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The Strange Sounds, The Dogon, Sirius B and The Bullroarer.

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posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 08:40 AM
Sorry but I really wanted to bump this for reading later.

Good job OP...really like the way you presented the theory.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Xoanon

Excellent thread Xoanon..

Upon reading your OP i was immediately struck by the resemblance to the mythical founder of the ancient Sumerian civilization....OANNES.

Oannes was a Fish-Man who rose out of the Persian Gulf and brought Agriculture, Architecture, Mathematics and Written language- Cuneiform which became the basis for Aramaic and the Arabian Alphabet.

It seems to me that the Dogon and the Sumerians are speaking of the same entity, entities.

I have been aware for some time about the Dogon and their statements regarding Sirius as a Binary system which was only proven to be accurate in the past few decades, but i was not aware of their deeper traditions and statements of the beginning of civilization.
It would appear that the Dogon have become more willing to reveal their knowledge to the world as in the past they were a bit less forthcoming.

The Bullroarer is yet another interesting item, this time connecting the Dogon to the Australian Aborigines who also have some interesting tales of the dream time.

These connections cannot be ignored IMHO as they point to a strong case in the words of the late Carl Sagan...Paleocontact.

The consistency is undeniable.

My personal opinion leans toward a pre-history civilization, smaller yet further advanced than our (current) civilization, it may even be the case that we are a colony from Sirius..

Looking forward to reading more in this thread and contributing where i can, subscribed and bookmarked.


posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by the_philth

Originally posted by ThinkinJo
Since the Dogon knew about sirius B before everyone else, im going go ahead and believe whatever they say about whats coming.

Then again, I recall reading somewhere that the gentlemen who was studying the Dogon way back when (could be the guy in the video), was being accused of teaching the tribe about the Dog Star, Saturn and Jupiter. Even tribesmen themselves had either conflicting ideas of how they learned of Sirius, or they flat out said they learned from the guy that was studying them.

I wish I knew where I saw this info, 'cause I know I'm gonna get reamed for it.

As an argument, how can one Pale Face convince an entire tribe that they came from a star system that we can't see with the naked eye?

True, it's interesting to note that the talk of Sirius B actually came out at the time when contemporary astronomy was discussing its presence, and there just so happened to have a five week expedition of astronomers in the Dogon lands. Coinicdence? Hmmm

Wiki isn't everyones favourite source, but the link below has plenty of reference links

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by angelchemuel

Angel, I found the scene in Crocodile Dundee part 2 for you...where he uses the bullroarer.

Starts around the 02:20 mark...

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:32 AM
I just hope they're not referring to Dagon of Lovecraftian Lore. Looks eerily similar...

Definitely looks like that guy would ruin your day.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
I just hope they're not referring to Dagon of Lovecraftian Lore. Looks eerily similar...

Definitely looks like that guy would ruin your day.

Ha - Well the Dogons said that the beings who visited them from Sirius were hideous. In time they understood that these beings only wished to help them.
I guess the old saying is true "Never judge by appearance"

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Xoanon

Oh sorry I forgot to actually list any identifying things for the series

The three trilogies are under the Psudeonym Ian Douglas and here are links to their wikipedia pages

Really quite good and hard science fiction

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by Xoanon
reply to post by Magnificient

You might want to read up on the Hopi Kachina. It's sort of parallel to your post.

Thank you, a great informative thread. I am a big fan of the Hopi and your comment is actually very relevant; the Hopi do use bullroarers and they do have a very elegant theory of the creation.

Thanks, I will revisit it.


I do not consider myself a Hopi expert but have spoken with Grandfather Gashweseoma in his home, have been in the Fire Clan's Kiva levels, been taken to the Prophecy Rock and other features, have been gifted roadrunner and golden eagle feathers (assembled in Kivas), have been invited to many dances and have been invited to be adopted.

Many things come to mind that I will refer to from memory.

First off the similarity to the Dogon ceremony dress is obviously similar the the Hopi Kachinas (sorry, ATS won't let me upload images).

The four races were assembled by Masaa (the Christ) and were told to pick ears of corn. I forget who went first but they basically took corn the color of their skin. The brown chose last and were given additional responsibilities from Masaa. The the races took: White = Fire; the Yellow = Air; The Black = Water; Brown = Earth. That is why whites make internal combustion engines, the light bulb and nuclear crap. The yellow made spiritual philosophy. A black man discovered blood plasma and the race mutated sickle cell that combats malaria. The brown are known for homeostasis with the planet. Masaw told the races to go and learn and to share their knowledge. At present Native Americans are still legally classified as "wild life" by the US Government (shared by a Hopi brother) and are given no representation at such institutions as the UN. Never mind about all the other ways we are not sharing our knowledge. Regarding this thread I find it uncanny that the Dogon refer to a Water people as their teacher.

Hopi mythos via their Kachinas is that many of the Kachinas are Star Brothers - Aliens. Specifically their Blue Star, Red Star, Mudhead and pretty much all Kachinas that don't represent animals. When the US finally made it to the moon the Hopi's basic sentiment was "it's about time Pahana, we've already been there." Additionally there is something about the symbolism of the Eagle landing. Their mythos also warned of ever taking anything from the moon.

