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I Hate To Ask This Question

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posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:39 PM
I usually find my answers. Yet i have googled and posed this question to many and i get the i dont know reply. Can someone explain to me "children of Zion as defenders"? I know what your thinking "what the heck is she talking about and why?". Well i dont lie outside of the internet and im not going to lie now, so here goes the complete truth. Sometime last week i was sitting outside star gazing ..i always do that its how i relax. Well i heard a message from above, it asked me to come home..and it wasent referencing this plane, that i know is fact. Well it was the most loving feeling i had ever expirenced my thought was yeah, i definately want to go home..wherever that is lol..but how?

Well tonight i was told by someone that i was a child of zion, a defender. Here is the thing. Im not jewish lol. Now i need help clarifying this. Is everyone who is a believer of god and stands by him a child of zion? I lack knowledge in this. Im just searching for clarity here. So if anyone has any clue regarding this question please post a reply.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by concerned24

Me personally, I'd look up Zion and see what that's all about.

I think you had been touched
I can't imagine how that could've felt. You should feel privileged IMO.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by kimish

thank you, i do feel touched, very. I have looked up Zion..if im not mistaken Zion is Jeruselum. But then again i could be wrong.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by concerned24

Sounds like you are saying you heard something "from above", then later heard something from "someone".
Do you have reason to believe that both came from the same source?
Not that I need to know but you should.
Zion is the dwelling place of a specific god and not who you think.
You have few choices in your life where you actually do have a choice and this is one.
What I mean is you do not have the ability to "know" God, but you do have that with things not God.
This earth spirit has the ability to throw his voice to make you think it is coming from above but it really isn't.
My point is you have the choice to turn down these spirits. Do not be afraid that it is going to "get you" for refusing it.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

Hmmm..interesting. well the someone source could very well be not reliable. Now the voice from the sky i would have a hard time refuted because of the sensation of pure love. No as for my spiritual place. I am a believer and lover of both christ and God. I have surrenderd my soul to jesus. I am also well aware of the darkness. But what your saying is , is that Zion is of the enemy? Could you explain that further?

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by concerned24
The Jebusite stronghold which stood up against the Israelites, there was a powerful god who lived there at Mt. Zion. Here's a map to help.

The story is that David single-handedly conquered Jerusalem by going up a tunnel, which is probably a euphemism for what happened when he married the daughter of the Jebusite king, and bought the dwelling place of that God, again another euphemism where it says he bought the threshing floor, which was really from the king and that is a disguised description for what it was, which was a place of judgment.
If I remember right, you can find this information in this book: Land of Our Fathers: The Roles of Ancestor Veneration in Biblical Land Claims
edit on 15-1-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by concerned24
reply to post by jmdewey60

Hmmm..interesting. well the someone source could very well be not reliable. Now the voice from the sky i would have a hard time refuted because of the sensation of pure love. No as for my spiritual place. I am a believer and lover of both christ and God. I have surrenderd my soul to jesus. I am also well aware of the darkness. But what your saying is , is that Zion is of the enemy? Could you explain that further?

Dont worry about all the mysterys of the world. The book of Acts in the bible and also Romans are good pointers in the direction away from Zionism.
Jesus came to end religion and Zionism is religion. The temple of God is no longer in Jerusalem, God in Ezekiel 10-18, left Jerusalem because of sin.
The new Temple of God is in you, if you have accepted the Holy Spirit of course, not Jerusalem.
Read Romans in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is within not outside.
Again the bible is the source of Christian knowledge.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by concerned24
I usually find my answers. Yet i have googled and posed this question to many and i get the i dont know reply. Can someone explain to me "children of Zion as defenders"? I know what your thinking "what the heck is she talking about and why?". Well i dont lie outside of the internet and im not going to lie now, so here goes the complete truth. Sometime last week i was sitting outside star gazing ..i always do that its how i relax. Well i heard a message from above, it asked me to come home..and it wasent referencing this plane, that i know is fact. Well it was the most loving feeling i had ever expirenced my thought was yeah, i definately want to go home..wherever that is lol..but how?

Well tonight i was told by someone that i was a child of zion, a defender. Here is the thing. Im not jewish lol. Now i need help clarifying this. Is everyone who is a believer of god and stands by him a child of zion? I lack knowledge in this. Im just searching for clarity here. So if anyone has any clue regarding this question please post a reply.

The correct interpretation of the message in the bible is that all who live by the law of love prove they have God in them. The bible also says that all who live by this law are children of Abraham, not necessarily by birth right but in the fact that we have the same father in heaven.

