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Dr. Robert McClelland in a Recent Interview Recalls JFK's final Moments Alive..

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:41 PM
Hello all,

This is an unusually short thread from me here I think, but a short while ago now I checked my emails to find that someone was nice enough to send me a very interesting article posted by Chris Beattie (posted yesterday now) called "Surgeon recounts JFK operation."

In a summary, this article discusses how Dr. Robert McClelland, one of the Parkland hospital doctors who was present in the operating room in the immediate aftermath of the assassination of JFK in 1963, saw the state of the president, particularly his head wound which he believes points towards a second shooter from the grassy knoll, as well as how he, JFK, took his last few breaths after desperately holding onto life after being shot multiple times in Dealey Plaza at approximately 12:30pm, 22nd, November, 1963.

In this article he recalls, even after all these years, the events which took place, some of which I found fascinating - I imagine others who are quite interested in this case would feel the same as well so I felt as though It was certainly worth posting in a new thread here.

Here is the full article: Surgeon recounts JFK operation

Here are some snippets of particular interest:

Some pieces seemingly fell from the gun -- or guns -- of Kennedy's killer.

"My supposition, and that of a lot of people, is that the first shot probably was fired from the sixth floor of the [Texas School Book Depository]...whether by Oswald or someone else, I don't know," McClelland told Rotarians. "The next shot apparently came from behind the picket fence by the grassy knoll -- all kinds of things indicate that is indeed what happened."

Perry told reporters minutes later that it looked like an entrance wound -- meaning the shot had come from somewhere other than the sixth floor of the Depository. Referencing a recently published book about the assassination, McClelland said Secret Service agents allegedly accosted Perry after his statement and told him never to say it again.

"After the assassination, if you ever mentioned anything about it to Dr. Perry, he would tell you, 'I don't want to talk about it,' and he would really get angry if you pressed him about it," McClelland said. "We always wondered why that was."

The team, which also included Drs. Charles J. Carrico and Charles Baxter, afterward sat, dazed, in a nearby nurse's station. Secret Service agents gave them note pads and asked each to write his impressions of the president's wounds.

Their notes later became evidence in the Warren Commission's investigation of the assassination. Perry eventually changed his initial story and said the bullet hole near Kennedy's Adam's apple was an exit wound.

Despite one obvious mistake at the beginning of the article it seemed to be quite an interesting one overall, and which certainly points towards a conspiracy as so many on this forum, including myself, believe. And most importantly It's coming from one of those few people still alive today who was in a very unique position, one of those people who was actually in a position trying to save his (JFK's) life that day and undoubtedly saw his wounds better than anyone else still around. Because of this it has to be highlighted that this is a fairly big story to come across and It's one, given who it has come from, which has to be given a certain degree of credibility, in my opinion.

Unfortunately I can't find a video of this interview though, and I'm not even sure if one exists at all thus another reason why I'm starting up this thread - I'd like some help. A short while ago I sent a quick email to the person who wrote the article to inquire about this a bit more. I'd greatly appreciate others helping me to find a video of this interview as well. I don't doubt the validity of it of course, It's just very much so like to see what was said, in full, myself really.

With that being so - Thank you for your time and I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this new revelation.

edit on 29-1-2012 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:49 PM
Just about everyone at Parkland who had a look at the wounds in the President's head saw a large hole in the right lower portion of the back of the head. They all interpreted it as an exit wound, which means the shot had to have come from the front. But this fact has been known for almost 50 years.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:51 PM
I don't consider myself an expert on the Kennedy assassination; though I am extremely interested in who killed John and Bobby. The doctor giving his viewpoint on where a second gunman might've been, based on the President's wounds, is very intriguing.

I personally believe that it was Lyndon Johnson orchestrating the whole charade. I can picture him jowls a wobblin', drooling at the chance to 'get' JFK.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by starviego

I think It's already well known by most at least some of the parkland doctors suspected a shot from the front, not a shot from behind - And we know that the throat wound in particular was first seen as an entrance wound, not an exit wound. But this new bit of information to come out is still interesting still and not something that should be dismissed, in particular, because of this:

Perry told reporters minutes later that it looked like an entrance wound -- meaning the shot had come from somewhere other than the sixth floor of the Depository. Referencing a recently published book about the assassination, McClelland said Secret Service agents allegedly accosted Perry after his statement and told him never to say it again.

