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Christians voting for Bush. *shakes head*

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posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:10 AM
I have noticed a lot of Christians are backing Bush because they say he is a Christian. He will be getting their vote because of his references to God.

I think this is quite hard to swallow. Christ talked of watching out for false prophets and evil coming in Christs name. Bush has been caught in many lies - not to mention greed and murder. Some Christians I know do not like my view of Bush. I tell them that they are following blidly - go do some research.

let the flames begin...

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:14 AM
Let me guess...after saying what you just have, you'll vote for Kerry though...right?

Since your telling 'us' to do some research, I assume you have done an extensive research of Mr. Kerry?

What your step, k?


posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by godservant
I have noticed a lot of Christians are backing Bush because they say he is a Christian. He will be getting their vote because of his references to God.

I think this is quite hard to swallow. Christ talked of watching out for false prophets and evil coming in Christs name. Bush has been caught in many lies - not to mention greed and murder. Some Christians I know do not like my view of Bush. I tell them that they are following blidly - go do some research.

let the flames begin...

I'm in agreement with you godservant. But what is makeing these Christians so blind? God gives us a brain in order to observe and listen.
Are they not looking and listening the same as we do? Why do they think that we are the ones who are "wrong"? It's scarey and reminds me of the Salem witch trials the way some Christians are judgeing others who don't agree with them.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Let me guess...after saying what you just have, you'll vote for Kerry though...right?

Since your telling 'us' to do some research, I assume you have done an extensive research of Mr. Kerry?

What your step, k?


Uh.. no, I am not voting for Kerry either. I am voting my heart - Nader. Throw away vote? Maybe, but if everyone voted their heart, he just might win. Too big of a hope, I know, but maybe it'll catch on in the future.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Let me guess...after saying what you just have, you'll vote for Kerry though...right?

Since your telling 'us' to do some research, I assume you have done an extensive research of Mr. Kerry?

What your step, k?


Correct me if I am wrong godservant, but I think Seekerof, godservants post was purely stating that people have chosen to vote for Bush because he is a Christian. Not because his policies or actions are the best. They have decided to vote Bush because of religion, not because of politics.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:30 AM
Let me get this straight you two:
your both claiming that Bush is evil, that those who lean towards Bush are blind and have no brain to observe and listen to those that are proclaiming or that are in the know as to just how bad Bush is, and that he is a false prophet, greedy, and a murderer....and yet no mention of Kerry (I mean lets be fair here)?

Ok.........*shakes head*
If your calling yourself so-called Christians, are you not "judging others" your ownselves or making judgmental statements, assessments, and/or observations?

God bless ya....keep up the good work, all in His name, k (Inquisition and Crusades come to mind about right now)?


[edit on 17-9-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:37 AM
Ok, I'll put this another way:

Why is Bush Christian and Godly? Everything he's done goes against what I consider to be Christian. Someone needs to tell me what they see in Bush that is attractive to these Christians who endorse him. Maybe I'm the one whose blind? My mind is now open. Go ahead and tell me why he is a good man. It would be nice if you could do in a kind CHRISTIAN way though.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:40 AM
Well, Bush quotes God and talks to him and gets direct communication from him all the time. Bush goes to church(Church of Satan is too obvious to go to on Sundays), so these older people and religious nuts think he's a christian.
Duh. These are people who dont know or care anything about whats going on, these are people without any education at all.
"Why, sure, i'm voting for Bush, he's a good decent man"- pleeeze...

We'll see just how much of a christian he really is, give him 6 months after either he's elected or steals election again...I'll tell you a different story.
Then, you wont be able to find a Republican who will own up to the fact he voted for Bush.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:49 AM
More assumptions and judgmental statements dgtempe?
The Pope claims communication with God.....
Millions of people of the Christian persuasion claim to have communications with God....

Your point?

