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Consciousness As One?

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

What are you saying? It's kind of difficult to decipher but I sense something along the lines of satire mixed with incoherence.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by cry93

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
My take is our consciousness will develop to an extant which will enable us to understand instantly how one feels. All humanity linked together so when one feels somehow, the others will know it and learn how to deal in order to help this individual.

This is what I think consciousness as one might become in a not so distant future.


I've also experienced the black void, too. However, I believe that is all we are able to understand in this lifetime, regardless of perception and planes/dimension. There's more. The fact that we travel these routes is proof alone to me.

edit on 6-2-2012 by cry93 because: (no reason given)

Could you explain further, what you describe as having, I quote you "experienced the black void, too". This concept seems interesting, but it is right now a bit nebulous to me.

Thanks in advance,


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

Dear Raelsatu,

The toad there is just attempting to prevent you from having an answer to what you are asking because he sees any discussion that considers the possibility of there being a God or life after death as a fairy tail. Why do many, not all or even most, atheists feel a need to ridicule? It is because they were often told to just accept the bible rather than being allowed to question it. They attack those who didn't beat them over the head with a bible as a form of retribution out of anger. The excuse is always the same, "Look at all the bad done in the name of religion" and ignore the fact that people will misuse anything if they can get a benefit from it rather than looking at the true message that someone was attempting to teach.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Iamschist
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

IF U could play in God's mYnd 4 an eternity and never get a single boo-boo, wood U?

Yes, Yes, Yes! Don't eYe already?

IT was ONE of the Secrets in What Dreams May Come (Sandbox Scene):

Don't U just Love WE's Sandbox?


edit on 6-2-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

I do indeed love our sandbox and I love this movie, I ordered it not long ago so I could watch again and again. So many messages, not to mention it is beautiful. The Toad knows.
The Power of Love.
edit on 6-2-2012 by Iamschist because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Dear ButtUglyToad,

Actually, you bought into the experiment.

No eYe did kNot because eYe know there IS no U and U don't!

There is only eYe and eYe is A11 and NoThing, at the same Time and eYe IS One with eYe.

I = Infinite = God/Source/Universe
f = finite
f's = finites = Children of God/Source = WE the Souls

If = ONE

If's = Universal family = U f


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

I think it more of a pattern of mechanics. Also like a fluid merging upon itself in different sizes and shapes of containers. Our thoughts we form around this world, the containers we fill to whatever degree with our spirits, our very life that we form. The thing that is filling the containers is our soul. They can over flow or be dry. The process by which they are filled to completion and are left over flowing follows a pattern of ebb and flow. It rushes and flows freely when the heart is pure that guides the mind made strong.

the 1 that is 2
the 3 that are 1

edit on 6-2-2012 by casenately because: fix

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

What are you saying? It's kind of difficult to decipher but I sense something along the lines of satire mixed with incoherence.

Which part? As 2 incoherence, the Universe is the Greatest Contradiction possible, sew what U C as incoherence, is actually mimicking Source.

Source = So U R C E

U = yoU
R = aRe
C = Light
E = Energy

Source = SO yoU aRe Light (C) Energy!


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by Raelsatu

Dear Raelsatu,

The toad there is just attempting to prevent you from having an answer to what you are asking because he sees any discussion that considers the possibility of there being a God or life after death as a fairy tail. Why do many, not all or even most, atheists feel a need to ridicule? It is because they were often told to just accept the bible rather than being allowed to question it. They attack those who didn't beat them over the head with a bible as a form of retribution out of anger. The excuse is always the same, "Look at all the bad done in the name of religion" and ignore the fact that people will misuse anything if they can get a benefit from it rather than looking at the true message that someone was attempting to teach.

Is there a God? Can U prove IT? Nope! Butt eYe can prove there IS ONE!

Is there Life after Death? There is NO Death! There IS only Life and THIS is kNot Life, U moron!

As 2 Fairy Tales, they are closer 2 the trUth than what U think!


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Solipsism, the idea that I am all that exists is the least intellectually defensible philosophical position. Nothing is real and nothing matters. Everything is in the head of one being and it is you; but, if I am then you are the figment of my imagination and I am. Or should I have the deep thought of one whose best argument is to call others morons, why get so upset when nobody else exists, i guess you are just mad at yourself. A little self hate perhaps?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Solipsism, the idea that I am all that exists is the least intellectually defensible philosophical position. Nothing is real and nothing matters. Everything is in the head of one being and it is you; but, if I am then you are the figment of my imagination and I am. Or should I have the deep thought of one whose best argument is to call others morons, why get so upset when nobody else exists, i guess you are just mad at yourself. A little self hate perhaps?

U R a dunce!

eYe never ONCE said U were all that exists! U moron!

As a matter of FACT, eye said the exact OPPOSITE! eYe said U don't exist!

Thank God/Source eYe don't have 2 put up with stupidity much longer!

"kNot even God/Source can win the argument against stoopidity when Stoopid is judging the contest." - Old Toad Proverb


edit on 6-2-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Dear ButtUglyToad,

As a matter of FACT, eye said the exact OPPOSITE! eYe said U don't exist!

Yes, you did; but, clearly you did not understand the response, so, I will give you a question. If nobody exists except you then nobody is here to read your words and if anyone does read your words and knows they are not you then they can clearly see the insanity of your argument, can they not?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Dear ButtUglyToad,

As a matter of FACT, eye said the exact OPPOSITE! eYe said U don't exist!

