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An Israeli Attack?

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:15 AM
Speculation is growing that Israel is about to launch an attack on Iran. The US is against an attack at this time and seems to be doing what it can to discourage an attack. Israeli and US analysts have said that Iran has not yet decided to pursue a nuclear weapon so why all the fuss? Israel has stated they would give the US only 12 hours notice of their intention to launch an attack. The US is taking Israels talk of an attack seriously and is positioning military assets in the event Israel carries out its threat.

The US thinking is IF Israel attacks, Iran will percieve it as a joint attack from the US and Israel and may respond accordingly and attack US interests in the region and perhaps worldwide. There is of course NO evidence Iran is trying to make a nuke, at least according to the IAEA who has been making perodic inspections. In fact, Iran has honored their treaty commitments to the letter. They do have a right under the treaty to produce nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The UN by passing a resolution cannot alter the provisions of the treaty. Ignoring resolutions is fairly common as Israel has NEVER complied with even one of the 160+ resolutions leveled against them. Fact is Iran was asked years ago to sign the NNPT and they did. Israel has been asked MANY times and they refused each time. THAT should tell you something.

Under International Law Iran would be within its rights to attack Israel pre-emptively since Israel has not tried to hide their intention to attack Iran. Of course the Israelis would NEVER attack Iran without the US at their side as Israel would quickly be defeated. Oh yeah, Israel has nukes. SO WHAT! After the first nuke hits, Iran will unleash a barrage of chemical and biological missles on tiny Israel and the war will be over.

An Israeli attack? Nope, not on their own!

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:19 AM
Sources please?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:31 AM
I almost wish israel would attack Iran.
You will find that the fight is much different this time around.
The stain we call israel is used to beating up on the equivalent of an fraile old woman.
I think the outcome would be different with a force comparable to theirs.
I just hope the US would stay out of it and allow the bully on the block to get his nose bloodied, or just taken off.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:34 AM
This problem goes away so easily, the US nukes Israel into a giant crater, We all live happily ever after. Who is going to retaliate against that action i ask you ?
edit on 28-1-2012 by mazzroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:34 AM
There was never any solid evidence of WMD's in Iraq, but it did not stop the boys and their toys. All this talk of nuclear proliferation is just another familiar fairytale.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by mazzroth

Wow, great answer. With all the mess behind 9/11 it might not be that hard to pull of either. It would make everyone one else at the UN sit down and shut up for a moment at least.

Apart form the part of annihilating millions of people it is some great outside the box thinking,

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:53 AM
In the UK we have weekly Political discussion TV programme called Question Time. It's on the BBC you can view it HERE although if your not in UK it might not let you watch .... you know how to get round that.

Anyway last Thursday they question of Iran was raised and on the panel was Jewish journalist and liberal Jew Melanie Phillips. She was given a lot of time to spout tragic propoganda and talk utter mince about why we should bomb Iran.

Those on the panel against such an idea and voices from the audience against were quickly shut up by the establishment tool of a presenter David Dimbleby.

It's quite obvious we are headed for more war even though the majority don't want it.
edit on 28-1-2012 by bigyin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:14 AM
Maybe it's time somebody puts sanctions on Israel for all the violations.

I wonder who would enforce THAT ?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:48 AM
I've been on both sides of the fence on this topic and one thing keeps popping to the front of my mind. Iraq was considered to have the top military force in the region at one time. deploying chemical weapons on the kurds in the north and fighting a prolonged battle with Iran.

it took the US and it's Allies how long to elimiate that force? And although we can all agree Iran has improved it's military might and strategy over the past 10 plus years. There is no doubt our miliary has made even more advancements.

i actually doubt we'd see another Iraq or Iran. The current Presidant is to smart for that. What I think you'll see is another Libyia.

just my two cents..

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by Toolatetotalk

i actually doubt we'd see another Iraq or Iran. The current Presidant is to smart for that. What I think you'll see is another Libyia.

Like what is happening in Syria? That is what is coming through the tv here in Australia, embedded journalist with the Rebels. The media propaganda will be part of whatever takes place if it goes that far in Iran.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:12 AM
I;m all for wiping Israel off the map. They say we and they are allies, but what have they ever done for us? I will dance in the streets when Israel is gone.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by gem_man

If Israel wanted to attack Iran today, tomorrow or next week I can assure you the Pentagon and CIA will be in on it and they will know well in advance.

For all we know they may have already penned in the date months ago or perhaps a year ago.

If Israel went ahead alone; naturally the White House will come out and tell the sheeple population the President was not told and play ignorance.

