Alright may be this is a long shot, but the idea keeps jumping into my head. Maybe these new sounds are pulsars, or something related, and for some
unknown reason they are just now starting to be heard.
Couple of different things jump out at me when I hear the new "trumpet" recordings. It seems obvious that they are some sort of wavelength that is
being deciphered into sound by some unknown source. I am not inclined to think that they are eminating from the earth. The multiple layers in the
earths crust would buffer any sound. Any mechanism that would put off that much energy would not have such a hollow sounding effect. As well,
something inside the earth making a noise of this magnitude would cause a lot of damage I believe.
The recent noises that we are hearing sound as if they are eminating down a long hallway or open area. You can hear the reverberations trail off with
each wave length. Is it not possible that this is an effect of travel over long periods of space and time?
A lot of people are likening it to almost a metallic sound, which to me seems impossible. No type of machinery that I know of could make a noise this
loud without leaving some other clues to it's passing or whereabouts.
When I hear the recordings, my intuition rules out natural earth sounds, as well as some type of machinery, so my only option to finding it's source
would be to look into the cosmos. Reading about pulsars in the past has left me very intrigued. I don't believe scientists have been able to explain
how they form in nature. Some theories go as far as to claim that they may even serve to be sign posts in a sense creating reference points, mapping
the galaxy for some unknown species out there.
Below is a recording of the Taos hum. Followed by some recordings of a couple of pulsars that I found.
Just a warning, turn the volume up on the taos hum, but then down again before the pulsars, or you may be in for a jolt... Listen specifically to the
Vella pulsar.
If you scroll down in the pulsar recordings to the Vella pulsar you will find that it sounds very much like a diesel engine. Especially if you imagine
it being muffled through space and an atmosphere.
And here is an article about a slow pulsar that has a period of 8.51 seconds.
This is the link that I was searching for, as the timing corilates to the timing in the trumpet vids. Now, who knows what the catylist may be, but is
it possible that pulsars are more common in space than originally thought? Are they responsible for a myriad of low and high frequency radio waves
that when filtered properly create an audible noise that may be picked up by listeners on earth?
Couldn't find any recordings of slow pulsars, to compare to the recent "trumpet" sounds, but I am just starting to look into the idea. Pulsars are
one of the most interesting phenomena in our galaxy, in my opinion. There is so little known about them. Another interesting tidbit is that we can
only see the ones that are spinning perpendicular to us, in a sense shining their light directly at us. There is no way to know how many there may be
in the galaxy or if there is any residual effect that the unseen ones may have on our planet.
I would like to close with the idea that maybe the source of these noises is not what we need to be looking for if we want to solve this riddle. It
may be the question "why now?" that is going to prove to bring us the answer. And what mechanism is translating them into an audible sound for us to
hear? What is the reason that we can witness these sounds now, but could not in the past? What has changed within our atmosphere or planet to let
these sounds become audible all of a sudden but never before? "What is the phonograph?", so to speak.
I fear that the answer to that question may be more ominous than the actual cause of these forbidding and mysterious sounds.
From what I understand the sounds are very local. To me that strongly suggest local origin, and not celestial origin. I myself have not witnessed any
such sounds so that puts my guesses at a disadvantage. Where I live it is never quiet, there is a constant industrial murmur when one lives right near
the heart of a sizable city encircled by interstate highways and railroads and 24-hour industrial operations not to mention an airport but 5 miles
away. At night the urban hum is more noticeable as local traffic reduces, you can even hear the electrical transformers, streetlight switches, and
sewer systems.
It may be just me but even a sharp beam from a pulsar hundreds of light years away can't possibly effect such a tiny local area of the globe, it just
doesn't pass the common sense bridge to me. Consider the challenge of keeping a laser beam from spreading at great distances, even close distances
like the lunar reflectors, the beam doesn't stay tight, it spreads.
Our very method of measuring celestial distances proves electromagnetic spectrum red shifts, disperse and diffuse.
Maybe oil was inside the earth to stop the inner metal from going rusty and now we are taking the oil out we are exposing the insides to water and the
middle of the earth is starting to rust and what we hear is the metal support beams and gears collapsing. If the Earth is a giant spaceship made by
aliens they are going to be upset lol.
