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What now...

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 02:50 AM
We all read and post on a regular basis about how f'd up our world (leaders & businesses) are. How we're all being poisoned and brainwashed and led to slaughter. I understand why we all care about it, it affects us and our daily lives as well as the lives of our children and their children and on and on. But how can TPTB be stopped? how do we fix our world? I am opposed to violence and believe in beat'n em with love. But what is anyone supposed to do...?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 02:52 AM
Who exactly is "we" and how our we being led to slaughter?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

you are wrong !! actually nobody want to fix enything!! at least here on ATS(ciafsbnsa) !!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

Be the change you want to see in the world. literally be, happy and loving and joyful in every way. Find others that have these same goals, then together you can create it. we just need more people. I agree with you, war is not the answer. the world would be better if we were more aware of all being one.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by sabalsis1972
reply to post by iSHRED

you are wrong !! actually nobody want to fix enything!! at least here on ATS(ciafsbnsa) !!

there are 2 ways to fix your check engine light turning on...

1) get your engine checked and any repairs done

2) put a piece of electrical tape over the warning light

you my friend, would chose the 2nd option

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by boncho

i would think with over 5,000 posts in less then a year you would know what i'm talking about...
unless of course all your posts are meaningless and you dont read threads

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by allareone

the cow loves its owner, the same one that ends up cutting it's head off.

i agree with you i just dont see things getting any better. The only hope i have is in Jesus coming for me, nothing else is certain to me and feels like a waste of time cuz it wont change anyways.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:15 AM
Honestly, like the heroine addict, we need to hit some sort of rock bottom. Right now people don't care because their personal lives hold more value.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by iSHRED
reply to post by boncho

i would think with over 5,000 posts in less then a year you would know what i'm talking about...
unless of course all your posts are meaningless and you dont read threads

I asked you a direct question and you sidestepped it with an insinuation.

You say "we" are being led to slaughter. Yet there are people on this board from all over the world. Also, what slaughter exactly are we being led to? The population has not dropped off recently.

Perhaps you can clarify your position.
edit on 6-2-2012 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:21 AM
I'd suggest killing Batman we could take out Bruce Wayne, but ATS looks down on that kind of rabble rousing.

Besides, we all know the problem with the Rich and Wealthy isn't Bruce, but the archetypical Penguin, rich and maniacal about getting more power.

As a Joker kinda guy I'd say that Batman isn't what I hate, it's the Penguin. Bruce Wayne could destroy the Penguin financially, but if he does the Penguin might out him as Batman.

The analogy falls apart if you look too closely, but perhaps running around in hockey pants isn't the right way to fix the world.

Maybe we have to break the rules to get the spotlight on real criminals. Batman was a Dark Knight, the hero we deserve was in us all along, if we worked for it and risked our comfy lifestyle.

What do we do? Well, humanity is quickly adapting to this new Internet thing, perhaps we could use it for discussion on what we see as problems and how to fix them while we stabilize our standard of living and help those in poverty to see why they can claim their lives as free.

Maybe we do not hurry up and wait, but sit down and listen to the sounds of patience.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:32 AM
your victory should not depend on your enemies defeat. Your defeat is not dependent on your enemies victory.

To live free is enough. The rest will fall into place following the natural order of things. All things end, but those things that are renewed are the ones to inherit the next phase of existence. Hold it down.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:32 AM
I thought about this. I have been forced/blocked from advancing with my life and professional career and everything I basically aspired to do. I at leasst have a roof over my head. I know that people see what I see, so as strange as it sounds, I have been "helping" by educating myself on TPTB and whats going on, how I the average person can get actively involved in politics and changing things, and follow that path basically. The more you teach yourself the more it helps everybody else out. I have been visiting art museums, natural history museum, the US national archives (noticing things I never did before as a kid on field trips and such). It houses the Magna Carta at one point, and: the Emancipation Proclamation, Bill of Rights, US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, etc. Its free to go and as an adult I really appreciate whats there. It represents more than the documents, it represents freeing of people and you re learn to yourself what it means to be a US Citizen. We are free and have inalienable rights given by God, and until I looked at these again, I had all but forgotten that was the case. Given the current circumstances we live under. They have a section dedicated to Rosa Parks, whose somewhat "small" actions had such a huge impact on our society, because its based on "FREEDOM". Who would have thought a simple persons indignance to a racist society would have changed anything at all haha?

I think most of us have forgotten we are free and possess freedom. Or maybe its gone I dont know. But this waking up situation has everything to do with freeing people.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by casenately
your victory should not depend on your enemies defeat. Your defeat is not dependent on your enemies victory.

To live free is enough. The rest will fall into place following the natural order of things. All things end, but those things that are renewed are the ones to inherit the next phase of existence. Hold it down.

This. We are all working towards freedom and should be as such. Its not just in terms of being captive in a society or trying to free your mind (although those are all parts). There is a need to free everything.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

Spread the word as strategically and as much as you can. Eventually the people who are "Aware and awake" reaches a precipice. Then the good honest people left in high up places will hear and act ^.^

This has been ongoing for years. Allegedly we are almost at the end and public exposure is coming soon. Wouldnt that be nice
ooh well until then I continue to inform others of the lies we have been fed.

Illuminati, New World Order, Occult scums reign comes to an end...

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by boncho

i apologize you're right.
i mean human kind as "we" (other than those not affected by government and society because they live in the woods)

slaughter meaning tptb have absolute control over the planet and do what they wish with us.

everyone else thanks for posting, some of you gave me good insight as to how i should feel.

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