"After the assassination, if you ever mentioned anything about it to Dr. Perry, he would tell you, 'I don't want to talk about it,' and he would really get angry if you pressed him about it," McClelland said. "We always wondered why that was."

..Many more claims of this nature came out from other witnesses too. Too many to be a coincidence in my opinion.
edit on 29-1-2012 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:09 PM
Why can't Gov come clean on any of this stuff?

Can't believe anything official anymore.

Good find, thanks for posting.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by kawika

Why can't Gov come clean on any of this stuff?

Well, I suppose It can be argued that they have..

A 1970's HSCA investigation for example concluded that a "Probable Conspiracy" had indeed taken place. To what extent a conspiracy took place however they never disclosed but the point remains a conspiracy did occur still, not the official version of events.

The HSCA concluded that "scientific acoustical evidence establishes a high probability that two gunmen fired at President John F. Kennedy." It added that on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy."

If you click on the first link you can find many of the documents released as well.

edit on 29-1-2012 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Hey there RA!! I sure hope this is the video link you are looking for. This is a radio interview that he gave and whlie it is up on YouTube there is no actual 'video' except for some still pics. According to the comments under the video link it does say that it is a 6 part series, so if this is the one you are looking for I'll see you in a couple of days when you are done listening.

According to the title this is part 1. If this is the one you are looking for, and you want me to try to post all 6, just let me know and I'll be happy to do so!!
edit on 29-1-2012 by MyMindIsMyOwn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by MyMindIsMyOwn

Hey Mind, thanks for that video.

Another member sent me a PM with a link to that video as well funnily enough, as far as I know though, it isn't the same interview he did recently - That video is a radio interview with Brent Holland which he did back in 2009 in fact. Don't get me wrong It's an interesting one and I appreciate you posting it still.

I haven't ever listened to it in full yet as well but I will do soon.

Edit: David Von Pein posted that video, here's some of what he wrote in the description as well:

This interview with Dr. McClelland, which was conducted in late 2009 by Canadian broadcaster Brent Holland, I believe is one of the very best and most revealing interviews that has ever been recorded with any of the Parkland Hospital doctors who were involved in treating the gravely wounded President Kennedy on that terrible day in Dallas in 1963.

Many interesting and rarely-heard tidbits of information are revealed by Dr. McClelland during this insightful 1-hour, 20-minute interview.

I disagree with everything Dr. McClelland has to say regarding his belief in a conspiracy surrounding President Kennedy's assassination, but this interview is still a fascinating glimpse into the thoughts of one of the few people in the world who had a first-hand look at JFK immediately after he was gunned down on Elm Street in Dallas.

edit on 29-1-2012 by Rising Against because: Changed the EX tags to Quote tags..

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

LOL, Oh well nuts.... OK, I'll keep looking. If someone actually finds this piece of footage then they will earn my respects because this is one tough cookie to crack...... *tromps back to the interwebs to see what I can find*... but I did find an interesting bit that included a transcript of the original testimony he gave, which is where I've been the last couple of minutes.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 04:23 PM
Saw this earlier and only now got back to post. Well such a short thread, a bit out of character don't you think RA. Never the less a good one. The doctors comments are very interesting and I think pretty well supports the multi shooter theory. I was not aware of the findings about conspiracy. That's even more interesting. Does that mean that they finally fessed up? OOps what was I thinking sorry about that.

Mind is busily looking for your link. If she can't find it, then it's not avalible.S&F for a great thread.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 03:55 AM
I wonder where Dr Paul will get his head shot.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:23 AM
Hm, I just woke up to a reply from Chris Beattie:

Dr. McClelland simply spoke to the Rotarians, and as far as I know, no one videotaped his speech. Thus, I don't believe there is any video. Hope this answers your question.

