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What I think of myself, ATS, Israel, governments, and the wars on Liberty.

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:17 AM
I firmly believe that Israel has been black-mailing and holding the U.S. for ransom for a long time. I think 9/11 was like having the U.S.'s knees capped by Israel. I think they have small nuke devices and bi-chem devices hid all around the U.S. I don't think Bush choked on a pretzel and fell. I think he was told, he resisted, then given a lesson and told he will play along. I mean come on a pretzel choke leads to a black eye!? I think the 12 hour notice is actually before the disastrous false flag that will be exercised then blamed on Iran, a media blackout of Iran officially stating "It wasn't us" and the U.S. dragging out our youth to be sacrificed. If FEMA camps are real it will be used to isolate the GOYIM and protect Israeli and WWIII supporters. No dissent will be allowed. The "Samson Option" is a real threat. Israel is a nasty little country that cares for no one but itself. They believe they are the Masters of the Universe. Their rabbis according to the Talmud believe that GOD himself must ask rabbis for permission to intervene on earth because it s "our house" now. I don't think we know what to do about Israel but they are tiring us out. I think out leaders want out, I think our society wants out, I think many people want exact revenge on Israel for 9/11 for USS Liberty, and for the way human Palestinians have been treated. Just like everything from Ron Paul to even this website we just b***h, never organize, point fingers, and never get anything we know to be right done. We don't push legislation, we don't lobby, we don't organize, we just b***h. We fought SOPA and are winning but that was because we don't want them to take our right to bitch. We let them take our guns, our privacy, we don't resist the NDAA, we want somebody else, expect somebody else to bloody their knuckles for us. After all if we fight and fix these hints what will we b***h about? I myself and am infused in all of that. Sorry didn't site my sources. I am using my phone. We are all ATS we know how to google and research this stuff. Thanks for reading.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

First... paragraphs are your friend. It was HARD getting through your post... just use the return button every now and then.

Per the topic though...

We ARE passing legislation trying to fight the NDAA.

Virgina has a bill going right now that would completely nullify the NDAA in that state. If it passes you will see the rest of the country following suit, or the NDAA being changed itself.

A lot of political movements have been happening all around the US, they just aren't being actively reported on.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

Well, this certainly isn't the weirdest thread I've ever seen (had an argument once over whether wind was an organism). At least it's interesting.

Maybe you can try and organize your theories when you have time.


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