As to Bush going to church so others will think he is a Christian.....
How many self-proclaimed Christians do the same?
How many self-proclaimed Christians don't even go to church but on Easter or Christmas, etc.?

Again, your point?!

Again, for all you self-proclaimed Christians out there, as Christ, be he prophet or Son of God, once mentioned:
He That Is Without Sin Among You, Let Him First Cast a Stone!

Are you throwing first dgtempe?
Anyone else?


[edit on 17-9-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Let me get this straight you two:
your both claiming that Bush is evil, that those who lean towards Bush are blind and have no brain to observe and listen to those that are proclaiming or that are in the know as to just how bad Bush is, and that he is a false prophet, greedy, and a murderer....and yet no mention of Kerry (I mean lets be fair here)?

Ok.........*shakes head*
If your calling yourself so-called Christians, are you not "judging others" your ownselves or making judgmental statements, assessments, and/or observations?

God bless ya....keep up the good work, all in his name, k?


[edit on 17-9-2004 by Seekerof]

So sick am I over the typical "if you're Christian, then why do you do this?"

In your perfect version, a follower of God would follow anyone because to not follow them would require some kind of judgement, right?

The point of this post is not to judge me for judging others, but to point out that Bush may win because of christians voting for a fake.

God bless ya....keep up the good work at moderating, k?

[edit on 17-9-2004 by godservant]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:58 AM

as mentioned by godservant
So sick am I over the typical "if you're Christian, then why do you do this?"

Then don't make judgmental statements while proclaiming to be a Christian, k? For some godservant, the two mix like water and oil.

As to:

keep up the good work at moderating, k

As a Christian that you claim to represent godservant, I'll simply say thank you. Please remember that just because I am a mod, does not mean that I do not have an opinion and/or cannot post them, as you and others do, k?


[edit on 17-9-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Getting back to subject.....

as mentioned by godservant
....but to point out that Bush may win because of christians voting for a fake.

Fake needs to be proven, but as par, half fact and half fiction are the norm for these days.
Your logic and reasoning (he is greedy and a murderer, caught in many lies, etc) for believing that Bush will win because of Christians alone is flawed.
Any links, numbers or something to remotely substantiate this?


posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Then don't make judgmental statements while proclaiming to be a Christian, k? For some godservant, the two mix like water and oil.

[edit on 17-9-2004 by Seekerof]

And where am I judging someone, huh? If you lie, you are a liar - plain and simple. If you help others, you are good. These labels don't make for a judgement. To say someone is going to hell - that is judging. When the bible says not to follow false prophets, how do you suppose that can happen without seeing sins happen and taking action, or non-action? We should ignore them because, as you put it, we cannot judge?

Do you seriously not see the difference here?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 12:29 PM
Somehow the Pope communicating with God seems different to me than George's ability to communicate. Pope communicates thru prayer. Georrge has "direct" conversations with him (?)
Pope, though im no religious nut, is a holy man.
Bush on the other hand?
Please dont get me started again.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 12:44 PM
I've read that sometimes dry-drunks use religion as a substitute addiction.
I think that this is what has happened to Bush.
He needs this substitute addiction to keep himself straight and off the bottle. But then as with all addictions it's taken too far.
Sometimes it hard for addicts to be moderate, it's always from one extreme to the other. I think he's taken his " christian awakening" and turned it into a vision of Christianity the way HE wants it to be.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Well, Bush quotes God and talks to him and gets direct communication from him all the time.

You and others have mentioned this numerous times. I have found no direct source for this to date.

The only thing that even comes close is an interview done by Bob Woodward with Bush. In that interview Woodward asked Bush if he asks his father for advice and Bush says he prays to god for guidance. Nothing particularly shocking or unusual in a person asking god to help them. However, if George had said that god actually responded to him - then that would be disturbing to say the least.

So anyone - is the source of this god and Bush conversing this Woodward interview?

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:44 PM

You and others have mentioned this numerous times. I have found no direct source for this to date.