That's disappointing although not to say no one did video tape it still.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by H1ght3chHippie
I wonder where Dr Paul will get his head shot.

bad form

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 04:45 AM
Wow, great article. With Mcleland's story, among others such as Hoffman, and the witness who saw the commotion at that exact spot on the knoll, a clear picture comes to fruition, for me anyway. Add that to the testimony of the CIA agent who actually purchased and modified the rifles for dis-assembly, and what he was supposedly told, and it basically hits you like a ton of bricks.

So were there any shots fired from the 6th floor window of the book depository? Maybe, but I am positive that Oswald didn't pull the trigger. Plus, there was at least one witness who saw two men run from the scene of where Tippit was murdered. It turns out that the conspiracy theorists were right all along.

Too many witness stories line up too well for this not to be the case. Simply and utterly amazing in my opinion. An entry wound in the neck means Oswald COULDN'T have fired that particular shot. Great thread, and I have been meaning to tell you, if I haven't already, that I really enjoy your threads. They are jam-packed with information and are also oriented to provide the most factual information possible.

You also do a great job of offering only the necessary details so you do not clutter the thread or make it longer than it needs to be, all while offering your opinions when you see fit. Thank you so much for your threads, and I hope you choose to continue researching and sharing your findings and conclusions with us. If anything, I would like to see you give more of your personal conclusions at the end of a thread, along with why you drew those conclusions. Not necessary of course, but that is the only thing, imo at least, that would make your threads perfect.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by slowisfast

I was refering to the geographical location, the form does stand correct.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

I've studied the JFK assasination for years.I'm convinced there's lots of people out for attention and to make money.This guy is a doctor that's it.His opinion is no more fact then mine or yours.Some of the stuff he says in that article he states it like it's fact."It was not just a single shooter" and "It wasn't some crazy young man who wasn't connected to anything" Really doc? And you know this how?

Not to mention it's been nearly 50 years since it happened.Not 39 like it says in the article.Not a good way to convince people of a conspiracy if you can't get facts straight eh? I've always compared this to 9/11...the government knew it was coming but failed to stop it.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:13 AM
Another very interesting thread, RisingAgainst.

When I continue to hear about the "entrance wound" in the adam's apple region...
My mind continues to stir up the video we all come to know and recognize. (Zapruder)
That film may show the shot being from the front of the motorcade car that day.
Maybe the shooter was sitting up front, and I know it's not too clear...
But no one will ever know and the gov't surely will never admit any wrong doings.

I just clearly see the malicious nature of our leaders in power.
When I do, I have to raise the question:
"If you are so honorable dear gov't...why hide anything?"
It's probably the main reason I got involved into theories.
Why does our gov't hide so much?

That is the biggest conspiracy of all.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

I agree there is many people out there looking to make money off this case unfortunately, even today - For some reason Judyth Vary Baker comes to mind. Hmm, not sure why..

But Robert McClelland isn't just someone off the street here, he was actually there. For that reason he deserves a lot more credibility with what he's saying because he was one of few people alive today in a real position to tell us what really happened there, or what JFK really looked like and so on. Of course he could be mistaken, looking for money, looking to lie and so on, but because of who he is, and where he was, he simply can't be ignored.

And I know the 39 years comment in the article is a mistake. That's why in the opening post I said: "Despite one obvious mistake at the beginning of the article it seemed to be quite an interesting one overall, "

A mistake by Chris Beattie there though, as he wrote the article..

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by havok

Hey Havok, long time no see..

When I continue to hear about the "entrance wound" in the adam's apple region...
My mind continues to stir up the video we all come to know and recognize. (Zapruder)
That film may show the shot being from the front of the motorcade car that day.
Maybe the shooter was sitting up front, and I know it's not too clear...
But no one will ever know and the gov't surely will never admit any wrong doings.

In case you missed it you might like to read this thread I wrote up a short while ago: A Look at the Single Bullet Theory..

I tried to talk about the throat wound quite a lot in that thread, you might find it, if anything, quite interesting.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

Whew.... I know your disappointment over that reply from Mr. Beatie but can I just tell you it eases my mind because I was beginning to think I'd lost my touch at finding just about anything on the net. LOL..

But you are right, some video may pop up at some time, which would be nice. I would love to see it to be honest or at the very least a transcript of his discussion with the group.

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