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Brains Of 40 Dead Children Removed, Kept In Jars In UK Hospitals

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by TetsuoIronMan
reply to post by staticarium

Nick Griffin, is that you? Seriously, I am sick of all the nationalists in this country, why do you feel we need an "identity" at all, we are all human right? And where on earth do you get the idea that any jobs were "stolen" this would imply that some Indians came to your workplace and told you to take a hike, and I see no evidence to implicate this. Furthermore, the UK has been considered the worlds safe haven for 100s of years and we are a huge melting pot of different races so to single out one in particular is just pathetic.
Back on topic though, I think it is a disgusting practice removing any organ from a child without the parents consent.

Is that the best the left can come up with? "You don't support the destruction of the English identity and nationality so you must be a fascist!" You really are very, very pathetic, and thankfully, your mentality is becoming a thing of the past as more people are becoming proud of their culture and identity. Once the Scots are dropped off, England will get it's nation back and the left can suck lemons.
edit on 17-1-2012 by staticarium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:06 AM
My outrage on this topic and subject isn't from the practice of Body parts being harvested and kept for science or training. It's ignorant to think it doesn't happen and naive to think a world can exist with doctors and medicine where learning isn't advanced this way.

I'd noted that there are plenty of unclaimed bodies in any major city. Prisoners are another class where unclaimed bodies are not unheard of. If shortages still exist, fine.. throw prisoners some commissary funds or something for signed consent when the time comes. There are ways to get what is needed.. but not like this.

This isn't just's just a violation at the deepest level imaginable. This is suggesting an acceptance that nothing..but absolutely NOTHING is ours. Not even our own bodies or the parts therein. If we're ready to give even that last thing...that last ownership of self for, as some have said 'the good of society'..then what is left?

Really...have we sunk that low?
edit on 17-1-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by staticarium

Wow, still stuck in the left/right paradigm I see.

I don't see where this quote came from "You don't support the destruction of the English identity and nationality so you must be a fascist!" I never stated this. In fact I am neither for or against the destruction of the English identity, I just believe humanity is a whole being that does not require 100s of separate "identities" based on land borders which are really human farms anyway. Cheering on your own enslavement is for the deluded. I end this here so as not to derail this thread.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
My outrage on this topic and subject isn't from the practice of Body parts being harvested and kept for science or training. It's ignorant to think it doesn't happen and naive to think a world can exist with doctors and medicine where learning isn't advanced this way.

I'd noted that there are plenty of unclaimed bodies in any major city. Prisoners are another class where unclaimed bodies are not unheard of. If shortages still exist, fine.. throw prisoners some commissary funds or something for signed consent when the time comes. There are ways to get what is needed.. but not like this.

This isn't just's just a violation at the deepest level imaginable. This is suggesting an acceptance that nothing..but absolutely NOTHING is ours. Not even our own bodies or the parts therein. If we're ready to give even that last thing...that last ownership of self for, as some have said 'the good of society'..then what is left?

Really...have we sunk that low?
edit on 17-1-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

You are the squeaky wheel. Why giva a damn if your body is cut up after you are dead?
Your body does NOT belong to you, it belongs to the universe.
After all, you are made of the same star-dust as the rest of us.
There is no heven, no hell. And morals are just a figment of the human races imagination.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by TetsuoIronMan
reply to post by staticarium

Wow, still stuck in the left/right paradigm I see.

I don't see where this quote came from "You don't support the destruction of the English identity and nationality so you must be a fascist!" I never stated this. In fact I am neither for or against the destruction of the English identity, I just believe humanity is a whole being that does not require 100s of separate "identities" based on land borders which are really human farms anyway. Cheering on your own enslavement is for the deluded. I end this here so as not to derail this thread.

Well actually you did, with "Nick Griffin, is that you?".
edit on 17-1-2012 by staticarium because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

It appears though from the article that all these parts were from before the law was changed banning this. While it is still morally wrong, is it still happening? That is the crux of the question........