And don't be too shocked the Iranians already know the date too. Their President is a freemason after all.
edit on 28-1-2012 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:07 AM
I firmly believe that Israel has been black-mailing and holding the U.S. for ransom for a long time. I think 9/11 was like having the U.S.'s knees capped by Israel. I think they have small nuke devices and bi-chem devices hid all around the U.S. I don't think Bush choked on a pretzel and fell. I think he was told, he resisted, then given a lesson and told he will play along. I mean come on a pretzel choke leads to a black eye!? I think the 12 hour notice is actually before the disastrous false flag that will be exercised then blamed on Iran, a media blackout of Iran officially stating "It wasn't us" and the U.S. dragging out our youth to be sacrificed. If FEMA camps are real it will be used to isolate the GOYIM and protect Israeli and WWIII supporters. No dissent will be allowed. The "Samson Option" is a real threat. Israel is a nasty little country that cares for no one but itself. They believe they are the Masters of the Universe. Their rabbis according to the Talmud believe that GOD himself must ask rabbis for permission to intervene on earth because it s "our house" now. I don't think we know what to do about Israel but they are tiring us out. I think out leaders want out, I think our society wants out, I think many people want exact revenge on Israel for 9/11 for USS Liberty, and for the way human Palestinians have been treated. Just like everything from Ron Paul to even this website we just bitch, never organize, point fingers, and never get anything we know to be right done. We don't push legislation, we don't lobby, we don't organize, we just bitch. We fought SOPA and are winning but that was because we don't want them to take our right to bitch. We let them take our guns, our privacy, we don't resist the NDAA, we want somebody else, expect somebody else to bloody their knuckles for us. After all if we fight and fix these hints what will we bitch about?
I myself and am infused in all of that. Sorry didn't site my sources. I am using my phone. We are all ATS we know how to google and research this stuff. Thanks for reading.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

I firmly believe that Israel has been black-mailing and holding the U.S. for ransom for a long time. I think 9/11 was like having the U.S.'s knees capped by Israel. I think they have small nuke devices and bi-chem devices hid all around the U.S. I don't think Bush choked on a pretzel and fell. I think he was told, he resisted, then given a lesson and told he will play along. I mean come on a pretzel choke leads to a black eye!? I think the 12 hour notice is actually before the disastrous false flag that will be exercised then blamed on Iran, a media blackout of Iran officially stating "It wasn't us" and the U.S. dragging out our youth to be sacrificed. If FEMA camps are real it will be used to isolate the GOYIM and protect Israeli and WWIII supporters. No dissent will be allowed.

Dynamite theory !
(no pun intended !)

You should elaborate some details.

The "perfect ransom note".

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:31 AM
The question remains as to why the rest of the world panders to Israel. If anyone was behind 9/11, they definitely were and had a huge hand in it. As stated above, they have never complied with any of the requests made of them. They act as though they are *somebody* but just exactly who and why is what I want to know. I mean, really. Who? They bully every-single-body on the planet and get away with it. They even seem to be rewarded for it! Why are the US and UK behind them, no matter what evil they get up to? It's just crazy.

I have to wonder about this relationship thing. If Iran steps too close to the line, Russia and China both chide them publicly. When Israel goes way, way over the line, the US and UK either ignore it publicly or - God help us - endorse it! They condone and endorse Israel! SICK!

What can be done? Whatever it is, let's do it. This is just embarrassing now.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Who says the US is trying to avoid a war. Doesn't look it or sound it to me. More ships being sent in. 100,000 troops amassing on two small islands in the area. When will people learn not to believe anything being said from this administration. Apparently never.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by gem_man

Your entire OP is a lie. Iran has been pursuing weapons according to the IAEA.

Iran has been pursuing nuclear weapons since before 2004, testing detonators and other components that have few uses other than for a nuclear bomb, says a report released Tuesday by the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency.

Iran has violated the NPT.

The IAEA report shows that Iran is in serious violation of the treaty, says David Albright, president and founder of the Institute for Science and International Security, which obtained and made public a copy of the report. "It's a fundamental part of the NPT that Iran not work on nuclear weapons."

Besides describing Iran's ongoing uranium-enrichment activities, which have been public, it describes Iranian work on components that have little or no function other than for nuclear weapons, Albright says. Iran worked on detonators and implosion devices with the help of a foreign scientist who had worked on nuclear weapons in another nation in the nuclear club, the report says.

The IAEA has also obtained a document in Farsi describing "the logistics and safety arrangement that would be necessary for conducting a nuclear test," the report says. The report says engineering studies date to 2002 and 2003 on integrating a new spherical payload to Iran's medium-range Shahab 3 missile, which can reach Israel.

And of course Iran (and people like you) deny the report. The evidence is strong and, for whatever reason, you want to overlook it. Deny Ignorance!