The Christian church has said that you must believe in Christ in order to get the Spirit of God, but this is untrue. This message has created a message of judgment, hate, and self righteousness. If you know the message of Jesus than you know that this cannot be right.

So you are a child of Zion, based on the biblical text. Actually anyone who follows the law of love is a child of Zion. I believe the end times will be occurring in either our generation or in the next generation. A biblical generation is 70 years. I think many are going to be called to this awaking of following our loving father.

When Christ came many of the Jews refused his message because they had become self righteous. I believe the message of love is resurfacing preparing the way for the return of Jesus. He lives in us and is preparing us.

The bible says that in the end times all believers will receive a mark. This mark is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit; the bible is very clear on this. You may have been marked by the Spirit.

If you have received this mark, and only you will know for sure, you should be going through some changes. You should start to become detached to this world and feel a strong attachment to a loving spiritual world. I know this is sounding new age but this is what the bible says. If this is what you are feeling I would encourage you to read the words of Christ as they may guide you to what you are to do next. When Christ baptizes a person they are called to live in a more caring and loving way, putting the salvation of their brothers and sisters as a top priority.

I promise if you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit only the bible will be able fully answer your questions. This kind of spiritual love, I would say is more accurately described as complete joy, is not explained in any other religious text that I am aware of.

edit on 15-1-2012 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-1-2012 by sacgamer25 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by borntowatch

Great timing! I was just outside having a discussion with God then got your message. What you said makes perfect sense. And yes i have been going through great change. I definately feel detached from this world but i have for some time now. I rather enjoy the feeling. detachment though has been with everything lately..friends ect ect. feels like the time out button has been pushed for further self examining. I hope he arrives soon, i know he will but the anticipation is great.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

I believe the end times will be occurring in either our generation or in the next generation.

If you look at the post above, by borntowatch, you see a description of an end of an age. There is no literal end of the world. If there is anyone who did believe in that, it would be my church, which is the Seventh Day Adventist, but I doubt anyone else does. What you are left with, once you ignore the one extreme, are varying degrees of change, where the only significant one possible is the one that already happened, which was the abandonment of the literal Zion. Only demons and devils will fight for it now.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by concerned24

Its not really about faith.Its your lineage,your blood line that is.And don't waste time looking up your genealogic tree unless you can go back at least 3-4thousands years ago.You might be a "true daughter of the god(s)",keep an open mind.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by sacgamer25

I believe the end times will be occurring in either our generation or in the next generation.

If you look at the post above, by borntowatch, you see a description of an end of an age. There is no literal end of the world. If there is anyone who did believe in that, it would be my church, which is the Seventh Day Adventist, but I doubt anyone else does. What you are left with, once you ignore the one extreme, are varying degrees of change, where the only significant one possible is the one that already happened, which was the abandonment of the literal Zion. Only demons and devils will fight for it now.

I don't know who believes what. But I surely believe that an end of an age is approaching. And that judgment will be coming with the end of that age. What exactly will happen at the end of this age is not clear by design.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 03:22 AM
From what you said, you are dealing with two separate things, where one is a sky spirit, or it seemed to you to be, and one is a spirit who has possessed someone if even on a temporary bases.
The sky spirit makes you feel good, while the second, possessing spirit you are not sure of. The sky spirit says, come home, while the possessing spirit says, you are warrior for an earth spirit who lives on a mountain though it seems more like a hill, but it is in a generally high area so if people want to call it a mountain, then fine.
Feeling good can mean a deep spiritual feeling of well being that maybe a good spirit could give you, which you associate with the sky spirit. The possessing, front for an earth-god spirit makes you feel good but in an arrogant and prideful way.
I personally would have to check myself rather severely at this point in the pride department.
As for feelings, I know from my experience with possessing spirits that the one who wanted to utilize access through me came with a bad feeling for me which was enough to cause me to make an immediate decision against it. So my point is that if I would use something like that as a guide in a negative way, it may be equally a valid determinant in the opposite way, meaning that first sky spirit feeling.
I had one of my cousins by marriage describe a feeling of well being when he met Jesus and this is no joke because he was shot point-blank in the chest and had to have five operations in one night to bring him back from what should have been certain permanent death.
edit on 15-1-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:01 AM
How I currently see Zion is as a hybid of Nazi and Jewish culture that survived from WW2. At the moment it is at the spearhead of the ongoing crusades between western and middle eastern culture. Zionism is high on the suspect list with the actual perpetrators of 9/11 and closely related to neoconservationism with this event.

