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what do the obama supporters think of the GOP election schenanigans? Isn't it a liberal tendency to

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posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 11:52 AM
So liberals tend to blame the GOP of being perpetual liars, and right-wingers like the Koch brothers of always concucting Koch conspiracies. So what do Obama supporters think of suspicions of election fraud in the GOP?

Just because its not 'your' party doesn't mean its not your country.

If you really distrust republicans, why wouldn't you support ron paul to change that image? Even if you end up voting for Obama in the end, it is a preference of honesty.

If you 'just want to win', how does that benefit you or anyone else if it is just more of the same?

I just don't get it, we've heard "its bush's fault" for three years, now all of a sudden the democrats don't care about GOP election fraud despite their plans to pick Jeb Bush lol of all people.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 12:03 PM
So whenever you guys are ready.

Dont all chime in at once.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
So liberals tend to blame the GOP of being perpetual liars, and right-wingers like the Koch brothers of always concucting Koch conspiracies. So what do Obama supporters think of suspicions of election fraud in the GOP?

Actually, each side claims the others are perpetual liars. That's been the status quo ever since Ogg and Mugoh fought over who would be chief of the tribe.

I'm not overwhelmingly convinced that there's election fraud going on. The polls are watched, exit polls are taken and we have poll watchers from other countries who aren't involved in our political process. The numbers aren't exact, but they're similar.

I suppose you've never participated in poll watches (you might like to) or seen how they limit fraud in other countries. We have similar measures for the U.S.

Just because its not 'your' party doesn't mean its not your country.

May I also respectfully point out to conservatives and Republicans that your words are also true for THEM?

If you really distrust republicans, why wouldn't you support ron paul to change that image?

Why on EARTH would I support a Republican? I'm a liberal Democrat. Republican policies today are the ones that liberals wanted fifty years ago. The world's changed since then, and I'd like to see progressive solutions. Why on earth would you think I'd ever want to vote for a Republican over a Democrat?

(well, if the Democrat candidate were Joe The Plumber and the Republican was Mitt Romney, I'd actually vote for Romney in that case.)

Why I'm not going to abandon my party to vote for Ron Paul:
* anti-choice
* pro Defense Of Marriage Act
* anti-EPA (in fact, he's got the WORST environmental voting record)
* did not support Civil Rights Movement
* his conveniently bad memory of what times were really like
* he's against Obamacare
* wants to do away with Federal lands
* wants to re-crucify America on a "cross of gold" by returning to a metal standard. We got rid of that because it would be possible for another country to corner most of the gold market and hold the rest of the world hostage.
* redefines "unconstitutional" as "anything Ron Paul doesn't like." The constitution is a living document and was MEANT to be changed. Heck, the Founding Fathers changed the thing and scrapped over definitions.
* can't manage to form a consensus group with other politicians to get anything done. Good at voting "no," however. I want politicians who get things done.

Even if you end up voting for Obama in the end, it is a preference of honesty.

Beg pardon? I'm not sure I understand the statement or the logic.

If you 'just want to win', how does that benefit you or anyone else if it is just more of the same?

Once we get rid of the Republicans who are more interested in their self glory than they are in compromising and forming new solutions AS PART OF A TEAM then we'll do much better. I think we need conservative AND liberal checks and balances -- not logjams.

I just don't get it, we've heard "its bush's fault" for three years, now all of a sudden the democrats don't care about GOP election fraud despite their plans to pick Jeb Bush lol of all people.

Well, Democrats don't usually meddle in Republican beauty contests because in many states we're actually not allowed to vote in Republican primaries.

This primary's for Republicans who are generally more conservative than Democrats. Why in the heck would we want to pick YOUR candidate?

Come November, we're going to come out and support our guy (and also during our state primaries we'll be there voting for state and local laws and people.)
edit on 14-2-2012 by Indellkoffer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 12:32 PM
As I have posted several times, I refuse to vote for any candidate with an R next to his name - RP included. It's a shame if he was running as anything else other than R, I could probably be swayed to vote for him.

As for the R primaries, I could care less, although it does make me snicker. You have a bunch of guys trying to be the ultimate conservative to win the primaries, then they will just jump back to the middle to try and get independent voters. I absolutely love the fact that there is a chance they might nominate my former senator, Rick Santorum, to challenge Obama. Why? Because Santorum won't get 30 percent of the vote in the general election. As for them being fixed, maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but that doesn't really matter when you are barely getting 60,000 people to come out and vote in the R primaries. With that low a turnout, anything could happen, and with all the people genuflecting to RP here and on other forums, you would think he would do better than 20 percent.

In spite of all the doom and gloom people on the right seem to espouse since Obama's election, I don't feel as though he has done a horrible job. (Cue all the multi-linked posts proving how wrong I am ... now.) I voted for him last time, and while he hasn't been perfect, he also hasen't invaded any sovereign nations nor has he turned us into the Union of Soviet States of America. And I would know something about that since I have had several extended conversations with my girlfriend and her parents, who were in fact citizens of the Soviet Union until I think about 92. She was born in 87, and her parents, one in 48 and one in 58. They weren't members of The Party, nor were they particularly loyal to it, but they laugh when I tell them that people think we are turning into the Soviet Union, as they tell me, "America is about as far from Soviet Russia as you could get."
But I digress, there are things I have disagreed with, like NDAA and his placement of Monsanto agents in to the FDA or whichever agency, but in spite of all the daily posts on ATS about his bringing the country to its knees, and that he is not eligible because he is from Kenya, I really haven't seen anything objective to lead me to believe any that. Add to that the fact that Rs have done nothing but stomp their feet and cry like a baby since his election, and would gladly tell you up is down because Obama said up is up, and I don't know what people expect. Some say he is some kind of dictator, but if that is the case, he is possibly the worst dictator in the history of the world. And if he was a dictator, we'd have single-payer insurance instead of the free-market solution we do, the same deal Rs presented in the 90s pretty much.

So, IMHO, no matter who the Rs nominate, they will not win the general. Not because the election is fixed, but because in pandering to the religionists and far-right, they will alienate moderate, middle of the road voters, whom they need more-so than the religionists to win.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
Dont all chime in at once.

When I read the following, I decided not to chime in at all:

Originally posted by filosophia
If you 'just want to win', how does that benefit you or anyone else if it is just more of the same?

You assume "liberals" voting for Obama are just doing it so they can win. I just wonder what goes on in a brain that thinks that way.

Anyway, my ego got the best of me so I decided to chime in after all, in spite of your silly assumptions. The reason I am voting for Obama (not saying I'm a liberal) over Ron Paul, is because I prefer his policies over Paul's. It's not about wanting to be on the winning team. I voted for Ross Perot.

There are GOP election shenanigans every election. I think the same thing of them as I do every time. But to suggest that that should motivate me to vote for Ron Paul is kind of disconnected. If Ron Paul were president, there would still be election shenanigans. Is that seriously your platform to get more votes for your guy?

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Indellkoffer

That may be the best response to one of these questions I've ever read. Truly outstanding. I've never let anyone know I starred their post before, but there's always a first time!

Star for you!

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 04:03 PM
It's funny to see you guys squawking like you think you have some say in anything. They don't care what you think, the selection will proceed with or without you.

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