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by Unity_99

I know what you are saying and honestly i am split on this issue. Mostly i am in your camp but i do see the counter argument. And, as a poster above me has pointed out, the organs were taken before there was a ban put in place on this sort of thing - so it isn't a new story per say, just new that the story has come out.

There is no counter argument. People do not stand under others, and you cannot take their body parts legally in any way, without consent. Its a CRIME. Its a well established crime, its one that fits into basic common law, ie. do not harm laws. Their corporate law IS NOT EVEN LEGAL. Its crimes against humanity. Only basic common law is legal, the other is slavery.

They cannot just take and use people's body parts, any more than your neighbor can, because it benefits them, they have to do it legally.

There is no other side to this.

Unless there was consent given by the parents they cannot access those brains. They are going to be charged and see the insides of a court house.
edit on 17-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:21 AM
At the end of the day, the ludicrousness of an American lecturing us English on "human rights" and "morality" is absolutely blinding.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:24 AM
I wouldn't mind if someone cut up my brain. I'd appreciate it, actually. How will we travel space if we are hindered by "morals"?
Americans are pathetic. They can take their god and their morals and shove them up their star-spangeled assholes.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by staticarium

I said that because I actually thought your original post was something Nick Griffin might say. It's exactly the type of knee-jerk response you would expect from a member or voter of the BNP, and implies that you are a nationalist. You are the one going around shouting fascist so perhaps that reveals something more about yourself than you originally let on? But frankly I don't care I just felt that your initial comment was irrelevant to this topic.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99

Originally posted by Flavian
reply to post by Unity_99

I know what you are saying and honestly i am split on this issue. Mostly i am in your camp but i do see the counter argument. And, as a poster above me has pointed out, the organs were taken before there was a ban put in place on this sort of thing - so it isn't a new story per say, just new that the story has come out.

There is no counter argument. People do not stand under others, and you cannot take their body parts legally in any way, without consent. Its a CRIME. Its a well established crime, its one that fits into basic common law, ie. do not harm laws. Their corporate law IS NOT EVEN LEGAL. Its crimes against humanity. Only basic common law is legal, the other is slavery.

They cannot just take and use people's body parts, any more than your neighbor can, because it benefits them, they have to do it legally.

There is no other side to this.

Unless there was consent given by the parents they cannot access those brains. They are going to be charged and see the insides of a court house.
edit on 17-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Actually though you are incorrect - the very fact that the law had to be changed in 2006 shows that this was in effect a legal practice - albeit a morally reprehensible one.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by staticarium
At the end of the day, the ludicrousness of an American lecturing us English on "human rights" and "morality" is absolutely blinding.
I'd wondered if someone would make a point of the fact the story happened to be based in the UK, but I didn't expect it would come up this way.

Yeah, it happened in the UK, and to those who ask about the law and when it did or didn't go into effect vs. what happened, I'd refer back to my OP where I'd asked where a law needed to be passed to know how wrong this is?

Now back to the main issue though, It happened under the National Health System, I presume, but it's the attitude and the reckless approach to such a private matter of self and property, if one can't see it in any warmer terms than that. It's still valid though.......yet could have happened in Canada under that system or the United States as we're running headlong to join the same cattle care single payer type system where people are simply broken meat machines to fix or dispose of.

It's that latter cold attitude that is so bad...the nation it happened in is secondary and could have been a number of places in this day and age. Things have fallen so far, so fast.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Flavian

I'm not incorrect. This isn't a third world criminally run country. The UK and US and Canada, not to mention countless other countries must legally have permission to harvest human organs. Hospitals are extremely efficient when it comes to their consent forms, because they know they'll be up the creek without a paddle otherwise.
edit on 17-1-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

When i was teaching, one of my colleagues was/is married to one of the world's foremost specialists in the effects of mobile technology on the brain. As such, his firm had contracts drawn up with various bodies in the US (im assuming it must have been approved by the government) to take the corpses of prisoners, mentally impaired, etc to basically bombard with mobile signals and to then dissect to see the results. The brains of these organs had to be living tissue otherwise it would invalidate any results. I discussed this several times with her husband over a couple of years. It was fascinating but he never divulged how the brains were, in effect, still living.

