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Bomb dreams, shadow people, bad sleep, crazy cats

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posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:47 PM
This has been a week of madness. I'm posting here just to put it somewhere. Maybe there is a message, maybe not, but I figured what they hey.

Bomb dreams
Tuesday night (into Wed) I had dreams of a bomb about to go off in the British Museum. Everyone was dressed in summer clothes and it felt chilly, like there was air conditioning, but I had a sense that it wasn't summer yet. People were trying to evacuate, but they kept running further back into the museum. I was standing in the middle of the mayhem, watching people run and scream, but it was as if I wasn't physically there and knew I was safe.

Then I'm on a plane, flying west over France, somewhere in Normandy I think. The plane is going down in slow motion. There was a bomb on board and I know there is nothing that will stop the plane. Again, I'm standing in the middle of it, but know that I'm not really there, just watching it. Even though the plane was second in my dream sequence, it came first "in reality."

Shadow People?
Pretty sure there are some ghosties hanging around my place. I live in the country, and keep catching glimpses of something out the corner of my eye. Mostly I just register a color - black or yellow. Sometimes I can explain it, like a bird just flew by, but other times I can't. There is always the feeling of being watched. Creepy.

Bad sleep
I can't fall asleep. I'm up for hours, rattling around, or just laying in bed wide awake. Nothing is wrong, I'm not stressed or worried, no racing thoughts, etc. I feel tired, but I can't fall asleep. When I do, I wake up a few hours later - either from a crazy dream or because I'm BOILING hot. Or because my cats have gone ape s&%# again. I doze in and out, but by morning, I bounce out of bed, not tired at all, even on day 5 now with no more than 4 hours of sleep a night. Weird.

Crazy cats
I have 3 and they are driving me nuts. They walk around the house at all hours caterwauling. meow, Meow, MEOW MEOW. One minute they are a pile of furry love, next they are hissing, scratching and fighting, even turning on me once in a while. They scratch the furniture, but only while looking at me, like they want me to notice. One tried to scalp me last night (dramatic much? :-), chewing on my head and tearing out my hair. Awesome way to be woken up at 4 am. Another is chewing on the blinds, but only in the southeast corner of the house, and again only when I'm watching (I work from home).

I'm pretty sure I felt an earthquake jolt Sunday night, but nothing that registered on USGS. Our winter in non-existent (northeast US) and full moon is next week.

So I just want to go on record that if there is a major earthquake or some kind of mayhem in the next few days, I totally won't be surprised.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by ns9504

Your post made me smile. It's sounds like you've had a helluva week.

I get the shadow people thing. I;m normally very skeptical of everything, but I've also noticed things in my peripheal vision a lot recently. Who knows, maybe its just coincidental.

Would you classify your dreams as nightmares? The reason I ask is I often have "action-adventure" dreams, a lot like the ones you described, but I enjoy them. It's like living in a movie. Are you a lucid dreamer and able to control your dreams? Most of the time I can influence what I'm dreaming, change the direction if its getting unpleasant, but not always. To be honest, my nightmares are the dreams that totally mimic reality.

As for not sleeping, maybe your body doesn't need as much sleep as it used to. Generally this is true of everyone as we age....hence older folks tend towards insomnia. Try avoiding stimulating activities right before bedtime, like the internet, television, or games. Maybe a quiet meditation would help?

Cats are.....cats. Pretty much insane little creatures. I've got two, and they can drive you bonkers sometimes (especially racing up and down the stairs at 2 in the am...they sound like a herd of elephants). Maybe they are really bored? Perhaps set up some perpetual motion cat toy part of the day and let them wear themselves out.

I hope no major disasterous event occurs in the near future....or the distant future, for that matter.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by ns9504

I just caught this before I'm running out the door to school, but I wanted to add something here.

For what it's worth, my wife has talked about seeing the Shadow People for a few years here..and it's been ramping up lately to where even I've been catching those glimpes and sense of movement in my peripheral vision, just to find empty air where I could swear something had just been. Last night I cross our small hall to use the bathroom and crossed it pretty quick in shadow.

Well, it's never happened before but one of my dogs flew up and ran at where I'd just been as if to attack me, until realizing it WAS me. Now she smelled me..had to have..and working all night long is the norm for me. It told me it isn't just us humans getting downright edgy about glimpses and things half seen though. When the animals start literally jumping at shadows as if they were in mortal danger, I think something is up. We just may not see half of what the animals can sense.

edit on 2-2-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
reply to post by ns9504

Your post made me smile. It's sounds like you've had a helluva week.

um, yes. and i didn't even get into "the whole place is on fire" dreams :-)

I get the shadow people thing. I;m normally very skeptical of everything, but I've also noticed things in my peripheal vision a lot recently. Who knows, maybe its just coincidental.

skeptic here too, but there is a very weird feeling.....

