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Ron Paul In Nevada - The Caucus Is Rigged!! - w/VIDEO

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posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Ron Paul supporters came to this caucus despite the fact that they weren't supposed to unless it was for religous reasons. And Ron Paul did win this "special late night" one disputes that. He did not win Clark County...and this one caucus site only represented 1.9% of the votes cast in Clark County. He could have won 100% of the 317 votes cast at that caucus site and he still would of lost horribly in Clark County.

Great work. So where were these crazy Ron Paul supporters during the rest of the county's caucuses, and where is the video of the vote-reading? Riddle me that..

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:11 PM
Ron Paul supporters had their chance to vote all over Nevada.

But they just weren't as numerous as Romney or Gingrich supporters.

You can't take ONE precinct's results and apply it to the entire state....what don't you understand about this?
edit on 6-2-2012 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You can't take ONE precinct's results and apply it to the entire state....what don't you understand about this?

It's the only one I've seen so far ON VIDEO.. A publicized vote-counting. That's the whole point to this...
edit on 6-2-2012 by rstregooski because: beer

edit on 6-2-2012 by rstregooski because: too much beer..

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You can't take ONE precinct's results and apply it to the entire state....what don't you understand about this?

It's the only one I've seen so far ON VIDEO.. A publicized vote-counting. That's the whole point to this...
edit on 6-2-2012 by rstregooski because: beer

edit on 6-2-2012 by rstregooski because: too much beer..

Do you not trust Ron Paul and his campaign staff saying that the counts are legit???

That seems kind of odd...Paul isn't crying you believe he is in on it?
edit on 6-2-2012 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

What are you talking about?

First you were upset by the video, calling it "proof". Then when it's clear it's not "proof" you say that it's actually some sort of call to arms, that the "whole" point of your thread, not included in the OP mind, was that all caucus counting should be public. T prevent a conspiracy you have no evidence is actually happening.

This is such a ridiculous thread.

Present evidence of a problem, then wordy about it's solution. There's no evidence anything happened to Ron Paul votes. None.
edit on 6-2-2012 by captainnotsoobvious because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You can't take ONE precinct's results and apply it to the entire state....what don't you understand about this?

It's the only one I've seen so far ON VIDEO.. A publicized vote-counting. That's the whole point to this...
edit on 6-2-2012 by rstregooski because: beer

edit on 6-2-2012 by rstregooski because: too much beer..

Do you don't trust Ron Paul and his campaign staff saying that the counts are legit???

That seems kind of odd...Paul isn't crying you believe he is in on it?

we're through the looking glass here people

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by captainnotsoobvious
reply to post by rstregooski

What are you talking about?

First you were upset by the video, calling it "proof". Then when it's clear it's not "proof" you say that it's actually some sort of call to arms, that the "whole" point of your thread, not included in the OP mind, was that all caucus counting should be public. T prevent a conspiracy you have no evidence is actually happening.

This is such a ridiculous thread.

Present evidence of a problem, then wordy about it's solution. There's no evidence anything happened to Ron Paul votes. None.
edit on 6-2-2012 by captainnotsoobvious because: (no reason given)

Where did I appear upset about the video in my OP? It is in fact proof of that specific caucus' results. When did it become not "proof" of said results?

And pardon me, my viewpoint on the issue changed a little when I found that I had missed the first thread on this story when freedom12 posted (ON PAGE #1) that she had started already started a parallel thread here.

T prevent a conspiracy you have no evidence is actually happening

No more evidence than it not happening. That is what we are doing here, no? Debating oddities in a discussion forum, oddities being RP winning over 60% in a caucus residing in the most populated county in Nevada. And if you are privy to all the blatant Ron Paul media censorship in the last 12 months then you know why I posted this..

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

That seems kind of odd...Paul isn't crying you believe he is in on it?

Logical and critical thinking should tell you that for him to publicly denounce this would be political suicide... Just think of what the media would do with him saying something like the vote-count was tainted..

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:12 PM
We need to demand live counts!!!

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

That seems kind of odd...Paul isn't crying you believe he is in on it?

Logical and critical thinking should tell you that for him to publicly denounce this would be political suicide... Just think of what the media would do with him saying something like the vote-count was tainted..

Only if he would do it with absoluetly zero proof. If he even had the smallest bit of would be expected of him to do so.

It happens all the time in elections...campaigns even go to court over election counts.

Have any more excuses?

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:10 PM
So what exactly happened here? Ron Paul won the county that had a larger population than the rest of the counties combined, and still lost?
edit on 6-2-2012 by juveous because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by juveous
So what exactly happened here? Ron Paul won the county that had a larger population than the rest of the counties combined, and still lost?
edit on 6-2-2012 by juveous because: (no reason given)

No, Ron Paul won a small "special late night" caucus in Clark County...not the entire county...he lost the county by a fairly large margin.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:24 PM
oh, because from the OP it had looked like he won the entire county. Hmm, would still be interesting if all votes came in live though

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by juveous
oh, because from the OP it had looked like he won the entire county. Hmm, would still be interesting if all votes came in live though

Yes...that is the misinformation the OP is trying to spread. He has said it multiple times despite being told he is wrong.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Have any more excuses?

Yea, it's the motto I live my life by. QUESTION EVERYTHING..

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by juveous
oh, because from the OP it had looked like he won the entire county. Hmm, would still be interesting if all votes came in live though

Yes...that is the misinformation the OP is trying to spread. He has said it multiple times despite being told he is wrong.

Again, can you issue a formal response to the fact that this is the only vote count we have on video? I'm seriously all ears on this topic...

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:02 PM


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:04 PM


posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 08:17 PM
Looking at this Republican circus, caucus, from outside, I think they make major mistake. Perhaps wittingly, but they do it.

At the times, when most of the nation is at odds with corporations, bankers, the Occupy movement, talk about the 1%, and so forth - Republicans vote for Wall Street backed Corporate re-structuring risk capitalist as their candidate??? That must be the most blind-sighted political suicide in the history.

They do not vote for the only man showing statesmanship - but for the man which is at odds with any conceivable political movement in the nation. Pretty odd -uh?

So, what I think, this is the deal. The Great Powers do not want anything but their men to choose from. Obama is today knee deep their guy, and what comes to Rodney - well, he has Goldman-Sachs tattooed all over him.

Will Rodney ever get close to win Obama? Not in a century. Given these candidates of choice - Obama will score monumentally. Simply because he clearly is the 99% man, and Rodney clearly is the 1% man. Rodney cannot survive from that position.

So, back to my question: Why Rodney? Why not Ron Paul? Simply because, Republicans need to loose, and Obama to stay in the power. Obama is today more NWO than Rodney ever could be.

Then, against that background, looking at the caucus after caucus, it becomes clear, why Rodney needs to win, take it a fraud or not.

posted on Feb, 6 2012 @ 10:22 PM
Well, you do know why certain individuals want to see Ron Paul fail - Romney has little chance in beating Obama.

This is all a game, but hey, the way things are going it looks like it might be ending soon (and these puppets, cointelpro, will find they are stuck in the same mess as the rest of us)

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