Yes, you did; but, clearly you did not understand the response, so, I will give you a question. If nobody exists except you then nobody is here to read your words and if anyone does read your words and knows they are not you then they can clearly see the insanity of your argument, can they not?

Butt eYe is Nobody and U doesn't exist! What part of U doesn't exist, don't U get?

Insanity is to the sane, what the sane is to the insane!

Sew how dew U know U R sane and eYe is insane?

eYe guess U think Salvador Dali painted his insane werld, instead of U'r twisted and warped reality?

U'd pee U'r self If U knew the trUth that's within Sal's paintings!

U R living an Illusion, albeit, a physcial illusion, and U've boUght into all of IT.


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Uhh. Are you purposely trying to crash this thread? You're beyond irritating.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Uhh. Are you purposely trying to crash this thread? You're beyond irritating.

R U that daft?

eYe is trying 2 crash this thread?

The Question idiot IS the 1 trying 2 dew that, kNot eYe!

U C what U want 2 C and U R blind!

"There are nOne so Blind as those that will kNot sEe with their One eYe and nOne so Deaf as those that will kNot hEar with their One eAr and nOne so Lame as those that will kNot wAlk on their One fOOt!" - Old Toad Proverb

"Love is the Light when Filtered thru the Prism of Logic." - Old Toad Proverb

"The Conceptual & Perceptual is what We use to decipher the Physical but if your Prism of Logic has a flaw, the colors will be distorted." - Old Toad Proverb


Ps: U don't even know the trUth about Source, lil lone the Collective Consciousness of the ONE Source/God/Universe, or U wood know that a Rose defines the Contradictory nature of the Universe and the Daisy defines ITs simplicity!

edit on 6-2-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Hmm.... intriguing...I guess I do get a good laugh at reading your replies. Go on.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

I do get a good laugh at reading your replies

The Toad is funny! Laughing is good. Do you have the pounding frontal lobe headache yet? If you do not then you are not listening hard enough.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Raelsatu
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Hmm.... intriguing...I guess I do get a good laugh at reading your replies. Go on.

Ask a question! Sumthing deep butt that won't take a lifetime to answer.


Ps: Be as specific as possible.

edit on 6-2-2012 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by Iamschist
reply to post by Raelsatu

I do get a good laugh at reading your replies

The Toad is funny! Laughing is good. Do you have the pounding frontal lobe headache yet? If you do not then you are not listening hard enough.

The ones that don't get a lobbing lobe from eYe, R kNot listening with the right ear.


posted on Feb, 7 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by Raelsatu

Dear Raelsatu,

That is exactly what he is doing, assuming it is a he. Having said that, continue what you are asking, others are giving you their honest thoughts on the matter and your questions are quite good. As I responded to him, there is a whole philosophy based on the idea that all I can prove is that I exist and therefore I stop in my development at that point. They believe that everything exists for their amusement, it is the ultimate in egotism; however, it is the beginning of understanding. Descartes said, "I think therefore I am", it is a starting point; but, it doesn't have to be an ending point.

The response to such thought processes is that if I am all that there is and I created this illusion, then I must have done it for a reason; therefore, I might as well assume that what I perceive (that there are other sentient beings) is worthy of believing. The alternative is a dead end, a pointless endeavor into selfishness. As we spend more and more time in virtual worlds, you can expect this type of belief system to increase.

People raised on "World of Warcraft" and "The Matrix" have not had to work with their hands to raise their own crops, they have become dissociative to what it takes to even feed themselves. They lost track of how we all fit together, how we work as a society, they see only themselves because all they understand is their own wants, forever children.

ATS provides a wonderful opportunity to read how others view themselves and the world and people are often very protective of their beliefs, it provides them a comfort zone, a place where they can feel important in a world where they have not earned a position of responsibility. Actually, the Unibomber (Ted Kazynski) wrote a "manifesto" on it that has been quoted by people in the IT field.

Let me try this explanation which is directly related to your thread. You had asked if we were all really one sentience that separated for awhile and then came back together. His argument would be that we never really separated and that we are all his illusion. It is responsive to your question even if it was hard to decipher because of his poor writing style. It does however allow us to discuss the options.

You exist, you know this and nobody can prove to you that you are not a self-aware being as you experience life, be it an illusion or real. The next question is whether or not others exist. The choices are yes or no; however, neither can be proven absolutely. Having said that, we perceive that others exist and if the only thing that exists is me then I sure went to a lot of trouble to create this illusion and there must be a reason. If I created this illusion than it would be insanity to argue with myself. Sorry, this is sort of a short history of philosophy. The second step in understanding why we must believe that there are other sentient beings and for this I have two choices, believing others exist or believing that the only thing that exists is me then I have a problem, either I am insane or I am not. Either existence is a lie or it is real. The last part is fairly simple, if I am all that exists then I can create any existence I want, change reality with your will alone and you might have some evidence otherwise their whole philosophy is eternally stuck in first gear. An eternity of boredom and loneliness.

I once asked a question, it was fairly simple in my mind. You can choose any God you want, you can choose to be God, or love God or have only you in the universe. It does not matter how you perceive God, what if you could choose? Two of the answers, being God or being all that there is, lead to dead ends. There is no answer that can lead to a possible solution to the question of how does one survive eternity without becoming eternally bored? While the toad is clearly immature and rude, the perspective that he has promoted is not limited to him.

On one level, the question you asked was the same as his. If we all collapse into some original consciousness then am I all that is? He presented it poorly; but, it allows us to look at the answer and questions. Peace.

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