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Mitt Romney's father possibly linked to MKUltra

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:43 PM
I was listening to the radio today, and Cathy O'Brien came on. She claimed to be a victim of MKUltra, which was a secret mind-control program run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence that started in the 1950's. The project itself has been verified, and while congressional hearings took place in 1975 to discuss it, CIA director Richard Helms ordered all documents relevant to the project be destroyed in 1973. There has even been information about MKUltra that has been declassified.

MKUltra on Wikipedia

Both George Bush, Sr. and Dick Cheney were mentioned to be involved in MKUltra by Cathy O'Brien. However, what is more interesting is that she claims that former governor of Michigan George Romney was heavily involved in implementing mind control into the masses, and wanted to use the Mormon Church to further his goals.

Michigan's Governor George Romney was very much interested in implementing mind control of the masses. He wanted to bring the Satanic rituals of child abuse that were proliferating in the Catholic Church into the Mormon church. He wanted a robotic society growing up within the Mormon church so that they would give more money to the NWO effort.


This is Mitt Romney's father and I heard her mention on the radio that she was routinely brought to the governor's mansion. At the time, Mitt Romney was around 12 and she was 9.

Here is another site that details the contents of Cathy O'Brien's book, Trance-Formation of America. It is interesting to note that another woman, Brice Taylor, wrote about similar experiences in her book, Thanks for the Memories.


Whether or not there is any truth to these claims is hard to tell, because many of the MKUltra files were destroyed and there are no facts or proof that I'm aware of to back up her claims.
edit on 30-1-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:12 PM
The whole MK Ultra thing, if it is true, is absolutely sick, disgusting, and downright frightening. I am inclined to believe it, only because of all the Nazi scientists we brought over after WW II thanks to Operation Paperclip. We became the fourth Reich. Although the Nazis were brilliant scientists, they were also dedicated eugenicists, so experimenting on unwilling victims is not only within the realm of possibility, is it almost a certainty.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by darkbake

This Cathy O'Brien person, I claim her claims are B.S.

You know there's this thing in the world called lying, hoaxing, scamming, scheming, and I claim this lady is one of those people.

But, there will always be followers of whatever someone throws out there into the ether to be eaten up as fast as it is concocted. Feel free to believe in the lies, but I for one will not be salting and peppering this rancid plate of bologna.
edit on 30-1-2012 by Razimus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
The whole MK Ultra thing, if it is true, is absolutely sick, disgusting, and downright frightening. I am inclined to believe it, only because of all the Nazi scientists we brought over after WW II thanks to Operation Paperclip. We became the fourth Reich. Although the Nazis were brilliant scientists, they were also dedicated eugenicists, so experimenting on unwilling victims is not only within the realm of possibility, is it almost a certainty.

It is not an "if"... it IS true.

Here is Clintons appology:

Testamony before congress in the 90's:

Here are the complete foia documents from the CIA than you can download and read for yourself... these are the ones that helms missed in the 70's.

It fits in a long list of human experiments and evil our country has done such as the Tuskegee syphilis experiments

Here is an official ATS thread on knowns secret human experimentation.

MK ULTRA was not an isolated incident, it was part of a systematic evil.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:07 PM
Can we confirm that this text wasn't added in after Mitt decided to run?

I was raised Mormon, suspected mind control in the Mormon church and hated the idea of Mitt running the second that I heard about color me not surprised at all to see this thread...but I am wondering if there are dated copies somewhere to prove this was before 2011 and not added after the fact...

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock
Can we confirm that this text wasn't added in after Mitt decided to run?

I was raised Mormon, suspected mind control in the Mormon church and hated the idea of Mitt running the second that I heard about color me not surprised at all to see this thread...but I am wondering if there are dated copies somewhere to prove this was before 2011 and not added after the fact...

The book "Trance formation of America" was released in 1995. It contains the Romney quote on page 91 of the pdf.

To this time Mitt Romney was not in politics. Interesting is also the reference to a Mr VanderJagt. I believe this is a misspelling of Mr VanderSloot (edited - this is wrong, the two men are not related). VanderSloot is a billionaire and main donor of Romney. He is like Mitt Romney a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) and is one of Romney's most generous campaign donors.

VanderSloot has used his influence and money to destroy the lives and reputation of investigative journalists, who have exposed a pedophile network in the Mormon community.

Then there was VanderSloot’s behavior in response to an award-winning investigative series by The Post Register, a small, independently-owned newspaper in Mormon-heavy Idaho Falls, which unearthed the story of a pedophile in the local Boy Scouts troop who had molested dozens of scouts (the national Boy Scouts of America had succeeded in having the subsequent civil case sealed from public view). The Post Register sued to obtain those sealed records, and then detailed how a Mormon bishop knew of his pedophile history yet still recommended him as a Scout master, how he was protected by several Boy Scout lawyers who were aware of more abuse but did not tell the boys’ parents, and how top-level local and national leaders of the Mormon Church had also received warnings. The newspaper then began uncovering the presence of several other scout-master pedophiles. As the Post Register‘s courageous Managing Editor, Dean Miller, detailed here, the backlash against the paper, its editors and reporters was severe: the Boy Scouts in that part of Idaho is associated with and heavily supported by LDS, and “some counties that [the] newspaper serves are more than 70 percent Mormon, and for generations scouting has been the official youth program for Mormon boys.”

Billionaire Romney donor uses threats to silence critics

(I highly recommend Glenn Greenwald's article about the vicious tactics of Mr VanderSloot.)
edit on 17-2-2012 by Drunkenshrew because: Edited to add VanderSloot and Guy Vander Jagt are not related. I was wrong in my assumption, that it could be a misspelling.

edit on 17-2-2012 by Drunkenshrew because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Drunkenshrew

Thank you very much...

This is a slam dunk in my mind...time will tell, hopefully...

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 09:32 PM
I think Cathy Obrian is legit, also Brice Taylor (thanks for the memories) however i think that guy "mark phillips" supposed deprogrammer is still part of the gang like Brice sais, they met up during their escape deprogramming. Poor gals man.

I also read of another girl Jenny Hill from Judy Byingtons 22 faces, she was a Mormon, SRA and mind control victim. Hundreads of other victims of the same treatment came out in an inquiry into ritual abuse in the LDS 1990's, the temple rituals where triggering traumatic memories.... apparently the satanic freaks reversed the temple rites for the sacrifices etc.
I initially thought the whole Mormon church was a satanic cult (apologies LDS's) My old mad grew up in the LDS and he got the crap abused out of him
i read Joseph smith and others where masons and that mob heavily into the hermetic occult, the seer stone, the glasses... looking into a hat.... i dunno that said it all for me. I have since read the official version at Judy's bidding, she swears the LDS are not satanic and worked with Jenny Hill and the LDS for 20 years so i guess she would know. Only thing is i looked into it and no one was charged as far as i can see for all this SRA and mind mkultraing ...the just excommunicated some... well as far as i can see perhaps someone knows better? in any case all the religions instituions are being used for mind control and abuse so no point throwing any stones much better reveal the key agents hiding in this organizations without trashing the faith for those that find peace in it

posted on Mar, 2 2021 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: FissionSurplus

It’s true . No one including the cia is denying it

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