on day and night. We tried to capture it, but our phones didn't do the job right. There is nothing to see in the sky. It sounds a few minutes, the pauses in between are taking more time than the sounds itself. Between 5 minutes to an hour. The night before last, when we ( Me, my son, two sisters and a friend) thought it was over, it was just to give way to a different kind of sound; like electrical sparks, for like ten minutes. After this the low rumbling continued. While I'm typing this I can still hear it once in a while.
I know a lot of people are hearing these sounds. But do they also experience them for long periods of time?


Even though I find it very interesting and am amazed at the same time, it's kind of intriguing to me that in many cases nobody else other than the observer/reporter have heard it or reported it as well (or recorded it) and there isn't even a single mention on the local news or on the MSM.

I'm not falling in disbelief but it is just something that gets me thinking, could it just be that only a few people can hear it? Maybe a frequency that can only affect people that vibrate in a frequency that is compatible to it? Also, if you hear it all the time, try and record it somehow, shouldn't be very difficult.

Thanks for sharing!

edit on 16-2-2012 by paulorf86 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:32 AM
As for recording, we'll give it another try..

I didn't post this looking for validation though. We live in a small village. Dutch people are very down to earth and don't succumb easily to hysteria. We asked people at the other side of the village, and they can hear it too. People just shake their head and avoid the topic or say things like.."we can expect all sort of weird stuff this year"..... or.... "I really don't want to know what it means"... and stuff like that. My mother who works in an adjoining city, saw two guards looking up to the sky and heard them asking each other about the sound. So it's not just us. We have been waiting to hear about it on the news.. but nothing yet. I am curious though.. will they broadcast it or keep silent.

I will keep you posted..

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by happybee

hi frnd!

as you may know...the strange sound in the sky has been a hot topic here for quiet a while...having a fellow member presenting evidence will be epic..good luck!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:55 AM
I've been hearing them too. HappyBee is my sister and I was present that night. We at home we all heard it, and people from the other side of town too. The sounds are creeping me out! It resembles low-flying airplanes indeed but not completely alike. It just makes my skin crawl, it frightens me and I wish we'd know what the heck it is!

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:55 AM
Hey there.. glad you've joined. I am a researcher and a amateur investigator that is also interested in what you mentioned (among many other things). But I have to remind you that this is your Introduction post and not a "Topics" thread. So you'll have to wait till you get at least 20 posts under your belt then you can wow us all with your experiences and perhaps even a recording (if your lucky enough to capture it).

But again, until you get those 20 post under your belt, please keep it simple in this Introductions thread, anything more and one of the Staff may have to step in and close this thread.. So don't spoil it for us.. Because I'm really curious to hear about what you have to share in a REAL thread.

With that said.. here comes your 25 cent tour..

Welcome happybee

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posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Lykantroph11
I've been hearing them too. HappyBee is my sister and I was present that night. We at home we all heard it, and people from the other side of town too. The sounds are creeping me out! It resembles low-flying airplanes indeed but not completely alike. It just makes my skin crawl, it frightens me and I wish we'd know what the heck it is!

was there any similar sound posted on YT?

can you find us one similar and post it here?

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by heineken

I will check on YT after my workshift. Hopefully I find something similar...

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:27 AM
Welcome to ATS Happybee!
You'll hit 20 posts soon enough - if ya reply to each post here, you'll be almost halfway there

Yes, been hearing the same sounds here, w. central Canada, since the beginning of December. They were just going again tonight, sadly almost the norm now, but yeah, no one talks about it.
The local news did a piece on the "trumpet-sounding" ones, still on the fence about those.

But jet-like sounds, we know.
edit on 16-2-2012 by ItsEvolutionBaby because: HoneyBee turned to HappyBee

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Hello and welcome to the managerie....
Youll meet all the animals soon enough but PLEASE DONT FEED THE TROLLS! OK?
see you in the funny papers kiddo....hopefully with a recording....

You can always post it on YT and give us a link this

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 12:33 PM
Do you live in the Northeast ? If so you are more than likely hearing HARP in Alaska.

If not then you could be hearing the smaller one Wales. Those are two of the more common reasons.

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