Iran has said the studies are forgeries, but the IAEA says they are sufficiently comprehensive and complex to be real. Analysis of the studies found that "any payload option other than nuclear … can be ruled out."

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:14 PM
Of course you are correct. Israel is blackmailing the US and has since at least 1973 if not 1967.

In addition to the pretzel choke, Bush had the "crotch just grabbed" look while reading "My Pet Goat" when informed of the WTC strike. He did not have the "holy crap this is working" look. He had a "holy crap they might kill me and my whole family look" and I think that is what they told him.

It was a Zionist coup.

The story is that some higher ups in the military hate Israel and do see it as an enemy - which Israel is and that is what has prevented the little scum bags from attacking so far.

I can not say if the actual government of Israel pulled off 9/11 but radical Zionists pulled off 9/11.

In fact I think it is a case of deductive reasoning that proves that the Zionists did 9/11.

Here is the argument.

Only a professional commando / intelligence team of hundreds of operatives could plan and pull off an operation like 9/11. In my view the most successful military operation of all time.

It cost tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to carry out 9/11.

The only organizations in the world who have these resources are nations and the Zionist organized crime consortium.

But here is the deductive logic part.

There is only one entity in the US that controls the media, Hollywood, the Administration and Congress and that entity is the Zionist organized crime consortium.

Any goof can pull off a crime or a terrorist act. It takes a professional to get away with it but it takes a crime network to not only cover up the crime but to successfully blame it on someone else.

The Zionist organized crime consortium is the only entity on earth that has the power to select a man like Larry (radical Zionist) Silverstein to buy the building and then force the administration to select the Philip (radical Zionist) Zelikow as the executive director of the 9/11 Commission.

Wed search - Mossad, Sayerat Matkal, Ehud Barak, Binyamin Netanyahu, Daniel Lewin, Philip Zelikow, Jack Abramoff, Sheldon Adelson, William Kristol

Originally posted by sirjunlegun
I firmly believe that Israel has been black-mailing and holding the U.S. for ransom for a long time. I think 9/11 was like having the U.S.'s knees capped by Israel. I think they have small nuke devices and bi-chem devices hid all around the U.S. I don't think Bush choked on a pretzel and fell. I think he was told, he resisted, then given a lesson and told he will play along. I mean come on a pretzel choke leads to a black eye!? I think the 12 hour notice is actually before the disastrous false flag that will be exercised then blamed on Iran, a media blackout of Iran officially stating "It wasn't us" and the U.S. dragging out our youth to be sacrificed. If FEMA camps are real it will be used to isolate the GOYIM and protect Israeli and WWIII supporters. No dissent will be allowed. The "Samson Option" is a real threat. Israel is a nasty little country that cares for no one but itself. They believe they are the Masters of the Universe. Their rabbis according to the Talmud believe that GOD himself must ask rabbis for permission to intervene on earth because it s "our house" now. I don't think we know what to do about Israel but they are tiring us out. I think out leaders want out, I think our society wants out, I think many people want exact revenge on Israel for 9/11 for USS Liberty, and for the way human Palestinians have been treated. Just like everything from Ron Paul to even this website we just bitch, never organize, point fingers, and never get anything we know to be right done. We don't push legislation, we don't lobby, we don't organize, we just bitch. We fought SOPA and are winning but that was because we don't want them to take our right to bitch. We let them take our guns, our privacy, we don't resist the NDAA, we want somebody else, expect somebody else to bloody their knuckles for us. After all if we fight and fix these hints what will we bitch about?
I myself and am infused in all of that. Sorry didn't site my sources. I am using my phone. We are all ATS we know how to google and research this stuff. Thanks for reading.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by gem_man
Ignoring resolutions is fairly common as Israel has NEVER complied with even one of the 160+ resolutions leveled against them.

Of course the Israelis would NEVER attack Iran without the US at their side as Israel would quickly be defeated.

They will never play by the rules as they are a war-loving violent degenerate people. The world doesnt need that 'cancer' of a country anyways...

And without Mommy-America holding their hands and nursing them on her teet, as usual with our hard-earned tax money, Israel would get beat down like the snotty temper-tantrum throwing brat that they are.

"Gods chosen people"?? Without Mommy-America, they wouldnt even exist!!
Hows that for "gods chosen people"?

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:48 PM

If you want to die for Israel or have your genitals shot off - go and join the Israel military.

Don't drag my tax dollars along with your fantasy about people who call themselves Jews but are really Central Asian Khazars.

You rifle is clean. Put it down and read a book.

reply to post by seabag

edit on 28-1-2012 by BRAVO949 because: (no reason given)

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