The point i am making is that similar things have definitely been going on in America!

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by TetsuoIronMan
reply to post by staticarium

I said that because I actually thought your original post was something Nick Griffin might say. It's exactly the type of knee-jerk response you would expect from a member or voter of the BNP, and implies that you are a nationalist. You are the one going around shouting fascist so perhaps that reveals something more about yourself than you originally let on? But frankly I don't care I just felt that your initial comment was irrelevant to this topic.

So you attempted to use the Left/Right paradigm as a weapon, which clearly failed, so you attempt to lecture me on the Left/Right paradigm which also failed, and now you go back to using the Left/Right paradigm again as a weapon. You are a fool of the highest order, not worthy of any more of my time on this matter.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

You must be - i am not arguing to prove a point or even anything similar, merely pointing out that the law was changed in 2006 to prevent this happening. Therefore, by definition, this type of thing was legal before that point.

Obviously, it should not occur without permission and is morally and ethically wrong. But, whilst morally and ethically wrong it WASN'T illegal.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

Originally posted by staticarium
At the end of the day, the ludicrousness of an American lecturing us English on "human rights" and "morality" is absolutely blinding.
I'd wondered if someone would make a point of the fact the story happened to be based in the UK, but I didn't expect it would come up this way.

Yeah, it happened in the UK, and to those who ask about the law and when it did or didn't go into effect vs. what happened, I'd refer back to my OP where I'd asked where a law needed to be passed to know how wrong this is?

Now back to the main issue though, It happened under the National Health System, I presume, but it's the attitude and the reckless approach to such a private matter of self and property, if one can't see it in any warmer terms than that. It's still valid though.......yet could have happened in Canada under that system or the United States as we're running headlong to join the same cattle care single payer type system where people are simply broken meat machines to fix or dispose of.

It's that latter cold attitude that is so bad...the nation it happened in is secondary and could have been a number of places in this day and age. Things have fallen so far, so fast.

You have most likely never left your own state let alone your own country, you probably have no experience of a NHS, and therefore no understanding of the crap you and your other American ilk spew about such a system. Any time I have ever used the NHS, I have been treated with nothing but the utmost dignity and care, far from the "broken meat machines" male cow dung you speak of.

You keep your own medical system, see how much you like it when you have to mortgage your house just to pay for a minor operation. I'll think of your plight as I recover from a hypothetical quadruple heart bypass at no immediate cost to myself.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by staticarium
So you attempted to use the Left/Right paradigm as a weapon, which clearly failed, so you attempt to lecture me on the Left/Right paradigm which also failed, and now you go back to using the Left/Right paradigm again as a weapon. You are a fool of the highest order, not worthy of any more of my time on this matter.

Not at all. I have no need for weapons of any sort, I have no reason to lecture anybody for that matter either. I was merely poking at you to figure out why on earth you feel the need for a national identity at all, and you have failed to provide me with any good reason.
Tetsuo out.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:42 AM
Here is a link for some of the countries basic guidelines, and they are laws, on the books so to speak. In the US its determined by State, not federally. Nonetheless, no State allows them to just be taken.

In the US and Canada, hospitals are funded by tax dollars and pretty sure all of this is Federal Law.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by TetsuoIronMan

Originally posted by staticarium
So you attempted to use the Left/Right paradigm as a weapon, which clearly failed, so you attempt to lecture me on the Left/Right paradigm which also failed, and now you go back to using the Left/Right paradigm again as a weapon. You are a fool of the highest order, not worthy of any more of my time on this matter.

Not at all. I have no need for weapons of any sort, I have no reason to lecture anybody for that matter either. I was merely poking at you to figure out why on earth you feel the need for a national identity at all, and you have failed to provide me with any good reason.
Tetsuo out.

Why does it bother you so much? I choose to feel pride in this land, that is my decision. You don't like it, then that is just too bad.

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