You haven't looked hard enough.

"I trust God speaks through me." -W

Here's the whole article, I think they archived it:

Bush Meets Quietly with Amish

LANCASTER COUNTY, PA - President Bush met privately with a group of Old Order Amish during his visit to Lancaster County last Friday. He discussed their farms and their hats and his religion.

He asked them to vote for him in November.

The Amish told the president that not all members of the church vote but they would pray for him.

Bush had tears in his eyes when he replied. He said the president needs their prayers. He also said that having a strong belief in God is the only way he can do his job.

This story has not been reported before. You might think an observant press follows the president everywhere, especially during a re-election campaign, but no reporter attended this meeting.

Sam Stoltzfus, an Old Order historian and writer who lives in Gordonville, spoke with a number of people present at the session with the president.

He related what happened to the Scribbler, saying the Amish �caught Bush�s heart.��

The 20-minute meeting with Bush occurred immediately after the president addressed a select audience at Lapp Electric Service in Smoketown Friday afternoon.

An Amish woman who lives on a farm across Witmer Road from Lapp Electric that morning had presented a quilt to the president with a card thanking him for his leadership of the country.

Bush said he would like to talk to the quilter and her family.

So the Secret Service invited the family to meet the president. Friends wanted to come along, and the entire assembly eventually numbered about 60. They were evenly divided between adults and children of all ages.

The group walked together across the road to Lapp Electric.

Stoltzfus reports: �It took a while to get them through the metal detectors as these were farmers and shop men, with vice grips, pocket knives, and nuts and bolts in their pockets. Some ladies had baby gear. All pockets had to be emptied.��

When the Amish were �found not to be a serious threat to national security,�� they were allowed inside the office area of Lapp Electric and waited about 30 minutes for the president to appear.

�Babies got restless. Children squirmed,�� Stoltzfus reports. �Suddenly the president and five Secret Service men stepped into the room. One housewife said, �Are you George Bush?���

The president replied in the affirmative and shook hands all around, asking the names of all. He especially thanked the �quilt frau,�� who operates her own business selling quilts and crafts.

�He seemed relaxed and just like an old neighbor,�� says Stoltzfus.

Bush said he had never met any Amish before and was curious about why the men were wearing straw hats rather than black wool hats. The Amish explained that they wear cooler straw in summer. Bush tried on a hat.

The president commented on the appearance of Amish farms, and an Amish man spoke apologetically about how he and his friends were not expecting to see the president and were wearing soiled work clothes. Bush said he did not mind that.

Another man remarked that he has twin daughters, as does Bush. The man said one of his twins had dreamed the night before that she was shaking hands with the president and now she actually had done that.

�One of the young girls wanted to give Bush a whoopie pie cookie,�� Stoltzfus says. �Bush declined it. The Secret Service man took it, as presidents aren�t supposed to eat untested food.��

At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, �I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn�t do my job.��

As the president left the room, one Amish man wished him good luck in November.

�The Amish group headed back to their farms and shops,�� reports Stoltzfus. �Mothers took their children home for a nap and went back to their sewing and gardens.��

Bush moved along to an appearance in York County, leaving behind a group of Old Order admirers who have tales to tell for the rest of their lives.

[edit on 17-9-2004 by oppodeldoc]

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Bleys
You and others have mentioned this numerous times. I have found no direct source for this to date.

Also, God wanted him to be president, or so Bush says...

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 02:10 PM

At the end of the session, Bush reportedly told the group, �I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn�t do my job.��

[edit on 17-9-2004 by oppodeldoc]

This does not mean he speaks directly to God. I also believe that God speaks through me. It is through my actions and the way I live my life that God speaks. As a Christian, it is my responsibility to live my life as close as possible to the way Jesus did. Unfortunately, the closer I come, the more I realize just how far away I am. Ever sense "the curse" humans are incapable of living without sin. Even the Pope has sinned.

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