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NDAA Nullification: Tennessee Bills Propose Kidnapping Charges for Federal Agents

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posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 11:54 PM
Sharing what I came across tonight, and have to say I'm proud Tn has this bill. I sO hope a lot of other states will follow suit. We definitely need to put a stop to this being forced upon us.

State and local resistance to the detention provisions contained in the National Defense Authorization Act continues to grow, rapidly emerging as a nationwide movement.

The Tennessee legislature will consider HB1629 and SB2669 in the 2012 session. The legislation would effectively nullify the detention provisions in the NDAA and would also require federal agents making an arrest in the Volunteer State for any reason to first obtain written permission from the county sheriff.

This bill declares that any federal law purporting to require local or state law enforcement agencies to act at the direction of the federal government or the United States military is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state and is declared to be invalid in this state. This bill further declares that any federal law purporting to give federal agents or employees, including any members of the United States military, the authority of any state or local law enforcement agency of this state, without the express permission of this state, is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state, and is declared to be invalid in this state.

The Tennessee bill also “makes it a Class E felony for any official, agent, or employee of the United States government to enforce or attempt to enforce any federal law, order, rule or regulation that is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution,” and includes provisions for kidnapping charges if a federal agent were to detain a U.S. citizen in Tennessee under the NDAA.

“If what supporters say is true and the NDAA does not authorize indefinite detention of Americans, what is the harm in this legislation? Why would anybody oppose it? It does nothing but serve notice that state and local officials will not sit back and allow the federal government to exercise unconstitutional powers – powers supporters claim don’t exist anyway. It simply affirms a fence that supposedly already exists. The only rational I can find for opposing this bill is if they really do want the option of detaining Americans without due process to remain open,” he said. “You can only oppose this legislation if you accept the idea that the federal government has the authority to do whatever it wants with absolutely no check on its actions – Constitution be damned. If you ask me, that’s a lot scarier than whatever terrorist threat they claim to be protecting me from.”

Please read full article here:

Tennessean here, and was proud to see them take this stance.
Kidnapping! is great! at least they can't run ALL over everyone anytime they want.

Have to start somewhere -- Go TN!
may we ALL take a stand..
. How I wish things were right, our freedoms not stripped away, etc.!

I'm tired of being trampled upon and I think I speak for the majority.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:16 AM
Hell yeah!

They should pass it quick since NDAA goes live in the first days of March.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:17 AM
It's about time. I was really worried about why there's no outrage or resistance to this bill, especially when comparing to SOPA. The entire internet was up in arms over it, yet next to nobody really speaking out against the NDAA (minus Ron Paul & a few patriotic others).

To the military or federal agents attempting to detain terrorist (dissidents), you'll get what you deserve. If you don't serve the country & Constitution, but rather a handful of psychopathic financial/political elite; I don't consider you American. YOU are the terrorist. As is Obama. One man thinks he and all future presidents can determine who's a terrorist --- who goes off to a secret torture prison for life. This really is a nightmare provision & anyone supporting it is either evil, or doesn't understand how history plays out. Incrementally moving towards a totalitarian state....

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:18 AM
Very positive news, nice to see a state standing up for itself and it's people.
Definitely hope this spreads through the rest of America.
Will have to keep an eye on this one. Will the powers that were allow this one through, or stone wall it?

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Hi there SeekerLou! There are 2 other states that I am aware of. Virginia and Washington State. I have started a letter writing email blitz to the Virginia House of Delegates on this as this is where I am from and have lots of friends and family still in that state. The Virginia Bill seems to be stuck in committee, according to the office of the Representative who introduced the bill. At any rate, I am glad to see TN has joined in and added the extra of potential kidnapping charges against Federal Agents who do not follow the state rule!!

The link below to a previous ATS thread on the VA bill will provide links to the VA bill as well as the Washinton state bill.

Virginia House Bill 1160: Nullify the NDAA

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Yeah, the volunteer state has always had a underlying rebellious streak....we name our school mascots names like "the rebels" as homage to the civil war. In some ways we really are still clannish hillbillies who do not take too kindly to outsiders trying to tell us what to do...

all the people I know back home have a distrust of Washington DC and how they like to push their agenda and meddle in the states affairs...this is a perfect example of that rebelliousness at work again. We want as much freedom as possible and the more DC tries to interfere in our lives, the more folks in TN are going to get ticked. We see ourselves as tennesseeans first, then Americans.

This Bill proposal doesn't surprise me at all, I just wonder why only a few few states have this kind of legislation being proposed, you'd think that this would be more of a hot topic? I wonder why other states are not screaming bloody murder over this? Where is the tea party outrage?

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 08:48 AM
just being curious, my next question is, "does a person have a right to self defense if they truly believe they are being abducted, no matter by who?" just a question, not trying to stir the pot for any federal agents viewing this site!