Considering the harsh environment this culture has had to endure it does help with providing some explanation of the how and whys. Deception and control are part of nature because it works.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

I don't know who believes what. But I surely believe that an end of an age is approaching. And that judgment will be coming with the end of that age. What exactly will happen at the end of this age is not clear by design.
There is none (meaning, another end).
You either believe Jesus is Lord, or you don't.
A lot of the chronic posters on this sub-forum have admitted repeatedly that they do not accept Jesus as Lord. They are holding back and I will tell you why. His reign will be forever. That is what was predicted.
If he is reigning now, then it can't end. This ruins their end of the world scenario.
So people here are discussing back and forth with each other, Gog and Magog. We can look in the OT and there they are. But over here, in the NT, there they are, again. What's up with that?
Revelation is the Christian book that takes those OT things and says, 'Here they are, all fulfilled but in this way'. Then goes on to give a spiritual interpretation. You have a bridegroom and a bride and then it says this city is the bride and then it says the city is on earth and there is no temple and Jesus and God live in the city, then Gog and Magog show up and are destroyed.
The ones in the city are the people who accepted the gospel. Those opposed to the fact that there are spiritual people are done away with in the scene in Revelation. There is another scene, earlier describing a spiritual army and that was the gospel going out into the world. The fire is something that would be metaphorical of the end of bad deeds, where the good deeds are the wheat, while the chaff is what is worthless and is burnt up. So you have this resurrection of the evildoers that threaten the kingdom and they symbolize what is feared and that gets treated as the useless thoughts that vanish with the reassurance that God will not be overthrown.
Or something like that but the main point I am making is that Revelation is not resurrecting the boogeyman to have us scared, it shows that this looming threat, always in the back of your minds finally can be done away with forever.
edit on 15-1-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by sacgamer25

I don't know who believes what. But I surely believe that an end of an age is approaching. And that judgment will be coming with the end of that age. What exactly will happen at the end of this age is not clear by design.
There is none (meaning, another end).
You either believe Jesus is Lord, or you don't.
A lot of the chronic posters on this sub-forum have admitted repeatedly that they do not accept Jesus as Lord. They are holding back and I will tell you why. His reign will be forever. That is what was predicted.
If he is reigning now, then it can't end. This ruins their end of the world scenario.
So people here are discussing back and forth with each other, Gog and Magog. We can look in the OT and there they are. But over here, in the NT, there they are, again. What's up with that?
Revelation is the Christian book that takes those OT things and says, 'Here they are, all fulfilled but in this way'. Then goes on to give a spiritual interpretation. You have a bridegroom and a bride and then it says this city is the bride and then it says the city is on earth and there is no temple and Jesus and God live in the city, then Gog and Magog show up and are destroyed.
The ones in the city are the people who accepted the gospel. Those opposed to the fact that there are spiritual people are done away with in the scene in Revelation. There is another scene, earlier describing a spiritual army and that was the gospel going out into the world. The fire is something that would be metaphorical of the end of bad deeds, where the good deeds are the wheat, while the chaff is what is worthless and is burnt up. So you have this resurrection of the evildoers that threaten the kingdom and they symbolize what is feared and that gets treated as the useless thoughts that vanish with the reassurance that God will not be overthrown.
Or something like that but the main point I am making is that Revelation is not resurrecting the boogeyman to have us scared, it shows that this looming threat always in the back of your minds finally can be done away with forever.
edit on 15-1-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

Revelation 21”27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.

I believe that Jesus is Lord and that their is way, way too much evil in this world for God to not live up to his promise. The promise that God makes is a place where there is no evil.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by jmdewey60

You either believe Jesus is Lord, or you don't.

This is where I give up on organised religion. These events happened 2000 years ago, maybe he did all those miracles, maybe there has been some exaggeration over the years or maybe he did not even exist. Until someone comes up with a time machine there will never be any absolute certainty to the debates as we continue to miss the point. There is a lot of public admiration for the wisdom, compassion and understanding in the story of Jesus. It is these traits that we should focus on to improve our social interactions and way of life.

I know some do see morality as a weakness, but without it team work fails to work as trust is eroded away. With different cultures having different moral codes it can be tough and diverse at times. A basic respect for live is pretty universal though.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by kwakakev

This is where I give up on organised religion.

I was talking about Christians or ones who claim to be Christians.
People who think Jesus is only a sacrifice for sins, then talk about when Jesus will take his throne, after Armageddon, which is in the future, so it means but they usually don't spell it out, that Jesus is not enthroned now.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by sacgamer25

Revelation 21”27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.

I believe that Jesus is Lord and that their is way, way too much evil in this world for God to not live up to his promise. The promise that God makes is a place where there is no evil.
You just need to keep the metaphor straight, it is saying the city and it says it is the bride and the bride is those who join with Jesus.
It does not say there are no evil things or people who do not belong.
The book of life is a census of those alive.

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