It doesn't seem possible to me for there to be some sort of machine that happens to be at all of these places in the world in which no one has any
clue as to what it may be. Likewise with some earthly event. This is why I am inclined to believe that there is some sort of phenomena that is
happening globally that may be occurring that is allowing for the noises to be transmitted through our atmosphere down onto our planet. I do not
believe that this is something getting closer. I think it may be more a lack of something that previously rendered the sounds unaudable.
In a few of the articles I have been reading they are saying that some pulsars last a lot longer than they expected, and that we have no way of seeing
them unless they happen to shine their light directly at us. It is impossible to know exactly how many or how close. They may be much more prevalent
than we could imagine.
How many pulsars are close enough to the earth to affect our planet in such a way?
Hopefully your question isn't answered by the discovery that we're actually MUCH MUCH closer to something than humans were aware, and we're still
approaching, or it's approaching us. It would explain how this went from nothing to a common occurrence over the span of a few years and
particularly, the last 6-9 months.
Lets hope the surprises out in Space are positive ones and not a last moment revelation that someone forgot to put more quarters in the machine, so
it's game over and better luck in another 12,000 years.
The bible revelation was probably talking about oil.
"From the eternal sea he rises creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother till man exists no more."- Book of revelation
Oil rises from the oil rigs from the ocean and we as humans are fighting over oil we are turning against each other because we are the slaves and we
see oil as our god because our existence depends on it. We cannot live without.
What happens next is that the water of the ocean leaks into the holes that we made with our drills and there is no oil to protect the inner core of
the earth and it starts eroding and rusting. This explains the sink holes and the metal rusting crazy sounds.
Next, volcanoes will start erupting underwater and on land in to seal the drill holes that we made in the earth, they will be sealed with molten magma
and the human race will be consumed by earthquakes.
As the Earth heals it's self our dead bodies will become the fossil fuels that are going to be discovered by the next species of life many years from
now. They will do the same and rape our dead leftovers and the world will end again.
edit on 27-1-2012 by Parksie because: (no reason
How many pulsars are close enough to the earth to affect our planet in such a way?
As far as I know - Around 30 have been detected but there are possibly countless ones.
Just thinking that the Crab Pulsar is pretty dam close - below is a link describing it
How many pulsars are close enough to the earth to affect our planet in such a way?
Jupiter emits +2 Trillion watts of microwaves from its poles like a Qasar. It emits more than our STAR.
If Jupiters emissions were to hit our atmosphere it may vibrate the atmosphere causing the sounds.
Jupiters moon Io is the catalyst that turns Jupiter into a big radio station. Largest in this solar system.
What made you think Pulsar's might be the cause of these trumpet sounds? I ask this only because I have just finished reading an interesting book by
Paul LaViolette called "Decoding the Message of the Pulsars: Intelligent Communication from the Galaxy" where the author suggests these pulsars may
be beacons of some kind. While some of these 1800 or so known pulsars do put out a lot of ' pulses' of radio, X-ray and gamma-ray energy they have
been doing this for hundreds and even thousands of years in the case of older ones.
The strange thing about these 'Pulsars' is that they are extremely accurate & predictable in their pulses, even when they exhibit rare
'glitches' where they sudden speedup in rotation period, relaxing back in days to years, with no significant change in pulsed
electromagnetic emission.
I suspect therefore, that these trumpet sounds are of Earth origin and more than likely man-made. While anything weird happening in the atmosphere
usually brings out those pointing the finger at HAARP and it's other sister installations, I would not totally rule this possibility out in this
Thank you for your presumptions, but I have not accepted them as real. Nor do I assume they are fake. I'm just keeping an open mind.
When you make claims about anything the onus is on you to support those claims with evidence. You made this claim:
All these videos are faked.
How about some evidence?
With regards to the OP, I'm not sure what pulsar 'sounds' you are talking about but they are likely just audio representations of electromagnetic
signals from said pulsars like other 'space sounds' I have heard.
I also agree with the other posters that this phenomena, if real, appears to be quite localised. I can accept some sort of atmospheric
explanation, but a galactic one seems like a stretch.