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by Mijamija
This Bill proposal doesn't surprise me at all, I just wonder why only a few few states have this kind of legislation being proposed, you'd think that this would be more of a hot topic?

I am with you on this one. I am surprised at the lack of state response as well. To be perfectly honest, the state who's silence I find the most surprising is Texas. I thought for sure they would be one of the first states to stand up and say "Now hold on a gosh darn minute...". I believe there is some talk of some kind of legislation to nullify NDAA in part or whole, but as of now they have not introduced anything as far as I have been able to find.

Perhaps other states are watching those who have introduced a nullify bill closely to see how it goes in order to see which one passes first, as the bills introduced thus far have been of varying degrees. VA just says that any VA law enforcement cannot participate in an arrest covered by NDAA, Washington State is all for banning it outright and TN seems to be in the middle with adding the possibility of bringing kidnapping charges against a Fed officer(s) participating in an arrest under NDAA. Who knows, but it's been an interesting topic to follow.


posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:40 AM
Amen, gee I wonder what'sgoing to happen in march... A lot of odd coincidences in march, Last month before taxes due...

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:46 AM
The states are lining up just as they did before the War of Northern Aggression (Put me on another list for that, as I'm sure that using the alternate name for the Civil War is somehow subversive.)

I think this party is about to kick off, and it's not going to be pretty. God help us all.

edit on 2/9/2012 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Mijamija
Yeah, the volunteer state has always had a underlying rebellious streak....we name our school mascots names like "the rebels" as homage to the civil war. In some ways we really are still clannish hillbillies who do not take too kindly to outsiders trying to tell us what to do...

Have to agree there in point. Use to be an ole rebel myself. Oh, but I still am!


this is a perfect example of that rebelliousness at work again. We want as much freedom as possible and the more DC tries to interfere in our lives, the more folks in TN are going to get ticked. We see ourselves as tennesseeans first, then Americans.

Right again, and I'm getting more ticked with each passing day. Oh , but now, a lot of people are waking up!

This Bill proposal doesn't surprise me at all, I just wonder why only a few few states have this kind of legislation being proposed, you'd think that this would be more of a hot topic? I wonder why other states are not screaming bloody murder over this? Where is the tea party outrage?

Quietly working behind the scenes? One can still hope!

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

You said it, oldcorp!
"God help us all"
Amen and Amen.
Appreciate your post/vid.
I pray this all stops before it gets any more uglier than what it is already !.

Want to say thank you to everyone who has posted.
Appreciate your valuable contribution to the thread!

edit on 9-2-2012 by SeekerLou because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:00 AM
that's literally the best news i heard in over two weeks. now lets just hope it doesn't die in committee.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

youtube yanked your movie.....

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by doryinaz

Naw, it's just embed disabled. Click on the lower right and watch it ON YT.
It's worth it.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Why doesn't this thread have more replies? I figured ATS would be all over it.

NDAA scares me, badly. To Orwellian for my taste.

Go, Vols!!

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Well now, that is the best news i heard lately, i am so delighted & overjoyed i think i almost want to move to Tennessee
now. But while contemplating on that, i realize i have to do some important work rather & bombard my own state's
rulemakers instead to file same actions like Tennessee. Which might be hard, since in Nevada this Harry Reid here
in Nevada might have been partly instigator of such insane plans himself, to me Pelosi & Harry Reid are dancing to
Obama's tune kissing his feet. I found out lately that Obama is a MK ultra psy ops product, his mother working for the
CIA for black ops in banking all over many countries, so he was raised mostly by his grandmother. Well here is that
interesting report:

posted on Feb, 10 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by SeekerLou

When the defecant hits the proverbial fan the sitting POTUS will, by Executive Order, declare a "state of emergency" and institute Martial Law thus "temporarily"de jure suspending the US Constitution (which citizens should find anathema as martial law should be limited to military policing [getting around posse comitatus] the citizens and establishing military counts over civilian counts.... but that should not mean that citizens are otherwise deprived of their constitutional rights...afterall we were "endowed" with them by "the Creator). Under Martial and FEMA law the states will be stripped of their sovereignty and it be replaced by 10 FEMA regions governed by FEMA and The Council of Governors (more show of "state's rights" than fact as the Govs will be appointed by the President). So TENN...good luck with that when the time comes. Will the TENN national guard take on regular army troops sent in to keep the "peace"....?

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by SeekerLou

Don't know if you are watching this issue on a national level or not, but VA passed their version of the NDAA Nullification bill on 2/14/12. Looks like Arizona is also well on the way with their version of if passing through committee with a vote of 6-1. Source

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by MyMindIsMyOwn

Thank you, mymind

Appreciate the info and link.

This is great news !
Why TN is held up , I haven't a clue. Wish they would speed up the process & pass this!

A Sixth State considers rendering NDAA unconstitutional.

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