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Christianity: What's the 'catch'?

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posted on Jul, 12 2012 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

It boils down to my support for Israel and his hatred for it. All other conversations are a secondary consequence.
You have bought into a cult philosophy invented in the early nineteenth century by John Darby who was an imperial agent with aristocratic ties and found support to develop a way to subvert Christianity by convincing them that it is an aberration that was only temporary and that it will go away with a big whoosh off to the clouds or something while the Jews get it together to fulfill their original destiny before they were so rudely interrupted.
This sort of philosophy was beneficial to Zionists to gain support for creating a Jewish stronghold in Palestine to be headquarters for their New World Order. That is the bottom line, with no regards whatsoever to the fate of the goyim who will be taken in by cheap salvation that will be necessary to catch the rapture while still being habitual sinners.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

To be honest, I listen to Damon Thompson more than anyone.

This makes sense and goes along with what I said earlier about how you religion shop for preachers who seem to support an approach that suits your natural self and requires no amount of conversion. This looks like another in the general Mark Driscoll mode of the charismatic celebrity preacher who exudes this tough guy aura. I imagine he takes what would normally be seen as a sinful nature and christens it by having it directed against people who are the "enemies" of God, such as gays.

My advice is to stop listening to prophets of thuggery because these are leading you in the path to darkness, fueling pride in hatred and exhilaration in bashing people as entertainment and feeling it has the sanction of God and is this weird new form of holiness.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:00 AM
that is the strangest thing in the whole universe actually.... that is it's hard for a man to swallow there pride and let go of there ego and bow down and submit to a higher power. People just have so much pride. I still have glimpses of that pride I remember having way back when I was like in my teens. As an adult though one might think that goes away and you can more easily make better choices in life but appearantly not when it comes to pride. But I think it's a big change too. Like you've heard of the idea of being demon possessed. Well you can be possessed by God too. If you swallow your pride and invite God in then his spirit, (the Holy spirit) move in and dwells within you. So weather you want to be possessed by one thing or another it's not an easy thing to allow in. You have to open yourself up and invite a spiritual being in. But I guess we're so brainwashed by hollywood that vanity, ego, and pride are king. We feel like we need to show off to others. To have better possessions, money, careers and by doing that elevating our place in society to somehow gratify our ego. The best thing anyone can ever do is get rid of there ego 100%. Your ego is not your friend. Your pride and ego will keep you from the most unbelievable discoverys hear and in the world to come if you're not able to get rid of them. Ya can you swallow your pride hmmmm

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

... fueling pride in hatred and exhilaration in bashing people as entertainment and feeling it has the sanction of God and is this weird new form of holiness.

A certain strain of christians bash everybody else and feel it is sanctioned by God.

They feel it is their divine duty to express support for a people who openly insult Jesus and his mother...and they rationalize it by saying its all part of some prophetic plan.... wherein the jews get saved miraculously by Jesus at Armageddon.

They seem to adore those who insult Jesus. At the same time, they demonize the ONLY other people who revere Jesus as the virgin born messiah. Those people are seen as evil.

By supporting Israel, the christians seem to be comfortable supporting the very people who mock, insult and reject Jesus.

Im sure Jesus is proud of them.
edit on 13-7-2012 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

Slandering yet again. Hey, u don't have to listen to the man. Lol. And not sure about "thuggery" he's a revival preacher and his messages are mostly about holiness. That's not a bad topic now too is it?

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

That's what prophetic ministry does. Not necessarily "bash" people, but to exhort them to turn for sins in their life that are affecting their walk with christ. Example would be addictions, pornography, et cetra. And refocusing them on seeking His presence and taking their walk with God to a higher level. Just pointing out sin without love or without exhortation is just arrogance.

And Damon is a replacement theologian who would share the same views as you and JM actually that the church has replaced Israel in God's plan. I differ with his teaching on that, but no biggie I like Perry Stone for matters of prophecy and eschatology anyways because he explains everything from an Eastern Hebraic perspective most Westerners don't understand or are unfamiliar with.

edit on 13-7-2012 by NOTurTypical because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

. . . Perry Stone . . . he explains everything from an Eastern Hebraic perspective most Westerners don't understand or are unfamiliar with.

OK, I found one, anoint your children and pass it on generation to generation.
I guess that works for him, where he is a forth generation preacher, so he can claim they did this, and it lends him an air of authority.
He just seems like a well paid professional preacher who sells access to his "revelations" and does not reveal his prophecies until after they "come to pass". How convenient.
Send me a donation and I will tell you what news stories I was told about before they happened.

posted on Jul, 13 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by NOTurTypical

. . . Perry Stone . . . he explains everything from an Eastern Hebraic perspective most Westerners don't understand or are unfamiliar with.

OK, I found one, anoint your children and pass it on generation to generation.
I guess that works for him, where he is a forth generation preacher, so he can claim they did this, and it lends him an air of authority.
He just seems like a well paid professional preacher who sells access to his "revelations" and does not reveal his prophecies until after they "come to pass". How convenient.
Send me a donation and I will tell you what news stories I was told about before they happened.

He doesn't sell prophecies. What are you talking about?

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by wildtimes
reply to post by Confusion42

I apologize; I suppose I had one too many beers last night :-)

You are forgiven.
It happens...

Person B and Cat C will get there sooner. Person A has some more lifetimes to go before he's ready. But you were asking dewey, not me...

edit on 11-7-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

Thanks :-)

Let's remember, person A = Preacher who molests children.

person B = evolutionists who hates religion, but does good for his fellow man and no bad

cat C = my cat, who shows love and affection (and not just cause of food)

Why would (a) God keep sending "child molesting souls" back to Earth, and only accepts the good people.

Doesn't this mean that Earth will only gain in it's sick pedophile population?

And if my cat goes to heaven, does the fly he eats goes to heaven or hell?

Where is the line drawn between types of organisms that go to heaven / hell, and those that don't?

Does EVERY single living organism have an afterlife?
edit on 7-8-2012 by Confusion42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Confusion42

Doesn't this mean that Earth will only gain in it's sick pedophile population?

Looks like...Yeah!

And if my cat goes to heaven, does the fly he eats goes to heaven or hell?

I don't think of flies as being heaven- or hell-bent. They are carrion-eaters, whose only purpose is to help dispose of dead things.

Where is the line drawn between types of organisms that go to heaven / hell, and those that don't?

In my mind, if there WAS a heaven or hell, it is the sentient creatures; those that exhibit social behaviors, care, compassion, joy, depression, grief, play....

Does EVERY single living organism have an afterlife?

Ya got me!??
I believe that all living things are part of one giant organism, and that we are all connected. There is something different about "us" in terms of language and invention, but pets? In particular, mammals, yes. They are capable of love, of dislike, of anger and fear and joy.

But don't look to me for those answers, I'm just a seeking chump, like everyone else. I will admit that I care more about animals than I do about most of humanity, though. Animals are innocents. MANY people are cruel, mean, and selfish.

edit on 7-8-2012 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

I could be wrong but i think the Bible talks about creatures with "breath in it's lungs" and insects breathe through their skin or spiracles.

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