Meso-American mythos also speak of Twin Brother's of Creation - Dual Star systems, Yin-Yang, Cain-Able, mother-father, duality in general.

Like others I was reminded of the aboriginals of Australia. Midnight Oil's "Bullroarer."

Hopi too have prophecy that speaks of the return of the Pahana falsely thought the whites from Europe when they first showed up. That is why the Hopi ironically refer to white people as Pahana; more of a slight than sign of respect. They see us as very troubled. The Hopi say Masaa will return to see how his creations did. If there the return is preceded by the Red Star will be the Blue Star where the shift will be less problematic (to say the least). If the Red Star comes directly there will be a great purification of those that have not followed instruction of the Christ and loved others as themselves and shared their knowledge.

Masaa has tried four times to perfect humanity. All other versions failed as it seems we are. The first were made of mud and dissolved in the rain. The second made of mud and sticks but could not keep the Creator's time, calendar and language. The third despite being able to keep the Creator's ways were awkward and had small arms and scaly skin. The fourth, us, can do it all except get past our egos.

There lays a problem with the Hopi though; they have largely lost their way. Although they are the only tribe to not to surrender officially the US government and are noted as being the peaceful people, their politics and management have been usurped by Pahana ways. Gone is the 12 chiefs leadership and in with a white style of tribal council and local government that is tearing apart their nation. Of course this was foretold and can be extrapolated from their Prophecy Rock.

I say bring on the Fifth World!
edit on 24-1-2012 by AnotherSon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by AzureSky

There has to be an invisible sun
It gives it's heat to everyone
There has to be an invisible sun
That gives us hope when the whole day's done

Often wondered about the esoteric meaning of that song. Now that said, might be more interesting if we indeed had a compainion that was dead star like a black hole. This would be harder to detect than a brown/red dwarf or a super Jupiter. It would also account for the gravity fluctuations of Sedna and massive bombardment and extinctions in earths early history. Since direct viewing of a black hole is impossible we will only know of its existance through its effects on the suns solar system. Eventually we could with enough data triangulate where this dark brother is...

Hence the invisible sun...
edit on 24-1-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:03 PM
it would be awesome if they film the dogon if they hear the strange sound which is being reported worldwide looool

edit on 24-1-2012 by heineken because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:05 PM
We are being advised from several different sources that our human concsiousness will be /is being raised. Would that not also entail physial awareness to sounds that are "hidden " from us, because of the lower states of consciousness we have been living in..?
I posit the idea that, perhaps these Sounds (real or copied ) are a phase of "sound checking" our hearing range for further more complex things to come. Perhaps, even when we have come to understand the sounds, then maybe we will be ready to have the "visuals"?

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:26 PM
correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there many other tribes that speak of a aquatic like alien such as this??

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by covermaker
We are being advised from several different sources that our human concsiousness will be /is being raised. Would that not also entail physial awareness to sounds that are "hidden " from us, because of the lower states of consciousness we have been living in..?
I posit the idea that, perhaps these Sounds (real or copied ) are a phase of "sound checking" our hearing range for further more complex things to come. Perhaps, even when we have come to understand the sounds, then maybe we will be ready to have the "visuals"?

Interesting idea - I feel it be true about a shift in conciousness - Could be Earths magnetic field lines shifting - Or prep for operation Bluebeam - But apart from this you strike a note of reality saying about sound waves being prior to visual waves - Radio waves can emit into optical waves as far as I am aware

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Teriq
correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there many other tribes that speak of a aquatic like alien such as this??

Yes many cultures speak of similar beings - It's all a bit fishy

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by heineken
it would be awesome if they film the dogon if they hear the strange sound which is being reported worldwide looool

edit on 24-1-2012 by heineken because: (no reason given)

All the posts regarding the latest sounds being heard around the world always brings me back to this thread started started by Zorgon: Odd Sounds from "Spirit Cave" Tibet

edit on 24-1-2012 by AnotherSon because: old YouTube link from thread died so I posted the vid.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:37 PM
The reason this strange sound is familiar is because it has been used for many centuries in many different cultures, I posted on another thread about this ...... what we are hearing I believe it to be the call to battle.

I am still working on this but I'll give you a few examples...

this one starts at 23 seconds in :

this one at about 18 seconds in:

and then there is this, which is creepy....but really close to what is being heard:

And a side note the are numerous creation stories that protray the main "god" figure having a twin, there is no mention in the Christian story of Jesus having a twin........I have a feeling something was left out there.


posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by AnotherSon

The sound on the vid seem to emanate from the Earth - My imagination runs wild thinking perhaps it is pre cursor to Earthquake/s

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:42 PM
I must add that I was very sceptical of these sounds till I heard for myself last Tuesday - I am north in the UK

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Minori

There are many references to Jude or Judah or Judas Thomas as being the twin brother of Jesus.

Just saying.

edit on 24-1-2012 by Cosmic4life because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by artistpoet
reply to post by AnotherSon

The sound on the vid seem to emanate from the Earth - My imagination runs wild thinking perhaps it is pre cursor to Earthquake/s

I Know! I can't believe Zorgon's post doesn't come up for every "strange sound" thread. After you get past the haunting aspect it, it becomes rather soothing.

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