Would you classify your dreams as nightmares? The reason I ask is I often have "action-adventure" dreams, a lot like the ones you described, but I enjoy them. It's like living in a movie. Are you a lucid dreamer and able to control your dreams? Most of the time I can influence what I'm dreaming, change the direction if its getting unpleasant, but not always. To be honest, my nightmares are the dreams that totally mimic reality.

no, these dreams are completely calm, and I wake up calm. I don't try to manipulate these at all, rather try to be open to whatever they want to tell me. My "action-adventure" dreams are more the stuff of traditional nightmares and almost always trace back to a movie I recently saw or something in the news. The bomb dreams were totally different, more like premonitions, which I have had before.

As for not sleeping, maybe your body doesn't need as much sleep as it used to. Generally this is true of everyone as we age....hence older folks tend towards insomnia. Try avoiding stimulating activities right before bedtime, like the internet, television, or games. Maybe a quiet meditation would help?

could be. I have a 40th birthday coming up ;-)

Cats are.....cats. Pretty much insane little creatures. I've got two, and they can drive you bonkers sometimes (especially racing up and down the stairs at 2 in the am...they sound like a herd of elephants). Maybe they are really bored? Perhaps set up some perpetual motion cat toy part of the day and let them wear themselves out.

oh they are like elephants! I am a really hard sleeper so I usually don't hear any of it, but this week the cats have been so...... intentional. There is just a sense of them trying to tell me something. Of course my paranormal side wants it to be BIG NEWS, but maybe they just want more cat nip. who knows with those little critters!

I hope no major disasterous event occurs in the near future....or the distant future, for that matter. too, but then again I would love the "see?! I'm not crazy! I do know stuff!" validation :-)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by ns9504

Lol, i don't mean to laugh, I fully empathize as I am in some similar situations, not all of them, but between my gf and I, we sure understand your circumstance.

Try to get some sleep, relax, you seem like a chill person, at least tryin to chill. Don't worry about the shadows, they're just snoopin around, no harm for you.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:15 PM
I have no input on the bomb part of your dream, as I have no idea what that could mean. However, what peeked my interest was the glimpses in your peripheral vision. I have been constantly seeing things walk by doors, when nobody is home, things have walked past me in the hall (lower to the floor, maybe even like a cat!), and nothings there. It's been happening for about a week, mainly in the afternoon. I have 2 dogs, and since the earthquake, they are calmer. Glad it's not just me....or am I ?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by ns9504

My friend your not alone, I have a normally loveable and all around good dog, ALL night shes been growling and barking at nothing, ALL the dogs in my area are on edge, I really feel that somthing IS on the way I hope for all of our sakes its not a series of bombs!But TPTB have been hinting false flags via Iran and more people claim suitcase nukes are coming into the USA so fear from all sides on that one.

I too have had some weird dreams (too weird even for me) that have had me up and in a state of worry or fear.

My advice? For shadow people- a St. Martin Caballero candle and say his prayer on the side too, I saw only ONE shadow person five months ago and had me in fear until a museing had be buying the candle (mainly a buy one get one free sale
) but still did the trick.

Also stay away from planes and places of history- Bon Chance!
edit on 2-2-2012 by merkej23 because: A good thought

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:15 PM
I hope things improve and you have more peace in your life.

They scratch the furniture, but only while looking at me, like they want me to notice. One tried to scalp me last night (dramatic much? :-), chewing on my head and tearing out my hair. Awesome way to be woken up at 4 am

Too funny! I've had cats all my life and that's a great visual.

Thanks for giving me something to laugh about today.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 03:27 AM
I'll keep it simple...... DITO
apart from the bomb dreams, they were last year ready for this year. I published mine on Youtube and on here.... other than that what can you do(you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink) . I don't own a cat but most of the local cats of the area seem to congregate outside my house everynight.
I tend to have a weird effect on cats, my sister has 3..... I visited a short while ago and I sat down on a chair two of them sat eitherside of my feet, on guard facing forward the third jump to my right side lay down facing forward. My sister was abit freaked out by their unusual behaviour when ever I visit... Very strange.
edit on 3-2-2012 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 03:56 AM
I like how you throw it out there without saying "I predict" smart man
no no one can make fun of you when it dosent happen. I am not saying that I discount anything that you say has happend you, It does seem like some crazy stuff. Maybe you shuld try ambien or somethin to help you sleep.

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